Yourtts: Towards Zero-Shot Multi-Speaker tts and Zero-Shot Voice
part by Artificial Intelligence Excellence Center (CEIA)
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part by Artificial Intelligence Excellence Center (CEIA) 10 via projects funded by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education (SESU/MEC) and Cyberlabs Group 11 . Also, we would like to thank the 12 for making industrial-level MOS testing so easily available. Finally, we would like to thank all contributors to the Coqui TTS reposi- 10 11 12 tory 13 , this work was only possible thanks to the commitment of all. 9. References [1] Y. Jia, Y. Zhang, R. Weiss, Q. Wang, J. Shen, F. Ren, P. Nguyen, R. Pang, I. L. Moreno, Y. Wu et al., “Transfer learning from speaker verification to multispeaker text-to-speech synthesis,” in Advances in neural information processing systems , 2018, pp. 4480–4490. [2] E. Cooper, C.-I. Lai, Y. Yasuda, F. Fang, X. Wang, N. Chen, and J. Yamagishi, “Zero-shot multi-speaker text-to-speech with state-of-the-art neural speaker embeddings,” in ICASSP 2020- 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) . 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