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destination B2 translation BY ADKHAMJON ANVAROVICH





Topic vocabulary

1. Voyage - Dengiz sayohati

2. Journey - Quruqlikda sayohati

3. Trip - Qisqa sayohat

4. Travel - Sayohat

5.Excursion - Ekskursiya

6. View - Ko’rinish

7. Sight – Qiyofa

8.World – Dunyo

9. Earth - Yer, dunyo

10. Area - Kichik hudud

11. Territory - Katta hudud

12.Season – Fasl

13.Period – Davr

14. Live – Yashamoq

15.Border – Chegar

16.Line - chiziq, liniya

17. Length – Uzunlik

18.Guide – Gid

19. Native - Mahalliy

20. Fare - Yo’lkira

21. Ticket - Chipta. bilet

22. Fee - Badal

23. Miss - O’tkazib yubormoq

24. Lose - Yo’qotmoq, yutqizmoq

25. Take - Olmoq

26. Bring - Olib kelmoq

27. Go - Bormoq

28. Book - Band qilmoq

29. Keep - Saqlamoq

30. Arrive - Yetib kelmoq

31. Reach –ma’lum nuqtaga yetib kelmoq

32. Stay - Qolmoq

33. Edge - Chekka

34. Distance - Masofa

35. Lead - Yo’l ko’rsatmoq

36.Home Uy, vatan

Phrasal verbs

  1. Catch up with - Yetib olmoq

  2. Check in - Tekshirmoq

  3. Check out - Mehmonxonadan chiqmoq, tekshirib bilmoq

  4. Drop off - Eltib qo’ymoq, mudramoq

  5. Get back - Orqaga qaytinoq

  6. Go away - Ta’tilga ketmoq

  7. Keep up with - Yetishib olmoq. uddalamoq

  8. Make for - Biror tarafga harakatlanmoq

  9. Pick up - Mashinada olib kelmoq

  10. Pull in - Yo’l chetiga to’xtamoq

  11. Run over - Mashinada urib yubormoq

  12. See off - Kuzatib qo’ymoq

  13. Set out/off - Sayohatni boshlamoq

  14. Take off- Ko’tarilmoq

  15. Turn round - Burilmoq

  1. Phrases and collocations

  1. Accident - Baxtsiz hodisa

  2. Have an accident -Baxtsiz hodisaga uchramoq

  3. Be in an accident -Baxtsiz hodisada bo’lmoq

  4. Involved in an accident -Baxtsiz hodisada bo'lmoq

  5. Do sth bv accident - Tasodifan sodir etmoci

  6. Advance - Siljish, harakatlanish

  7. In advance - Oldindan

  8. Advance to/towards a place - Siljitmoq (joyga 1 nisbatan)

  9. Ahead - Oidinea

  10. Go straight ahead - Oldinga to’g’ri bormoq

  11. Go ahead - To’g’ri bormoq, marhamat

  12. Be ahead of sth/sb - Oldinda bo’lmoq

  13. Direction - Yo’nalish

  14. A change of direction - Yo’nalishni o'zgartirmoq

  15. In the direction of sth - Yo’nalishida

  16. In this/that direction - Shu/o’sna yo’nalishde

  17. Head - Bosh

  18. Off the top of your head - Hozir sizga aytaman/ yodimga kelmayapti

  19. Head for a place - Tomon yo’l olmoq

  20. Head towards a place - Tomen yo’l olmoq

  21. Head over heels (in love) - Sevib qolmoq

  22. Holiday - Ta’til

  23. Go on holiday - Ta’tilga chiqmoq

  24. Be on holiday - Ta’tilda bo’lmoq

  25. Have a holiday - Ta’til o’tkazmoq

  26. Take a holidav - Ta’tii olmoq

  27. Bank holiday - Ommaviy ta’til

  28. Left - chap

  29. go/turn left – chapga burilmoq

  30. on the left – chapda

  31. on the left-hand side – chap qo’l tomonda

  32. in the left-hand corner – chap burchakda

  33. left-handed - chapaqay

  34. route - marshut

  35. plan your/a route- marshurut rejalashtirmoq

  36. take a route – marshrutga chiqmoq

  37. sights – ko’rinish

  38. see the sights – manzarani tomosha qilmoq

  39. sightseeing – diqqatga sazovor joylarni ko’rish

  40. go sightseeing – diqqatga sazovor joylarga bormoq

  41. speed – tezlik

  42. at high speed – yuqori tezlikda

  43. at full speed – bor tezlikda

  44. a burst of speed – birdan tezlanish

  45. speed limit – tezlik meyori

  46. tour – sayoxat (ko’ngilochar)

  47. go on/take a tour of a (round) somewhere – biror joyga sayoxatga bormoq

  48. tour a place – sayrga chiqmpq

  49. tour guide – gid

  50. trip – sayoxat

  51. business trip – biznes sayoxati

  52. school trip – maktab sayoxati

  53. go on a trip – sayoxatga chiqmoq

  54. take a trip (to a place) – sayoxat olmoq

  55. way – yo’l

  56. lose your way – yo’lini yo’qotmoq

  57. make your way – yo’l olmoq, qaror qilmoq

  58. find your way – yo’lini topmoq

  59. in a way – qisman aytmoq

  60. on the way – yo’l- yo’lakay

  61. go all the way – har tomonlama yondoshmoq

  62. by the way – aytgancha

  1. Word patterns

  1. afraid of sth/sb/doing – dan qo’rqmoq

  2. afraid to do – ehtimilidan qo’rqmoq

  3. appear to be – bo’lib ko’rinmoq

  4. arrange sth (with smb) – biror narsaga kelishmoq

  5. arrange for smb to do- biror narsa qilishga kelishmoq

  6. arrive in – yetib kelmoq (kata joy)

  7. arrive at – yetib kelmoq (kichik joy)

  8. arrive here/there – shu/o’sha yerga yetib kelmoq

  9. continue sth doing/to do/with smth – davom ettirmoq

  10. differ from smth/smb – dan farq qilmoq

  11. dream about smth/smb – tushida ko’rmoq

  12. dream of smth – orzu qilmoq

  13. invite smb to do – biror ishni bajarishga taklif qilmoq

  14. keen to do/on smth / smb on doing – ni ishqibozi bo’lmoq

  15. live in/at place – biror joyda yashamoq

  16. live on / for smth – tirikchilik qilmoq

  17. live here/there – shu/o’sha yerda yashamoq

  18. regret (not) doing – qilganidan afsuslan(maslik)moq

  19. regret to tell/inform – s aytishdan /xabar qilishdan afsuslanmoq

  20. regret smth – dan afsuslanmoq

  21. think of/about smth/doing – haqida o’ylamoq

  22. write about smth/smb/doing – haqida yozmoq

  23. write smb/smth – yozmoq

  24. write smth to smb – ga xat yozmoq

  25. write smth down – yozib olmoq


  1. arrange – kelishmoq

  2. rearrange – qayta kelishmoq

  3. arrangement – kelishuv

  4. arrive – yetib kelmoq

  5. arrival – yetib kelish

  6. broad – keng

  7. breadth – kenglik

  8. broaden –kengaytirmoq

  9. culture – madaniyat

  10. culturally – madaniy

  11. (un)cultured – madaniyat(siz)li

  12. differ – farq qilmoq

  13. differently – farqli ravishta

  14. difference – farq

  15. direct – boshqarmoq

  16. directly – to’g’ri bo’ladigan

  17. indirect – noto’g’ri, vositasiz

  18. indirectly – to’g’ri bo’lmagan

  19. direction- yo’nalish, boshqaruv

  20. director – rahbar, rejissor

  21. Distant (adj) - Uzoq

  22. Distantly (adv) - Uzoq bo’lgan

  23. Distance (n) - Masofa

  24. Enter (v) - Kirmoq

  25. Entrance (n) - Kirish

  26. Inhabit (v) - Yashamoq

  27. Inhabitant (n) - Yashovchi

  28. Photograph (n) - Rasm

  29. Photography (v) - Rasmga tushirmoq

  30. Photographer (n) - Suratkash

  31. Photographic (adj) - Suratli

  32. Recognize (v) - Tanimoq

  33. Recognizable (adj) - Tanisa bo’ladigan

  34. Unrecognizable (adj) - Tanib bo’lmaydigan

  35. Recognition (n) - Tanish, tan olish

  36. Time (n) - Vaqt

  37. Timetable (n) - Jadval

  38. Tour (n) - Sayohat

  39. Tourism (n) - Turizm

  40. Tourist (n) - Turist, sayohatchi

  41. World (n) - Dunyo, jahon

  42. Worldwide (adj)- Dunyo bo'ylab


  1. Pitch - Maydon (futbol, regby)

  2. Track - Moto yo'li

  3. Court - Maydon (volleyboll, basketbol, tennis)

  4. Course - Golf maydoni

  5. Ring - Aylanma maydon

  6. Rink - Muzli maydon

  7. Win - Yutmoq

  8. Beat - Kaltaklamoq, yengmoq

  9. Score - Hisoblab bormoq, g’olib chiqmoq

  10. Spectator - Tomoshabin (futbol, regby)

  11. Viewer - Teatrdagi tomoshabin

  12. Umpire - Tennis hakami

  13. Referee - Futbol hakami

  14. Final - Final

  15. Finale - Yakunlanish

  16. End - Tugatish

  17. Ending - Oxiri

  18. Bat- Beyzbol tayog’i

  19. Stick - Hakkey tayogi

  20. Rod - Qarmoq

  21. Racket - Tennis tayog’i

  22. Amateur – Xavaskor

  23. Professional – Mutahasis

  24. Soort - Sport

  25. Athletics - Atletika

  26. Interval - Tanaffus

  27. Half time - Futboldagi tanaffus

  28. Draw – Durang

  29. Equal - Teng

  30. Competitor - Musobaqachi

  31. Opponent – Raqib

  1. Phrasal verbs

  1. Bring forward - Oldinga surmoq

  2. Carry on - Davom ettirmoq

  3. Get round to - Boshlamoq, shug’uilanmoq

  4. Get up to do -Kerak bo’lmagan ishni bajarmoq

  5. Go in for - Shug’ullanmoq

  6. Go off - Sport turini tashlamoq, portlamoq, achimoq

  7. Join in - Qatnashmoq

  8. Knock out - Musobaqadan chiqarib tashlamoq

  9. Look out - Ehtiyot bo’lmoq

  10. Pull out - Qatnashmaslik

  11. Put off - Qoldirmoq

  12. Put up with - Chidamoq

  13. Take to - Boshlamoq (odatiy ishni)

  14. Take up - Boshlamoq (sportni)

  1. Phrases and collocations

  1. Best - Eng yaxshi

  2. Make the best of sth - Yaxshisini bajarmoq

  3. Do one’s best - Bor imkonyatini ishga solmoq

  4. The best at sth/doing - Eng zo’ri bo’lmoq

  5. Chance - Imkonyat

  6. Have/take a/get chance to do - Biror ishni bajarishga imkonyat bo’lmoq

  7. Have a/some chance of doing - Biroz imkonyati bo’lish

  8. Little chance of doing - Kam imkoyati bo’lish

  9. The chance of (your) doing - Sening navbating

  10. Take a chance (on sth) - Navbat olmoq

  11. Chance of life time – hayotda bir marta beriladigan imkoniyat

  12. Go – bormoq

  13. Your go – sening navbating

  14. Have a go – urunib ko’rmoq

  15. Height – balandlik

  16. In height – balandlikda

  17. Afraid of heights – balandlikdan qo’rqish

  18. Height of smth – yuqorida turish

  19. Mad – jinni

  20. Mad about/on smth/smb/doing – manashundan jinni bo’lmoq

  21. Go/become mad – jinni bo’lmoq

  22. Pleasure – rohatlanish

  23. Take pleasure in smth/doing – biror narsani bajarishdan rohatlanish

  24. Gain/get pleasure from smth/doing – biror ishni bajarishdan rohatlanish

  25. Popular – mashhur

  26. Popular among – orasida mashhur

  27. Popular with – bilan mashhur

  28. Side – tomon

  29. (on) the opposite side – qarama-qarshi tomonda

  30. Side with smb – yonini olish

  31. On the winning side – yutayotgan tomonda

  32. On the losing side – yutqizayotgan tomonda

  33. Talent – iqtidor

  34. Have a talent for smth /doing – iqtidorli bo’lmoq

  35. Talent contest – bilimlilar baxslashuvi

  36. Time – vaqt

  37. On time – o’z vaqtida

  38. In time – vaqtidan sal oldin

  39. Just in time – ayni vaqti

  40. The whole time - butun vaqt

  41. High/about time - ayni vaqti bo’ldi

  42. Take your time – vaqtni oladi

  43. Take time to do – biror narsani bajarish vaqtni oladi

  44. Smth takes up (your) time – vaqtni qisqartirish

  45. Spend time doing – vaqtni sarflash

  46. Spend time on smth – ga vaqt sarflamoq

  47. At/for a certain time – ayni vaqtda

  48. Find time to do – vaqt topmoq

  49. Time passes – vaqt o’tkazmoq

  50. Make/find time for smth – biror narsa uchun vaqt topmoq

  51. For the time being – hozircha, vaqtincha

  52. Have a good/nice time doing – vaqtni yaxshi o’tkazmoq

  53. Tell the time - Vaqtni aytish

  54. Free/spare/leisure time - Bo’sh vaqt

  55. Turn - Burilmoq

  56. Turn (a)round/away - Burilmoq

  57. Turn sth over - O’zgartirmoq

  58. In turn - Navbatda

  59. Take turns - Navbat olmoq

  60. Take it in tum(s) (to do) - Navbat qilmoq

  61. Your turn (to do) - Sening navbating

  1. Word patterns

  1. Compete against/with sb - Musobaqalashmoq

  2. Compete for/in sth – Biror narsa uchun musobaq alashmoq

  3. Concentrate on sth/doing - Fikmi jamlamoq

  4. Difficult to do - Bajarishga qiyin

  5. Find difficult to do - Qiyin deb bilmoq

  6. Fond of sth/sb/doing - Ishqiboz bo’lmoq

  7. Free from/of/for sth/to do - Biror narsadan ozod bo’lish

  8. Interested in sth/doing - Qiziqmoq

  9. Involve sth/doing - O’z ichiga olmoq

  10. Involved in sth/doing - Jalb qilmoq

  11. Listen to sth/sb - Tinglamoq

  12. Love sth/sb/doing - Sevmoq

  13. Love to do - Yoqadi (ish harakat)

  14. Mean to do - Anglamoq

  15. It/this means that - Bu shuni anglatadiki

  16. This means sth/doing – bu shuni bildiradiki

  17. Prefer to do (rather than [to] do) - Afzal ko’rmoq

  18. Prefer sth(rather than sth) - Afzal ko’rmoq

  19. Prefer sth/doing (to sth/doing) - Afzal ko’rmoq

  20. Stop sth/doing – Tashlamoq, to’xtatmoq

  21. Stop to do –bir to’xtab yana davom etmoq, Ishni bajarish uchun i to’xtamoq

  22. Stop sb from doing - Biror kishini to’xtatish

  23. Sure/ certain - Ishonch

  24. Make/be sure/certain that - Ishonch komil bo’lish

  25. Sure/certain to do - Aniq bajarmoq

  26. Be sure/certain of sth - Ishonmoq, ishonchi komil bo’lmoq

  1. Word formation

  1. Allow – ruxsat bermoq

  2. Disallow – ruxsat bermaslik

  3. Allowance – choychaqa, aliment

  4. Allowable – ruxsat beriladigan

  5. Associate – bog’lamoq

  6. Disassociate – bog’lamaslik

  7. Association – birlashma

  8. (un)associated – uyush(ma)gan

  9. Compete –musobaqalashmoq

  10. Competition - musobaqa

  11. Competitive – raqobatbardosh

  12. Enjoy – rohatlanmoq

  13. Enjoyment – rohat

  14. Enjoyable – rohatlanadigan

  15. Equip – jihozlanmoq

  16. Equipment – jihoz

  17. Equipped – jihozlangan

  18. Fortune – omad

  19. Misfortune – omadsiz

  20. (Un)fortunately – baxtga(qarshi)

  21. Interest – qiziqmoq

  22. (Un)interesting – qiziqar(li/siz)

  23. Know – bilmoq

  24. Knowledge – bilim

  25. (un)knowledgeable – bilim(li/siz)

  26. Knowledge – bilim

  27. Lose – yengilmoq

  28. Lost – yutquzadigan

  29. Loss – yutquzish

  30. Maintain – qo’llab – quvvatlamoq

  31. Medal- medal

  32. Medalist – medalist

  33. Medallion –medalyon

  34. Oppose – qarshi chiqmoq

  35. Opposition – qarshilik

  36. Opponent – raqib

  37. Opposite – qarama-qarshi

  38. Opposing – qarshi

  39. Practice – mashq qilomoq

  40. Impractical – tajribasiz

  41. Practical – tajribali

  42. Impractically – tajribasizlik bilan

  43. Practically – tajribalilik bilan

  44. Train – shug’ullanmoq

  45. Retrain – qayta shug’ullanmoq

  46. Trainer – murabbiy


  2. Topic vocabulary

  1. Artificial - Sun’iy

  2. False - Soxta

  3. Natural - Tabiiy

  4. Physical - Jismony

  5. True – Rost

  6. Accurate - Aniq

  7. Method - Metod

  8. Way - Yo’l, usul

  9. Engine - Motor

  10. Machine - Motor

  11. Aim - Maqsad

  12. Cause – Sabab

  13. Reason – Sabab, vaj, bahona

  14. Estimate - Baholamoq

  15. Calculate - Hisoblamoq

  16. Electric/eiectronic - Elektronika

  17. Invent - Yaratmoq

  18. Discover - Biror narsan: topmcq, aniqlamoq

  19. Research - Ilmiy izlanish

  20. Experiment - Tajriba

  21. Progress - Rivojlanish, yutuq

  22. Development - Rivojlanish

  23. Modern - Zamonaviy

  24. New - Yangi

  25. industry - Sanoat

  26. Factory - Zavod

  27. Award - Mukofot berish

  28. Reward - Mukofot, taqdirlamoq

  29. Take place -Bo’lib o’tmoq

  30. Occur - Sodir bo’lmoq

  1. Phrasal verbs

  1. Break down - Buzilmoq

  2. Carry out - Tajribani olib bormoq

  3. Come off - Muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq

  4. Come on - Rivojlantirmoq

  5. Come up with - O’ylab toppish

  6. Cutoff - Elektrni uzmoq

  7. Find out - Topmoq

  8. Give off - Tarqatmoq (issiqlik yoki hidni)

  9. Narrow down - Ehtimollami tarqatmoq, kamaytirmoq, qisqartirmoq

  10. Plug in - Tokka ulamoq

  11. Put through - Ulamoq

  12. Turn into - Aylanmoq

  13. Tum off - O’chirmoq

  14. Work out - Yechim topmoq

  1. Phrases and collocations

  1. Attempt - Urinish

  2. Make an attempt at sth/to do/at doing - Urinmoq, harakat qilmoq

  3. In an attempt to do - Urinishda

  4. Average - O’rtacha

  5. On average - O’rtacha hisobda

  6. Beginning - Boshlanish

  7. In the beginning - Ning boshida

  8. At the beginning of sth – ning boshida

  9. Beginning with - Bilan boshlanish

  10. Bottom - Tubi, pastki qismi

  11. At the bottom of sth – Tubida

  12. On the bottom of sth – ning tubi

  13. Cause - Sabab

  14. To be the cause of sth - Ning sababi bo’lmoq

  15. To find the cause of sth – ning sababini topmoq

  16. To look for the cause - Ning sababini

  17. Conclusion - Xulosa

  18. Come to/reach the conclusion (that) - Xulosaga kelmoq

  19. In conclusion - Xulosa qilib aytganda

  20. Experiment – Tajriba

  21. Do/perform an experiment - Tajriba qilmoq

  22. Carry out an experiment – tajribami davom ettirmoq

  23. Experiment with sth/doing - Tajriba qilib ko’rmoq

  24. Fact - Fakt, dalil

  25. In fact - Aslida, haqiqatda, amalda

  26. As a matter of fact - Haqiqatda, aslini olganda

  27. The fact of the matter - Sababi shuki

  28. fact is that – sabab shuki

  29. Face the facts - Haqiqatni tan olmoq

  30. Introduction - Kirish, tanishtirish

  31. With the introduction of sth - Tanishtirilishi bilan

  32. An introduction to sth - Tanishuv

  33. Phone call - Telefon qilmoq

  34. Make a call – telefon qilmoq

  35. Receive a call - Telni qabul qilmoq

  36. Get a call – telni qabul qilmoq

  37. Photograph - Rasm

  38. Take a photo of sth/sb - Rasmga tushirmoq

  39. Research - Ilmiy izlanish, tadqiqot

  40. Carry out/research on/into - Ilmiy izlanish olib bormoq

  41. Do research on/into sth - Ilmiy izlanish qilmoq

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