Innovative methodological approaches to forming entrepreneurial competencies in students of professional educational institutions

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the strategic direction of the development of the education system in society is the activity of a person in various fields based on a targeted innovative approach, his intellectual and moral development. In addition to the developed countries of the world, the use of innovative education is an important direction in the process of educational reforms in our country. educational processes based on an innovative approach are not aimed at forming any type of student, but at the natural individuality of each student, his creative abilities, general education, professional self-determination and social adaptation to new living conditionsaimed at development.students of professional educational institutions are not able to use their free time to engage in innovative activities, they are not engaged in improving their professional knowledge and skills, and they are studying in libraries for innovative educationinsufficient supply of literature within their specialties, inability to effectively use information technologies and e-learning resources shows the urgency of the problem. in order to positively solve this problem, it is necessary to bring the students' education based on an innovative approach and the levels of entrepreneurial competence formation into a coherent single system. in this article, the issues of teaching students of the professional education system based on systematic, integrative-modular, professional-technological and competency-based approaches in the formation of entrepreneurial competences are mentioned.

Keywords: professional education, student, innovation, innovative approach, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, systematic approach, integrative-modular approach, professional-technological approach, competence approach.
INTRODUCTION. Today, ensuring the employment of students of professional educational institutions, job placement according to their acquired specialization is one of the urgent problems. because 18.9 million of the population of our country. or 54 percent are young people and children under 30 [1]; today's youth are the creators of our tomorrow, our future; Entrepreneurial activity, which is the basis of the market economy, is inherently riskyrequires mobility, entrepreneurial qualities, most of which are embodied in young people.
.is the most favorable age for engaging students of professional educational institutions in entrepreneurship. because at this age they are ready to find their place in marriage, to become specialists in their chosen profession, to closely assist them to occupy a worthy place in the life of society, to actively participate in the processes of developing market relations and civil society formationit is necessary to educate young men and women, to provide them with sufficient attention and conditions, to help them increase their economic and legal knowledge of business activities.
in the direction of creating suitable working conditions for young people, expanding their economic opportunities, and developing entrepreneurship:
providing employment to young people who are not included in higher and professional education;
wide development of entrepreneurship in self-employment among young people;
development of regional specialized programs aimed at attracting young people to entrepreneurship and farming;
Development of specific programs and plans for the organization of youth entrepreneurship clusters and consulting services in local areas, etc. [1]
LITERATURE ANALYSIS AND METHODOLOGY. In this regard, a number of scientific research works have been carried out by foreign and local scientists. B. Yu. Khodiev [17], Q. Abdurahmonov [2], G. Abdurahmonova [3], U. Gofurov [19] and others on the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurial activity and its development; N. Artikova [5], ZIn the studies of Khudoyberdiev [15], K. Khomitov [16] and A. Nizamov, G. Gatiyatullin, R. Cantillon, A. Smith, J. B. Sey, J. A. Schumpeter, G. A. Hosking, R. Hisrich, J. Ch. McConnell [7, 11, 13, 14] and others, the theoretical basis of entrepreneurial activity andresearch on its social significance has been carried out and reflected in many other directions and approaches.
issues of reforming the educational system, focusing on innovative activities, applying innovative education and innovative technologies to the educational process in educational institutions: A.A.Abduqadirov [4], U.Inoyatov [9], U.Sh.Begimkulov [6], B. Ziyomuhammedov [8], N. Muslimov [10] and othersconsidered in works.according to the analysis of scientists, professional educational institutions form the values, motives and needs of students in relation to entrepreneurial activity, the content of entrepreneurial activity and guidelines for its organization; in the field of entrepreneurship and self-employmentit is important to form legal knowledge, to develop the competence of students to bring out their personal qualities in the implementation of entrepreneurial activities.
The innovative approach in the educational system is aimed at qualitatively changing the student's personality compared to the existing traditional education and training systems. By essence, innovative approaches are a dynamic system of innovation in an attitude or process. introducing innovation as a system by itself represents, firstly, the internal logic of a relationship or process, and secondly, the consistent development of the introduced innovation over a certain period of time and its interaction with the environment.
- as a result of the analysis of the given descriptions, it is possible to determine the conditions for the emergence of an innovative approach to education:
- knowledge search and thinking activities, as a product of the innovation process, are presented in various forms in a systematic, interdisciplinary and generalized manner;
- in the educational process, the pedagogue appears as a "manager", "partner", that is, cooperation, democratic influence, help, encouragement, attention to individual initiatives of students, striving to form his personality entrepreneurial competencetakes a position;aimed at active cooperation with teachers and students, mutual support and creating an atmosphere of mutual responsibility;
- conditions are created for learners to practically master various forms of interpersonal relations and communication, to work in cooperation and to innovate through group forms of organization of education and training;
- abandoning the assessment of conformity to a predetermined pattern of actions and behaviors [12].
It is important to correctly define the educational content in the formation of entrepreneurial competencies of students in professional educational institutions. it is known that the content of education is determined by the size and character of the competencies that the student should acquire during the training process. For this reason, the content of education is formed according to the direction and volume in accordance with the planned purpose. it is formalized in the form of relevant regulatory documents: educational standards, curriculum, educational programs and approved in the established order.
it is necessary to pay special attention to the correct definition of the educational content and the possibility of updating the educational content, i.e., organization based on an innovative approach, when making necessary changes to it. on the basis of the specified content, academic subjects, study hours, and types of training are determined and based on the principles of the educational content. The ultimate goal of the innovative approach in the development of modern education is to introduce changes and innovations that guarantee the result of the educational process in the field of education. in the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of professional educational institutions, first of all, to arouse interest in entrepreneurial activity, and for this - independence of acquiring knowledge, creative approach, logical thinking, logical observation, breadth of worldview, creativitythe wealth of imagination requires a strong memory.
It requires the introduction of unique approaches to the organization of innovative methodological processes in educational processes in the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of professional educational institutions. These are:
systemic approach is the integrity and interrelationship of some components of the teaching technology of technical subjects; transition from scientific knowledge to professional knowledge and from knowledge to practical skills and abilities;
The integrative-modular approach is based on combining and synthesizing the components of the educational content of a subject and interdisciplinary nature, substantiating the content structure of special subjects, summarizing them at the level of laws, concepts, basic rules, knowledge, actionensuring the formation of a holistic system, it helps to understand the integrity of technical production, the professional growth of students and the opportunities to develop entrepreneurship. integration of the content of professional education provides an opportunity to create a professional technology model of teaching professional subjects as a complex object based on program-theoretical, structural and functional integration of students of the professional education system;
the professional-technological approach ensures the creation of the structure of the technology of professional education, the system of educational problem situations, the systematization of knowledge and skills at each level of education, and the integrity of the activities of the teacher and the student, a specialist in the technical directionensures acquisition of the activity system.a competency-based approach changes the target instruction, that is, from a knowledgeable student to a proficient student, from a trained student to a capable student.
From the point of view of systematic, integrative-modular, professional-technological and competence approaches, the technology of vocational training of students of professional educational institutions in general vocational subjects, the internal integrity of structures, the educational totality of goalsit is characterized by the integrated content, forms, methods and means of training aimed at the socialization and professionalization of a person, mastering the system of professional activity of specialists in the field of electrical engineering.
The following pedagogical-psychological concepts serve as the basis for the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of professional educational institutions based on an innovative approach: development of interest, activation of the demand for perception, demand in the activity of perceptionformation of necessary competencies in innovative and independent learning activities, acquisition of independent learning experiences; applied modern methods of education, their activation, socialization of independently acquired competences, achieved professional and innovative knowledgeanalyze the the course of the research, the functional characteristics of the process of formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of professional educational institutions were determined, which were built on the basis of three approaches, which are to ensure the continuity of the educational process and the technical aspects of motor vehiclesenables the formation of entrepreneurial competence in the students of the service department.
The build pedagogical processes in the professional education system based on innovative approaches, to teach them the basics of professional and entrepreneurial education using interesting, active, unconventional, new innovative methods to direct students to social activity in the educational processis considered the current period, the rapid development of science and technology, the widespread introduction of modern information and communication systems, the rapid updating of information in various fields of science, the daily development of techniques and technology ensure the students' income and self-employmentrequires the development of methods of formation of entrepreneurial the process of research, it is determined that the students of a professional educational institution based on an innovative approach are ready to conduct business activities by incorporating innovations into their professional activities, confidence that actions aimed at introducing innovations will yield results, personalIt serves to prepare the student to perceive newness (innovation) and to act in a new way, in order to direct the student to innovative activity.

organization based on innovative approaches to the formation of entrepreneurial competence in students of the professional education system, not only to the educational results, which consist of acquiring the sum of information and skills, but also to the individual's professional activities, variouscreates new types of educational results focused on the ability and readiness to solve problems independently.
in short, it is characteristic of the rational use of innovative educational methods in the process of professional education to create an active model for the formation of entrepreneurial competence of students of professional educational institutions and to increase its effectivenessIt is important to determine the aspect.

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