1. a cheque for (a sum of money): -they sent me a cheque for $50
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1.a cheque FOR (a sum of money): -They sent me a cheque for $50. 2.a demand / a need FOR something: -The firm closed down because there wasn’t enough demand for its product. 3.a reason FOR something: -The train was late but no-one knew the reason for the delay. 4.a rise /an increase / a fall /a decrease IN something: -There has been an increase in road accidents recently. 5.an advantage / a disadvantage OF something: -The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like. But we say there is an advantage in doing something: -There are many advantages in living alone. 6.a cause OF something: -Nobody knows what the cause of the explosion was. 7.a photograph / a picture OF someone/something: -He always keeps a photograph of his wife in his wallet. 8.damage TO something: -The accident was my fault, so I paid for the damage to the other car. 9.an invitation TO a party / a wedding etc.: -Did you get an invitation to the party? 10.a reaction TO something: -I was surprised at his reaction to what I said. 11.a solution TO a problem / an answer TO a question / a reply TO a letter / a key TO a door: -Do you think we’ll find a solution to this problem? -The answer to your question is ‘No’! 12.an attitude TO / TOWARDS someone/something: -His attitude to/towards his job is very negative. 13.a relationship / a connection / contact WITH someone/something: -Do you have a good relationship with your parents? -Police want to question a man in connection with the robbery. 14 but: a relationship / a connection / contact / a difference BETWEEN two things: -Police have said that there is no connection between the two murders. -There are some differences between British English and American English. 15.to pay BY cheque (but to pay IN cash’ or ‘to pay cash’); -Did you pay by cheque or in cash? 16. (to do something) BY accident / BY mistake / BY chance. -We hadn’t arranged to meet. We met by chance. 17.a play BY Shakespeare / a painting BY Rembrandt / a novel BY Tolstoy etc.: -Have you read any books by Agatha Christie? (= any books written by Agatha Christie?) 18. (to be/to fall) IN love WITH someone: -Have you ever been in love with anyone? 19.IN (my) opinion: -In my opinion the film wasn’t very good. 20.(to be) ON fire: -Look! That car is on fire. 21.(to be) ON the telephone / ON the phone: -You can’t phone me. I’m not on the phone. (=I haven’t got a phone) -I’ve never met her but I’ve spoken to her on the phone. 22. ON television / ON the radio: -I didn’t watch the match on television. I listened to it on the radio. 23.(to be/to go) ON a diet: -I’ve put on a lot of weight. I’ll have to go on a diet. 24.(to be/to go) ON strike: 25.(to be/to go) ON holiday / ON business /ON a trip /ON a tour /ON an excursion / ON a cruise /ON an expedition etc.: -Did you go to Paris on business or on holiday? -One day I’d like to go on a world tour. But you can also say ‘go to a place FOR a holiday / FOR my holiday(s)’: -Tom has gone to France for a holiday. -Where are you going for your holidays this year? 26.(to go/to come) FOR a walk /FOR a drink etc.: -She always goes for a walk with her dog in the morning. -After work we went to a café for a drink. 27.(to have something) FOR breakfast /FOR lunch /FOR dinner: -What did you have for lunch? 28. nice/kind/good/generous/mean/stupid/silly/intelligent/clever/sensible/(im)polite/ rude/ unreasonable OF someone (to do something): -Thank you. It was very nice/kind of you to help me. -It’s stupid of her to go out without a coat. She’ll catch cold. But:(to be) nice/kind/good/generous/mean/(im)polite/rude/(un)pleasant/(un) friendly/cruel TO someone: -She has always been very nice/kind to me. (not ‘with me’) -Why were you so rude/unfriendly to Ann? 29.angry/annoyed/furious{ABOUT something {WITH someone FOR doing something: -What are you so angry / annoyed about? -They were furious with me for not inviting them to the party. 30.delighted/pleased/satisfied/disappointed WITH something: -I was delighted/pleased with the present you gave me. -Were you disappointed with your examination results? 31.bored / fed up WITH something: -You get bored / fed up with doing the same thing every day. 32.surprised /shocked /amazed/astonished AT/BY something: -Everybody was surprised /shocked at/by the news. 33.excited/worried/upset ABOUT something: -Are you excited about going on holiday next week? -Ann is upset about not being invited to the party. 34.afraid/frightened /terrified /scared OF someone /something: -Are you afraid of dogs? ‘Yes, I’m terrified of them.’ 35.proud/ashamed OF someone /something: -I’m not ashamed of what I did. In fact I’m quite proud of it. 36.jealous/envious/suspicious OF someone /something: -Why are you always so jealous of other people? -He didn’t trust me. He was suspicious of my intentions. 37.aware/conscious OF something: -‘Did you know they were married?’ ‘No, I wasn’t aware of that .’ 38.good /bad/ excellent /brilliant/hopeless AT (doing) something: -I’m not very good at repairing things. 39.married/ engaged TO someone: -Linda is married to an American. (not ‘with an American’) 40.sorry ABOUT something: -I’m sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party. but: sorry FOR doing something: -I’m sorry for shouting at you yesterday. But it is more usual to say: I’m sorry I …: -I’m sorry I shouted at you yesterday. (to feel / to be) sorry FOR someone: -I feel sorry for George. He has got no friends and no money. 41.impressed BY/WITH someone /something: -I wasn’t very impressed by/with the film. 42.famous FOR something: -The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures. 43.responsible FOR something: -Who was responsible for all that noise last night? 44.different FROM (or TO) someone /something: -The film was quite different from (or to) what I expected. 45.interested IN something: -Are you interested in art and architecture? 46.capable /incapable OF something: -I’m sure you are capable of passing the examination. 47.fond OF someone /something: -Mary is very fond of animals. She has there cats and two dogs. 48.full OF something: -The letter I wrote was full of mistakes. 49.short OF something: -I’m a bit short of money. Can you lend me some? 50.tired OF something: -Come on, let’s go! I’m tired of waiting. 51.keen ON something: -We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very keen on going out in the rain. 52.similar TO something: -Your writing is similar to mine. 53.crowded WITH (people etc.): -The city centre was crowded with tourists. 54.apologise (TO someone) FOR something (see also Unit 60a): -When I realised I was wrong, I apologized to him for my mistake. 55.apply FOR a job / a place at university etc.: -I think this job would suit you. Why don’t you apply for it? 56.believe IN something: -Do you believe in God? (= I believe that it is 1 good thing to say what I think.) 57.belong TO someone: -Who does this coat belong to? 58.care ABOUT someone/something (= think someone /something is important): -He is very selfish. He doesn’t care about other people. 59.care FOR someone /something: i) = like something (usually in questions and negative sentences): -Would you care for a cup of coffee? (= Would you like …?) -I don’t care for hot weather. (=I don’t like …) ii) = look after someone: -She is very old. She needs someone to care for her. 60.take care OF someone/something (=look after): -Have a nice holiday. Take care of yourself! 61.collide WITH someone /something: -There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car. 62.complain (TO someone) ABOUT someone/something: -We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food. 63.concentrate ON something: -Don’t look out of the window. Concentrate on your work! 64.consist OF something: -We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses. 65.crash/drive/bump/run INTO someone/something: -He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall. 66.depend ON someone/something: -‘What time will you arrive?’ ‘I don’t know. It depend on the traffic.’ You can leave out on before question words (when /where/how etc.): -‘Are you going to buy it?’ ‘It depends (on) how much it is.’ 67.die OF an illness: -‘What did he die of?’ ‘A heart attack.’ 68.dream ABOUT someone/something: -I dreamt about you last night. 69 dream OF being something / doing something (=imagine): -I often dream of being rich. also: ‘(I) wouldn’t dream (of doing something)’: -‘Don’t tell anyone what I said.’ ‘No,I wouldn’t dream of it.’ 70.happen TO someone/something: -A strange think happened to me the other day. -What happened to that gold watch you used to have? 71.hear ABOUT something (=know that someone /something exists): -Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night? -Have you heard about Jane? She’s getting married. 72.hear OF someone /something (= know that someone /something exists): -‘Who is Tom Madely?’ ‘I have no idea. I’ve never heard of him.’ -Have you heard of a company called ‘Smith Electrics’? 73.hear FROM someone (=receive a letter / telephone call from someone): -‘Have you heard from Ann recently?’ ‘Yes, she wrote to me last week.’ 74.laugh/smile AT someone/something: -I look stupid with this haircut. Everyone will laugh at me. 75.listen TO someone/something: - We spent the evening listening to records. 76.live ON money/food: -George’s salary is very low. It isn’t enough to live on. 77.look AT someone/something (=look in the direction of): -Why are you looking at me like that? also: have a look AT, stare AT, glance AT 78.look FOR someone/something (=try to find): -I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me look for them? 79.look AFTER someone/something (=take care of): -She’s very old. She needs someone to look after her. -You can borrow this book if you promise to look after it. 80.pay (someone) FOR something: -I didn’t have enough money to pay for the meal. but: pay a bill/ a fine/$50/a fare/ taxes etc. (no preposition). 81.rely ON someone/something: -You can rely on Jack. He always keeps his promises. 82.search (a person /a place /a bag etc.) FOR someone/something: -I’ve searched the whole house for my keys but I still can’t find them. -The police are searching for the escaped prisoner. 83.shout AT someone (when you are angry): -He was very angry and started shouting at me. but: shout TO someone (so that they can bear you): -He shouted to me from the other side of the street. 84.speak/talk TO someone (‘with’ is also possible but less usual): -(on the telephone) Hello, can I speak to Jane, please? -Who was that man I saw you talking to in the pub? 85.suffer FROM an illness: -The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased. 86.think ABOUT someone/something (= consider, concentrate the mind on): -You’re quiet this morning. What are you thinking about? -I’ve thought about what you said and I’ve decided to take your advice. -‘Will you lend me the money?’ ‘I’ll think about it.’ 87.think OF someone/something (=remember, bring to mind, have an idea): -He told me his name but I can’t think of it now. (not ‘think about it’) -That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think of that? We also use think OF when we ask for or give an opinion: -‘What did you think of the film?’ ‘I didn’t think much of it.’ The difference between think OF and think ABOUT is sometimes very small. Often you can use OF or ABOUT: -My sister is thinking of (or about) going to Canada. -Tom was thinking of (or about) buying a new car but changed his mind. -When I’m alone, I often think of (or about) you. 88.wait FOR someone/something: -I’m not going out yet. I’m waiting for the rain to stop. 89.write TO someone: -Sorry I haven’t written to you for such a long time. 90.accuse someone OF (doing) something (see also Unit 60b): -Tom accused Ann of being selfish. -There students were accused of cheating in the examination. 91.ask (someone) FOR something: -I wrote to the company asking them for more information about the job. but: ’ask (someone) a question’ (no preposition) 92.blame someone /something FOR something: -Everybody blamed me for the accident. or: blame something ON someone/something: -Everybody blamed the accident on me. We also say: ‘(someone is) to blame for something’. -Everybody said that I was to blame for the accident. -I didn’t have any money. I had to borrow some from a friend of mine. 94.Charge someone WITH (an offence / a crime): -There men have been arrested and charged with robbery. 95.congratulate someone ON (doing) something (see also Unit 60b): -When I heard that he had passed his examination, I phoned him to Congratulate him on his success. 96.divide/cut/split something INTO (two or more parts. -The book is divided into there parts. -Cut the meat into small pieces before frying it. 97.do something ABOUT something (=do something to improve a bad situation): -The economic situation is getting worse and worse. The government ought to do something about it. 98.explain (a problem /a situation /a work etc.) TO someone: -Can you explain this word to me? (not ‘explain me this word’) also: ‘explain (to someone) that/what/how/why …’ (note the word order): -Let me explain to you what I mean. 99.invite someone TO (a party / a wedding etc.): -Have you been invited to any parties recently? 100.leave (a place) FOR (another place): -I haven’t seen her since she left home for work this morning. 101.point/aim something AT someone/something: -Don’t point that knife at me! It’s dangerous. 102.prefer someone/something TO someone/something (see also Unit 64): -I prefer tea to coffee. 103.protect someone/something FROM (or against) someone/something: -He put sun-tan oil on his body to protect his skin from the sun.(or …against the sun.) 104.provide someone WITH something: -The school provides all its students with books. 105.regard someone/something AS something: -I’ve always regarded you as one of my best friends. 106.remind someone OF someone/something (=cause someone to remember): -This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child. -Look at this photograph of Tom. Who does he remind you of? but: remind someone ABOUT something (=tell someone not to forget): -I’m glad you reminded me about the party. I had completely forgotten it. 107.sentence someone TO (a period of imprisonment): -He was found guilty and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. 108.spend (money) ON something: -How much money do you spend on food each week? Note that we usually say ‘spend (time) doing something’: -I spend a lot of time reading. 109.throw something AT someone/something (in order to hit them): -Someone threw an egg at the minister while he was speaking. but: throw something TO someone (for someone to catch): -Ann shouted ‘Catch!’ and threw the keys to me from the window. 110. Translate (a book etc.) FROM one language INTO another language: -George Orwell’s books have been translated into many languages. 111.warn someone ABOUT someone/something (of is also possible sometimes): -I knew she was a bit strange before I met her. Tom had warned me about her. -Everybody has been warned about the dangers of smoking. For ‘warn someone against doing something’ see Unit 60b. For ‘warn someone not to do something’ see Unit 55b. Download 42,86 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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