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"Yo'l sanoatida GIS" fanidan mustaqil ishlashga qo'yiladigan talablar

Mustaqil ish tayyorlashning maqsadi mavzuni turli xil manbalardan, shu jumladan Internet qidiruv tizimlaridan (google, yandex va boshqalar), video materiallardan (youtube va boshqalar), mustaqil ravishda o'rganishdir. GISning asosiy tarkibiy qismlari kompyuterlar va dasturiy ta'minot bo'lganligi sababli talabalar kompyuter savodxonligi asoslarini bilishlari shart (tushuntirish uchun so'z va ustunlik emas). Internetda materiallarni izlashning murakkabliklarini o'rganing, vazifalar va savollarni o'rganing, javoblarni toping va allaqachon mavjud bo'lgan faktlar va tushunchalar asosida o'z fikringizni bildiring.

Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun talablar:

1. Sarlavha. Institut, kafedra nomi va mustaqil ish mavzusi, bajarilgan, qabul qilingan joy va yilni o'z ichiga oladi.

2. Matndagi shrift turi bir xil, hajmi 14 p., Satrlar oralig'i 1,5, barcha qirralarning chetlari 2 sm bo'lishi kerak.

3. Sahifalar raqamlangan bo'lishi kerak, chap burchakning pastki qismida joylashgan

4. Rasmlar gorizontal va vertikal holda cho'zilgan holda yuqori sifatli bo'lishi kerak

5. Formulalar maxsus dastur yoki yuqori aniqlikdagi rasm yordamida yozilishi kerak

6. Adabiyotlar raqamlangan bo'lishi kerak

7. Umumiy talablar GOST 7.32.2001 Axborot, kutubxonachilik va nashriyot standartlari tizimidan qabul qilinishi mumkin. Tadqiqot hisoboti. Tuzilishi va ro'yxatdan o'tish qoidalari

Tarkibga qo'yiladigan talablar:

1. Mustaqil ish quyidagi qismlardan iborat bo'lishi kerak: kirish, asosiy matn, xulosa.

2. Kirish asosiy tushunchalarni va mustaqil ishda ko'rib chiqiladigan masalani o'rganishni o'z ichiga oladi. Tavsiya etilgan sahifalar soni 1-2 tadan iborat.

3. Asosiy qism berilgan savolni batafsil o'rganishni, adabiyotlarni ko'rib chiqishni, muammoni hal qilishni, dasturiy ta'minotdan foydalanishni, elektron materiallarni (prezentatsiyalar, animatsiyalar, videofilmlar, infografika, eskizlar, xaritalar va boshqalarni) tayyorlashni o'z ichiga oladi. Elektron material turini tanlash berilgan savolga bog'liq. Tavsiya etilgan sahifalar soni 18-20 ta.

4. Xulosa - bu asosiy qism bo'lib, u talaba tomonidan o'z so'zlari bilan to'liq yozilgan bo'lib, unda masalaning qanday o'rganilganligi, masalani hal qilish uchun qanday manbalardan foydalanilganligi, elektron material qanday yaratilganligi va h.k. Tavsiya etilgan sahifalar soni 2-3 tadan iborat.

What are the application of intelligent transportation system?
How do intelligent transportation systems work?
What are the benefits of intelligent transportation systems?
What are the components of the transportation system?
ICT Application on the Management of Intelligent Transportation Systems Maria Pia Fanti1 1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Polytechnic of Bari, 70125 Bari, Italy fanti@deemail.poliba.it Abstract. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) modelling, planning, and control are research streams that, in the last years, have received a significant attention by the researcher and practitioner communities due not only to their economic impact, but also to the complexity of decisional, organizational, and management problems. Indeed, the increasing complexity of these systems and the availability of the modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for the interaction among the different decision makers and for the acquisition of information by the decision makers, require both the development of suitable models and the solution of new decision problems. The paper is aimed at showing the new attractive researches and projects in the fields of ITS operational control and management by using effectively and efficiently the latest key ICT solutions. In particular, the paper focuses on the ICT applications on the urban traffic control and the intermodal transportation network planning and management. Keywords: Intelligent Transportation Systems, Urban Traffic Control, Intermodal Transportation Networks, Information and Communication Technologies. 1 Introduction Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) refer to the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to transport infrastructure and / or to vehicles to improve the efficiency of transportation networks. In recent years, the European Union has sponsored several projects targeting advancements of different transportation systems. On the other hand, ITS topics are considered relevant and attractive research areas. In particular, research and projects on the ITS may be broadly divided into infrastructure projects and vehicle-orientated applications. Typical infrastructure projects and researches include the planning of freight and people transportation operations and the traffic management. Vehicle-orientated projects and researches include applications such as automated vehicle location and planning. This paper focuses on the infrastructure planning and management that apply ICT tools. The advent of ICT has a tremendous impact on the planning of freight and people transportation and on traffic management. Indeed, ICT increase the

flow of available data, improve the timeliness and quality of information and offer the possibility to control and coordinate operations and traffic in real-time. Significant research efforts are required to adequately model ITS, specify and characterize the various planning and management problems and to develop efficient solution methods based of the application of the ICT tools. The aim of the paper is presenting the last contributions in term of projects and research in the fields of the planning and management of ITS. Hence, the paper recalls in Section 2 the most important projects supported by the European Commission (EC) in the areas of ITS. Moreover, Sections 3 and 4 present the research advances in two crucial sectors of ITS: the control of Urban Traffic Networks (UTN) and the management of Intermodal Transportation Networks (ITN), respectively. In the two cases the paper enlightens the benefits of the ICT solution applications and the relative open problems. Finally, Sections 5 draws the conclusions. 2 European Projects in the Field of ITS The potential of ITS applications has encouraged the EC to refer to them in its 2006 mid-term review of the transport white paper. In particular, the grant program for the Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T) [35] aims to establish interconnections, interoperability and continuity of services especially on long-distance routes and across borders. Its guidelines cover the infrastructure for traffic management, traveller information, emergency systems and electronic fee collection. Within the framework of the TEN-T program for the period 2007-2013 the EasyWay project [35] is selected. Such a project is driven by national road authorities and operators with partners including the automotive industry, telecom operators and public transport stakeholders. TEN-T program identifies the set of necessary ITS European services to deploy (traveller information, traffic management and freight and logistic services) and is an efficient platform that allows the European mobility stakeholders to achieve a coordinated and combined deployment of these pan-European services. In the last years, the EC selected several projects that focus in

With the conception of smart city transmuting cities into digital societies, making the life of its citizens easy in every facet, Intelligent Transport System becomes the indispensable component among all. In any city mobility is a key concern; be it going to school, college and office or for any other purpose citizens use transport system to travel within the city. Leveraging citizens with an Intelligent Transport System can save their time and make the city even smarter. Intelligent Transport System (ITS) aims to achieve traffic efficiency by minimizing traffic problems. It enriches users with prior information about traffic, local convenience real-time running information, seat availability etc. which reduces travel time of commuters as well as enhances their safety and comfort.

The application of ITS is widely accepted and used in many countries today. The use is not just limited to traffic congestion control and information, but also for road safety and efficient infrastructure usage. Because of its endless possibilities, ITS has now become a multidisciplinary conjunctive field of work and thus many organizations around the world have developed solutions for providing ITS applications to meet the need.

One such example is the city of Glasgow. In the city, Intelligent Transport System gives regular information to the daily commuters about public buses, timings, seat availability, the current location of the bus, time taken to reach a particular destination, next location of the bus and the density of passengers inside the bus.

Iain Langlands, GIS and Data Manager, Glasgow City Council explains, bus operators in the city have the sensors in their buses. So, if the bus is going to be early to the next bus stop the bus is temporarily and very slightly is slowed down at the red light little longer than it should be to make sure the bus is on time and do not ahead of the schedule”. The system has been designed so smartly that passengers and even drivers are unaware of the delay as they are very little delays.

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