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Methodology answers


  1. What is “vocabulary”? Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language

  2. What is the aim of teaching vocabulary? to develop lexical competence based on lexical skills and socio cultural knowledge

  3. What is mental lexicon? component of the grammar that contains all the information – phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic – that speakers know about individual words and/or morphemes.

  4. What is lexical competence? Understanding the different relationship among families of words and the common collocations of words.

  5. What is psychological component of learning vocabulary? Recalling word from long term memory, putting the word into speech

  6. What eneral principles are used for selecting lexical minimum? Statistical principles, methodological principles, linguistic principles

  7. What statistic principles are used for selecting lexical minimum? Frequency (word occurrence , range (across text)

  8. What speech skills are trained based on active lexical minimum? Speaking and writing

  9. What methods are used for teaching grammar? Inductive and deductive

  10. What does passive grammar minimum include? For teaching/learning reading and listening especially at upper school

  11. What is not the principle of selecting active grammar minimums?

  12. What exercises are not used for practicing grammar?

  13. What is teaching grammar in context? AIM of Teaching Grammar - is developing learner’ grammatical competence.Grammatical competence may be defined as knowledge of, and ability to use, the grammatical resources of a language.Grammar is the means through which linguistic creativity is ultimately achieved…

  14. What is phonological competence? 14. The formation of phonological competence plays a great role in the development of foreign communicative competence as it deals with the consecutive and purposeful formation of the pronunciation bases of each type of speech activity

  15. What crucial reforms for enhancing the system of TFL are based on PD 1875?

  16. What is educational technology? 16. Educational Technology is the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment, learning materials, learners, and the learning process in order to improve teaching and learning.

  17. What is a grammar drill? 17. Grammar is the skeleton of a language. It's the framework that holds words and phrases together in a way that expresses meaning.

  18. What learners’ qualities should be developed by the self-study tasks and out
    of class activities?

  19. Problem – solving method of teaching is related to…….19. This skill enables the students to learn new knowledge by facing the problems to be solved. It is expected of them to observe, understand, analyze, interpret, find solutions, and perform applications that lead to a holistic understanding of the concept. This method develops scientific process skills.

  20. What kind of tasks should be given for self-study?

  21. What forms of self-study are popular in TFL?. One of the organizational forms of teaching is independent work (self-study) run out of direct contact with a teacher (homework, laboratory work) or run under control of the teacher and run through teaching material and monitoring by the teacher (distance learning)

  22. What is connectedness in PBL?

  23. What are the most popular out of class activities in TFL?. The following section suggests practical activities suitable for an English club. Three different types of activity are presented: discussions, online activities and activities for a themed English club.

  24. What is phonological competence?. The formation of phonological competence plays a great role in the development of foreign communicative competence as it deals with the consecutive and purposeful formation of the pronunciation bases of each type of speech activity

  25. What does the content of teaching pronunciation include? 25. Pronunciation plays a special role in the content of language material, as it requires the awareness of pronouncing and linking sounds of a sentence as well as following intonation. Pronunciation consists of three parts as hearing (acoustic), uttering (motor) and meaning (semantic).

  26. What is the last stage of Project based learning? Evaluate the Experience. This is the last step in PBL which involves reflecting what worked and what didn't during the whole process. Reflection helps teachers to improve their instructional strategies in the future.

  27. What are the basic methods in teaching pronunciation? 27. the content of teaching pronunciation (CPT) are divided into noted four (articulation, opposition, position and acoustics) groups.

  28. Aims in teaching foreign languages are …….The basic goal of learning a foreign language is to acquire the communicative competence, while the development and improvement of such competence is to some extent dependent of efficient and scientific teaching approach

  29. What is approximation in teaching pronunciation? Approximation of the pronunciation is firstly characterized by the condition of secondary education, i.e. the unnatural climate of teaching foreign language, so pronunciation is more complex than vocabulary and grammar.

  30. Define the type of phonetic exercise: Read a news story to others. Sound bored, indifferent, shocked, irritated, angry or pleased. A creative activity can target the acquisition of a particular sound or a group of sounds given list of new words is required knowledge for a new topic then the vocabulary should be learned prior to content instruction.

  31. When was the Presidential Decree No 1875 adopted? 31.December 11, 2012

  32. Presidential decree “Enhancing the system of teaching foreign languages” is … December 10, 2012, the implementation of the Presidential Decree №1875 on “The measures of strengthening the system of learning foreign languages” creates the basis for reforming on teaching foreign languages in the education system of the country.

  33. What is Teaching Portfolio?. teaching portfolio is a collection of artifacts, such as student learning data, reflections of thinking, and professional development experiences, which provide evidence of a person's teaching accomplishments.

  34. What crucial reforms due to enhancing the system of TFL are based on PD 1971?

  35. What are the stages of the system of continuous education in the Republic of Uzbekistan?

  36. What does TFLM study? .TFLM the system of tasks and exercises are tried as organizing linked actions placed in the order of growing language and operational difficulties and with consideration of sequencing speech skills in different speech activities.

  37. What main types of Teaching Foreign Languages Methodology are
    recognized? The Direct Method. In this method, the teaching is done entirely in the language being learned. ...

Grammar-Translation. ...
Audio-Lingual. ...
The Structural Approach. ...
Total Physical Response (TPR) ...
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) ...
Task-based language learning. ...
The Natural Approach.

  1. What sciences are closely connected with TFLM? pedagogics, psychology, physiology, linguistics, and some others

  2. What is the basic aim of TFL in the Republic of Uzbekistan? expanding communication with the world after gaining the independence and increasing speed and scope of information exchange in the global village

  3. What basic approaches to TFL are used in Uzbekistan? A New Approach to Language Instruction that includes statewide dual language/immersion plan beginning in elementary school

  1. What lesson aims are differentiated in Pedagogy?

  2. Define the practical aim of the FL lesson. hearing, speaking, reading, and writing.

  3. Define the educative aim of the FL lesson. develop the pupil's intellect. Teaching a FL helps the teacher to develop the pupils' voluntary and involuntary memory, his imaginative abilities and will power.

  4. Define the developmental aim of the FL lesson.According to the lesson’s educational purpose develop pupils’ personal skills, English learning, motivational skills, develop pupils’ self educational skills, analyzing and systematizing skills of knowledge, develop to report own ideas, communicative skills.

  5. Define the upbringing aim of the FL lesson. According to the lesson’s educational purpose improve pupils’ knowledge, experience. Teach pupils new grammar

rules, new words, improve their listening, reading, oral speech and writing skills.

  1. What is competence approach to TFL? focuses on acquiring life coping skills while developing the language to perform these skills. This approach is based on theories of adult learning which state that for effective learning to take place, adults need to know that what they are studying will improve their lives.

  2. What is competence? the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

  3. What is the linguistic competence? the system of unconscious knowledge that one knows when they know a language. It is distinguished from linguistic performance, which includes all other factors that allow one to use one's language in practice.

  4. What is the discourse competence? is a plurilingual ability that implies being able to handle sociocultural, pragmatic, and textual pieces of knowledge

  5. Teaching Foreign Languages Methodology as a science deal with … is a science that studies the purpose and content, methods and means of teaching, methods and upbringing based on the material of a foreign language

  6. Methods of research in TFLM are … experimental method, ethnography, case study, action research, and introspective methods,

  7. Communicative competence consists of … 1.Communication: activities that involve real communication promote learning. 2.meaning: language that is meaningful and authentic to the learner boots learning.3. task:

  8. What ways of presenting vocabulary are used in TFLM?

Teach vocabulary in context. The first thing to remember
is that words are best learnt in a context. ...
Repetition is key. ...
Play games. ...
Make use of translation. ...
Help your students be organised.

  1. What lexical units are the most difficult for learning? LEXICAL

DIFFICULTY. (a) Syllabic length: Beginners in a foreign language rely heavily upon short-term
memory, and often find long words (and long sentences) difficult to process. (b) Clusters: Consonant
clusters (e.g., in a word like "script") are fairly common in English but rare in many languages.

  1. Productive speech skills are …. The productive skills are speaking and writing, because

learners doing these need to produce language. They are also known as active skills. They can be
compared with the receptive skills of listening and readin

  1. Receptive speech skills are … Receptive skills include understanding

and reading the English language. Receptive skills pertain to receiving information. When a student
is spoken to, the student is receiving what the speaker is saying by listening to the speaker and
understanding the speaker.

  1. Language aspects are …. 7.There are four basic aspects of language that have been studied: phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Phonology is the study of the sounds of a languag

  2. A language exercise is … . Practicing particular languages speaking, reading, listening and writing skills

  3. What is writing as a speech skill? Speech writing is the

skill of communicating knowledge and expressing ideas in the written form of a speech, either for your own presentation or for another person. It requires being able to effectively organize and write down your thoughts in a way that can be effectively communicated verbally

  1. What is reading as a speech skill? 60.Reading will enable learners to. develop their vocabulary and grammar knowledge which will effectively contribute to their speaking skills. Vocabulary and grammar knowledge will enable learners to understand so reading will increase learners' understanding capability which they need for a better communication.

  1. What types of reading are trained in TFL?

  2. What is PPP strategy in TFL? Ppp - presentation, production and practice. 5

  3. What is writing as a speech skill? is the method of conveying a thought or message to a reader using the correct punctuation and expression.

  4. What is reading as a speech skill? 64.Reading as a communication process is the need to know: 1.Graphic language system 2. Methods of extracting information.

  5. What is PPP strategy in TFL? Presentation production and practice

  6. What is Immersion Program in teaching foreign languages? is an approach to teaching another language that involves immersing students in the target language throughout the school day.

  7. What stages are followed in developing speech skills? .There are four basic aspects of language that have been studied: phonology, syntax, semantics,

and pragmatics. Phonology is the study of the sounds of a language

  1. Stages of the system of continuous education in the Republic of Uzbekistan includes …

  2. What is the basic aim of TFL in the Republic of Uzbekistan?

  3. What does grammar minimum include? ACTIVE/PASSIVE GRAMMAR MINIMUMS. Active grammar minimums include definite grammar materials selected on special principle and supposed for teaching/ learning at concrete stage of education. Active grammar minimums are for teaching/learning all speech skills at primary and secondary schools. Passive minimums are for teaching/ learning reading and listening especially at upper school/ college.

  4. What is Theme Based Instruction? Theme-based instruction Theme-based instruction is a form of language teaching by structuring a course around themes or topics. Theme-based instruction can serve the multiple interests of students in a classroom.

  5. What does lexical minimum include? Lexical minimum including active and passive. ACTIVE: speaking and writing PASSIVE: listening and reading

  6. Lesson plan includes objectives, timing, sequencing, differentiation, assessment and materials

  7. What are the products of PBL? Here are five major types of products:

1) Presentation or Action Products. Speech. Debate. Oral Defense. ... 2) Written Products. Research Report. Letter. Brochure. ... 3) Media & Technology Products. Audio Recording/Podcast. Slideshow. Drawing/Painting. ... 4) Constructed Products. Small Scale Model. Prototype. 5) Planning Products.

  1. Calendar-thematic plan presents. Calendar-Thematic plan is enveloped as a serial number of lessons. As a rule, it is one of the themes of communication, which includes itself also vocabulary, grammar and country-study material.

  2. What aims should be set at each lesson according to Pedagogy?

  3. What ability is the ability of Naturalist? Naturalistic intelligence is the ability to identify, classify and manipulate elements of the environment, objects, animals or plants.

  4. Assessment stage of the lesson is In general, assessment is collecting data for revealing the level of language proficiency achieved within a certain time period. In language assessment, we gather information in a systematic way with the help of language testing tools. Assessment is a part of the lesson during which the teacher evaluates how students have mastered the material and use it in reception and production of texts in the oral and written forms.

  5. Home task stage of the lesson is for….

  6. Ending stage of the lesson is for … 80 ending stage is the step where you wrap up a lesson plan and help students organize the information in a meaningful context in their minds. This helps students better understand what they have learned and provides a way in which they can apply it to the world around them

  7. The aim of planning a lesson is … 81 Aims on lesson plans often describe what the teacher wants learners to be able to do by the end of a lesson, or what they will have done during it. Teachers can tell learners their lesson aims, or involve learners in setting them. This can help create a sense of purpose and progress.

  8. Diagnostic tests … Diagnostic tests identify students strength and weaknesses

  9. Placement tests placement tests provide information that helps to place the students at the most suitable stage

  10. Proficiency tests …. proficiency tests are not based on contents of a language course but rather on the general knowladge

  11. What are the objects of assessment?

  12. Find appropriate competence for the descriptors: recognition of sounds in connected speech and in isolation, use of rhythm and intonation appropriate to the basic communicative types of utterances (statement, question, imperative) in communicative settings, practice, within the development of the speaking skill, of all the main sounds of a language, in connected speech

  13. Find appropriate competence for the following descriptors: development of topic-based vocabulary and word fields at a simple level, shaping primary notions about ways of word formation ((compounds and affixation), about borrowings from other languages (international words)

  14. Find appropriate competence for the following descriptors: parts of speech, basic rules of syntax, basic present and past verb forms

  15. Find appropriate competence for the following descriptors: learning simple interaction patterns in classroom discourse and everyday situations, basic intercultural awareness between Uzbekistan and target language culture (e.g. festivals and traditions)

  16. What is the subject of the science TFLM?

  17. What is the object of the science TFLM?

  18. What is educational technology? .EDUCATIONAL technology is a set of psycho-pedagogical instructions defined special combination of methods, strategies, and techniques for teaching.

  19. What is technology in education? .Educational Technology is the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment, learning materials, learners, and the learning process in order to improve teaching and learning.

  20. Problem-solving technologies include …. 94.Student-centered method,

Announcing case
Defining problem
Sharing responsibilities
Making presentation
Discussion - Finding solution
Evaluating results
Publishing results

  1. Developing critical thinking technologies include … Critical-thinking skills connect and organize ideas. Three types distinguish them: analysis, inference, and evaluation.

  2. What specifications does any educational technology obtain? .In addition to the practical educational experience, educational technology is based on theoretical knowledge from various disciplines such as communication, education, psychology, sociology, artificial intelligence, and computer science.

  3. What basic steps should be observed in problem-solving technologies?

Step 1: Define the Problem. What is the problem? ...
Step 2: Clarify the Problem. ...
Step 3: Define the Goals. ...
Step 4: Identify Root Cause of the Problem. ...
Step 5: Develop Action Plan. ...
Step 6: Execute Action Plan. ...
Step 7: Evaluate the Results. ...
Step 8: Continuously Improve

  1. Developing critical thinking technologies are …

  2. What is ESP? 99.English for specific purposes (ESP) is a subset of English as a second or foreign language. It usually refers to teaching the English language to university students or people already in employment, with reference to the particular vocabulary and skills they need.

  3. What ICT types are useful in TFL? 100.The problem of creating system of tasks and exercises is considered as the most important in TFLM.

  4. What do recognize reading skills include? 101.Graphic language system;

2. Methods of extracting information.

  1. What do bottom up listening skills include? 1. discriminating between intonation contours in sentences

2. discriminating between phonemes
3. listening for word endings
4. recognizing syllable patterns
5. being aware of sentence fillers in informal speech
6. recognizing words, discriminate between word boundaries
7. picking out details
8. differentiating between content and function words by stress pattern
9. finding the stressed syllable
10. recognizing words with weak or central vowels
11. recognizing when syllables or words are dropped
12. recognizing words when they are linked together in streams of speech
13. using features of stress, intonation and prominence to help identify important information

  1. What productive speaking skills are aimed at? 103.The productive skills are speaking and writing, because learners doing these need to produce language. They are also known as active skills. They can be compared with the receptive skills of listening and reading.

  2. How many models are there in maintenance the integrated skills in teaching and what are they? 104.They include (a) multidisciplinary integration, (b) interdisciplinary integration, and (c) transdisciplinary integration.

  3. What is teacher’s role in project technology?

Makes conclusions due to the content of the texts;
Asks learners own questions to the text;
Explains difficult points;
Predicts next passage content;
Gives the task to read next abstract.
Developing Thinking Technologies

  1. What does the content of teaching vocabulary include? to support the development of vocabulary in the content areas, teachers need to give their students time to read widely, intentionally select words worthy of instruction, model their own word solving strategies, and provide students with opportunities to engage in collaborative conversations.

  2. What is a lexical minimum? lexical minimum is a useful glottodidactic tool representing a selection of vocabulary to be taught at various language proficiency levels.

  3. What does the content of teaching grammar include? What does the content of teaching grammar include?

teaching grammar in context involves making connections between grammatical patterns and the meaning of texts; wider contextual aspects such as genre, audience, subject and purpose; a reader's feelings and responses to a text; potential authorial motivations for making decisions about language choices.

  1. What is teaching grammar deductively? Deductive teaching is a traditional approach in which information about target language and rules are driven at the beginning of the class and continued with examples. The principles of this approach are generally used in the classes where the main target is to teach grammar structures.

  2. What is listening? What is listening?

Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and processing them into words and sentences

  1. What exercise is not used for teaching pronunciation? What exercise is not used for teaching pronunciation

  2. What are psychological difficulties in listening? First, listeners cannot control the speed of speech. The biggest problem with listening comprehension is that listeners are not able to control how quickly speakers talk. Second, listeners cannot have words repeated and this can cause critical difficulties for them.

  3. What is the aim of teaching speaking? to give students practice of language items (vocabulary, grammar functions etc.) – a language practice aim. to develop students' ability to speak fluently and interactively – a speaking fluency aim

  4. What is lexical competence? The ability to produce and understand the words of a language

  5. What is selecting vocabulary based on? What is selecting vocabulary based on?

The selection of vocabulary varies based on a variety of factors, such as the student's interests, function of communication, activities when communication takes place and communication partners.

  1. What is grammar competence? Grammatical Competence refers to the unconscious knowledge of grammar that allows a speaker to use and understand language. It includes the ability to gain knowledge of lexis, morphology, syntax, semantics

  2. What is grammar drill? Drill is a Technique that focuses on a minimal number (usually one or two) of language form (grammatical or phonological structure) through some type of repetition. Drill are commonly done chorally (the whole class repeating in unison) or individually.

  3. What does the content of teaching pronunciation include? Pronunciation includes features of language (vocabulary and grammar) and skills (speaking and listening). Like vocabulary and grammar, we pronounce by noticing and understanding rules and patterns which lie beneath the surface of speech

  4. What is the aim of teaching listening? Listening is a skill in a sense that it's a related but distinct process than hearing which involves merely perceiving sound in a passive way while listening occupies an active and immediate analysis of the streams of sounds. In common the word “speech” means speaking, listening, reading and writing. It would be better if we say “listening-speaking comprehension”.

  5. Define lesson stage: Students need to bring to consciousness their knowledge of the topic, their knowledge of how information is organized in different texts and any relevant cultural information.

  6. What is “vocabulary”? Vocabulary refers to the words we must understand to communicate effectively. Educators often consider four types of vocabulary: listening, speaking, reading, and writing

  7. What is the aim of teaching vocabulary? Teaching vocabulary helps students understand and communicate with others in English. Voltaire purportedly said, “Language is very difficult to put into words.” I believe English language students generally would concur, yet learning vocabulary also helps students master English for their purposes.

  8. What is writing as a speech skill? Speech writing is the skill of communicating knowledge and expressing ideas in the written form of a speech, either for your own presentation or for another person. It requires being able to effectively organize and write down your thoughts in a way that can be effectively communicated verbally.

  9. What types of reading are taught in TFL? atpresent, the methods of teaching foreign languages at school made 3 types of reading.

1. Skimming reading
2. Scanning reading
3. Reading for details

  1. What is PPP strategy in TFL?

  2. What is discourse competence? Discourse competence: knowledge of discourse markers and how they connect parts of the text to one another

  3. What activities should be done in developing discourse competence? conversations, interviews and reports. In other words, a discoursally competent speaker or writer is able to arrange words, phrases and sentences to

structure a text that is appropriate within a particular genre

  1. Discourse competence plays an important role in ……….. developing learners' receptive and productive skills in English.

  2. What are the principles of teaching listening? xpose students to different types of processing information: bottom up vs. top down. ...

Expose students to different types of listening: ...
Teach a variety of tasks. ...
Consider text, difficulty, and authenticity. ...
Teach listening strategies.

  1. Both listening and reading are receptive skills, but listening can be more difficult than reading because: …… The main reason is that written words stay still, while spoken words move fast

  2. To develop students’ oral proficiency four important skills should be developed: What skills?

FLUENCY. Fluency is about how comfortable and confident you are in speaking English. ...
VOCABULARY. Of course, if you don't have the words to say what you want to say, then you cannot say it. ...

  1. Communicative language teaching is based on real-life situations that require communication.

  2. What makes simulations different from role-plays. Simulations are very similar to role-plays but what makes simulations different from role-plays is that they are more elaborate. In simulations, students can bring items to the class to create a realistic environment. For instance, if a student is acting as a singer, she brings a microphone to sing and so on.

  3. What is the initial and the most important step for a successful and effective teaching? Planning

  4. What are 4 A Models of lesson plan?

4 A Model of lesson plan

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