A 36 ta testlar

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a 36 ta testlar

a 36 ta testlar (02.02.2014)

#Computers and microchips ... part of our everyday life.

- became
- become
- have become
- will have become
# Just ... a phone call involves the use of sophisticated computer system.
- making
- make
- to make
- having made
# Julie ... to fix her computer for two hours before she decided to call a technician.
- was trying
- had been trying
- has been trying
- is trying
# I heard this ... tune on the radio this morning, and I've been humming it all day.
- predictable
- pointless
- vigorous
- catchy
#Lilly ... have taken up squash; she hates indoor sports.
- can't
- mustn't
- shouldn't
- doesn't have to
# Since you lost Lilly's CD, ... you could do is to apologise to her.
- the less
- little
- the least
- the little
#If Alex hadn't left home so late, he ... his flight.
- wouldn't have missed
- didn't miss
- wouldn't miss
- wouldn't be missing
#Jenna grew tired of her long hair, so she decided ... short.
- to be cut
- it was cut
- to have it cut
- to have cut
#Liz informed us that she ... tickets to the show yet.
- hadn't found
- didn't find
- hadn't been found
- hasn't found
#"Ask me questions and I will ... my best to answer them," he said and burst ... laughing.
- do, in
- make, out
- do, out
- make, in
#After ... a few pages I felt like ... a break; I was eager ... so I laid my work aside for a time
- writing, having, to stroll
- having writing, have, strolling
- written, having, to stroll
- I have written, to have, strolling
#No, you ... her beautiful. But she could get everybody ... about her appearance because she had a lot of charm and was always ... dressed.
- couldn't have called, forget, pretty
- could have called, forget, prettily
- couldn't have called, to forget, prettily
- might have called, to forget, pretty
#We must organize ... little dinner to celebrate ... event. Tell her to come and see me at ... noon. We'll speak about it.
- - , an, the
- a, the, the
- the, the, -
- a, the, -
# She learnt both classics and philosophy, but knows ... of them well. Though she can speak on ... subject in general.
- none, any
- nothing, some
- neither, either
- either, neither
# It is important that students don't ... the school rules.
- violate
- abolish
- reject
- mind
# We never expected that Celia would move to the country. Her decision was out of the ...
- white
- grey
- blue
- black
#Can you tell me where.........Room 138 is, please?
- the
- а
- -
- an
#"Have you met Peter's sisters?" "I have met one. I didn't know he had..........sister."
- other
- the other
- another
- the another
#Give me this.........box please.
- metal small black
- black small metal
- small metal black
- small black metal
#This lake is the same.........as that one.
- deep
- deeply
- depth
- more deep
# My father is a terrible driver. He drives ... he were the only driver on the road.
- as
- as if
- like
- how
#I'm afraid there is no solution..........the problem.
- to
- from
- for
- on
# Read the text about Machu Picchu and answer the questions 23-24. In a way, it's wonderful that Machu Picchu can nowaday be visited on a day (23) ... from Cuzco. Everyone probably should have a chance to see this remarkable place. Like many travellers, I hoped to get a taste of Machu Picchu's 'lost in the clouds' atmosphere by approaching the ruins on foot (24) ... the Inca trail. I joined the obligatory tour group in Cuzco, then spent the next four days surrounded by others making the classic pilgrimage. Along the way, we crossed several breathtaking Andean passes, treading on original Inca paving stones, and passing several other fine ruins.
- travel
- journey
- voyage
- trip
# Return to the text Machu Picchu and answer the question.
- with
- via
- across
- over
# Read the text 'The Changing World of Computers' and answer the questions 25-26. Computers are rapidly changing the way we do things. For a technology that is still relatively new, their (25) ... on the business and consumer sector has been incomprehensible. As if it was not sufficient to own one computer, many people nowadays have a few of them. We think we need a desktop computer, a laptop and a bunch of little computers in our phones and music player, even (26) ... they actually do the same thing.
- affect
- role
- impact
- value
# Return to the text 'The Changing World of Computers' and answer the question.
- though
- now
- so
- as
#Edinburgh is the second most popular tourist destination in Great Britian and it's not hard to see why. Its midsummer ... festival is one of the biggest in the world.
- nation
- national
- nationality
- nations
#The waste we creat has to be ... controlled to be sure that it doesn't harm our environment and our health.
- carefully
- careful
- care
- caring
#Though he was ... busy ... a letter, he tried ... the discussion ... .
- pretty, having written, to follow, close
- prettily, to write, following, closely
- pretty, writing, to follow, closely
- prettily, written, following, close
#She was writing as if she ... no time to breathe before she got the letter ... .
- had, written
- had had, to write
- was having, writing
- were having, write
# Read the text and answer the questions 31-33 .A new discovery of a dinosaur fossil in Antarctica has confirmed the idea that dinosaurs lived not only in the Northern Hemisphere but in the Southern Hemisphere as well.  Up until this discovery, scientists had found dinosaur remains on every continent except Antarctica.  This new discovery now confirms the idea that dinosaurs were distributed worldwide.  If the dinosaur fossil is shown to be related to other dinosaurs of the same period in South America, it will also support the idea that South America and Antarctica were once linked together. It is only recently that _____.
- important scientific studies about the Southern Hemisphere have been carried out.
- scientists have been seriously interested in fossils.
- a dinosaur fossil has been discovered in Antarctica.
- some new facts about the Northern Hemisphere have come to light.
#One can understand from the passage that _____.
- dinosaurs, at one time in the past, lived in both hemispheres.
- dinosaurs were in fact, more commonly found in the Southern Hemisphere.
- scientists had long since realized that dinosaurs had actually lived in Antarctica.
- the dinosaur fossil, discovered in Antarctica, was significantly different from those found in other continents.
#It is hoped that the discovery of the dinosaur fossil in Antarctica _____.
- would contribute significantly to our knowledge of the Northern Hemisphere.
- will throw further light on the existence of dinosaurs in the past.
- would lead to further similar discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere.
- could answer the question whether South America and Antarctica were originally connected.
# Read the text and answer the questions 34-36. A popular method of treating frozen fingers and toes in very cold, even freezing weather is to slowly rewarm them or rub them with snow. The best treatment, however, is not slow rewarming but rapid rewarming. Putting the frozen fingers or toes in a warm bath or using a hot water bottle are both good ways to treat them. Hot drinks to warm the body from within are also helpful. One must be careful about burning the skin, however. The temperature of any heat applied should not be greater than 43 C. The main concern of the passage is _____.
- why frozen fingers and toes should be slowly rewarmed.
- how to keep adequately warm in the winter.
- how to treat fingers and toes that have been frozen.
- the dangers of freezing weather for the body.
#It is pointed out in the passage that _____.
- the use of hot water bottles to rewarm the body is not advisable.
- one should try to rewarm frozen fingers and toes fairly rapidly.
- in rewarming the body the higher the temperature the better the result is.
- people should be warned not to go out in freezingly cold weather.
#The author warns that _____.
- the minimum temperature required is 43 C.
- in rewarming the body, care must be taken not to burn the skin.
- one should never rub frozen fingers and toes with snow.
- hot drinks must not be taken in immediately.
Автор: Hamdam Atajanov на 9:47

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Ярлыки: 36 test, abituriyentlar uchun testlar, english tests, imtihonga tayyorgarlik, ingliz tili testlari, tekin dasturlar, testlar, Yangiliklar

DTM uslubida tarixdan yangi 36 ta test. (02.02.2014)

#Rim Papalari davlati kimning ko'magida tashkil topgan edi?

- Franklar qiroli Pipin Pakana
- Franklar qiroli Buyuk Karl
- Langobardlar qiroli Dezideriy
- Franlar qiroli Karl Martell
# Yunonlarning Afrikadagi koloniyasi qaysi javobda to'g'ri ko'rsatilgan?
- Tarent
- Fasis
- Kirena
- Messena
# Quyidagi davlatlardan qay biri boshqalardan avvalroq tashkil topgan?
- Elam
- Shan
- Krit
- Midiya
# Qadimgi Rim maktablarida qanday fanlar o'qitilar edi? 1. matematika 2. geografiya 3. geometriya 4. musiqa 5. astronomiya 6. ritorika
- 1, 3, 5, 6
- 1, 3, 5
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- 1, 2, 3,
# Eftaliylar davrida qaysi hududlarda baland tagkursiga bino qilingan ko'plab istehkomli qasrlar va qo'rg'onlar bunyod etilgan edi? 1. Samarqand 2. Farg'ona 3. Buxoro 4. Naxshab 5. Toshkent 6. Xorazm
- 2, 4, 5
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- 1, 3, 5
- 1, 3, 4, 5
# Franklar qiroli Xilperik hukmronligi yillarida O'rta Osiyo tarixida qanday voqea sodir bo'ldi?
- Eftaliylar davlati quladi
- Turk xoqonligi tashkil topdi
- Turk xoqonligi ikkiga bo'linib ketdi
- Abruy qo'zg'oloni bo'lib o'tdi
# Bir yilda sodir bo'lgan voqealarni aniqlang.
- Vikinglar Londonni vayron qilishdi, Verden bitimi imzolandi
- Volter vafot etdi, Muhammadniyoz Nishotiy "Husni Dil" dostonini yozdi
- Kopernik ta'limoti e'lon qilindi, Ivan Grozniy podsho unvonini oldi
- Mirali Tabriziy vafot etdi, Anqara jangi bo'lib o'tdi
# Buyuk Karl saroyidagi yuqori lavozimlarni aniqlang.
- harbiy, moliya, soliq ayonlari, kitobdor, otxona boshlig'i va dasturxonchi
- harbiy, moliya, soliq ayonlari, dasturxonchi, otxona boshlig'i
- harbiy, diniy, soliq, pochta ayonlari, dasturxonchi va otxona boshlig'i
- ziroat, moliya, soliq, pochta ayonlari, dasturxonchi va otxona boshlig'i
# Quyidagi qaysi davlatning yirik shaharlarida maktablar tashkil qilinib, ularda bo'lajak amaldorlar tayyorlangan va ulardan matematika, grammatika, falsafa va adabiyotni bilish talab qilingan?
- Koreya davlati
- Xitoy
- Hindiston
- Yaponiya
# Quyidagi asrlardan qay biri Mali davlatiga oid tarixiy voqea sodir bo'lgan davrni bildirmaydi ?
- XII asr
- XV asr
- XIII asr
- XI asr
# 1819-yil Rossiyadan Xivaga jo'natilgan N. Muravyov boshchiligidagi ekspeditsiya oldiga qo'yilmagan maqsadni aniqlang.
- Xiva turkmanlar yeri - Boku-Astraxan savdo yo'lini ochish
- Turkmanlar yeri va uning Xiva bilan aloqasini o'rganish
- Kaspiy dengizining sharqida harbiy istehkom qurish
- Rossiya fuqarolarining shaxsiy va mulkiy xavfsizligini ta'minlash
# Napoleon Bonapart Berlinni egallagan yili ...
- Yunusxo'ja vafot etdi
- Munis "Firdavsul iqbol" asarini yozishga kirishdi
- Kunxo'ja Ibrohim tavallud topdi
- Rasman Qo'qon xonligi tashkil topdi
#XIX asrda Xivada matoga gul bosish san'ati o'zining qaysi jihati bilan Markaziy Osiyoning boshqa gul bosish markazlaridan farq etib turgan?
- yo'l-yo'l chiziqlari va to'q ranglari bilan
- serjilo naqshlari va yorqin ranglari bilan
- kulrang uyg'unligi va mayda gullari bilan
- qora va oq ranglari uyg'unligi va yirik gullari bilan
# Fransiya tarixida Ikkinchi Respublika qachon bo'lib o'tgan?
- 1848-1852-yillar
- 1792-1804-yillar
- 1875-1940-yillar
- 1848-1870-yillar
# Italiya yagona qirollikga birlashgunga qadar uning hududlarda qanday davlatlar bor edi? 1. Venetsiya qirolligi 2. Sardiniya qirolligi 3. Sitsiliya qirolligi  4. Neopol qirolligi 5. Lombardiya qirolligi
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
- 2, 3, 4, 5
- 1, 2, 3, 4
- 2, 3, 4
# Quyidagi qaysi davlatlarda sanoat to'ntarilishi bir davrda boshlangan?
- AQSH va Fransiya
- Germaniya va Angliya
- AQSH va Rossiya
- Rossiya va Italiy
# XIX asr boshlari va o'rtalarida ingliz ayg'oqchilaridan kim, qachon va qayerga kelganini aniq belgilang. 1. Murkroft 2. Abbot 3. Stoddart 4. Byorns a) Xiva b) Buxoro c) Xiva va Buxoro d) Qo'qon i) 1832-yilda ii) 1842-yilda iii) 1843-yilda iv) 1825-yilda
- 1-b-i, 2-c-iii, 3-c-ii, 4-b-iv
- 1-b-iv, 2-c-iii, 3-b-ii, 4-b-i
- 1-b-iv, 2-d-iii, 3-b-iv, 4-b-ii
- 1-b-iv, 2-c-ii, 3-b-iii, 4-b-i
# Quyidagi qaysi atamalardan biri tarjima qilinganda "so'nggi, oxirgi" degan ma'nolarni bildiradi?
- ultimatum
- boykot
- anarxizm
- konvent
# O'zbekiston tarixida muhim atamalardan biri hisoblangan "daha" so'z qaysi tildan olingan?
- forscha
- turkiycha
- so'g'cha
- arabcha
# Rossiya imperiyasi tomonidan qaram davlatga aylantirilganidan keyin Xiva xonligida bosh vazir qanday lazovimdagi shaxs bo'lgan?
- otaliq
- devonbegi
- qo'shbegi
- mehtar
# 1888-yilda Istanbulda Britaniya, Germaniya, Rossiya, Italiya, Ispaniya, Turkiya va Fransiya davlatlari qaysi masala bo'yicha konvensiya imzolagan edilar?
- Suvaysh kanalidan erkin foydalanish to'g'risida
- Bosfor va Dardanell bog'ozidan erkin foydalanish bo'yicha
- O'rta Yer dengizining qo'riqlanishi to'g'risida
- Qora dengizda erkin suzish va flotdagi kemalar miqdori bo'yicha
#1884-yilda Avstriya hukumati Bismarkdan o'rnak olib ...
- o'z hududida konsessiyalar qurishga ruxsat berdi
- ishchilar harakatiga qarshi "favqulodda qonun" qabul qildi
- chex va polyak tillarini millik kamchilik hududlarida davlat tili sifatida yuritilishiga ruxsat berdi
- chet el kapitaliga soliqni bekor qildi
# XIX asr oxiri XX asr boshlarida jahon moliya markazi bo'lgan shaharni aniqlang.
- Nyu-York
- London
- Parij
- Berlin
# Suriya Fransiya protektoratiga o'tganidan keyin kim boshchiligidagi vatanparvar kuchlar mustamlakachi kuchlarga qarshi kurashni davom ettirgan edi?
- harbiy vazir Yusuf Azma
- bosh vazir Ja'far Abu Timman
- qirol Faysal
- bosh vazir Al-G'ayloniy
# Quyidagi qaysi davlatda 1933-yilda 17 mln ishsiz bor edi?
- Germaniya
- Britaniya
# XX asr o'rtalaridan boshlab rivojlana boshlagan ommaviy madaniytning bosh maqsadi nima ?
- G'arbcha hayot tarzini targ'ib qilish
- Yer yuzida madaniyatni yoyish
- ko'proq daromad olish
- Sovuq urush davrida xalqlarni jipslashtirish
#" Hurriyat berilmas, olinur. Hech narsa ila olib bo‘lmas, faqat qon va qurbon ilagina olib bo‘lur". Ushbu gaplar kimning qalamiga mansub va qaysi gazetada nashr qilingan?
- Munavvarqori, "Najot" gazetasi
- Abdulla Avloniy, "Turon" gazetasi
- Behbudiy, "Hurriyat" gazetasi
- Fitrat, " Oyna" jurnali
#1918—1920-yillarda o‘lkada bolshevikcha ruhdagi ko‘plab gazeta va jurnallar nashr etilgan bo'lib, ular orasida "Ishchilar qalqoni" gazetasi qayerda nashr qilinar edi?
- Namanganda
- Samarqandda
- Toshkentda
- Qo'qonda
# Gaz zaxiralari 500 milliard kubometrga teng bo‘lgan, foydalanishga eng qulay Gazli koni ochilgan sanani aniqlang.
- 1960-yilda
- 1956-yilda
- 1976-yilda
- 1980-yilda
# Oxirgi marta yadro qurollariga ega bo'lgan mamlakatlar nomi to'g'ri ko'rsatilgan javobni aniqlang.
- Xitoy va Mo'g'uliston
- Shimoliy Koreya va Pokiston
- Arabiston va Turkiya
- Hindiston va Pokiston
# 2007-yil Prezidentimizning farmoniga binoan qanday yil deb nomlandi?
- Sihat-salomatlik yili
- Homiylar va shifokorlar yili
- Ijtimoiy himoya yili
- Yoshlar yili
# 2000-yil 9-yanvarda o'tkazilgan Prezidentlik saylovlarida I. Karimov qaysi partiyadan nomzod sifatida ko'rsatilgan edi?
- "Fidokorlar"
- "Millik Tiklanish"
- "Adolat" SDP
- "Xalq-demokratik" partiyasi
# Gannibal o'z joniga qasd qilgandan 140 yil oldin va 900 yil keyin sodir bo'lgan voqealarni aniqlang.
- Salavka Bobil hukmdori bo'ldi, Farobiy tug'ildi
- Aleksandr Makedonskiy vafot etdi, Al-Xorazmiy tug'ildi
- Antiox Suriya hukmdoriga aylandi, Muqanna qo'zgo'loni tugadi
- Spitamen xoinlarcha o'ldirildi, Xorun-ar Rashid hukmronligi boshlandi
# "Moskva" savdo kompaniyasi tuzilishidan 1000 yil oldin va 400 yil keyin bo'lib o'tgan voqealarni aniqlang.
- Attila halok bo'ldi, birinch vodorod bombasi ishlab chiqildi
- Vandallar Rimni talon-taroj qildilar, Do'stmuhammad inglizlar bilan "Do'stlik haqidagi" shartnomani imzoladi
- Turklar Qrim va Kavkazortini egalladilar, birinch atom bombasi urushda sinab ko'rildi
- Turklar Sirdaryo va Orol bo'ylarini egalladilar, Varshava shartnomasi Tashkiloti tuzildi
#Buyuk Karlning Italiyaga yurish boshlaganidan 70 yil o'tib...
- Muqaddas Rim imperiyasi vujudga keldi
- Imom-al Buxoriy tavallud topdi
- Germaniyada Saksoniya sulolasi vakillari hukmronligi boshlandi
- Verden bitimi imzolandi
#Quyidagi mulohazalarning qaysi birida xatolikka yo'l qo'yilgan?
- Bobur Mirzo Hindistonga yurish boshlaganda ikkinchi o'g'li Komron Mirzoga Qobulni idora qilishni topshirgan.
- Shayboniyxon bosqinidan so'ng Hirot o'zining iqtisodiy, siyosiy va madaniy markaz sifatidagi nufuzini yo'qotgan.
-Shayboniylardan Abdullaxon I vafotidan keyin Buxoroda Ubaydullaxonning o'g'li Abdulatifxon, Samarqandda Ko'chkinchixonning o'g'li Abdulazizxon taxtga ko'tarilib, mamlakatda qo'shhokimiyatchilik yuzaga kelgan.
- Abdullaxon II davrida Shayboniylar davlati chegarasi janubda Hirotdan Mashhadgacha, shimolda Oral dengizigacha, Kaspiy dengizidan Issiqko'lgacha yetgan.

Bu testlarni ishlab darhol natijani bilmoqchi bo'lsangiz Testlar.uz saytiga marhamat.

Автор: Hamdam Atajanov на 9:43

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Ярлыки: 36 test, abituriyentlar uchun testlar, imtihonga tayyorgarlik, tarix fanidan testlar, test bazasi, testlar, Yangiliklar

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