Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, consisting in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners

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Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, consisting in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. Interpersonal communication is one of the main forms of interaction between people and is manifested in social relations. The full development of communication skills is a necessary component of the process of learning foreign languages. Student of high school must be proficient in various methods of argumentation, forms of presentation of thought, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization in a foreign language. And this, above all, teachers need to train students. In the process of communication, the conversation becomes increasingly emotional loading, which causes the interlocutors to clarify their own attitude to the subject of conversation, using adequate speech patterns and improving communication skills in a foreign language. This thesis is devoted to the consideration of the forming of speaking skills and abilities to deal with the difficulties faced by students in developing communication skills in English classes. Teaching speaking is started at teaching the students how to speak in English as their foreign language, for then ask them to be able to pronounce the new language accurately. It’s continued then to guide students to a point where they can begin to judge whether their sound productions are correct or not. At this point, teacher is no longer primarily to correct, but hear she is supposed to encourage students to practice speaking the target language. Students’ speaking problem can be solved by giving a lot chance to them for practicing English either in the classroom or out of the classroom. Practicing speaking English in the classroom should be interested with appropriate technique in order to make students speaking skill can be developed and the process of learning can be enjoyable. Despite the fact that such forms of work as role-playing games, “round tables”, various kinds of group discussions have long been used in the educational process, the problem of the effectiveness of teaching communication remains open. It is here that there is an acute shortage of psychological, pedagogical, methodical knowledge, which leads to a purely formal and sometimes simply illiterate application of these types of work. Therefore, the question arises: what methods of discussion should be used when teaching English so that students are not only interested to listen to each other and express their own attitude to the topics, but also will seek to develop the speaking skills in extracurricular activities? Undoubtedly every teacher of English wants that his students become more confident to speak. Discussion occurs when students are faced with a question for which there is no single answer. In the course of it’s a teacher and students formulate a new, more satisfying to all parties answer to the question. The result of it can be a general agreement, a better understanding, a new look at the problem, a joint solution. As professors Nystrand M. and Gamoron A. said in their article “Opening dialogue. Understanding the dynamics of language and learning in the English classroom” that discussion is a method of “dialogically-organized instruction”. To be effective it should include authentic question the teacher, rather than common test questions with known answers. It must also include follow-up questions and an evaluation in which the teacher validates students’ responses and brings them into play in discussion. Discussion is not purposeful defending an already existing, formed and unchanged position. It is a process of an equal dialogue of teachers and students. During the discussion students can form certain skills, such as the ability to compare different versions and assessments of different events and personalities, revealing the common and the particular. It is very important to study and analyze sources of information, make judgments about their reliability, value, correlate data frоm different sources. It is also very important that students acquire the ability to determine and substantiate their point of view, listen to their opponent, and show tolerance for a different opinion. The teacher who introduces the discussion into the lesson plan has a number of tasks: to study discussion methods, communication difficulties, difficulties in pedagogical communication, to study the influence of discussion methods on personal development at students’ ages. During the discussion, students form their concepts, opinions and principles, and the teacher has a very large influence on the formation of the personality. The relevance of the research topic of discussion methods for the development of speech abilities lies in its functionality. Under the functionality refers to its practical orientation, the involvement of all participants in the process and the relationship with reality, beyond the lesson. Despite this, the use of discussion in practice is limited. The reasons for this may be different. The position of the teacher in the discussion is extremely complex: he must maintain the sharpness of speeches, teach logical to defend his point of view and listen to the opinions of others. For teachers who are inexperienced and not familiar with students, such a task may seem impossible to fulfill. In addition, there are few developed teaching methods for conducting discussions, therefore the problem of using discussions at the senior stage of training can be considered to require further study. The level of scientific development of the topic. The importance of the regular use of discussion in the classroom is not disputed by anyone. For a firm mastering of foreign language and understanding of the possibility of use it in practical activities, it is necessary not only to learn the material, but also to necessarily discuss it with another person. L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein and many other Russian researchers argued that intellectual growth is a product of both social processes. The interaction in the educational discussion is based not only on interchangeable questions and answers, but on meaningfully directed self-organization of the students to each other and to the teacher for in-depth and multi-faceted discussion of the ideas and problems. Among foreign researchers the book written by Penny Ur “Discussion that works” where he argues that the discussion is still an undervalued method to stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of students in learning, to cultivate students' ability of creative thinking and to improve teaching effectiveness. Scott Thornbury, in his book “How to teach speaking”, believed that in the discussion process the students and the teachers not only share ideas, create new ones and acquire new understanding and meaning, but also he approved that his studies have indicated that the discussion method is an effective way to promote students’ critical thinking. Discussion is presented as a valuable learning activity for teaching critical thinking and developing communication skills. Discussion is an effective pedagogical technique because of the level of responsibility for learning and active involvement by all students. The research problem is in the need to improve discussion as a teaching method in order to raise the communication skills, arising frоm the importance of developing students’ interest and skill to express their attitudes to the topics. Object of the research is the discussion as one of the teaching methods the formation of students' speaking skills. Subject of the rese mathematical statistics was used for quantitative and qualitative assessment of interdependencies between the introducing new pedagogical methods and results of the educational process. The hypothesis of the study – the use of discussion in the process of learning to communicate for a high school students will contribute to the development of their communicative competence under certain conditions. Scientific novelty of the research is in the analysis of existing and the development of new methodological approaches in the form of discussion as a method of teaching English in high school. Theoretical value of the work is that we give there the results of the comprehensive, comparative and conducted research, analyses of discussion as a method of teaching, also using interactive technologies to estimate and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching form so high school students are able to communicate fluently with linguistic proficiency and in different social and cultural contexts. Theoretical and practical bases of the use of discussion as a means of developing communication skills in the process of learning a foreign language were developed, which is the basis for new research in this direction. Practical value of the work lies in the fact that the materials of the work can be used in teaching English practice of discussion to high school students. The results of an experimental study (experiment, questionnaire, analysis of their results) may be the basis for identifying these aspects of the problem that require the further study and research of this pedagogical direction. The structure of thesis. Our work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and the list of references (sources). In the 1st chapter there are theoretical base and peculiarities of studying discussion as an effective method of communication studying, and also the main principles of studying discussions organization. In the 2nd chapter there are theoretical and practical aspects of the realization method of discussion organization on the English language classes, and also described the experience of conduction the studying discussions. The total amount of work is consists of 32 pages. pedagogical experiment, the purpose of which was to test the effectiveness of using the developed method of improving the communication skills; the study and synthesis of pedagogical experience for the search of effective pedagogical technologies in order to improve the communicative skills of students; questioning and testing to determine the level of formation of communication skills the high school students; the analysis of state and international documents on education, higher education, vocational education, its content and organizational features to determine the main legislative provisions governing the process of general secondary education in the Russian Federation. 2. Empirical: the analysis of pedagogical, methodical and psychological literature on the problems of teaching foreign language the high school students;arch is the feature of the formation communication skills of students in high school. The aim of research is to determine the effectiveness of the discussion in the formation of communication skills of high school students. The achieving of this goal is possible after involving the following tasks:

1. To give the methodical characteristic of the organization of educational process on the high school students, based on psychological age features and level of language proficiency;

2. To analyze the types and principles of discussion as a method of teaching;

3. To characterize the model of discussion as a complex exercise;

4. To learn the specifics of the discussion and to analyze such a category as discussion modeling;

5. To review the data obtained after the experiment of testing discussion as a developed method of improving the communication skills of high school students. The solution of the tasks determined the choice of the following methods of our research: the study and analysis of specialized literature on psychology, pedagogy, methods of teaching speech interaction, its theoretical and practical processing, the study of foreign and national pedagogical experience in the use of discussion as the reception of learning off foreign language; learning programs of teaching in high school, observation of pedagogical process and active participation during the passage of production.

The word «discussion» means consideration, research. This is a discussion of a controversial issue, a problem with a view to its correct solution. The discussion includes three essential interconnected components: - informative; - operational and communicative; - emotionally evaluative. During the discussion, the teacher is required so that his participation is not reduced to directive remarks or making his own judgments. The main tool in the hands of the teacher is questions. Skillfully posed question allows you to obtain additional information frоm your opponent or to clarify his position and thereby determine further tactics for conducting the discussion. Classroom discussions are built around what students say, the teacher’s role is critical. What the teacher does to set up and support the discussion requires close attention to specific practices. Teachers must take up student ideas, provide feedback on students’ responses where appropriate, revoice students’ contributions, and press students to elaborate their ideas in order to encourage student-to-student interaction and lead students toward the learning goal. Teaching the ability to listen and understand authentic text accompanied by a video nearby in a foreign language in a comprehensive school as a form of intercultural interaction is one of the target dominants. Accordingly, the formation of intercultural competence is prioritized through training in the perception, understanding and interpretation of journalistic texts with various depths of penetration into their content. Video materials give the teacher the field for different topics for discussion and various ways for organization of the English lesson. In the last paragraph there is given a link for the English source, where the teacher can find the videos for different subjects. In the discussion sessions, everyone seeks his own truth, his own solution to the problem. At the same time, students master the most important oratory skills and the art of evidence-based polemics, which in itself is an important acquisition. English to pre-school children in the kinder­garten the aural-oral method is used since spoken language is the aim, the only means, and the only approach available here. No speech is possible unless the speaker associates a word with the thing it denotes, or a sentence with the thought it expresses directly within the target language so the direct method is most natural here. It must be borne in mind, however, that the use of the method requires a careful, through selection of the material for the pupils to assimilate. IK amount for each lesson must be within the children's ability to retain the linguistic material the teacher introduces. The teacher must strictly follow the rule: "never pass (o new material until your pupils have thoroughly assimilated the previous one". For example, at the English lesson the teacher tried to apply the direct method. The children were able to answer the teacher questions of the What is it?- type.

  The new material the teacher was going to present was a general question: Is it a pen (e dog, etc.)? What did the teacher do? She took a pen and holding it in her hand asked: Is it a pen? Seeing no response she repeated this question sev­eral times which did not help either. So the teacher was obliged to turn to Russian: Что я сказала? The children answered at once: Где ручка? Their answer was logically justified, because they had learned What is it? question and now they naturally expected to learn the question with где?. So the teacher had to translate this question and the questions following. Then she asked the children to repeat the question several times. The method did not work because it was applied in the wrong way- The teacher should have done the following if she wanted her pupils to understand the questions of that type directly. She should first ask and answer question herself: Is it a pen? Yes, it is. It is a pen. (She takes a pen.) Is it a pencil? Yes, it is. It is a pencil. (She takes a pencil.)Sometimes the method fails, however. And this is not usually due to its drawbacks as a method but to unskilled application, on the part of the teacher.

Is it a pen? No, it is not. It is a pencil. (She holds a pencil.)

Is it a pencil? (She takes a pen again.) No, it is not. It is a pen.

And so, children! Is it a pen?. (She addresses the group) Yes, it is. (The group answers.)The pupils follow the teacher's questions and answers. They listen to her attentively and try to understand what she says. Time is not wasted as they listen to the spoken language and make efforts to understand it. Soon by their (aces the teacher sees they have grasped the question. Then drill exercises are performed by the pupils to retain the new material.This example shows that in the hands of inexperienced teacher the method does not work. The use of the direct method requires skill and experience on the part of the teacher, more than that, his emotions and enthusiasm. If the teacher does not possess such qualities he had better not work with small children with whom these qualities are a must.

There are many techniques the teacher can use in teaching English to pre-school children, such as:

1.Show me (him. her, Natasha, Nina) a doll (a bear, flag, etc.). — The child the teacher calls on must show the object. In this way the teacher checks comprehension.

2.Name the thing. — The teacher points to a thing, a child names the thing either with a single word (a doll, a car, a dog) or with a sentence (It is a dog; /( is a doll; or ГАЙ is a dog; Thai is a doll.). The pupils fulfil the teacher's request in turn. In this way the teacher checks both comprehension and reproduction, i. е., the children's ability to say a word or a sentence.

3.Guess what it is. The teacher names some qualities of an object the children may see in their room. The children are to name this object in English.

 Teacher: It is big and yellow and has no tail. Children: A bear (in chorus).

This exercise is very useful. It develops pupils' ability to analyse the situation given in a foreign language and to find the word required in their memory. The children's re­sponses at the same time help the teacher check their progress in language learning (their knowledge of vocabulary and comprehension of English at hearing).

4. Speak about an object. — The teacher either shows some object or the child sees it in a picture. He says: It is a cat. The cat is black. I like it. It is nice (or, / don't like it.

It is ugly.). The children speak in turn. In this way the teacher
develops their speech at the utterance level.

5. Answer the questions. — The teacher asks questions

and the children answer them. These questions may be

Is it a ...?

Have you a ...?

Has he (she, Natasha ...) a ...?

What is it?

Where is the ...?

What colour is the ...?

Of course the questions arc introduced gradually. This way the children answer shows the teacher how they have assimi­lated the material.

6.Ask a question. — The teacher shows objects or pic­tures to the children. They ask questions in turn. This work is not so difficult, because they reproduce the models they have assimilated in listening to the teacher asking questions.

7.Say a rhyme. — A child or children say a rhyme. Their recitation may be accompanied by some movements.

8.Sing a song. —Children sing a song. Singing may be followed by dancing or some movements expressing the idea of this or that sentence in the song.

The programme on foreign languages for primary schools states:

The aim of the foreign language lessons in primary schools is to develop pupils' skills in understanding English speech and participating in conversation based on the top­ics covered. As a result of teaching children should be able:

1.To understand the teacher's speech, carry out the teacher's direction (instruction), understand short oral sto­ries on the material and topics included in the programme.

2.To ask and answer questions on the pictures.

3.To use the sentences they learned during the lesson and know the isolated words these sentences include.

4.To recite a poem assimilated orally.

5. To read words and sentences assimilated orally.

The content of teaching. Children must

learn about 600—800 sentences and phraseological units

and 350—500 word units.

The following topics are suggested:

1st — 2nd forms.

Room. Toys. Meals. Dressing. Going for a walk. (The topics are covered through

playing shop and guests.)

3d form : Family. Seasons. Nature. Animals. (They are covered through playing lotto.)

4th form is also given various exercises, connected with the situations: School. Sports. Joining the pioneer organization. Holidays. (Through playing during the lessons.)

During the first two years pupils assimilate the language orally.It is better to begin studying a foreign language with the 2nd form. The teacher begins with the 1st form provided there are pupils who studied the language in the kindergarten.In the 3rd and the 4th forms they are taught to read.Flashcards and the alphabet in pictures should be widely used for teaching children to read.

The following plan of teaching is suggested:

1st form: 5—20 min., 4—5 periods a week;

2nd form: 25—30 min., 4 periods a week;

3 rd, 4th forms: 40—45 min., 4 periods a week.

The group should consist of 13—20 pupils.

The method and techniques the teacher should use in teaching children of primary school are similar to those ap­plied in teaching pre-school children, i. е., the aural-oral method, and various techniques which can develop pupils' listening comprehension and speaking. Games should be more complicated, for instance, the teacher can use lotto, dominoes, the game Check your answer and others. Guess­ing games can be widely used. Pupils are use of words and sentence patterns. Various audio-visual aids and materials are to be used.
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