What is your name? My name is Akmal. Many people call me Akish and I like it

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  1. What is your name? – My name is Akmal.

Many people call me Akish and I like it.

  1. What is your name? - My name is Ilhom.

This means “inspiration” in English language.

  1. What is your first name? – My first name is John.

I was given this name by my relative.

  1. What is your surname? – My surname is Kodirov.

  2. What is your last name? – My last name is Gold.

  3. What is your middle name? – My middle name is Marvin.

  4. Where are you from? – I am from ancient Bukhara,

south of Uzbekistan, with the population of half million.

  1. Where do you come from? I come from Tashkent which is the

capital of Uzbekistan, it is considered as the largest city in Central Asia.

  1. Where do you live? – I live in the country side called

Chimgan which is beautiful with its high mountains.

  1. Do you work or study? – Currently, I study at Academic Lyceum under World languages and I am graduating next year.

  2. What do you do in your free time? – I do various things in my spare time from playing chess to helping local community to clean up the public places like parks and streets.

  3. What do you do in your free time? – I don’t plan anything to do; usually I do whatever comes across.

  4. Why are you learning English? – Because it is an international language.

  5. Why are you studying English? – it is essential to learn one of the world languages and it helps to find a job in international companies.

  6. Why are you taking English course? – Knowing English improves qualifications and most of the world publications are printed in English so anyone who knows English can read them and be updated.

  7. What is your favourite food? – My favourite food is Plov. It is famous Uzbek national food and many people often consume plov on daily basis.

  8. What is your favourite food? – My favorite food is Plov. It is made from rice, carrot, meat and oil. Even though, it seems simple to cook it, not many people can do it. It requires lots of experience and special technique to cook it.

  9. What is your favorite food? – My favorite food is Plov because it keeps person full for longer period than any other food. Plus, it tastes delicious. Maybe, therefore most of the tourist come to Uzbekistan choose to eat this food.

  10. What are the people like in Uzbekistan? – Generally, people are bit reserved but mostly they are generous and hospitable, these qualities are mentioned by most of the tourists.

  11. Who is your best friend? – My best friend is Anvar, we grew up together and went through ups and downs.

  12. Who is your best friend? – My best friend is Alisher, he is smart and intelligent. We go to boxing together and I learned a lot from him.

  13. What are your future plans? – Well, I want to be a doctor in the future. So, I can help people and be a good member of the society.

  14. What are your future plans? – Well, I want to be a businessman in the future, so I can improve the economy of my country and would like to have a luxurious life.

  15. What is the weather like in your country? – As we have all four seasons in my country, each season has its significance. Winter is cold and summer is hot.

  16. What is your favourite season? – I like spring because it is not cold and it is not hot. The air is fresh and everywhere gets green color.

  17. What is your favourite season? – My favourite season is summer. I go swimming in this time of year and I like consuming various fruits and vegetables in this season.

  18. What is your favourite season? – Winter is my favourite time of year. Even it is cold, I like doing lots of outdoor activities such as skiing and ice-hockey.

  19. What is your favourite season? – Autumn or fall (that is how Americans call it) is the best time of the year. Trees turn into different colors like yellow, red and golden.

  20. Do you like travelling? – Of course, I love travelling especially to historical places like Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva. I often travel during summer time and travelling widens people’s outlook.

  21. Do you like travelling? – Sure, visiting different countries and nationalities builds up great knowledge and respect to others.

  22. Where would you like to travel? – I would love to travel to New York. High rise buildings and Statue of Liberty always attracted me and being in Times Square feels like that you are in the center of civilization.

  23. Where would you like to travel? – I would like to travel to places where people never reached before. I had such an adventurous feeling since my childhood.

  24. What are the advantages of tourism? – Tourism is always beneficial for countries. It brings lots of profit through hotels and restaurants together with transportation and guiding services.

  25. Do you have a computer? - I purchased a computer two years ago. I can’t imagine contemporary people without a computer because nowadays most of our work depends on it.

  26. Do you often use the internet? – the Internet became a part of my life as I constantly use it during the day for various purposes. Downloading songs, uploading photos into my social accounts, emailing my friends and reading news on current affairs.

  27. Do you smoke? – No, I don’t. I am aware that smoking is very dangerous for health; therefore I consider smoking as a negative habit.

  28. What kind of transportation do you use in the city? – I mostly use public transport because it is cheap and environmentally friendly.

  29. What is transportation like in Tashkent? – Well, transportation is well-established and buses go regular. Most of the people in Tashkent use underground (metro) as it is fast and fare is reasonable.

  30. Are there many private transports on the road where you live? – oh, yes, as Uzbekistan is one of the car manufacturing country, you can see lots of cars traveling on the road which definitely causing traffic jams ( traffic congestions).

  31. What transport do you use to travel? – It depends on the distance. If it is short, I use car or if it is long distance traveling, I use train as it is comfortable and cheap compare with airplane.

  32. How is your job? – My job is very boring, everyday is the same and there is nothing new in it. I think I need a change.

  33. How is your business going? – it is going well, we are making a lot of profit and customers are happy with our service.

  34. What are you up to these days? – Well, I set up little company and I am very ambitious about it. I hope that I will be successful in it.

  35. What do you do to entertain yourself? – Usually I go to parks and have picnic with my family, play different games and I just relax.

  36. What do you do to entertain yourself? – I watch videos especially Hollywood videos. They are very interesting and attractive. I think Hollywood is good at using animations.

  37. What do you do for fun? – I play football with my friends on Sundays and we often get together at weekdays too and go somewhere for dinner.

  38. What is your favorite film? – My favorite film is Gladiator. This is Oscar winning film which left a great positive impression on me. I like watching this film again and again because it motives me to achieve my goal even though it is hard to do it.

  39. What is your favorite film? – Brave heart is the best film I have ever seen. Mel Gibson played his role professionally and this film nurtures feelings like patriotism.

  40. What is your favorite book? – My favorite book is “Yulduzli tunlar” which was written by Pirimkul Kodirov. This book is about our ancestor Bobur who founded Boburids generation in India. The author did great job describing Boburs feeling about his motherland which he missed.

  41. How often do you read newspapers? – Honestly, I don’t read a newspaper at all. I mostly read news from the internet.

  42. How often do you read newspapers? – Every morning, I start my day by reading a newspaper and I get to know what is happening on my area and in the world.

  43. What kind of magazines do you read? – I read scientific magazines which are published about new inventions around the world in the sphere of Information Technology.

  44. What kind of magazines do you read? – I read fashion magazines and love them. They inform me about the latest collections of famous brands.

  45. Do you like animals? – I like animals especially dogs and horses. At home, I have two dogs and a horse. They are helpful and we use them in the farm. They make our life much easier.

  46. Do you keep pets at home? – No, I do not like keeping pets at home. People need to have great patience to keep pets at home because they are dirty and one must always take care of them. I think it is difficult job. However, there are people who consider their pets as a member of their family. I do not understand them at all.

  47. Are you vegetarian? – Oh, no. I love meat. I cannot imagine food without meat.

  48. Do you like shopping? – I love shopping. I can spend all day looking for clothes. My aim is to compare prices and quality then buy the one which is cheaper and better quality.

  49. Where do you go shopping? – I go to open air market for shopping because there things are cheap and people can bargain. It is opposite in the supermarket.

  50. Where do you go shopping? Supermarkets are my favourite places because they are comfortable. You can go anytime and things are kept in good condition.

  51. Who do you ask advice from? My father is my best advisor. Whenever I am in trouble or I need someone’s support – I face to my father because he judges the situation fairly and assists me to choose the best option.

  52. Who do you ask advice from? I do not ask advice from anybody. I make my own decision and I depend on my own knowledge and experience.

  53. Do you spend more money than you earn? Honestly, I do. I earn quite well. But still, my parents support me a little. As I have a rent to pay, kids to feed and a car to maintain. Obviously, my expenditure is too much.

  54. Do you spend more money than you earn? Managing my finance is quite easy; I don’t spend money on stupid things and buy things that are vital.

  55. Do you save money? – Yes, I save part of my income every month. This helps me to maintain my family in hard situations.

  56. Do you save money? – Not, really. I usually owe some money from friends or family and pay them next month. This happens a lot in my case.

  57. Are you married? – Oh, no. I am not ready, yet.

  58. Are you married? – Officially I married 5 years ago. And now I have a happy family with two children.

  59. When do people marry in your country? – Men usually marry at around 25 to 28 years and Women much earlier around 18 to 23 years.

  60. Do people have high divorce rate in your country? – Not, really, family is highly respected institution and it is rare for us to divorce for not serious things.

  61. How many children do people have on average? – It is different for regions. But generally, people have 3 to 5 children on average.

  62. Tell me about holidays in your country? – Uzbekistan is rich in holidays and we celebrate them with various activities. For instance, Navruz is celebrated with cooking different meals and special meal that is called “Sumalak”. Also, dancing and singing are also part of it.

  63. Do you write letters? – Writing letters has become very rare these days as it takes long time to get to the destination if a person lives in a foreign country.

  64. How do you keep in touch with your friends who are far you? - I keep in touch via email as it is fast and reliable, other than that I call them via various social networks such as skype, facebook, whats up.

  65. Do you trust on the news that is published on internet? – Not, really. Current development of internet sites show that most media companies are publishing different stories on events depending on unreliable sources which confuse the readers. Therefore, I only read those which are similar with the government policies.

  66. Do you shop on internet? – Yes, when I don’t feel like going to the supermarket, I shop on the internet. It is easy and you do not have to look for something in a big supermarket walking from shop to shop. It is just done by clicking on the mouse button.

  67. Do you like watching sports events on TV or live? – I like watching sports events live. While you are in the stadium or in the arena, you feel the spirit of the games and the mood of people gives you enjoyment.

  68. Do you like watching sports events on TV or live? – Well, I like watching sports events on TV because while you are in the stadium or in the arena, it is hard to catch the motions with your eyes, however, TV professionals do a great job and they show the moments from different points again and again. Plus, it is much cheaper than paying for expensive ticket.

  69. Do you like team sports or individual sports? – I prefer team sports, it is fun and every achievement is based on team work. This helps people to unite and work together.

  70. Do you like team sports or individual sports? – I am fond of individual sports, every sportsman acts for him or for her and only those who are strong and well prepared, wins the match and receives award.

  71. Do you often visit museums? – Yes, once a month I visit museum with my family or friends. It helps us to understand the history and respect our ancestors. Also, artifacts in the museums are considered national heritage and they should be well-preserved for future generation.

  72. Do you often visit museums? – Not, really. I get bored in the museums so I tend not to go there very often.

  73. How do you celebrate your birthday? – I celebrate my birthday together with my family. We cook a special meal and have dinner together; we talk and enjoy our time.

  74. How do you celebrate your birthday? – I celebrate my birthday together with my friends. We go out and do various activities and entertainment is a part of it.

  75. How do you celebrate your birthday? – I don’t celebrate my birthday at all because it reminds me that I am getting old.

  76. Do you like eating at home or out? – I like eating at home because it doesn’t cost much and I can cook whatever I want and eat as much as I want.

  77. Do you like eating at home or out? – I like eating out because after hard day at work I enjoy eating at a good restaurant because I don’t like cooking when I am tired.

  78. What do you usually purchase as a present/gift? - It depends, if it is for somebody who is still a child, I buy a toy. If it is for a friend of mine, I may buy a book or cloth. If it is for a lady, the best option is jewelry.

  79. Do you have any allergies? - Oh, no. May god keep them away from me. I have never noticed that I have an allergy for something.

  80. Do you have any allergies? – Unfortunately, I have an allergy for dust and cats. Whenever, I contact with dust or cats, I start to sneeze and cough. It feels terrible.

  81. Do you take photos? – Sure, I like taking photos of different sceneries/landscapes/views/surroundings.

  82. Do you take photos? – Of course, I am keen on taking photos of people/friends/family/relatives/course mates.

  83. How do you control your weight? – It is easy for me, I have very active life style therefore I don’t think about losing weight and I eat anything and anytime.

  84. How do you control your weight? – As I lead sedentary life style, I don’t consume much oily food and I don’t eat after 6 o’clock otherwise obesity could approach me easily.

  85. How do you control your weight? – I am vegetarian and weight is not an issue for me to concern about.

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