Toshdagi yozuv
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Toshdagi yozuv
Toshdagi yozuv Geologlar otryadi tayga bo’ylab tog’lar orqali o’tib borardi. Bu yerlardan deyarli o’tib bo’lmas edi. Otlarni qoldirishga va piyoda yurishga to’g’ri keldi. Yo’l tor dalaga olib borar edi. Oldinda tik jarlik edi. Birdan geologlardan biri kulimsirab, o’rtoqlariga toshdagi yozuvni ko’rsatdi: “15-Avgustda o’tdim”, Kimdir bu yerdan 5 kun oldin o’tibdi. Taygadan yurish oson emas, shu sababli inson izi, sigaret, sigaret qoldig’I yoki toshdagi yozuvni ko’rganingda darhol yengil tortasan.Zero birinchi o’tgan kishiga bundan ham qiyinroq bo’lgan. Bir necha soatdan keyin otryad qo’rg’onga yetib keldi. Geologlar ovqatlanishdi, dam olishdi. Keyin o’tilgan og’ir yo’lni eslay boshlashdi. “ Toshga kim yozgan ekan? “ - deb bir-biridan so’ray boshlashdi. Shunda yosh geolog qizardi va tan oldi: “ Bu yozuvni men yozgan edim. Shunday qilsam o’shanda tog’lardan o’tishimiz oson bo’ladi deb o’ylagan edim”. Buxoro Buxoro - O’zbekistonning qadimiy shaharlaridan biri. U Zarafshon daryosining quyi oqimida, O’zbekistonning janubi-g’arbida joylashgan. Toshkentdan 616km. uzoqliqda. Aholisi to’rt yuz mingdan ko’proq. Buxoro milodning boshlarida barpo etilgan. Buxoro nomi hindcha “Vihara” (qadimgi budda dini rohiblarining yig’ilish joyi), eroncha “Bixar” termini bilan aloqador. Qadimda u Numijqat, Bumijqat va Bumisqat hamda Boxira deb atalgan. Buxoroda jahonga mashhur Abu Ali Ibn Sino Baxouddin Naqshband, shoir Rudakiy, tarixchilardan Daqiqiy, Bal’amiy va boshqa yuzlab ulug’ allomar yashaganlar. Buxoro qadimdan katta savdo yo’li ustida joylashgan. U eng yirik hunarmandchilik va savdo-sotiq, madaniyat markazi hisoblangan. XIX asr oxiri va XX asr boshlarida Buxoroda 12 mahalla, 360 dan ortiq guzar, 250 dan ortiq madrasa, 390 masjid, 150 dan ortiq karvonsaroy, 350 hovuz bo’lgan. So’nggi yillarda Buxoroning qiyofasi tubdan o’zgardi. U O’zbekistonning madaniyat markazlaridan biriga aylandi. So’nggi yillarda Buxoroning qiyofasi tubdan o’zgardi. U O’zbekistonning madaniyat markazlaridan biriga aylandi. Buxoroda bir qancha o’rta va oliy yurtlarida ishlab turibdi. Buxoroda zamonaviy binolar qad ko’tarmoqda. `The Republic of Uzbekistan The Republic of Uzbekistan occupies the territory of 447.4 thousand square kilometre and is situated in Central Asia. It borders on Kirgyzistan in the north east, on Kazakhstan in the north and north-west, on Turkmenistan in the south-east, in the south it borders on Afghanistan. The new state emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan presents the image of the rising sun over the flourishing valley surrounded by a garland compound of the wheat ears from the right side and branches of cotton with opened cotton balls from the left side. The eight-angled star is the upper of the Emblem symbolizing the unity and confirmation of the Republic. The crescent and star inside the eight-angled star are the sacred symbols of the Moslems. The legendary bird Semurg with the stretched wings is placed in the centre of the Emblem as a symbol of the national renaissance. The entire composition aims on expression of the desire of the Uzbek people for peace, happiness and prosperity. Behind the composition there is inscription in the Uzbek language “O’zbekiston” written on the ribbon in the national colors of the flag of the Republic. The national flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a symbol of state sovereignty of the Republic. The National flag represents the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as on conferences, world exhibitions, and sports competitions. The National flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a right-angled colored cloth consisting of three horizontal stripes: blue, white and green colors. Length of the flag is 250 cm, and width 125 cm. All stripes of the flag are equal and and each is 40 cm. Along the edges of the white stripe which is positioned in the middle of the flag, there are two red borders, the width of each 2.5 cm. On the top of the blue-colored port of the flag on its right and left sides there are half-moon and twelve white five pointed stars with dimensions of 75x30 cm. Download 12.82 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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