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§4. Game as a Means of Socio-Cultural Competence Formation
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§4. Game as a Means of Socio-Cultural Competence Formation What is the place of game techniques in the English lesson? The need to raise the question of the place of play in the learning process is very great. K.D. Ushinsky advised from the very beginning of training to separate the lesson from the game and considered the fulfillment of educational tasks a serious duty of the child. At the same time, he also suggested making a serious activity entertaining for a child. [9] Many scientists dealt with the problem of introducing gaming techniques in teaching English: Biboletova M.Z., Vereshchagina I.N., who developed textbooks based on the massive use of gaming techniques; Kolesnikova O.A., Passov B.I., Tsarkova V.B. and others. Games have a special place in a foreign language lesson. There are many different game tasks, the use of which helps to diversify and expand the scope of the content and learning technology. [15] The superiority of the game over other learning tools is found in the fact that it is able to provide not only individual, but also pair, group and collective forms of work in the classroom, which allows each student to make the most efficient use of study time. Thus, various game methods take the first place in teaching foreign languages to younger students. While playing, students effortlessly join the learning process with pleasure. After all, interest is the main driving force of cognitive activity. [3] Playing in the classroom to a large extent brings schooling closer to the conditions of kindergarten, which is extremely important for the adaptation of the child. The game is a specially organized activity that requires tension of emotional and mental strength. [5] For children, the game, first of all, is an exciting activity. This is what attracts teachers, including teachers of a foreign language. This type of activity contributes to involuntary memorization, which is predominant among younger students. There are a lot of game methods: - didactic games. Such a game used in teaching is a situation that simulates reality for teaching purposes. - Competitive games . They contain organizational guidelines and rules for achieving success, the magnitude of which is determined by quantitative criteria (who is more, who is faster, who will complete the task more correctly, with the least number of errors), as well as by qualitative criteria (who, more precisely, who is more original, who is more interesting, who is more diverse and the like will construct a speech statement). - role-playing games. Tasks in which various situations are “lost”. This group includes: modeling - playing on your own behalf situations of an everyday or conditional nature. Also, the games of this group require the execution of situations based on the imagination, social and emotional experience, background knowledge of the participants. - vocabulary games. They provide for repetition, training and consolidation of vocabulary by students in situations close to a natural setting, activation of speech-thinking activity, development of a speech reaction, acquaintance of students with word compatibility . - grammatical. They are aimed at mastering grammatical structures and developing the ability to use them in communication situations. - phonetic. Intended for the development and improvement of pronunciation speech skills and for their adjustment as necessary. -Board games - quizzes - theatricalization, etc. The greatest work on the socialization of the child takes place during the role-playing game, since its content is the relationship between people and people with different organizations. Communication in a foreign language is always a convention, always “as if”, and the more precisely the conditions of the game and its laws are observed here, the more effective foreign language communication will be. Games develop concentration, relieve fatigue, increase mental activity, and help make the process of learning a foreign language interesting and creative. [13] Each lesson the teacher should build as a communication lesson, as close as possible to natural learning, so that children feel the result of their efforts as soon as possible. The teacher must constantly come up with all possible situations that would be interesting for the children and make the lesson rich. The game, introduced into the educational process in a foreign language class, as one of the teaching methods, should be interesting, uncomplicated and lively, contribute to the accumulation of new language material and the consolidation of previously acquired knowledge. [eleven] The atmosphere of friendly disposition and joint enthusiasm helps children in communication, stimulates the speech-thinking activity of students, the development of students' imagination and creative abilities, and contributes to the formation of interest in a foreign language. For students, the educational game remains entertainment, training is relegated to the background. For the teacher, any educational game is, first of all, exercises. The educational possibilities of playing in a foreign language were noted by many famous teachers, such as: L.V. Vygotsky and D.B. Elkonin. [1] The great Russian teacher Ushinsky believed that the path of development of a child's speech is based on the development of children's thinking, and it, in turn, relies on specific visual images, on visibility. The game occupies an important place in the life of a younger student, being for him a means of cognizing reality. Based on the peculiarities of the psychological development of the younger student, one of which is the predominance of the emotional sphere over the intellectual one, one cannot but evaluate the potential possibilities of the game as an emotional factor. The game is always emotions. Where there is emotion, there is activity, there is attention and imagination, thinking works there. The game contributes to involuntary memorization, which is predominant among younger students. Also, it is possible to consider the game as a situational-variative exercise, which creates the opportunity for multiple repetition of a speech sample in conditions as close as possible to real speech communication with its inherent features - emotionality, spontaneity, purposefulness of speech influence. [14] During the study, it was found that the game has such a feature as versatility: the use of game techniques can be adapted to different goals and objectives. Game techniques perform many functions in the process of child development, facilitate the learning process, help to assimilate material that grows every year and unobtrusively develop the necessary competencies. [9] Chapter 2. The use of games in the process of teaching English to younger students §1. Experience of teachers-practitioners on the use of games in English lessons in elementary school According to a number of psychologists and educators (L.S. Vygotsky, S.I. Rubinshtein, B. White, J. Bruner, V. Penfield, R. Roberts, T. Eliot, E.I. Negnevitskaya, V.S. Mukhina , T.V. Ivanova, etc.) the most favorable period for mastering a foreign language is primary school age. At this age, the child's brain has a specialized ability for a foreign language, which later becomes smaller. That is why it is important to “capture” this age period and use it most fruitfully in order to form basic foreign language skills. In this study, the work experience of a primary school teacher of the qualification category Krylosova Elena Leonidovna is consecrated. Teacher of the Elovsky secondary school, Elovsky municipal district, Perm Territory. [20] The teacher's article says: No age ends with the onset of the next age, modern researchers of preschool and school childhood emphasize. For teachers, both junior and middle and senior, it is important to always remember that it is only in direct emotional communication that the desire to communicate and interact, which is important for all subsequent periods of life, is drawn, including with representatives of other countries and peoples. Subject school childhood gives rise to our gestures, facial expressions, pantomime. The game awakens the imagination, fantasy, requires certain volitional efforts, attention, but first of all, it incredibly increases the interest of children in getting acquainted with the culture of the country of the language being studied. Thus, in the game, the teacher contributes to the development of the socio-cultural competence of students without losing their interest in learning the language. The experience and observations of this teacher show that for a younger student, whose preschool experience preserves play relationships with adults and peers, forms of activity that are playful in form and educational in content should be preserved. Elena Leonidovna refers to such forms: Use of poems, songs, rhymes Role-playing games Lessons - holidays Didactic games Dramatization Also in this study, the experience of the teacher of English and German of the highest category of the secondary school No. 7 in Valday, Kolpakova T.V., is consecrated. [24] The purpose of the pedagogical activity of this teacher is to create conditions for achieving a high level of communicative competence in the study of a foreign language, the sociocultural development of students, the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students, increasing motivation in learning a foreign language. To develop the socio-cultural competence of students, the teacher applies the most effective methods, means and teaching methods. Effective original methods in teaching grammar, board grammar games, crossword puzzles, rebuses, songs in an audio course, communicative grammar lessons. The teacher conducts lessons in a non-standard form: lessons-excursions, lesson-game, lesson-travel, integrated lessons, lesson-concert, lesson-quiz, lesson-KVN, plot-role-playing games, lesson-holiday. Primary school age is characterized by vivid imagery and immediacy of perception, ease of entering into various images. The game is one of the most basic forms of development of the world around the child. Given the psychological and age characteristics of primary school age, the teacher uses gaming technologies in his lessons as an important methodological technique. The game in the lesson allows you to create situations in which students cannot "keep silent", the game can make it exciting to study even the most boring and complex linguistic and cultural material. The game develops the creative, mental abilities of children. Educational and outdoor games help to make the learning process interesting and exciting, the teacher believes. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm enable children to overcome shyness, constraint, remove the language barrier, and fatigue. One of the leading directions in teaching English to junior schoolchildren is the formation of students' sociocultural competence. The game is the easiest way to form and develop this competence. It is much easier and more interesting for children to memorize any information about the country of the language being studied by playing, rather than simply memorizing it and accepting it as a fact. In his work in elementary school, the teacher is guided by the methodological recommendations of M.Z. Biboletova. In the textbook and the book for the teacher, a huge number of games are given that contribute to the enrichment and consolidation of children's everyday vocabulary, coherent speech, grammatical structures, develop memory, attention, observation and imagination. Each game can be adapted for socio-cultural development - it all depends on the goal of the teacher. Having picked up the necessary vocabulary, of a linguistic and regional nature, the teacher can easily interpret any game for it. english elementary school game §2. Game techniques at different stages of a foreign language lesson in elementary school Almost any foreign language lesson has a sociocultural focus. A foreign language lesson in elementary school should be united by a common theme, and the activities of children in the lesson should be necessarily diverse. In the lesson, it is necessary to often change the types of work, be sure to intersperse them with dynamic pauses, games with elements of movement. But at the same time, it must be remembered that each element of the lesson was needed to solve its general task. In this case, we are talking about the formation of the socio-cultural competence of students. [15] In most cases, the lesson begins with phonetic exercises, since it is very important to make the speech apparatus function within the framework of the language being studied, because each language has its own articulation, its own system of sounds. It is advisable to conduct it in an entertaining way, for this, counting rhymes, imitation songs are used, often fairy-tale characters come to visit children and spend their phonetic sounds. [4] It is also better to play at the stage of presenting new material. So, the new vocabulary on the topic is easily assimilated and with pleasure. It is very effective to build this stage in the form of a trip to the country of the language being studied. You can also beat the plot, as if a guest from another country came to you in order to tell very interesting facts about the inhabitants and traditions of their homeland. And then it is proposed to play traditional English games with the guest. Then you can compare the information received with knowledge about your country. [8] Again, a game can be used to consolidate and control knowledge. Children love quizzes. You can use a team competition game to identify (and at the same time repeat) who remembered more. You can voice pictures from the textbook. For example, “Sound the presented picture. Try to guess who is there? Ask a question in English “Speak a scene, act out a meeting situation” “Help these young people get a job in an English circus. "Make a plan for a trip to famous places in England." In accordance with the school system of teaching a foreign language, games can be divided into grammatical, lexical, phonetic, spelling and creative games. [eleven] When using games in the classroom, you should always remember that: The choice of the form of the game must be pedagogically and didactically justified. You should always know the purpose of using the game. Games should involve as many students as possible. Games should be appropriate for the age and language abilities of the children, i.e. be available. Games serve the development of all types of speech activity and are held in a foreign language. During the game, students should not be interrupted, because this violates the atmosphere of communication. V. Rivers writes about this: “Very often in society, people prefer to remain silent if they know that their speech will cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor. Similarly, a student whose every mistake is corrected by the teacher not only loses the main idea of the statement, but also the desire to continue the conversation. [5] Corrections should be done quietly, without interrupting students' speech, or done at the end of the lesson. W. Bennet generally believes that the teacher has the right to ignore some mistakes so as not to suppress the speech activity of students. [3] The implementation of game techniques and situations in the lesson form of classes takes place in the following main areas: the didactic goal is set in the form of a game task; educational activity is subject to the rules of the game; educational material is used as its means; an element of competition is introduced into the educational activity, which translates the didactic task into a game one; successful completion of the didactic task is associated with the game result. Any lesson should be exciting and arouse interest in children. A lot depends on how the lesson starts. You can start the lesson with a “game plot”, where a toy or doll-guide, a fairy-tale hero of English folklore, an animal will come to your aid. The idea of playing with a doll, a fairy-tale character, is found in many textbooks. [12] To conduct the game in the lesson, optimal conditions must be created for the manifestation of all the abilities of students. An important role is played by the personality of the teacher, his ability to properly organize the working atmosphere in the classroom. Socio-cultural competence - a complex of knowledge about values, beliefs, behavioral patterns, customs, traditions, language, cultural achievements inherent in a particular society and characterizing it, occurs in the processes of socio-cultural education and training. It should be noted that a rich material for the formation of socio-cultural competence is a game method. English games are very diverse in content and cover all aspects of life. [2] Language - whether native or foreign - serves as a means of communication, a means of receiving and transmitting information about the surrounding reality in the natural conditions of social life, and as such it should be considered when studying it at school. Also, when teaching this subject, a special addition of knowledge about the surrounding reality is not expected, in any case, in school conditions and, especially at the initial stage of its study, but ideas about the foreign language culture of the country through the language are expanding, and the general outlook is expanding. Games in foreign language lessons can and should also be used to relieve tension, monotony, when working out language material, and when activating speech activity. Of course, it must be taken into account that each age period is characterized by its own type of leading activity. [3, 4] Games are best used in the middle or at the end of a lesson to relieve tension. It is important that working with games bring positive emotions and benefits, and in addition, serve as an effective incentive in a situation where the interest or motivation of children in learning a foreign language begins to wane. The volume of educational material included in the teaching materials, according to which foreign languages are currently taught at the initial stage, is sufficient for the formation of the socio-cultural competence of younger students. Nevertheless, the teacher constantly replenishes the material, adds something new, including games, so that the learning process is not boring and monotonous.[2] Conclusion Recently, changes in the field of education have been taking place in the world and in Russia. Taking into account the changed status of a foreign language as a means of communication and mutual understanding in the world community, the modern methodology of teaching foreign languages emphasizes the need to strengthen the pragmatic aspects of language learning. According to the new state standards for a foreign language, the mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs, in addition to speech skills and language knowledge and skills, compensatory skills and educational and cognitive skills, includes sociocultural knowledge and skills. [12] Sociocultural competence - a complex of knowledge about values, beliefs, behavioral patterns, customs, traditions, language, cultural achievements, characteristic of a particular society and characterizing it, occurs in the simultaneous process of learning a foreign language and familiarizing the individual with the culture and folk traditions of the country of the language being studied. [2] One of the main factors for the most effective assimilation and subsequent use of the sociocultural aspect by students is its early introduction into the content of teaching a foreign language, starting from the initial stage. It is more expedient to introduce such material with the help of one of the leading activities of younger students - games. [7] Game technologies in foreign language lessons are the pedagogical tool that can, on the one hand, remove the language barrier, and, on the other hand, intensify the learning process, make it active, fruitful and close to the natural process of communication in the target language. Children in elementary school willingly begin to learn English. If reading and writing are more or less familiar to them, then a foreign language is a new subject for most children. Like everything new, it arouses a keen interest of younger students, and the most important thing for a teacher is to maintain this interest. It is easiest and most effective to support students' interest in a foreign language, including the process of mastering it in the context of gaming and cognitive activities, which allows you to create natural motives for communication. In this work, the theoretical foundations and means of forming the sociocultural competence of juniors in English lessons were studied. The game was also considered as a means of forming socio-cultural competence and possible stages of working with games in an English lesson in elementary school were proposed. Among other things, a collection of games in English was developed for primary school students. In conclusion of the work, it should be said that, first of all, you need to remember: the child does not tolerate any pressure and actively resists it, unlike adults who are forced to follow many rules. Explaining to a child that English will be useful in later life is useless. That is why the learning process must remain creative. Creatively working foreign language teachers eventually come to the conclusion that they are not satisfied with teaching aids. The solution of issues related to the way the educational material is organized depends on the scientific approach to learning, which is followed by the authors of the manuals. [14] The subject "foreign language" occupies a special place. He not only introduces the culture of the countries of the language being studied, but by means of comparison sets off the features of his national culture, introduces universal values. In other words, it contributes to the education of schoolchildren in the context of the “dialogue of cultures”. APPLICATION "Domino". Several identical sets of cards are distributed to teams. Each of these sets contains cards with images of objects and cards with words denoting them. Each of the participants takes several cards for himself, so that all representatives of the team have an equal number. Players "walk" in turn, alternating the picture card with the corresponding word card, matching the picture with the word. If the “walking” participant does not have the necessary card, the move goes to the next one. The task of each team is to make a circle. Teams simultaneously start this task and complete it at speed. Vocabulary in this game can be used absolutely any. For example - animals of England, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween. "Find the mistake!" The artist was given to listen to a text describing Big Ben. He should paint a picture. After completing his task, he discovers that he was inattentive and made many mistakes. He depicted the clock not at the top of the tower, but at the very bottom, etc. Listen to the text (or read) and try to correct the mistakes. In this game, information about famous places in England is repeated and concretized. The game is played on the condition that students know the prepositions of place. "Yes or no". Children form a circle or semicircle with the teacher in the center. The teacher names a sentence containing information about some fact of the English-speaking country to which they "traveled" the day before. Then he throws the ball to one of the children. The child catches the ball and says " Yes " if the statement is true and " No " if the teacher said the statement is wrong. "Magic puzzle". The teacher prepares in advance a geometric figure consisting of triangles or polygons. Paired words are written on parallel faces: a word and its translation. Words are selected, of course, of a linguistic and cultural nature. Then the figure is cut into separate triangles (polygons). Students must again make a large figure, matching their pair to each face. After the puzzle is completed, all its parts are turned over, and on the back side an image is obtained, for example, Times Square. "What do you see?" Before the students on the slide, images on the studied topic appear. Their task is to break into pairs, go to the board and, using prepositions of place, ask each other the question “ What do you see ?" for example, you can use the vocabulary of foreign holidays. "Where have you been?" An alternative to the previous game. Only famous places of the studied countries are displayed on the screen. Students are asked a question in English "Where have you been?", to which they answer, taking into account what is shown on the slide. "Whose sun is brighter?" The participants of the two teams take turns going to the board, on which two circles are drawn, and describe the image on the slide. Each correctly said sentence is one ray to the circle and one point. The team whose sun will have more rays wins, i.e. more points. In this case, an image of a regional character is used. "Cities" The teacher invites one of the students to think of a city and describe it. For example : There is Big Ben in this town. students trying guess . "Who is faster?" The students are given cards on which the words in English are given in the first column, their transcription in the second, and their translation in the third. The teacher says the words randomly. Students must connect a word, its transcription and translation with a continuous line. The winner is the one who quickly and better sets all the matches. Words are selected to a previously studied topic. For example, how do the British decorate the house for Christmas, what is served at the table for Thanksgiving, etc. "Snowball" All participants in the game stand in a circle. The teacher gives pictures with images on the topic studied. The first student names what is shown. The following name all the images that were before him and his own. Topic, for example, products in an American store. "Find the Extra" It is necessary to find an extra word in a group of words and explain on what basis it differs from the rest. For example, to determine what is not the national symbol of Great Britain, which of the animals does not live in the American forest. "Picture sentences" The class is divided into small groups or pairs. Each pair or team is given a picture depicting different actions. Topic: how schoolchildren can have fun in America. Each pair or team of students should make a sentence like Boys can/can't skate. Then they have to say in English if it's possible to do it in your city. Teams are given limited time. At the end of the time, each pair or team reads out the proposals they have made. The pair with the most correct sentences wins. « What V parcel ? The theme is "Christmas". It is assumed that a guest from England or America came to the children the day before and talked about the peculiarities of celebrating Christmas in his country. The teacher tells the children that the guest liked us very much, and he wants to thank us for the warm welcome. Takes out a box. This is a package from our guest. It contains a present for you at Christmas. But he asked not to give it to you just like that - you have to guess what is there. To do this, you need to remember what Americans give each other for Christmas, how they decorate their houses, Christmas tree, etc. "Guess the melody". To conduct this game, students should already be familiar with all the traditional English holidays, as well as with vocabulary on these topics. The class is divided into teams, each of them receives a signal whistle. The teacher plays random songs on various topics - Halloween, Christmas, Mother's Day, Thanksgiving. The team members must guess/remember on which holiday the British sing this or that song. The captain, when the team guesses, must blow the whistle and say the answer. "Bag of Beans" Traditional English Halloween game. A large pumpkin is hung in front of the board, the task of the children is to score as many points as possible by getting into her eyes, mouth and nose. Children throw a bag of beans at a pumpkin. Hit in the mouth - 5 points, in the nose - 10, in the eye - 20. The team with the most points wins! "Skeleton" Halloween theme. The class is divided into teams. In front of you you see the bones of the skeleton. You need to collect it as quickly and correctly as possible and write words on the theme of Halloween into the bones, whoever does it the fastest will receive a prize. "Hollywood Actors" The day before, the topic "Sports in England and America" is being studied. The two teams become facing each other. Each team selects an "actor" who portrays a sports game. Members of the other team guess it. For example, an "actor" from team 1 pretends to be skiing. (On the board structure: Masha can ski ). Bibliography English for little ones. The book for the teacher. In 2 parts. 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