Useful Expressions for Writing Essays in ielts

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Useful Expressions for Writing Essays in IELTS
1.It is a common phenomenon and indisputable fact that…..
Hozirda bu oddiy holat va rad qilib bo’lmaydigan fakt shuki…
2. The current tern /orthodoxy on that delicate issue is that…..
Bu oddiy bo’lmagan muommo ustidagi fikr shuvki….
3. From this context, it can easily be inferred that….
Bu vaziyatdan osongina shuni hulosa qilish mumkinkiy….
4. It would certainly be a sobering thought to assert that….
Bu narsani ta’kidlash aqilliy fikir bo’lar edi….
5. The most indispensable and outstanding facet which is ought to be inferred is that….
Bu muommoning ko’zga ko’ringan va asosiy xulosa qilish kerak bo’lgan narsa shuvki….
6. It has long been my belief that….
Anchdan beri shu narsaga ishonib kelamanki….
7. It has become apparent in recent years that….
Oxirgi yillarda shu narsa ko’zga tutilyaptiki….
8. There is no precise evidence to refute that fact that….
Bu narsani rad etishga xwch qanday asos yo’q….
9. It is highly likely to argue that….
Bu borada baxislashish ayni muddao bo’laredi…
10. It is highly unlikely to argue that…
Bu borada baxislashish maqsadga muvofiq emas ….
11. I tend to content and I am convinced that….
Man shunga amin bo’ldim va shunga ko’nikdimki…
12. Bad impact on humankind is that…
Odamzot uchun yomon narsa shuvki….
13. Detrimental facets on humankind are that….
Odamzot uchun yomon tarflari shuvki…
14. Lethal impact on humankind is that….
O’limga olib keluvch ta’sirsi shuvki…
15. What is more is that….
Bundan tashqari…
16. As I mentioned above /earlier, it might entail to…
Yuqorida takidlanga bu…. Bularni kwltirib chiqaradi..
17. The best example which springs to my mind now is that…
Mani hayolimga kelgan eng zo’r misol shuvki…
18. It must be said that…
Shu narsa ta’kidlanishi kerakki…
19. I must emphasize that…
Man shu narsani takidlashim kerkki…
20. There are certain numbers of solution to this concern ….
Bu narsaning bir necha yechimlari bor…
21. There is an eclectic mix of possible solution…
Bu muommoni xar –xil yechimlari bor…
22. As everything does possess its own drawbacks, the issue of….. is not an exception to this trend.
Xar narsani kamchiligi bo’lgani kabi….. bundan istisno emas.
23. In fact /actually /indeed /de facto…
Dar xaqiyqat.

24. However, there is another mode of the approaches to this issue….

Bu muommoga yondashishni boshqa tomoni ham bor..
25. The mentioned above statements are approved to be valid by countless number of world known researchers ….
Yuqorida ta’kidlangan fikirlar dunyoning kuplab olimlari tamonidan to’g’ri deb ta’n olingan.
26. It can be refuted that ….
Bu narsani inkor qilish mumkun… deyish orqali.
27. It is next to impossible that….
Buni deyarli ilojisi yo’q…
28. It is certainly true view that…
Shu narsa to’g’ri fikirki…
29. This is predominantly due to that fact that….
Bu narsa asosan …. Tufaylidir.
30. Despite the fact….
Shu narsaga qaramasdan …
31. It is my own point of view that…
Mani shaxsiy fikirim shuvki…
32. There are array of campaigns which need to be accomplished to ensure that …..
Bu narsani ta’minlash uchun qilinishi kerk bo’lgan ishlar juda ko’p…
33. It is widely acknowledged and known that …
Bu keng omma tamonidan tan olingan va mashxurki…..
34. I believe they are / it is …... who have a profound effect on…
Mani ishonishimcha … ga ta’sir ko’rsatuvchi tamoni …budir.
35. There has been an immense change in….
Juda kata o’zgarish bo’lar edi ….bu narsada.
36. The most visible and tangible discrepancy is….
Eng kata va sezilarli farqi shuvki…
37. The amount of …… is highly likely to rocket.
Bu narsaning o’sish miqdori kutilmoqda…

38. An overwhelming number of…..

Juda ko’pchilik …
39. As a result, we will have the chance for further development /amelioration /consolidation /improvement.
Natijada rivjolanish,yaxshilanish, mustaxkamlanish,mukammallashtirish imkoniyati bo’ladi.
40. Originated regulation are aimed at….
Yartilgan qoidalar ….. qilish uchun maqsad qilingan.
41. It is commonly accepted and I also join this view that…
Bu ko’pchilik tamonidan qabul qillingan va man ham shunga qo’shilaman…
42. It has often been said that…
Shu narsa tez-tez ta’kidlanadiki..
43.We have become immune to….
Biz nimagadir be e’tibor do’lib qolganmiz…
44. In this short time… has made a tremendous impact on our lives.
Qisqa vaqit ichida nimadir ta’sir ko’rsatdi bizning hayotimizga.
45. There is a certain inevitability that…
Nimadandir / … qochib qutilib bo’lmay qoldi.
46. It will bring a lot of benefits but it will also increase potential for unimaginable chaos.
Bu juda kata foyda keltiradi lekin o’z navbatida misli ko’rinmaga tartibsizlikka ham olib keladi.
47. I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits of….
Man ishonamanki buni foydali tamonida ko’ra shubxali tamoni ko’p…
48. The roles of ………… and …………… in our life are equal in importance.
Bu va buning ro’rli hayotimizda birxil darajada muhim….
49. Of crucial importance, in my opinion, is that……
Mani fikirimcha shu narsa ahamiyatliki….
50. At its simplest /Simply saying…..
Sodda qilib aytganda…

51. There is, however, another possible way of defining that statement /quotation /issue…..

Lekin bu iborani boshqacha ta’riflash yo’li bor…
52. Therefore, it may remain for many a desirable ideal rather than an achievable reality.
Shuning uchun bu narsa ko’pchilik uchun erishib bo’lmaydigan g’ya sifatida qoladi.
53. Of course it goes without saying that…
Albatta shu narsa shubxasizki…
54. In recent years, there has been a growing body of opinion in favour of…
Yaqin yillarda shu narsani qo’llab quvvatlovchi fikirlar ko’payib ketyapti….
55. Obviously, there is a strong human argument in favour of /against….
Aniqki odam zotning qo’llovchi va qarshi chiquvchi fikir bor…
56. Humanity has to think about another aspect of the problem…
Odomzot bu muommoni boshqa tamonin ham o’ylashi kerak.
57. Currently, the problem of …….. is becoming unavoidable.
Hozirgi kunda qandaydir muommdan qochib qutijib bo’lmay qoldi.
58. It is certainly true that the role of …… in society has undergone a dramatic change in thed past few years.
Ohirgi yillarda nimanidir o’rni jamiyatda juda kata o’zgarishlarni boshidan kechiryapti.
59. It is essential to establish the correct balance between ……… and ………
Bu yokiy u yokiy bu narsani o’rtasida balanis o’rnatishi kerak.
60. It would seem that the approach would be it …….
Shu narsa tuyilyapyiki bir nimani eng zo’r yo’li bo’lib.
61. I strongly believe that these measures will succeed within a reasonable time scale.
Man kuchli ishonamanki bu choralar qisqa vaqit ichida o’z ta’sirini ko’rsatadi.
62. Moreover, it may be necessary for humanity to consider other approaches to this problem /issue.
Bundan tashqari odamzot bu muommoni boshqa choralarini ham o’ylashi kerak.
63. Overall, I disagree with opinion expressed and would like to begin by pointing out that ….
Umuman man bu fikirga qarshiman va shu narsani ta’kidlashdan boshlardimki….
64. On the other hand,…… can positively contribute to the society /economy as a whole.
Boshqa tamondan bu narsa jamiyatga yokiy siyosatga jiddy ta’sir ko’rsatishi mumkun.
65. It is difficult to judge whether something is ……. or…….
Bor narsani to’g’ri yoki nato’ri ekanligin aniqlash qiyin bo’ladi…..
66. It is an unfortunate fact that….
Shu narsa achinarliki…
67. Today many discussions among scientists /economists /politicians put their focus on….
Hozirgi kunda olimlar, ekanamistlar va siyosatchilar o’z e’tiborin bu narsaga qaratpayti….
68. It is really hard to suggest solution to …… since it has been existing for a long time.
Bu narsaga yechim toppish qiyin, chunkiy bu uzoq muddatdan ber mavjud.
69. Current period is the best time to consider the consequences of…….
Hozirgin kunda biror muommon oqibatlarin taxlil qilishning eng yaxshi payiti.
70. Today, …….has become a priority for an overwhelming majority of people around world.
Hozirgi kunda bu dunyoda ko’plab odamlar uchun asosiy maqsad bo’lib qolgan.
71. On such occasions, certain degree of restriction is needed to be put on……
Bunday hollarda biror narsaga ma’lum darajada cheklov qo’yish zarur…
72. Rules and regulations not always are the solution to…..
Qonun va qoidalar bu narsaga haedoim ham yechim bo’lavermaydi…
73. Nevertheless, we also need to look at the bright side of ….
Lekin bu narsani yaxshi tamonlariga ham e’tibor berishimiz kerak.
74. ………………seems to be increasingly widespread problem nowadays.
Bu hozirgi kunda juda keng muommoga o’xshab tiyilyapti.
75. Presently, there are many complaints about this problem and measures should be taken to combat the situation.
Hozirda bunga shikoyatlar juda ham ko’p va vaziyatni yaxshilash uchun xarakatlar qilinishi kerak.
76. ……………….is no longer a problem for individual governments, but for the society as a whole.
Hozirda bu yakka hukumat uchun emas balik butun jamiyat uchun muommodir.
77. ……………… can help broaden the horizon of people within society.
Bu narsa jamiytdagi odamlar ongini kegaytirish uchun yodam ber oladi.
78. One of the greatest and foremost plus points of ……… ………….
Bu narsaning eng kata va assosiy yaxshi tamonlaridan biri shuvki….
79. My view is that there is no one major advantage /benefit of ……..
Mani fikirmcha bu narsani yaxshi tamoni yagona emas……
80. I think, therefore, the governments need to raise the awareness regarding …… the general public
Mani fikirimcha, shuning uchun hukumat jamiyatning bu narsa borasidagi ogohligini kuchaytirish kerak.
81. At the current time ……… a frequent topic of discussion among the people /scientists.
Hozirda bu narsa odamlar va olimlar o’rtasida eng tez uchrab turuvchi mavzulardan biri.
82. For many years ……..has been a debatable issue within societies.
Ko’p yillar davomida bu narsa baxsli muommo bo’lgan jamiyatda.
83. In my belief, an intermediary position between both solution is the perfect way to….
Ishonishimcha oraliq holat bu narsani qilish uchun eng zo’r yechimi.
84. I strongly believe that if the factors identified above are implemented, then ……..
Kuchli ishonamanki yuqorida topilgan yechimlar qo’llanilsa…
85. A key advantage of ……… is that it…..
Bu narsaning asosy yaxi tamoni shuvki..
86. Nowadays, it is undeniable that ……..
Hozirda bu narsani tanolmaslikni ilojisi yo’q…..
87. Over the span of 50 years …….
50 yil davomida….
88. The one and only solution to the discussed problem /issue is…….
Muhokama qilingan muommoning bitta va yagona yechim shuvki …..
89. What is sure is that….
Shu narsa aniqki….
90. For all these reasons, the first priority for government /people /countries should be……
Barcha sabablarga ko’ra hukumat, jamoyat va odamlar uchun asosiy maqsad bo’lishi kerk….
91. The number of drawbacks of ……. does outweigh the number of advantages of it.
Buni yomon taraflari yaxshi tamonlaridan juda ko’p….
92. In recapitulation……..
Oxirgacha xulosa qilib aytganda….

93. I mean, I think, It is better to be the worst among the cleverest, than to be the cleverest among the worst.

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