Lesson 8
1. The work was completed – Past Passive
The work will have been completed – Future Passive
2. The important findings were proved – Past Passive
The important findings will have been proved – Future Passive
3. The number of leucocytes was counted – Past Passive
The number of leucocytes will have been counted – Future Passive
4. A female patient was transferred to the hospital – Past Passive
A female patient will have been transferred to the hospital – Future Passive
1. It is the motor cortex which controls many movements of the human being.
2. It is during the systole when both ventricles of the heart contract.
3. It is the vital capacity of the lungs which may become 6 liters on deep respiration.
3) 1. Sezgi organlari orasidfagi doimiy aloqalar
2. Murakkab vaziyat/ murakkab vaziyat turi
3. yurak sohasida
4. og’riqni his qilish
5. kasallikni nazorat qilish
6. eshitishni tekshirish
7. harakatlarning funksiyasizligini tekshirish
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