Correct the mistake (3/30)
A new toys are very big for our shop because they take lots of places.
Modern buildings destroy the climate of the city where they have. They isn`t important for us
There is two groups of verbs, these are regular and irregular verbs.
The president of USA Donald Trump are 75 years old in todays
Every person can count from 1 to trillion but on this year several numbers of human cant do this post
On this year nearly 75% of our students take a ielts score more 6 band
My grandad said me that what every person can do everything but my sister don`t improve her English
My mother when I go to school gives me 2 pieces of cakes in Monday
At this summer my brother want to go Dubai
Rustam Nodir Malika and Rovshan buy many water in this shop
Translation (5/50)
Mening maktabimda 3 ta bino bor va ular juda chiroyli_____________________________________________________
Mening bobom otlarni juda yaxshi kuradi va ularni boqadi_____________________________________________________
Mening xonamda 2 ta kompyuter stol stul va kanditsioner bor________________________________________________________
Markaziy Osiyoda davlatlar birga do`st bo`lib yashaydi____________________________________________________
Bugun mening oyijonim menga Shirin pirog pishirib berdilar, men va ukam uni mazaqilib yedik______________________________________
Mening restoranimda o`gil bolalar qizlardan yaxshi ishlaydi_____________________________________________________
Men maktabni bitirsam amakim bilan rossiyaga ishlagani ketaman yoki qushnimiz bilan QozoG`istonga boraman___________________________________________________
Yaponiya har yili maktablarga yangi tehnologiyalar beradi bular kampyuterlar televizorlar______________________________________
Men uzoqa sakray olaman va ko`p suv ostida tura olaman____________________________________________________
Alimardon stays in his room when his mother ordered to stay there______________________________________________________
Translation (2/20)
There are 5 books in the shelf
The cartoon of tom and jerry is very famous in the world
Every person want to stay famous in the future
Harvard university is one of the best university in the world
I can speak English a little but not very well
Rustan wants to buy a new car shevrolet in the future
My shoes are very dirty so I will wash them
A good many people are learning English in this year
My computer works very well because I keep it in its case
Today`s singers are singing very normally because them help computer.
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