The theme of the Doctoral dissertation (Doctor of Science) was registered in legal sciences at
the Supreme Attestation Commission at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan under
the number № В2018.3.DSc/Yu83.
The dissertation was carried out at the Tashkent State University of Law.
The abstract of the dissertation is posted in three languages (Uzbek, Russian and English (summary))
on the Scientific Council website www.tsul.uz and on the website ZiyoNet information and educational
portal www.ziyonet.uz.
Official opponents:
Kabulov Rustam
Doctor of Science in Law, Professor
Otajonov Abror Anvarovich
Doctor of Science in Law, Professor
Makhkamov Otabek Mukhtarovich
Doctor of Science in Law
Leading organization:
Military-technical Institute of the National guard of the
Republic of Uzbekistan
The defence of the dissertation will take place on July 8
, 2020 at 10:00 at the meeting of the
Scientific Council DSc.07/13.05.2020.Yu22.03 at the Tashkent State University of Law. (Address: 100047,
Sayilgokh street, 35, Tashkent city. Phone: (99871) 233-66-36; fax: (99871) 233-37-48;
e-mail: info@tsul.uz.
The doctoral dissertation (DSc) can be reviewed at the Information-Resource Center of the Tashkent
State University of Law (registered under the number №920). (Address: 100047, Tashkent, A.Temur Street,
13. Phone: (99871) 233-66-36).
The abstract of the dissertation sent out on June 24, 2020.
(Mailing report №1 on June 24, 2020).
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