|aliyun-vpc-move-ip|move ip within a vpc of the aliyum ecs (alibaba)| |awseip|manages aws elastic IP address
(aws)| |awsvip|manages aws secondary private ip addresses (aws)| |aws-vpc-move-ip|move ip within a vpc of
the aws ec2 (aws)| |aws-vpc-route53|update route53 vpc record for aws ec2 (aws)| |azure-events|monitor for
scheduled events for azure vm (azure)| |azure-lb|answers azure load balancer health probe req (azure)| |gcp-
vpc-move-ip|floating ip address within a GCP VPC (google)| |ManageVE|openVZ virtual environment (vir-
tuozzo)| |minio|minio server instance| |podman|creates/launches podman containers| |rkt|creates/launches
container based on supplied image| ||
|docker|docker container resource agent|
Resource Agents: [non-supported]
Agents in this list are NOT supported in Ubuntu and
might be removed in future Ubuntu HA versions.
|db2|manages IBM DB2 LUW databases (IBM)| |eDir88|Novell eDirectory directory server instance (nov-
ell)| |ICP|ICP vortex clustered host drive (intel)| |ids|IBM informix dynamic server (IDS) (IBM)| |SAP-
Database|SAP database (of any type) instance agent (SAP)| |SAPInstance|SAP application server instances
agent (SAP)| |ServeRAID|enables/disables shared serveRAID merge groups (IBM)| |ManageRAID|raid de-
vices (/etc/conf.d/HB-ManageRAID)| |oraasm|oracle asm agent / uses ohasd for asm disk grp (oracle)| |ora-
cle|oracle database instance (oracle)| |oralsnr|oracle TNS listener (oracle)| |sybaseASE|sybase ASE failover in-
stance (Sybase)| |vdo-vol|https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1869825| |WAS|websphere application
server instance (IBM)| |WAS6|websphere application server instance (IBM)|
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