Tashkent state technical university

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1курс Промежуточный итогов 22 05 2020


Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


I Translate and make short summary of the text.

In 1925 the Mining Academy was one of the best- known educational institutions in Uzbekistan. It had well-equipped laboratories, demonstration rooms and a library which had many volumes of Uzbek, Russian and foreign scientific books and journals.

The Academy established close contacts with the coal and ore mining industries. The scientists carried out scientific research and worked on important mining problems.

The rapid growth of the mining industry called for the training of more highly-qualified specialists and the establishment of new educational institutions.

New collieries and open-cast mines, concentration plants, metallurgical works and metal-working factories for processing non-ferrous and ferrous metals appeared in the country. The people took an active part in the construction of new industrial enterprises.

The Academy alone could not cope with the problem of training specialists. In 1930 the Mining Academy was transformed into six independent institutes. Among the new colleges which grew out of the Academy’s departments were the Tashkent Mining Institute and the Tashkent Institute of Geological Prospecting. Later, the scientific research Institute of Mining appeared near Tashkent.

II. Translate them.:

higher education, educational institutions, bedded deposits, scientific research institutes, factories for processing ferrous and non-ferrous metals,

to direct scientific research, the ore mining industry, geological prospecting, collieries and open-cast mines, to work on important mining problems,

to call for the establishment of new educational institutions.

III. Independent work on topic Mining industry in Uzbekistan

Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova



Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


I Translate and make short summary of the text.

The science to be closely connected with chemistry is metallurgy.

It is one of the oldest of arts but one of the youngest of science. Metals are still used to make machines, structures and many instruments despite the great progress of chemistry and production of polymers.

Metallurgists work a great deal to develop new metals and alloys to be used in space research, automatic power engineering, radio-electronics and other branches they increased the strength of steel and alloys by 8 – 10 times during the last sixty years.

Industry needs materials which can retain their strength at high temperatures as well as near absolute zero.

To lengthen the life of electro vacuum instruments and to make new highly sensitive and reliable instruments mono-crystals such as zirconium, vanadium and others applied.

And still there are a lot of problems to solve in metallurgy.

II. Find the sentences in the Continuous Tense, translate them.

1. The plates are continually moving and changing the shape.

2. Geology - the study of the earth’s physical structure and history - is a relatively new science.

3. The Nazca Plate and the South American Plate are moving towards each other.

4. Geology deals with very ancient history - that of the earth itself.

5. The African Plate and the South American Plate are moving apart.

6. The work is being done now and soon it will be finished.

7. The work was being done all the day yesterday.

8. The history of geology, scientists now think, goes back about 4.6 billion years.

III. Write the irregular verbs according to the examples.

Ex: take – took – taken, begin – began – begun.

Drink, sing, give, speak, write, choose, eat, be, grow, do, hide, bring, catch, put, get, tell, teach, break, cut, forget, lose, buy, hear, go, fall, know, freeze, drive, sell, understand

IV. Independent work on topic OUR UNIVERSITY;
Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova




Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


The English Language

English is spoken practically all over the world. It is spoken as the mother tongue in Great Britain, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. A lot of people speak English in China, Japan, India, Africa and other countries. It is one of 6 official languages of the United Nations.

It is studied as a foreign language in many schools.

England's history helps to understand the present condition of English. Many English words were borrowed from the language of Angles and Saxons. Hundreds of French words came into English.

These French words didn't crowd out corresponding Anglo – Saxon words.

Many new words were brought by traders and travellers.

Some words came into English directly from Latin, which was the language of the church and the universities in the Middle Ages.

Some of the English words of today are derivatives. One way of creating new words is to put together two or more older English words. For example, the words "railway", "football", "newspaper" are made in this way. Many of the new English words — especially new scientific ones — have been made from Latin and Greek words instead of English ones. "Telephone" for instance, was made from Greek words "far" and "talk".


1. In what countries is English spoken as the mother tongue?

2. From what languages are some English word borrowed?

3. Did French words crowd out corresponding Anglo – Saxon ones?

4. What English words that came from all parts of the world do you know?

5. Why are there so many words with Latin roots in English language?

6. What ways of creating new words do you know?
III. Independent work on topic My future profession.
Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova



Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


How do I Learn English

Nowadays it's very necessary to know a foreign language.

Knowledge of foreign language helps us to develop friends hi p and understanding among people.

The total number of languages in the world is from 2500 to 5000.

English is spoken all over the world and very popular.

There is a proverb: "Knowledge is Power. "I agree with it.

I study English, because I want to read English books of great writers in origin.

I want to communicate with people from different countries; I want to understand their culture and traditions. I like to travel.

Speaking English I can travel anywhere, because more than 1 billion people speak English. I have a pen – friend abroad. She lives in Sweden.

I have much fun writing letters to my Swedish friend.

How do I learn English? First of all I read a lot. There is always an English book on my desk.

I'm trying to learn few new words every day. To remember words better I put them into groups.

For example: believe—believer—belief—disbelieve. I listen to songs in English and try to recognize the words. I have some tapes and video –tapes in English. I like to watch different satellite TV programs in English. I like studying English.


1.Why is it necessary to speak English?

2.Is it difficult for you to learn English?

3.Is English popular now? 4.How do you learn English?

5.Do you like studying English?
III. Independent work on topic Oil industry in Uzbekistan
Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova




Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


English is the Language of Communication

"Do you speak English?" –with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language.

It's very good when you hear: "Yes, I do", and start talking.

People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other.

So it is very useful to learn foreign languages.

Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people. English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world.

It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world.

Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV Programs.

If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job.


1. Do you like to speak English?

.2. How many years did you study English?

3. Is it useful to learn foreign language?

4. Is English the official language in the U.S.A.?

5. Does English help you to make friends?

6. What is the main agricultural product of Uzbekistan?

7. When is the National Holiday of Uzbekistan celebrated?

8. Where do you study?

9. What is the name of your faculty?

10. Where is your University situated?

III. Independent work on topic Mining industry in Great Britain

Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova



Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


Translate: English-Speaking Countries

English is the language of the people of England. At the same time it is the language of the people of many other countries. Those countries are called English-speaking countries.

About three hundred million people use English as their mother tongue.

And, as you know, other hundreds of millions use English as their second language. Many centuries ago English was spoken in England only.

Then English was brought to other lands in different parts of the world, lands that were British colonies. There were British colonies in America, Asia and Africa. India, Australia and New Zealand were also British colonies.

English people first brought the English language to the North American continent in 1607. Today the largest English-speaking country in the world is the United States of America. Another English-speaking country in North America is Canada.

What other countries are there whose population use English as their mother tongue? They are on the other side of the world.

They are Australia and New Zealand. English is also spoken in India and South Africa and in some other African countries.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is English spoken in many parts of the world?

2. When was English brought to America?

3. What are the names of the main English-speaking countries?

4. Which is the largest English-speaking country in the world today?

Answer the questions about yourself;

1. What is your name and surname?2. How old are you? 3. Where are you from?

4. Where do you study? 5. What year student are you? 6. Where is your University situated?

7. What kind of faculties are there at the University?8. What is the name of your faculty?

III. Independent work on topic Heavy industry in Uzbekistan

Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova




Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


About My Family

My family is not very big, just a typical family: Dad, Mom, me, my brother and sister and our cat. My Mummy is forty -one, she is a teacher of Spanish at the University. She is a bornteacher. She has teaching abilities.

My Dad is forty -two, he is a professional painter, he works for a design company. My parents both like their work very much.

My elder sister Nasiba is nineteen, she goes to the University, she wants to be a teacher of history. Sheisfondofreadingbooksonhistoryandfiction.MyyoungerbrotherIslomisonlysixyearsold,hegoestothekindergarten.Heisveryfunny,Iliketospendmyfreetimeteachinghimsomething.Islomlikestoplaywithourcat.

My grandparents are retired. They likegardening.Theyspendalotoftheirtimeinthegarden.Theygrowvegetablesandfruits.




1.Howmanypeople arethereinthefamily?

2.Doyouhaveabrotheror asister?






8. Which of the parents do you want to be like?

III. Independent work on topic My future profession

Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova



Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


I. Translate: Communications

From the Linguistic point of view communication is the exchanging of thoughts, ideas, and views either among the individuals or groups of people in the society. In Oxford student’s dictionary of current English by A.S. Hornby communication is the means of communicating which includes the followingsignificances: radio and TV, postal services, telegraph lines, fax, roads and railways, airlines, waterways &etcetera.

A modern world has created the new means of communication.

They are E-mail, Internet and mobile telephones. These means of communication are developing and spreading all around the world very rapidly.Their development first of all depends upon the economy of the country and its intellectual potential.

II. Answer the questions about yourself;

1. What is your name and surname?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. Where do you study?

5. What year student are you?

6. Where is your University situated?

7. What kind of faculties are there at the University?

8. What is the name of your faculty?

9. Where do you live?

10. Do you live in a hostel?

11. Do you live in a flat or a house?

12. Where are your parents from?

13. Where are you living in Tashkent?

14. Do you live far from the University?

15. How do you get to the University?

16. How long does it take you to get to the University?

III. Give antonyms to these adjectives:

helpful ( ), careful ( ), cheerful ( ), beautiful or handsome ( ), strong ( ), slim ( ), clever ( ), well bred ( ), good-mannered ( ), hard-working ( ),sociable ( ), confident ( ), intelligent ( ), experienced ( ), educated ( ), polite ( ), wise ( ), fair ( ), modest ( ), honest ( ), kind ( ), attentive ( ), patient ( ), friendly ( ).

IV. Independent work on topic OUR UNIVERSITY,

Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova




Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ----------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


I. Answer the questions about our REPUBLIC.

1. What kind of republic is Uzbekistan?

2. Where is Uzbekistan situated?

3. How many regions does the republic consist of?

4. What is the territory and the population of Uzbekistan?

5. What city is the capital of Uzbekistan?

6. What is the surface of the country?

7. What goods does the Uzbek industry produce?

8. What industrial cities are there in Uzbekistan?

9. What outstanding people of Uzbekistan do you know?

10. Are there any big educational establishments in Uzbekistan? Name them.

II. Answer the following questions about yourself;

1. Where were you born?

2. Where do you study?

3. Where are you going to work after graduation?

4. Why did you choose this profession?

5. What subject are you strong in?

6. Where do you go after lessons?

7. How long does it take you to get home?

8. Do you like to go home by bus or on foot? Why?

III. Match synonyms among the following words.

to vary to start to involve to bend to break to name to make to choose to limit wide precise

to begin to draw into to fold to change to call to collapse to do to restrict to select broad exact

IV. Independent work on topic Mining industry in Uzbekistan

Head of the department ----------------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova



Department of “Foreign Languages”

Faculty: Geology and Prospecting; Mining and Metallurgy;

Group № --------

Student’s name & surname ------------------------------------------------

Intermediate control work on English.


The fear

There is nothing that man fears more than the touch of the unknown.He wants to see what is reaching towards him, and to be able to recognizeor at least classify it.

Man always tends to avoid physical contact withanything strange. In the dark, the fear of an unexpected touch can lead topanic. Even clothes give insufficient security: it is easy to tear them andpierce through to the naked, smooth, defenceless flesh of the victim. Allthe distances which men create round themselves are dictated by this fear.

They shut themselves in houses which no one may enter, and only therethey feel some measure of security. The fear of burglars is not only the fearof being robbed, but also the fear of something touching you in the darkness.

Answer the following questions about yourself;

1. What is your name and surname?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. Where do you study?

5. What year student are you?

6. Where is your University situated?

7. What kind of faculties are there at the University?

8. What is the name of your faculty?

9. Where do you live?

10. Do you live in a hostel?

11. Do you live in a flat or a house?

12. Where are your parents from?

13. Where are you living in Tashkent?

14. Do you live far from the University?

15. How do you get to the University?

16. How long does it take you to get to the University?

III. Independent work on topic Heavy industry in Great Britain

Head of the department ---------------------- M. B. Ganikhanova


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