Adams Academy was a good school. Adams akademiyasi yaxshi maktab edi. Boys lived there and took classes. O'g'il bolalar u erda yashab, dars olishdi. Tom worked hard all week. Tom butun hafta qattiq ishladi

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Adams County’s Gold 5

Adams Academy was a good school. Adams akademiyasi yaxshi maktab edi. Boys lived there and took classes. O'g'il bolalar u erda yashab, dars olishdi. Tom worked hard all week. Tom butun hafta qattiq ishladi. On a spring Saturday, he wanted to do something fun! Bahor shanba kuni u qiziqarli narsalarni qilishni xohladi! He asked his friend Jeff to go to the movie theater. U do'sti Jeffdan kinoteatrga borishni so'radi. “Sorry,” Jeff answered. "Kechirasiz", deb javob berdi Jeff. “I’m going to a concert.” "Men kontsertga boraman." So Tom asked Joe to go to the movies. Shunday qilib, Tom Jodan kinoga borishni so'radi. But Joe’s soccer team had a game. Ammo Joning futbol jamoasida o'yin bor edi. Next, Tom went down the hall to Brad’s room. Keyin Tom koridordan Bredning xonasiga bordi. Brad was reading a very large old book. Bred juda katta eski kitobni o'qiyotgan edi. “Hi, Brad,” Tom said. "Salom, Bred", dedi Tom. “Are you reading a dictionary? "Siz lug'at o'qiyapsizmi? It looks ancient.” Bu qadimiy ko'rinadi." “No. “Yo‘q. This is called The Wealth of Adams County. Bu Adams okrugining boyligi deb ataladi. It’s about hidden gold in Adams County. Bu Adams okrugidagi yashirin oltin haqida. It’s more than a century old. Bir asrdan ko'proq vaqt bor. It was published in 1870! U 1870 yilda nashr etilgan! Look, it even has the original cover on it.” Qarang, hatto uning asl muqovasi ham bor”. Tom asked, “Where did you get it?” Tom: "Buni qayerdan oldingiz?" - deb so'radi. “It’s from my dad’s friend. “Bu otamning dugonasidan. He is a nice gentleman, an officer in the army,” answered Brad. U yaxshi janob, armiyadagi ofitser, - javob berdi Bred. “The gold doesn’t really exist, does it?” Tom asked. "Oltin haqiqatan ham mavjud emas, shunday emasmi?" - so'radi Tom. “I don’t know, but maybe! There are clues to it in this book. "Bilmayman, lekin ehtimol! Bu kitobda bu haqda maslahatlar mavjud. Let’s find it!” Keling, topamiz! ” Looking for gold sounded like fun. Oltin qidirish qiziqarli tuyuldi. The first clue was to find a flat tree underground. Birinchi maslahat er ostidan tekis daraxt topish edi. “It must be in the forest,” Tom said. "Bu o'rmonda bo'lsa kerak", dedi Tom. Brad said, Bred shunday dedi: “The flat tree could be a board under the dirt. "Yassi daraxt tuproq ostidagi taxta bo'lishi mumkin. It could cover the gold.” Bu oltinni qoplashi mumkin edi ». Tom and Brad dug in the dirt all morning. Tom va Bred ertalab bo'yi tuproq qazishdi. The process of looking for gold made them hungry. Oltin qidirish jarayoni ularni och qoldirdi. They were ready to stop for lunch. Ular tushlik qilish uchun to'xtashga tayyor edilar. But then Brad hit something hard. Ammo keyin Bred qattiq bir narsaga zarba berdi. It was a board! Brad pounded on the board until it broke. Bu taxta edi! Bred doskani sindirguncha urdi. There was a small hole under it. Uning ostida kichik bir teshik bor edi. “Look!” He held up a gold coin. “Qarang!” U oltin tanga ko'tardi. Tom saw a piece of paper in the hole. Tom teshikda qog'oz parchasini ko'rdi. “Brad, there’s more. "Bred, ko'proq narsa bor. It’s a map to the rest of the gold!” Bu oltinning qolgan qismining xaritasi! ” Brad smiled. Bred tabassum qildi. “Let’s go!” "Qani ketdik!" And they hurried to find the wealth of Adams County. Va ular Adams okrugining boyligini topishga shoshilishdi.
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