Unusual states of matter

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Some substances exist in states that do not comply with the normal definitions of a gas, a liquid, or a solid. For example, jelly is neither a true solid nor a liquid, and smoke is neither a pure gas nor a solid. Matter in stars and in the tails of comets exists as a plasma, a mixture of charged particles that is outside the normal definition of a gas. In general, a plasma can exist only at extremely high temperatures. At extremely low temperatures, approaching absolute zero, some materials take on remarkable properties. Although they are not strictly different states of matter, their behaviour is exceptional. Colloids. In 1861, the physical chemist Thomas Graham discovered that some substances in solution, such as salt, sugar, and copper sulfate, diffuse through parchment, whereas others, such as glue and gelatine do not. He therefore divided substances into two groups: crystalloids (that diffuse through parchment) and colloids (that do not diffuse). And he believed that the difference between a crystalloid and a colloid depended largely upon particle size. We now know that Graham was broadly correct. But we also know that most crystalloids can be brought into the colloidal state. A colloid is a solution in which the component particles are large molecules or clumps of small molecules. Liquid crystals. The liquid state is intermediate between the solid state and the gaseous state. Some substances, however, are intermediate between solids and liquids. In a liquid crystal the atoms or molecules are arranged in a pattern, like those of a solid crystal. But the pattern is not completely fixed; it can be altered by heat or an electric field. Some liquid crystals change colour at certain temperatures and can, therefore, be used in liquid crystal thermometers. In others an electrical voltage causes a change in patterns that alters the plane of polarized light. Such types are used to make liquid crystal displays for watches and calculators. Plasmas. A plasma is sometimes described as being the fourth state of matter – that is, one phase farther on from a gas. In fact a plasma is created by heating a gas to such a high temperature that its atoms or molecules lose electrons and become ions. The gas is almost fully ionized and becomes a very good electrical conductor. The gases that are involved in the thermonuclear reactions of the sun and other stars are in the form of a plasma. Scientists are trying to recreate such a plasma on earth by eating the gases deuterium and tritium (isotopes of hydrogen) to tens of millions of degrees in special installations. In this way, they hope to produce a controlled thermonuclear fusion reaction as a source of power.


Ba'zi moddalar gaz, suyuqlik yoki qattiqning normal ta'riflariga mos kelmaydigan holatlarda mavjud. Masalan, jele na haqiqiy qattiq, na suyuqlik emas va tutun toza gaz ham, qattiq ham emas. Yulduzlar va kometalarning dumlaridagi modda plazma, ya'ni gazning normal ta'rifidan tashqarida zaryadlangan zarralar aralashmasi kabi mavjud. Umuman olganda, plazma faqat juda yuqori haroratlarda mavjud bo'lishi mumkin. Mutlaq nolga yaqinlashganda juda past haroratlarda ba'zi materiallar ajoyib xususiyatlarga ega. Garchi ular har xil materiya holatlari bo'lmasa ham, ularning xatti-harakatlari g'oyat muhimdir. Kolloidlar. 1861 yilda fizik kimyogar Tomas Grexem eritma tarkibidagi ba'zi moddalar, masalan, tuz, shakar va mis sulfat pergament orqali tarqalishini, boshqalari esa, masalan, elim va jelatin yo'qligini aniqladi. Shuning uchun u moddalarni ikki guruhga ajratdi: kristalloidlar (pergament orqali tarqaladigan) va kolloidlar (tarqalmaydigan). Va u kristalloid bilan kolloid o'rtasidagi farq ko'p jihatdan zarrachalar hajmiga bog'liqligiga ishondi. Endi biz Grexemning so'zlari juda to'g'ri bo'lganini bilamiz. Ammo biz bilamizki, ko'pgina kristalloidlar kolloid holatga keltirilishi mumkin. Kolloid eritma bo'lib, unda tarkibiy zarrachalar katta molekulalar yoki kichik molekulalarning bo'laklari bo'ladi. Suyuq kristallar. Suyuq holat qattiq va gazsimon holat o'rtasida oraliqdir. Ammo ba'zi moddalar qattiq moddalar va suyuqliklar orasidagi oraliqdir. Suyuq kristalda atomlar yoki molekulalar qattiq kristallga o'xshash tarzda tuzilgan. Ammo naqsh to'liq o'rnatilmagan; uni issiqlik yoki elektr maydoni bilan o'zgartirish mumkin. Ba'zi bir suyuq kristallar ma'lum haroratda rangni o'zgartiradi va shuning uchun suyuq kristall termometrlarda ishlatilishi mumkin. Boshqalarida elektr kuchlanishi polarizatsiya qilingan nurlar tekisligini o'zgartiradigan naqshlarning o'zgarishiga olib keladi. Bunday turlar soatlar va kalkulyatorlar uchun suyuq kristalli displeylar tayyorlash uchun ishlatiladi. Plazma. Ba'zan plazma moddaning to'rtinchi holati, ya'ni gazdan bir fazoda uzoqroq joylashgan deb ta'riflanadi. Aslida plazma gazni shunday yuqori haroratgacha qizdirish natijasida hosil bo'ladi, uning atomlari yoki molekulalari elektronni yo'qotib, ionga aylanadi. Gaz deyarli to'liq ionlangan va juda yaxshi elektr o'tkazgichga aylanadi. Quyosh va boshqa yulduzlarning termoyadroviy reaktsiyalarida ishtirok etadigan gazlar plazma shaklida bo'ladi. Olimlar bunday plazmani er osti suvlarida deuterium va tritiy (vodorod izotoplari) gazlarini maxsus qurilmalarda o'nlab million darajagacha iste'mol qilish orqali yaratishga harakat qilmoqdalar. Shu tarzda, ular quvvat manbai sifatida boshqariladigan termoyadroviy termoyadroviy reaktsiyani yaratishga umid qilishadi.
2. Translate the following word combinations and noun groups into Uzbek.

1. not to comply with the normal definition of a gas _____________

2. true solid ___________________________________________

3. neither a solid nor a liquid _______________________________

4. to exist as a plasma ____________________________________

5. in general __________________________________________

6. temperatures approaching absolute zero ____________________

7. to diffuse through parchment ____________________________

8. he was broadly correct __________________________________

9. atoms and molecules are arranged in a pattern ________________

10. liquid crystal thermometers _____________________________

1. I’ll dry the dishes if you _____ them _____.

A) put / away B) find / out C) put / out D) wash / up

2. ‘Can you _____ the time of the next train to London?’ ‘O.K. I’ll phone the station.’

A) put away B) find out C) put out D) clear up

3. “Look at these shoes! They’re brand new, and the heel’s fallen off already.” “_____ them _____ and change them, then.”

A) Put / away B) Find / out C) Put / out D) Take / back

4. “Oh, dear! The washing machine isn’t working. I haven’t got any clean clothes, and I’ve got to go to work. What am I going to do?’ ‘Don’t worry. I’ll ___ them all ___. Just go to work.’

A) put / away B) find / out C) sort / out D) clear / up

5. The fire was so intense that it took the firemen three hours to _____ it _____.

A) put / away B) find / out C) put / out D) clear / up

6. The government wants to _____ a new scheme to encourage people to start their own businesses.

A) put away B) find out C) try out D) clear up

7. ‘Can I _____ these jeans _____ please?’

‘Sure. The changing rooms are over there.’

A) put / away B) try / out C) put / out D) try / on

8. I won’t be able to go shopping with you today, I’m afraid. I’ve got a lot to do at the moment.

Can we _____ it _____ till next week?

put / off B) find / out C) put / out D) take / back

9. I don’t mind your baking a cake, but just make sure you ___ everything __ when you’ve finished.

A) put /away B) clear / up C) put / out D) take / back

10. ‘What should I do with this form?’ ‘_____ it _____.’

A) Find / out B) Fill / in C) Put / out D) Clear / up

4.LISTENING. Check your understanding: true or false

Do this task while you listen. Circle True or False for these sentences

1.There are four different age groups that play water polo True False

2.Tyrone wants to join the under 14s club True False

3.The under 16s water polo team train three times a week True False

4.The under 16s train on Monday and Thursday True False

5.Water polo matches are played on Saturdays True False

6.You have to play to join the water polo classes for under 18s True False

7.You need to bring a photo to register at the swimming pool True False

8.Training for the water polo team starts this week True False

9.Classes are free for under 18s True False

10. Training starts next week, on September 22nd True False
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