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Saidova Vasila 336 course paper phonetics


The Uzbekistan State University of World Languages

English Language Faculty №2

Department of English Theoretical Aspects №2


On theme: Linguistic Analysis of assimilation in Different Languages and Extract translation from the novel “The Horizon” (pages 268-277) by S. Akhmad from Uzbek into English

Head of the department of English Theoretical Aspects №2

M. Saidova ____________________

Written by: V. Saidova, student of the group №336

Scientific adviser: M. Khasanov




CHAPTER I. Linguistic Analysis of assimilation in Different Languages

1.1. Definition of Assimilation and its manners ...………………...…..………..…...5

1.2. Forms of Assimilation …………………………...……….………………..….7

1.3. Types of Assimilation………………………………………………………….8

1.4. Assimilation in Russian………………………………………………………12

CHAPTER II. Extract translation from the novel “The Horizon” by S. Akhmad

2.1. About Said Akhmad and his literary works…….…….....................................15

2.2. Phonetic and phonological analysis of the words from the novel….………...16


List of used literature….....…..………………………..……….………...…....…23


Original version of extract from “The Horizon”.…….………...…………...…25

English translated version of extract from “The Horizon”………….….……...36


This course paper is consentrated on the study of “Linguistic Analysis of assimilation in Different Languages (English, Russian and Uzbek)” and extract translation from the novel “Ufq” by eminent Uzbek writer S. Akhmad followed by the phonetic analysis of the translated text.

The subject matter of present course paper is relevant to phoonetics and written translation of the above mentioned novel part. The object of analysis is the translated passage from “Ufq” by Said Akhmad.

Topicality of this course paper is discussed in the theoretical part and includes the definition of assimilation and basic criteria.

Actuality of the topic can be seen when we compare English to other languages: the notion of assimilation exists in every language. The term “assimilation” has appeared relatively late, but the interest to the process has existed long ago.

The aim of this research is to distinguish lingual and extra-lingual reasons of assimilation and represent the changes resulted by it in different languages, taking into account the meaning and the form of the word. To achieve aim following tasks should be fulfilled:

  • To define theory of assimilation of words in different languages;

  • To study the various types of assimilation;

  • To provide information about Said Akhmad and his novel “Ufq”;

  • To translate the text and analyze it according to the given criteria.

The main sources of this course paper are course books for English as a foreign language specializations and internet websites.

The theoretical value of course paper is:

  • to define the term assimilation;

  • explain the importance of assimilation and its types in different languages;

  • to analyse the translated text according to the phonetics and phonology.

The practical value of this course paper is to analyze the words according to the phonological criteria, to identify types of assimilation of words and transcribe the sentences through giving their tonograms. In addition, using previous course papers or diploma works will be useful as a base for their course paper when students work on Grammatical categories and it gives grammatical needs for their projects.

The contents of this course paper includes following parts: introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of used literature and appendix.

Introduction provides brief information about whole course paper and includes the problems that are going to research and discuss in the project. Moreover, this course paper points out the aim of this research, tasks of the work, scientific novelty, theoretical value, practical value and other peculiarities and features of the course paper

Chapter I focuses on the general information about the topic Linguistic Analysis of assimilation in Different Languages, and its importance in Theoretical Phonetics.

Chapter II is mostly based on the analysis of the translated extract from the novel “Ufq” by Said Akhmad. The chapter begins with some information about the author and his creation. Then the novel is going to be analyzed according to given topic.

In conclusion part, the results of our research carried out are summed up and conclusions are formulated.

List of used literature presents the names of authors and their theoretical issues and books, which were used for writing this research work. Translated and original materials are attached in appendix.
Chapter I. Linguistic Analysis of assimilation in Different Languages.

1.1. Definition of Assimilation and its manners

Assimilation is a phonological process where a sound looks like another neighboring sound. It includes progressive, regressive, coalescent, full and partial assimilation. In addition, contextual assimilation is subject to the environment of sounds where historical assimilation is resulted from the development of languages. In Arabic, it is clear that the /l/ sound in the definite article disappears if followed by coronal consonants. It is, however, concluded that the importance of assimilation is to make pronunciation of a word or speech easier.

Assimilation is an everyday occurrence in every human language, and it is particularly common for nasal sounds (McMahon, 2002, p. 4). Thus, sounds in the environment of other sounds, across morpheme and word boundaries tend to undergo various phonological changes referred toas phonological processes1. Making a sound more like another in the same or next word in continuous utterance is called assimilation (Oxford Dictionary, 2008). Assimilation usually occurs because two sounds share common features in place or manner. Thus, assimilation of consonants occurs when a consonant takes on features of another one. For instance, the sound /n/ becomes /m/ in certain environments; this is going to be discussed in detail later. It is, however, believed that assimilation varies in extent according to speaking rate and style; itis more lkely to be found in rapid, casual speech and less likely in slow, careful speech (Roach,1998, p.124). Moreover, it occurs either across word boundaries or within a word. If it occurs within a word, the resultant pronunciation is the only possible standard, as in pens /penz/ (Burleigh, 2011, p.89). However, this paper is going to discuss the manners, types, forms and the importance of assimilation.

After generally introducing the term assimilation, it is time to see how many manners of assimilation there are. Assimilation is of many manners. It includes progressive, regressive and coalescent assimilation2.

Progressive Assimilation

The first manner of assimilation is called progressive. Progressive assimilation is also known as Preservative assimilation. The assimilation is said to be preservative “when the features of a phoneme are modified by the features of the phoneme immediately before it” (Forel & Puskás,2005, p.50). In other words, the conditioned sound is preceded by the assimilated sound. Such as simulation is dealt with from left to right.

Examples of preservative assimilation of voicelessness from English (RP) can be seen in the following pronunciations of is and has (Laver, 1994, p.383):

In the word level, progressive assimilation can occur, as well. For instance, for the plural –sending, the voiced /g/ of bags conditions the voiced form of the –s ending, causing it to be pronounced /z/3.

Regressive Assimilation

The second manner of assimilation is regressive. Regressive assimilation is the opposite of progressive and can be called anticipatory. It can be defined as “the change in phoneme characteristics due to influence of a sound occurring later in the word.” (Garn-Nunn & Lynn, 2004, p.111). Therefore, regressive assimilation occurs when the features of a phoneme are modified by those of the phoneme immediately following it (Forel & Puskás, 2005, p.50).

To illustrate, the sound /n/ becomes /ŋ/ under the influence of the voiceless velar plosive /k/. This occurs in words such as tank/tæŋk/, think /Ɵɪŋk/, bank /bæŋk/. These words show the changes from/n/ to /ŋ/ because of the anticipatory articulation of /k/, which indeed, precedes /n/ (Jolayemi, 2010, p.101). To examine more examples, see Appendix A.

Coalescent Assimilation

The third type of assimilation is the coalescent assimilation which occurs when there is a fusion. This process causes a sound to change by merging two contiguous phonemes into another phoneme different from the two coalesced sounds. In English coalescence occurs when a morpheme final alveolar plosive or fricative /t, d/ or /s, z/ is followed by [j], a palato – alveolar 3 fricative results, mostly when the segment is followed by the suffix “-ion” (Eka et al. 2010, p.66). A typical example is televise + ion. In the interaction between /s/ and /ɪ/, that occurs while turning the verb to the noun form, results in /ʒ/, which gives /tɛlɪvɪʒn/4 (Jolayemi, 2010, p.101).

1.2. Forms of Assimilation

Although assimilation can be progressive, regressive or coalescent, it has two forms: full assimilation and partial assimilation5. When the sound totally adopts another sound, it is called full or complete assimilation. When the sound partially adopts the properties of other sounds, it is called partial or contact assimilation.

Full Assimilation. Full assimilation is also known as complete assimilation. As mentioned previously, a sound may change and become like another. This conversion might be partial or complete. What is meant by complete assimilation is that a sound is totally affected by a neighboring sound in which both sounds become one, or become identical. For example, the phrase / ðæt pleɪs/ becomes / ðæp pleɪs/6. It is clear that the /t/ sound is totally, or completely, assimilated to the /p/ sound and becomes identical to the one in the next word.

Partial Assimilation. Assimilation of sounds doesn’t always occur completely. Sometimes, sounds partially assimilate with the surrounding sounds that the influenced sound acquires some properties from other sounds. In other words, partial assimilation involves just one feature of a segment.

It is noticed by A. Ali that “most assimilations are partial assimilations in which the assimilated sound becomes only more similar, but not identical, to the influencing sound. Partial assimilation can also refer to another assimilation which is called contact assimilation in which the two sounds involved are directly adjacent. For example, the phrase 'ten pikes' is pronounced as /tembaiks/ instead of /ten baiks/ in colloquial speech. Here, the alveolar sound /n/ changes to /m/ which is a bilabial sound under the influence of/b/ which is also a bilabial sound7.”

1.3. Types of Assimilation

It is noticed that the differences between consonants are of three types: differences in place of articulation, differences in manner of articulation and differences in voicing. Therefore, when a sound assimilates with another sound, the place, manner and voicing of the resulted new sound change depending on the features of the surrounding sounds.

Assimilation of Place

First, when a sound changes its place of articulation to another place, it is called assimilation of place. This change of place depends on the place of articulation of the neighboring sounds. Assimilation of place is of three types: alveolar stops, alveolar fricatives and alveolar syllabic nasals (Lecumberri & Maidment 2000, p.55). Let's discuss the main details.

1. Alveolar Stops Assimilation

Assimilation of this kind is a regressive assimilation (Roach, 1998). Hence, /t/, /d/ and /n/ tend to change their place of articulation to a position nearer to that of the following sound. In other words, alveolar stops /t, d, n/ may become bilabial if followed by bilabial consonants /p, b, m/, or they may become velar stops /k, g/ if they are followed by velars /k, g/. Though they assimilate, they don‟t change the ir voicing (Lecumberri & Maidment 2000). The following table shows how alveolar sounds become bilabials and velar stops.

Table 1. Alveolar Stops Assimilation
2. Alveolar Fricatives Assimilation

The alveolar stop /s/ may become post alveolar fricative / ʃ/ as in this shoe (ðɪs ʃuː ðɪʃ ʃuː) and /z/ may become /ʒ/ if followed by the palatal approximant /j/ as in those years (ðəʊz jɪəzðəʊʒ jɪəz).

3. Alveolar Syllabic Nasal Assimilation

Assimilation of this kind is a progressive assimilation. Thus, /n/ could become bilabial /m/ when preceded by a bilabial or could become velar /ŋ/ if preceded by a velar plosive in the same word and followed by a consonant in the same or next word or by a pause8.

Examples of which are:

open /'əʊpən/ /'əʊpn//'əʊpm/.

bacon / 'beɪkən/ / 'beɪk n/ /'beɪkŋ/

Assimilation of Manner

Second, like assimilation of place, assimilation of manner refers to two neighboring sounds becoming similar in their manner of articulation. This happens in coalescence when, in connected speech, two adjacent sounds are merged to form a new sound9.

Additionally, it is usually heard in very rapid speech, or very informal situation and it can be either progressive or regressive (Burleigh, 2011). Clear examples of this type are difficult to seek since it involves a change from a stronger consonant (one making a more substantial obstruction to the flow of air) to a weaker one10.

Examples of progressive and regressive assimilation are found in Burleigh (2011, p.93). An example the progressive could be in shut your mouth when pronounced rapidly. Here, the approximant /j/ can be articulated with a narrow gap between the speech organs under the influence of the preceding /t/. An example of the regressive could be in that side /ðæs saɪd/ and in good night /gʊn naɪt/. In /ðæs saɪd/, the plosive /t/ becomes fricative /s/, and in /gʊn naɪt/, the plosive /d/ becomes nasal /n/.

Generally, according to Burleigh, assimilation of manner tends to be regressive with less obstruction of air.

Assimilation of Voice

Finally, it is difficult to produce a consonant cluster, in many languages including English, with different voicing values for the consonants, particularly if the consonants are obstruent‟s (fricatives or plosives)11. When two consonants are in the coda, they have to agree in voicing either voiced or voiceless. In other words, in a cluster of two consonants differing in voicing, the second consonant has to agree in voicing with the preceding one12 (Fortson, 2005, p.63). Assimilation of voice is of two forms: across morpheme boundaries and across word boundaries.

Assimilation of Voice across Morpheme Boundaries

This type of assimilation is represented in noun plural marker, the possessive and the singular present tense which always agree in voicing with the preceding obstruent consonant (regressive). Recall that the voiced /z/ of the English regular plural suffix is changed to [s] after a voiceless sound. Similarly, the voiced /d/ of the English regular past-tense suffix is changed to [t] after a voiceless sound. In these cases, the value of the voicing feature goes from [+voice] to [–voice] or from [-voice] to [+voice] because of assimilation to the [–+voice] feature of the final consonant of the stem13.

Examples of such assimilation are: 8

dogs /d gz/: /s/ becomes /z/ to agree in voicing with /g/.

cats / kæts/: /s/ becomes /s/ to agree in voicing with /t/.

killed / kɪld/: /d/ agrees in voicing with /l/.

voiced / vɔɪst/: /t/ agrees in voicing with /s/.

The following table shows the alternation of the plural suffix [s] depending on the surrounding sounds.

Table 2. Assimilation of z

From the table, it is noticed that [s] is pronounced as /s/ if preceded by a voiceless non-sibilant sound (cats), pronounced as /z/ (dogs) if preceded by a voiced non-sibilant sound, and pronounced as /ɪz/ (judges /dʒʌdʒɪz/) if preceded by a sibilant sound. Rules can be devised:

Assimilation of Voice across Word Boundaries

According to Knight (2003,, “in English, only regressive assimilation is found across word boundaries and then only when a voiced word final consonant is followed by a voiceless word initial consonant. It is never the case that a word final voiceless consonant becomes voiced because of a word initial voiced consonant.” A clear example demonstrating this kind of assimilation is the assimilation of the voiced /v/ with the voiceless /t/ in have to /hæv tə/ /hæf tə/.

1.4. Assimilation in Russian

The basic facts of Russian voicing assimilation have been well described (Avanesov 1956, Jakobson 1956, Halle 1959, among many others). The best known treatments of them in the recent generative tradition are Hayes (1984) and Kiparsky (1985). Obstruents devoice wordfinally, as shown below.

(1) sled-a slet 'track (gen./'

knig-a knik 'book ('

raz-a ras 'occasion (gen./'

gub-a gup 'lip ('

pljaʒ-a pljaʃ 'beach (gen./''

In addition, obstruent clusters within a word invariably agree in voicing, with the rightmost obstruent determining the voicing status of the cluster, as shown in (2). The examples in (2) a-c show prefixes ending in underlyingly voiceless obstruents, while (2) d-f show prefixes with underlyingly voiced consonants. The underlying status of the consonants is clear from their behavior before sonorants ((2) a and d). Tautomorphemic obstruent clusters invariably agree in voicing as well, though this is not shown.

(2) a. ot-jexatj 'to ride off' s-jexatj 'to ride down'

b. ot-stupitj 'to step back' s-prositj 'to ask'

c. od-brositj 'to throw aside' z-delatj 'to do'

d. pod-nesti 'to bring (to)' iz-lagatj 'to state; set forth'

e. pot-pisatj 'to sign' is-kljutʃat 'to exclude; dismiss'

f. pod-ʒetʃ 'to set fire to' iz-gnatj 'to drive out'

Final-devoicing 'feeds' voicing assimilation; that is, all obstruents of a word-final cluster are devoiced:

(3) pojezd-a pojest 'train (gen./'

vizg-a visk 'squeal (gen./'

izb-a isp 'hut ('


Sonorants in Russian do not participate in the truly phonological voicing processes at all. First, they never trigger voicing assimilation. The examples below show this word-initially, wordmedially, and word-finally ((4) a-c respectively).

(4) a. knjaz 'prince' vs. gnut 'to bend'

tratitj 'to spend' dratsa 'to fight'

b. pisma 'letters' bolʃevizma 'bolshevism (gen.)'

c. teatr 'theater' kadr 'film sequence'

Nor do sonorants devoice. Word-final sonorants as in (5) a are phonologically voiced (that is, barring gradient and optional effects, see below). This is true even of sonorants preceded by a voiced ((5) b) or voiceless ((5) c) obstruent.

(5) a. mil 'dear' ; von 'stench'

b. ʒizn 'life' ; bobr 'beaver'

c. litr 'liter' ; voplj 'cry'

Finally, sonorants do not assimilate voicelessness from a following obstruent, (6) a-b.

(6) a. bort 'side (of a boat)' *bort

volk 'wolf' *volk

b. rta 'mouth (gen.)' *rta

mstit 'to avenge' *mstitj

Final devoicing and assimilation by sonorants in examples like (5) and (6) are often described (Coats and Harshenin 1971, Daniels 1972, Hayes 1984, Kiparsky 1985), but once again there is a distinction to be made here between obligatory, categorical rules, and optional, gradient ones. This point will turn out to be important when we analyze Russian.

Recent work in phonology is exploring the idea that markedness constraints should be grounded in functional phonetic considerations. Phonetic grounding itself is not new, but work such as Flemming (1995a), Steriade (1997), Kirchner (2000), Ní Chiosáin and Padgett (2001), Padgett (to appear-a), among many others, extends this idea in at least two ways. First, it is argued that constraints grounded in articulatory effort, and others in perceptual distinctiveness, must both be distinguished. Second, the range of phonetic distinctions relevant to phonology is argued to be greater than previously countenanced, a point we return to below. With these assumptions in mind, I lay out here a basic approach to the analysis of final devoicing and voicing assimilation.

CHAPTER II. Extract translation of the novel “The Horizon” by Said Akhmad

2.1. About Said Akhmad and his literary works

The famous Uzbek writer Said Akhmad (Saidahmad Husankhojaev) was born on 10 th of June 1920 in “Samarkand darvoza” community (mahalla) of Tashkent. His childhood was accompanied by such writers as A. Qodiriy, Oybek, Gafur Gulom. Being curious by nature and restless Said Akhmad had tried himself in many spheres before he came into the literature: he made agitating placards, tried to become an actor, studied at medical and technical schools, attended a school of art, was a pupil of the famous photographer Renson, used to write articles for newspapers having studied some period of time in the pedagogical institute, he worked for the magazine “Mushtum”. He worked at the republic’s radio in 1942-1943, at the newspaper “Qizil O’zbekiston” (1943-1947), at the journal “Sharq yulduzi” (1948-1950). In the beginning of 50’s he was even impresonned for several years as a nationalist.

Said Ahmad was awarded with title “The Hero of Uzbekistan” in 1999 for his contribution into achieving of the National Independence.

Said Ahmad is famous for his short stories, such moral values as faithfullness, kindness, humanity, faith and confidence are effectively reflected in his stories like “Cho’l burguti”, “Lochin”, “Bo’ston”, “To’yboshi”, “Jimjitlik”, “Turnalar”, “Hayqiriq”, “Alla”, “Muhabbatning tug’ilishi”, “Qorako’z Majnun”.

The stories written by the writer are read well enthusiasm because of that a great attention is paid to the description of various sides of human psichology in them and Said Ahmad in considered as a poet of prose. The writer is a creator who continued A. Qahhor’s traditions of writing comic stories. Some faults of human nature is literarily researched in lot of his comics of comic saying and makes use of it skillfully.

Said Ahmad writes in almost all the genres of prose. The stories discribing a country-life “Qadrdon lolalar” (1949) and “Hukm” (1958), the trilogy “Ufq” (The Horizon) which consists of “Qirq besh kun” (1974), “Hijron kunlari” (1964), “Ufq bo’sag’asida” (On the threshold of the horizon, 1969), where the mixed human destinies are described, the novel “Jimjitlik” (1988) where a human destiny in described in the bachground of misery of the period of stagnation, “Sherzod va Gulshod” (1945) about children’s life, “Kelinlar qo’zg’oloni” (1976) which was widely spread to all seven sides of the world, “Kuyov” (1986) where an old lonely man’s sufferings are described such stage-works of the writer prove his great creative potential.

2.2. Phonetic and phonological analysis of the words from the novel

2.2.1. One syllable words

Mark [ˈmɑːrk]

  1. There are 4 letters in this word;

  2. There are 4 sounds in this word;

  3. There is 1 syllable in it.

  4. The syllable is stressed.

  5. There 1 vowel sound (a- hard vowel).

According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: a- front vowel

According to the vertical movement of the tongue: a- open

According to the position of the lips: a- neutral position of lips

According to the quantitative features: a- long vowel, monophthong.

  1. There are 3 consonant letters: m, r, k; and 1 vowel letter: a;

[m] – labial, nasal

[r] – alveolar, rhotic

[k] – alveolar, lateral approximent

  1. The syllable is stressed and there is no reduction

Mum [ mʌm]

  1. There are 3 letters in this word.

  2. There are 3 sounds in this word.

  3. There is a syllable in it.

  4. There is a vowel sounds ([ʌ]- hard vowel).

According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: [ʌ]- central mid

According to the vertical movement of the tongue: [ʌ]-broad vowel

According to the position of the lips: [ʌ]-unrounded wovel

According to the quantitative features: [ʌ]-short vowel, monophthongs.

  1. There are 2 consonant letters: [m]

  2. This is one syllabic word and there is no reduction in it.

2.2.2. Two syllable words

Entrance: [ˈentrəns]

  1. There are 8 letters in this word;

  2. There are 7 sounds in this word;

  3. There are 2 syllables in it.

  4. The first syllable is stressed.

  5. There are 2 vowel sounds: [e], [ə];

According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: [e]- front mid; [ə]- central mid

According to the vertical movement of the tongue: [e]-narrow vowel; [ə]-broad vowel

According to the position of the lips: [e], [ə]-unrounded wovels

According to the quantitative features: [e], [ə]-short vowels, monophthongs.

  1. There are 5 consonant sounds: [n], [t], [r], [n], [s]

[n]-sonorant, occlusive, lingual (apical), alveolar;

[t]-voiceless, occlusive, lingual (apical), alveolar;

[r]-sonorant, constrictive, post-alveolar, cacuminal;

[s]-voiceless, lingual (apical), alveolar.

7. Quantity reduction (the shortening of the vowel-length in unstressed position [ə]).

Mutton: [ˈmʌt(ə)n]

  1. There are 6 letters in this word;

  2. There are 5 sounds in this word;

  3. There are 2 syllables in it.

  4. The first syllable is stressed.

  5. There are 2 vowel sounds: [ʌ], [ə];

According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: [ʌ], [ə]- central mid

According to the vertical movement of the tongue: [ʌ], [ə]-broad vowel

According to the position of the lips: [ʌ], [ə]-unrounded wovels

According to the quantitative features: [ʌ], [ə]-short vowels, monophthongs.

  1. There are 3 consonant sounds: [m], [t], [n]

[m]-sonorant, occlusive, bilabial;

[t]-voiceless, occlusive, lingual (apical), alveolar;

[n]-sonorant, occlusive, lingual (apical), alveolar;

7. Complete quality reduction (the omission of the clear tamber of a vowel [ə]).

2.2.3. Three or more syllable words

Important [ɪmˈpɔːtnt]

  1. There are 9 letters in this word.

  2. There are 9 sounds in this word.

  3. There are 3 syllables in it.

  4. The second syllable is stressed.

  5. There are 3 vowel sounds (a- hard vowel, 0- hard vowel, i- soft vowel).

According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: a- front vowel, 0- back,


According to the vertical movement of the tongue: a- open, o- open, i- open

According to the position of the lips: a- neutral position of lips, o- rounded position, i- spread position

According to the quantitative features: a- short vowel, o- long vowel, i- short, monophthongs.

  1. There are 5 consonant letters: m, t, n, p, r

m- bilabial, nasal, p- bilabial, plosive, r- post-alveolar, approximant,

t- alveolar, plosive, n- alveolar, nasal.

  1. The first syllable is unstressed. The vowel [I] gives sound as [ɪ] in unstressed syllable. This is special reduction.

2.2.4. Compound words

Chairman [ˈtʃeəmən]

  1. There are 8 letters in this word.

  2. There are 5 sounds in this word.

  3. There are 2 syllables in it.

  4. There are 3 vowel sounds (a- hard vowel, i- soft vowel).

  5. The first syllable is stressed.

According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: a- front vowel, i- also front

According to the vertical movement of the tongue: a, i- open

According to the position of the lips: a- neutral position of lips

According to the quantitative features: a- short vowel.

  1. There are 5 consonant letters: c, h, r, m, n

tʃ- according to the position of the tongue is palato- alveolar

m, n – sonorants. m-bilabial

eə-diphtong, ə-neutral sound

  1. The vowel “a” in unstressed position gives us sound (ə). It is qualitative (or hard reduction) reduction.

Someone [ˈsʌmwʌn]

  1. There are 7 letters in this word.

  2. There are 6 sounds in this word.

  3. There are 2 syllables in it.

  4. The first syllable is stressed.

  5. There are 4 vowel sounds (o- hard, e- soft, o- hard, e- soft).

According to the horizontal movement of the tongue: o- back, e- front.

According to the vertical movement of the tongue: o- open, e mid-open.

According to the position of the lips: o- rounded position, e- neutral.

According to the quantitative features: o-short, e- short.

  1. There are 3 consonant letters:

s - alveolar, fricative

m - bilabial, nasal

n - alveolar, nasal

  1. The vowel “a” in unstressed position gives us sound [ʌ]. It is qualitative (or hard) reduction.

2.2.5. Write some words from the novel illustrating PROGRESSIVE, REGRESSIVE and RECIPROCAL assimilation.

Progressive assimilation:

  • dogs”: /s/ [z] / [g] – (the ending [s] is assimilated to [z] by the influence of the preceding voiced [g].)

  • pubs”: /s/ [z]/ [b] – (the ending [s] is assimilated to [z] by the influence of the preceding voiced [b].)

Regressive assimilation:

  • Right now- [t] is affected by the following nasal [n] and is pronounced with the nasal plosion.

  • miss you”: /s/[S] /[j] – the sound [s] in [mis] is changed to [S] by the assimilation of the following palatal glide [j].

Reciprocal assimilation:

  • man”: /A/ [A] /[m]_[n] – the [A] in /man/ is nasalized by its preceding [m] and its following [n].

  • too soon: the labialization of a consonant when flanked by rounded segments, /s/


Assimilation is a phonological process where a sound looks like another neighboring sound. It includes progressive, regressive, coalescent, full and partial assimilation. In addition, contextual assimilation is subject to the environment of sounds where historical assimilation is resulted from the development of languages. It is, however, concluded that the importance of assimilation is to make pronunciation of a word or speech easier.

The paper is focused on a systematic classification of assimilatory processes found in connected speech. It gives a complex typology of assimilations based on different analytical perspectives yielding different assimilation types. In addition to offering a detailed catalogue of assimilation processes occurring in connected speech, the typology may also be used as a tool for analyzing and comparing in a systematic way any connected-speech phenomenon of any language.

The central problem occurring in most typologies of assimilations proposed so far is that they are based on a mixture of analytical perspectives. That is, in the process of assimilation analysis, different and often incompatible perspectives are not distinguished and separated sufficiently, which leads to inconsistencies in typological classifications. However, as indicated before, such accounts are not intended to serve as exhaustive descriptions of assimilation, so this practical simplification is natural. The typology worked out in this paper aims to be more precise and more specific, and it is based on a number of diverse, but separately considered, analytical perspectives.

In addition to this, in this course paper translation skill of the researcher has been tested. Translating Uzbek novel written in the language of 20th century was another challenge and I hope that was completed without any mistakes. However, during the translation some difficulties were faced.

One of the most difficult problems in translating literary texts is found in the differences between archaic words and finding substitution of the word in English. People of a given culture look at things from their own point of view and describe them differently. Some words that are used in everyday life of Uzbeks are not translated as it is impossible to find the word with the same meaning.

Said Akhmad utilized strong complicated figurative words to describe characters and surrounding places. At some places simple aphorisms of people are used without any changes, but according to the personages’ actions, characters the author occasionally apply fixed phrases, vary and brighten them.

However, in some cases to transfer a writer’s ideas, and to become closer to an original text, we moved aside from original text’s words. Some Uzbek phraseological units cannot be translated in English or cannot be substituted. In that case idioms with the same meaning are used to clarify writer’s opinion.

Therefore, drawing the conclusion to the above mentioned information, it should be noted that translation is difficult task for language learner as she does not have sufficient knowledge on translation. Translating literary stories requires awareness of culture, phraseological units and grammatical structures of words. Especially, I find hard to apply appropriate idiom to depict features of people and their circumstances.


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Original version of extract from “The Horizon”

Аммо уларнинг тўйлари бу қадар тезлашиб кетиши сабабини Низомжон тушунмасдн. Ҳамон ўз ёғига ўзи қовурилар, аламини кимдан олишни билмас эди. Ҳатто у акасининг кўзига тик қараб «Дилдорни мен севаман, уни ўз ҳолига қўй!» деб айтишга ҳам тайёр.

У уйидан чиқиши билан телбадек каловлаб Дилдорнинг уйига қараб чопди. Бу беор, бу субутсиз қизни оғзига келган аламли гаплар билан ҳақорат қилмоқчи, бирга тушган суратини кўзи олднда бурда-бурда қилиб

йиртиб ташламоқчи бўлди.

У жаҳл билан кўча эшикни очганда супани тўлдириб ўтирган кексаларин кўриб тўхтади. Ўтирганлардан бири:

— Э, кел, қуда бола, — деб ёнидан жой кўрсатди.

Низомжон нима қилишини билмай серрайиб туриб қолди. Кейин ўтирганларни ҳайрон қолдириб яна чиқиб кетди. Биров упдан, нега келдингу, нега кетяпсан, деб сўрамади.

У гузарга чиқди. Ҳамма ўз иши билан банд. Самоварларда осойишталик. Радио қўшиғини бош эгиб тинглаётганларнинг ҳам ичида уникига ўхшаган дард бормикан? Биргина Низомжоннинггина ичини ари талаяпти.


Асрора Низомжоннинг гапини эшитиб ҳайрон қолди.

— Вой, писмиқ, вой, ичингдан пишмай ўлгур Дилдор! Мингирлаб юриб қилган ишини қаранглар.

Эрталаб Асрора правленнега кетганида Днлдор звенога келиб ҳамма қизларни тўйга айтиб кетган эди. Дилдорнинг Низомжон қолиб Аъзамжонга тегаётганини эшитиб жиғибийрони чиқди.

— Ҳой, қизлар, — деди Асрора шийпонда нимчасини кия туриб, — сенлар ишларингни қилаверларинг, ҳозир бориб у бебурднинг додини бериб қўяй. Вой, тусингни ел егур.

У пириллаганича қишлоққа қараб учди.

Дилдорнипг уйида тумонат одам. Биров ўчоқ ковлаяпти. Биров ўтин ёряпти. Новвой чол пешонасини бойлаб тандирга ўт қалаяпти. Асрора ҳовлига кириши биланоқ энди ишни тўхтатиб бўлмаслигини пайқади. Шундай бўлса ҳам Дилдорни узиб-узиб олмоқчи бўлди.

Томорқадаги супада Низомжоннинг опаси Рисолат Дилдорни тик тургизиб қўйиб атлас кўйлакнинг ёқасини ўлчаяпти. Дилдор уни кўриши билан севиниб кетди:

— Ўртоқжонгинамдан айланиб кетай, қарашгани келдингми?

— Тўйингни бузгани келдим.

Унинг гапини ҳазилга олган Рисолат ҳиринглаб кулди:

— Битта шунақа одам тополмай турган эдик.

Асрора то Рисолат кўйлакнинг бели, енгини ўлчаб бўлгунча қараб турди. Охири Рисолат ишини битказиб чиқиб кетди. Икки қиз ёлғиз қолишди.

— Нима қилиб қўйдипг? — деди Асрора.

— Нима қилибман!

— Юр, баққа! Иш бор.

Дилдор, звенода бир гап бўпти, деб ўйлаб, индамай унинг олдига тушиб кўчага чиқди. Ёнғоқзорга етишганда Асрора нимчасини ечиб майсага ташлади-да, ёнбошлади.

— Ўтир!

Дилдор ўтирди.

Асрора ўзининг шўхлиги, оғзи ботирлиги билан бутун қишлоқда ном чиқарган эди. У хонаси келганда ҳеч кимни аямасди. Мажлисларда кимнинг камчилиги бўлса, шартта юзига айтаверарди. Ундан раис ҳам ҳайиқарди. Қизлар-ку зириллашарди. Асроранииг звеносида бирон қиз ишдан кеч қолмасди. Қизлар Асрора, тур, деса туришарди, ўтир, деса ўтиришарди.

Бу шаддод қизнинг билмаган ҳунари, қилмаган иши йўқ эди. Раис баъзан: «Ўғил бола бўлиб туғилишингга бир бахя қолган экан», деб кулиб қўярди.

У ёшлигида текканга тегиб, тегмаганга кесак отарди. Атлас кўйлагини қорамойга белаб тракторчининг орқасида эргашиб юрар, у тушликка чиққанда сўрамай тракторини ҳайдаб қоларди. Раиснинг шофёри сал кўзи шамғалат бўлса, машинасннн ғизиллатиб ҳайдаб қоларди. Қишлоқ кўчаларини чангитиб, товуқларни қақалатиб яна жойига келтириб қўйиб, ғойиб бўларди.

Қиз болани ёмон гап билан сўкиб бўлмаса, уриб бўлмаса, шофёрлар ичида сўкиниб, мушт ўқталиб қўя қолишарди.

Унинг бунақа ишларини кўрганлар:

— Бу қиздан бир бало чиқади. Ўнта ўғилнинг ўрнини босади, дейишарди.

Асрора Низомжонлар билан бпр синфда ўқиган. Улар бир-бирлари билан сенлашиб гаплашишарди. Унипг Низомжонга алоҳида яқинлиги бор эди.

Асрора Низомжоннинг энг яқин ўртоғи Қаримжон деган болани яхши кўрарди. Каримжон — бўш-баёвгина, ўлгудек содда, бўшашган эди. Ҳатто қишлоқдагиларнинг ўзлари уни «қишлоқи» деб масхара қилишарди. Шу бўшашган қишлоқи болани ҳам Асрора одам қилди. Соч қўйдирди, галстук тақадиган қилди. Асрора унга кашта тикилган дастрўмоллар тикиб берди. Дазмолсиз кўйлак кийса, эгнидан ечиб олиб аясига билдирмай ўйида дазмоллаб чиқиб кийдирарди.

Каримжон урушга кетгач, Асрора бирон ой телбанамо бўлиб юрди-ю, дарров ўзини ўнглаб олди. Низомжон бнлан дардлашадиган, келган хатларни бирга ўқийдиган бўлиб қолишди. Чунки Каримжон Асрора одамлар олдида хижолат бўлмасин, деб унга ёзган хатини ҳам Низомжонга жўнатар эди.

Дилдор Асроранинг ённга ўтирдп. Иккови анча вақтгача индамай қолишди.

— Гапир, — деди Дилдор. — Нима гапинг бор? Ниманн чатоқ қилиб қўйибман.

Асрора унга ғазаб билан қаради:

— Аъзамжонга тегяпсанми?

— Ҳа.

— Укасига ўптириб, акасига тегасанми?

Дилдор чўғдек қизариб кетди. Юзини ўгириб олди. Аммо чурқ этолмади.

— Гапирсанг-чи, нега ундай қилдинг?

Дилдор унга қарамай жавоб берди:

— Билмадим, билмадим...

— Низомнпнг юзига қандоқ қарайсан?

Дилдор жавоб бермади.

— Ака-уканинг бир-биридан бегона бўлиб кетишини ўйладннгми?

Дилдор бир сескандп-ю, гапиролмади.

— Бу гаплар Аъзамжоннинг қулоғига етиб қолса турмушинг заҳар бўлишини ҳам ўйлаганмисан?

Дилдор бу тўғрида ўйлаб кўрмаган эди. Кўз олди қоронғилашиб кетди. Асрора нима қилишини билмай унинг тепасида икки қўлини белига тираб уришишга чоғланган хўроздек турарди.

— Ҳозир тўйни тўхтатасан. Тўхтатмасанг, қишлоқни бошимга кўтариб шовқин соламан, шармандангни чиқараман.

Унга жавдираб боққан Дилдорнинг кўзларидан дув-дув ёш оқарди. Унинг бу ҳолини кўрган Асрора қаршисига чўккалади.

— Айт, нима бўлган?

— Тўй бўлмаса, шарманда бўламан. Бир ҳафта бўлди, бир ҳафта... Аъзамжонга текканман.,.

— Шарманда!

Низомжон қирга чиқиб кетган кунларда, Аъзамжон Дилдорнинг йўлини понлайдиган бўлиб қолган эди. Қора қош, кўкракдор, хушбичим бу йигит Дилдорнинг ҳам ҳушини ўғирлаган эди. Айниқса, Аъзамжон ҳарбий формада жуда аломат кўринарди. Дилдор Аъзамжонни кўрди-ю, Низомжон кўзига бир ёш бола, гўдак бўлиб кўринди-қўйди.

Қоқ туш пайти эди. Дилдор даладан қайтаётиб йўлни яқин қилиш учун атайлаб тутзор оралаб келарди. Кела туриб тут тагидаги қоқ кесакка қонга ўхшаш бир нима томганини кўрди-да, тўхтади. Биронтаси чуғурчиқ отган бўлса, қони томгандир, деб ўйлади. Шу пайт тепадан кимнингдир йўталганини эшитиб юқорига қаради. Тут тепасида майкачан бўлиб олган Аъзамжон шотут еб турарди. У бир қўли билан шохга осилиб кафтида шотут узатди. Қиз уни ийманиб олди-ю, битта-битта оғзига сола бошлади. Аъзамжон пеш терганини унга пеш узатаверди. Охири ўзини гуп этиб ерга отди. Унинг майкалари, билаклари шотут сачраганидан доғ бўлиб кетган эди. Аъзамжон Дилдорга яқин келиб илжайди. У шундай қулай учрашувни кўпдан ният қилиб юрарди. Мана бугун ниятига етди. Титраб-қақшаб қизнинг билагига қўл узатди. Қиз аввалига қаршилик кўрсатди. Кейин иккови бошлашиб кимсасиз тутзор оралаб кетишди. Ўша куни улар тутзордан кечга яқин чиқишди. Дилдорнинг қовоқлари қизарган, кўзлари бировга дадил қараёлмасди. Эртаси Аъзамжон яна унинг йўлини пойлади. Қилмиши учун ундан узр сўради. Дилдор йиғлади. Аъзамжон шу сир сирлигича қолишини, яқин орада тўй қилиб унга уйланишини айтиб, қизни тинчитди.

Асрора олисларга термилиб туриб алланималарни ўйларди. Асрора бир нарса тўғрисида фикр юритса дарров қарорга келарди-ю, шартта айтиб қўя қоларди. Дилдор қилган иш уни ҳам ўйлантириб қўйган, нима дейиши, нима қилишини билмасди. Охири у шундай деди:

— Шармандаликни бўйнингга олибсан. Ака билан укани бир-биридан жудо қилибсан.

Дилдор ўрнидан туришга турди-ю, кетолмай унга бақрайиб қараб қолди. Бирдан ҳўнграб йиғлаб юборди. Дилидаги гапларни ўпкаси тўлиб кетганидан айта олмасди. Асроранинг ўтли кўзларига боқиб туриб гапира кетдн:

— Нима қилай, нима қил, дейсан? Аъзамжонни яхши кўриб қолдим. У фронтдан келган кундан бери телба бўлиб юрибман. Кўзимга ундан бошқа ҳеч нарса кўринмайди.

— Низом-чи? — деди Асрора.

Дилдор ерга қаради.

Асрора ўйлаб қараса, кўнгнл иши нозик нарса экан. У Дилдорни ппма деб айблайди? Иккови бнр-бирини севибди. Аллақачон эр-хотин ҳам бўлиб олишибдп. Икки орада Низомга қийин...

Асрора Дилдор билан хайрлашмай ўтларни раҳмсиз босиб ёнғоқзордан чиқиб кетди.

Шийпон олдида уни Низомжон кутиб ўтирарди. Асрорани кўриб бирон яхши гап топиб келди, деган ўй билан ўрнидан турди.

Асрора унинг юзига ҳам қарамай шийпонга чиқиб кетди.

— Кўрдингми, гаплашдингми?

— Э, бор-э, — деди энсаси қотиб Асрора. — Оғзингдаги ошни олдириб қўйиб, оби дийда қиласап-а. Отингни эртароқ қамчиласанг ўлармидинг! Кечикдинг!

Низомнннг боши эгилди.

— Йигит киши ҳам шунақа латта бўладими!

Низомжон бўшашиб, кета бошлади, Асрора уни тўхтатди.

— Қаёққа?

— Кетаман.

— Қаёққа кетасан? Қочяпсанми?

— Билмадим. Бу уйда, бу қишлоқда туролмайман.

— Қишлоқ сенга нима гуноҳ қилди?

Низомжон нима дейишини билмай эсанкиради. Асрора қараб туриб раҳми келди. «Нима қилсам унинг кўнглини оларкинман?» деб тикилиб қолди.

— Менга қара, кетма. Қочган билан дардинг енгиллашмайди. Ўзингни ишга ур. Иш билан овунасан. Иш кимларни овутмаган.

Низомжон жавоб бермади. Бошини эгганича индамай сўқмоқдан кетди.

У нима қилишини билмай, яна довдираб гузарга келиб қолди. Кекса қайрағоч тагидаги кўримсизгина буфетга кирди. Бу ерда ҳам хеч ким йўқ. Буфетчи армани чол бир чеккада мудраб ўтирибди. У Низомжон кириши билан бошини кўтариб ҳайрон бўлиб қаради.

— Кел, ўғлон! Аканг юбордими? Тўй виносини олиб кетасанми?

Низомжон индамади. Шиша балондаги винодан стаканга қуя бошлади.

— Ичмоқчимисан?

— Ҳа, ичмоқчимап.

— Манатинг вор?

Низомжон ёнидан пул чиқариб столга ташлади-да, стакандаги винони симириб, чиқиб кетди.

У ичкилик деган нарсани ҳали оғзига олган бола эмас эди. Ичакларигача ловиллаб кетди. Бирпасда боши гувиллаб, кўнгли ғалати бўлди.

Кўринган кишига дардини айтгиси келаверди. Танишларни кўрса гандираклаб олдига борар, энди гап очиши билан оғзидан гупиллаб вино ҳиди келарди-да, учратган киши қўл силтаб кетиб қоларди.

— Ҳеч ким дардимни эшитмайди. Ҳамма шунақа. Ҳамма ўзини ўйлайди.

Бирдан зардаси қайпаб, биров билан уришгиси келаверди. Ғайрати қўзғаб уйга қараб чопди. У бориб акасининг ёқасидан бўғиб олмоқчи, уни то қўли оғригунча дўппосламоқчи. Гандираклай-гандираклай уйга кириб борди-ю, супага етмай йиқилди.

Аъзамжон укасининг аҳволини кўриб даст кўтарди-да, айвонга олиб бориб ётқизиб қўйди.

— Аҳмоқ. Сенга ким қўйибди ичишни! — Опасига таъна қилди. — Уни расво қилибсизлар. На гапга киради, на иш буюрсанг қилади. Талтайтириб юборибсизлар, опа!

Қўли хамир юқи Рисолат ошхонадан чиқиб айвонда ётган Низомжоннинг тепасига келди.

— Буни ҳеч ким талтайтиргани йўқ эди. Ўзи уч-тўрт кундан бери ғалатироқ бўлиб юрибди.

Низомжон нимадир демоқчи бўлди. Гапиролмай ғўлдиради. Ана шундан кейин у нима бўлганини билмайди. Кўзини очса, ой тепага келган экан. Узоқ-яқинда хўрозлар бир биринн чақиришарди. Уйдагилар аллақачон донг қотиб ухлаб қолишган. Атроф жимжит. Низомжон ўрнидан туриб чойнакдан совуб қолган чойни шимирди. Айвоннннг лабида ўй ўйлаб кетди. Нима қилсин? Тақдирга тан бериб ўтираверсинми? Эртага Дилдор шу ҳовлига келин бўлиб тушади. Бундан бу ёқ у бир умр шу уйда акаси билан яшайди. Низомжон унинг

юзига қандай қарайди?

Низомжон ўрнидан туриб супада ухлаб ётган акасининг тепасига келди. Ҳозир уйғотади, ҳаммасини айтади, тўйни тўхтатади.

Аммо акасини уйғотиш учун унинг елкасига қўл чўзганда журъатсизлик қилиб шаштидан қайтди. Акасига қараб туриб унга раҳми келгандек бўлди.

Тамом, кетиши керак. Қишлоқдан бош олиб кетиши керак.

У қоронғида тимирскиланиб кийим-бошларини йиғиштирди-да, кўча эшикни ланг очганча, катта йўл томон ўқдек учиб кетди. У югурарди. Дилига озор берган муҳаббат туйғуларини орқада қолдириб акасини, опасини, дадасини ташлаб қочарди.

Туғилиб ўсган қишлоқ, дилига биринчи муҳаббат учқунини ташлаган сой бўйлари қолиб кетди.


Қирқ биринчи йилнинг қиши кирди.

Жанубнй фронт қўшинлари шиддатли жанглардан кейин Ростов-Дон шаҳрини озод қилдилар. Партизан қиз Зоя Қосмодемьянскаяни фашистлар дорга осди. Бир варақ кепак қоғозда кечикиб чиқадиган республика газетаси Марғилонга икки кундан кейин келарди. Бирдан-бир янгиликни радио айтиб турибди. Комбинат дарвозаси олдида ҳар куни эрталаб соат саккиз яримда одамлар ғуж бўлиб симёғочдаги карнайга қулоқ солишади. Ҳамма ўз ўйи билан бўлиб, жимгина цехларга кириб кетади.

Ннзомжон шу ерда. Қиладиган иши пиллакашларнинг қозонига ўт қалаш. У неча марта фронтга интилди, бўлмади. Юрт ишида ҳам, шахсий ҳаётида ҳам унинг омади келмади. Уйи, жойи, иззат қиладиган қишлоғи бўла туриб бегона жойларда юрибди.

Узун қиш кечалари бошланди. Низомжоп каттакон печда қорамой аралаштирилган кўмир кукунининг ловиллаб ёнишига қараб жимгина ўтирибди. Ташқарида қор бўралайди.

Шу пайт фронтда нималар бўлаётган экан? Совуқ бўронларда окопда ётган тенгқурлари ннмалар қилишаётган экан? Каримжон нима қилаётган экан? Низомжон бўлса иссиққина ҳужрада, лангиллаб ёнаётган печь олдида ўтирибди. Агар бармоқлари бутун бўлганда шундай қилиб ўтирармиди?

У шундай хаёлларга берилган онларда виждони қийналиб кетарди. Тақдирдан дод деб юборарди. Унинг устига деярли қар куни бирон ишчи аёл қора кийиниб келарди. Низомжон уларни кўриб турибди. Қора хат олган хотин бош эгиб жимгина дастгоҳи тепасига келар, кўз ёшини атрофдагилардан яшириб қабр устига энгашгандек бош кўтармай ишига уннаб кетар эди. Уруш, ғам одамларни бир-бирига ҳамдард қилиб қўйган эди. Бугун боласидан ё эридан қора хат олган хотинни овутган аёлнинг ўзи эртасига ўғлидан қора хат оларди. Ҳамма бир-биридан кўз ёшини яширарди.

Шу тариқа қиш ҳам яримлади. Низомжон кечаси цех бошлиғининг кабинетида, жилти тўзиб кетган диванда ётарди. Кечалари ухламай радио карнайга қулоқ тутиб, олис фронтда бўлаётган хабарларни эшитарди.

Мана, бугун Янги йил. Одамлар уруш насибаси —ғарибгина дастурхон устида кўп умидлар ваъда қилган қирқ иккинчи йилни кутиб Москва радиосига қулоқ солмоқдалар.

Қишлоқдагилар нима қилишаётган экан? Улар ҳам ҳозир дастурхон атрофида Москвани эшитишаётганмикан? Низомжон ўтган дам олиш куни этик олгани Марғилон бозорига тушганда қариялар чойхонаси олдидан ўтиб кетаётган Адолатни учратган эди. Адолат Аъзамжоннинг яраси тузалиб, бундан бир ярим ой олдин яна фронтга кетганини айтган эди.

Радиода таниш дикторнинг овози тантанали янграмоқда эди:

«Қўшинларимиз Кавказ фронтида илгари силжиб бориб, қаттиқ жанглардан сўнг Феодосия шаҳрини ҳамда Керчь қалъасинн ишғол қилдилар. Калуга немис босқинчиларидан тамомила тозаланди».

Низомжон тўнини апил-тапил кийиб цехга югурди. Тунги смена танаффусга чиққан, ҳамма бир-бирини янги йил билан табриклаётган эди. Низомжон у ёқдан-бу ёққа югуриб радиода эшитган гапларини айтар, уларни ўз қувончига шерик қилмоқчи бўлар эди.

Бу қувонч ҳам узоққа бормади. Дарвоза олдида пўстинга ўралиб ўтирган қоровул чол унга бир қоғоз тутқазди:

— Бир шофёр бериб кетди.

Бу ёзув унга таниш. Асроранинг дастхати. Ннзомжон хатни кўрди-ю, қувончми, аламми, билиб бўлмайдиган бир ҳис вужудини қамраб олди. Хатни ўқиркан, қўллари қалтираб, кўзлари бежо бўлиб кетди.

— Нима гап, тинчликми, болам?

Низомжон гапиролмади. Қўлидаги қоғозни ғижимлаб электр лампаси атрофида капалакдек айланаётган қор учқунларига тикилганча туриб қолди.

Чол ташвишланиб яна сўради:

— Гапирсанг-чи, тпичликми?

— Акам...

У гапиролмади. Томоғига бир нима тиқилди-ю, энтиктирди. Шу кўйи анча тургач, битта-битта босиб комбинат дарвозасидан чиқиб кетди.

Асрора Аъзамжоннннг ҳалок бўлгани ҳақида хабар келганини ёзган эди.

Низомжон урушда эри, ўғли ҳалок бўлган аёлларни кўрган. Уларга ич-ичидан куйинарди. Аммо бу жудолик ўз бошига тушишини, тушган тақдирда қандоқ қилиб чидашини хаёлига келтирмаган экан. Мана энди акаси йўқ!..

Низомжон қапдай қилиб тонг оттирганини билмади. Низомжон чех бошлиғидан ижозат олиб тонг ёриши билан Олтиариқ йўлига чиқди-ю, ўткинчи машинага қўл кўтарди.

У Чортеракка кун ёйилганда кириб борди. Том-тошларни қор босиб ётибди. Изғирин кўз очирмайди. Анҳор бўйидаги мажнунтол бутунлай қорга кўмилиб кетган. Қўприк устидаги қайрағоч новдаларини булдуруқ ўраб, танасигача оппоқ қилиб қўйган. Аммо Низомжон бу совуқ, нохуш манзарага парво қилмасди. У уйга, жигарининг мотамига шошарди.

Йўлда одам учрамасди. У маҳалла кўчасига бурилгандагина ора-чора одамлар йўлиқа бошлади. Улар кўпдан бери кўринмай кетган Низомжонга совуққина қараб қолишарди. Баъзиларпнинг кўзида ачинишмни, раҳмдил-ликми, аллақандай ифода бор эди.

Унинг қадами тезлашди. Муюлишда уйнинг бир тавақали эшиги кўринди.

Аммо у остонага келганда ерни босиб ётган қор устида саноқсиз оёқ излари борлигинн сезмаган эди. Ўқдек отилиб ҳовлига кирди. Кирди-ю, ошхона олдида бели боғлиқ опасига кўзи тушди.

— Вой, акангдан айрилиб қолдик! Жигаримдан айрилиб қолдик!

Рисолат югура келиб уни бағрига босди-ю, тўлиб-тўлиб йиғлади. Ичкаридан букчайиб қолган дадаси Иноят оқсоқол чиқди. У Низомжонга совуқ бир назар ташлаб жойидан қимирламай тураверди.

— Қаёқларда тентиб юрибсан? Арслонимдан жудо бўлдим.

Низомжон ҳам карахт бўлиб қолгандек жойидан қимирламасди.

— Акангдан ажралдик. Олис юртда, бегона тупроқда қолди. Ўз қўлинг билан жигарингни қабрга қўймадинг. Бу кунлар дилингга армон бўлиб қолади.

Рисолат унинг елкасидан қўлини олиб дадасига қаради.

— Нима қиласиз, дада, боланинг юрагини эзиб. Ҳар қанча гап бўлса, мана, келди. Бафуржа гаплашасиз.

Ниҳоят, оқсокол бир сўз демай ичкарига кириб кетди. Сал ўтмай уйдан қорининг қуръон тиловат қилгани эшитилди.

Қуръон товуши ҳеч қачон бахтли кунларни эслатмайди. Унинг ҳар бир сураси қабристон жимлигини, бойқушлар кўзи чақнаган мозор даҳшатини эслатади. Ҳозир Низомжоннннг ҳам кўзига қорга бурканган оппоқ қабристон кўринарди.

У ҳамма нарсани унутди. Худди шу соат, худди шу дақиқадан бошлаб, ўзининг болалиги тамом бўлганини, бирдан катта бўлиб қолганини сезмасди.

Орқа томонндан оёқ товушнни эшитиб Низомжон беихтиёр ўгирилди.

Остонада сочини ёзиб, белини боғлаган Дилдор турарди. Унинг қовоқлари шишган, уйқусизликдан бўлса керак, ранги оппоқ оқариб кетган эди.

English translated version of extract from “The Horizon”

But Nizamjan did not understand why their wedding was so fast. He was still frying in his own oil, not knowing from whom to take revenge for his pain. He was even ready to look his brother straight in the eye and say, "I love Dildor, leave him alone!"

As soon as he left the house, he ran madly towards Dildor's house. He is trying to insult this unproven girl with the painful words that came out of his mouth, tearing up the picture they got together in front of her eyes.

He angrily stopped seeing the old men filling the platform as he opened the street door. One of the occupants said:

"Come on, boy," pointing to a place next to him.

Nizamjon did not know what to do. Then, to the astonishment of those present, he went out again. No one asked up, why did you come, why are you leaving.

He went out to the guzar. Everyone is busy with their work. Peace in the samovars. Is there a pain like his in those who listen to a radio song with their heads bowed? Only Nizamjon is being robbed by bees.


Asrora was surprised to hear Nizamjan's words.

"Woe is me, woe is me, Dildor!" Look at what she did in the thousands.

When Asrora went to the board in the morning, Dildor came here and told all the girls about the wedding. When she heard that Dildor was getting married to Azamjon, she went out.

"Hey, girls," said Asrora, putting on her coat in the shed, "you do your job, and now I'll go and give her a hug."

She flew towards the village with a smirk.

Dildor’s house is crowded. Someone is digging the oven. Someone is chopping wood. The baker is burning in the oven along the old man's forehead. As soon as Asrora entered the courtyard, she realized that the work could no longer be stopped. Still, she tried to tear Dildor apart.

On the sofa in the garden, Nizamjon's sister Risolat Dildor stands up and measures the collar of her satin shirt. Dildor was glad to see her:

"Did you come to see my friend?"

"I came to ruin your wedding."

Risolat, jokingly, laughed:

"We couldn't find a man like that."

Asrora stared at Risolat as she measures the waist and width of the shirt. Eventually the mission is finished and left. The two girls were left alone.

"What did you do?" Said Asrora.

"What have I done?"

"Come on, frog! I have a job”.

Dildor, thinking that something had happened in the ring, silently went down to her and went out to the street. When they reached the coconut grove, Asrora took off his cloak, threw it on the grass, and lay down.

"Sit down!"

Dildor sat down.

Asrora was known throughout the village for her bravery. She spared no one when comes the time. Whoever was lacking in the meetings, she would tell the face of the condition. The chairman shouted at him. The girls were squealing. No girl in Asrora’s group was late for work. The girls would get up, if Asrora says get up, sit down if she says sit down.

There was nothing she didn't know, nothing she didn't do. The chairman sometimes laughed, "You've been born a boy for a while."

When she was young, she would touch what he touched and cut what he didn't touch. Atlas followed his tractor driver with his shirt down, and he would drive his tractor without asking when he went out for lunch. The chairman's driver would drive the car with a twinkle in his eye. The village streets would be dusted, the chickens would be slaughtered, put back in place, and disappear.

If the girl could not be insulted with a bad word, if she could not be beaten, the drivers would swear at her and punch her.

Those who saw him do the following:

"It's going to be a mess for this girl." It was said to replace ten sons.

Asrora studied in the same class with the Nizamjans. They were talking to each other. She had a special closeness to Nizamjon.

Asrora loved a boy named Karimjon, Nizamjon's best friend. Karimjon was naive, as simple as death, loose. Even the villagers themselves mocked him as a ‘villager’. This loose village boy was also made a man by Asrora. He put on his hair and wore a tie. Asrora gave him embroidered handkerchiefs. When he wore a shirt without an iron, she would take it off and iron it out without telling her mother.

After Karimjon went to war, Asrora went insane for a month and immediately regained her composure. They quarreled with Nizamjan and read the letters together. Because Karimjon would send a letter to Nizamjon even if it is devoted to Asrora so that she would not be embarrassed in front of people.

Dildor sat down next to Asrora. The two remained silent for a long time.

"Speak," said Dildor.

"What are you talking about? Did I make a mistake?”

Asrora looked at him angrily:

"Are you getting married to Azamjon?"

- Yes.

"Did you kiss your brother and touch him?"

Dildor blushed like coals. She turned his face away. But she could not speak.

"Tell me, why did you do that?"

Dildor replied without looking at him:

"I didn't know, I didn't know ..."

"How do you look at Nizom's face?"

Dildor did not answer.

"Did you think the brothers would be strangers?"

Dildor shuddered and could not speak.

"Did you think your life would be poisoned if Azamjon heard that?"

Dildor hadn't thought about it. Her eyes darkened. Not knowing what to do, Asrora stood on top of her like a rooster crowing with both hands on hips.

"You're going to cancel the wedding now." If you don't stop, I'll raise the village on my head and make a noise, I'll take out the embarrassment.

Tears welled up in Dildor's eyes as she stared at her. Seeing her condition, Asrora kneels before him.

"Tell me, what happened?"

- If there is no wedding, I will be ashamed. It's been a week, a week ... I've married to Azamjon.,.

"Shame on you!"

In the days when Nizamjan went to the shore, Azamjon was on the way to Dildor. This handsome young man with black eyebrows and breasts had stolen Dildor's consciousness as well. Azamjon, in particular, looked very iconic in his military uniform. Dildor saw Azamjon, and Nizamjon looked like a young child.

It was noon. On the way back from the field, Dildor was deliberately mulching to make the road closer. It's like a blood clot under a mulberry tree. She saw something was dripping and stopped. She thought that if someone shot a bird, it would bleed. At that moment, she heard someone coughing from above and looked up.

Azamjon, who was wearing a T-shirt on top of a mulberry tree, was eating mulberry. He hung on the branch with one hand and held out a shot in the palm of his hand. The girl believed him and began to put it in her mouth one by one. Azamjon handed him what he had picked up. He finally threw himself on the ground. His T-shirt and wrists were stained from the shotgun. Azamjon smiles as he approaches Dildor. He had long intended such a convenient meeting. That's what he intended to do today. Trembling, he reached for the girl's wrist. The girl resisted at first. Then the two of them began to walk around the deserted mulberry grove. That day they came out of the mulberry tree late in the evening. Dildor's eyelids were red, her eyes could not look at anyone boldly. The next day Azamjon followed her again. He apologized to her for what he had done. Dildor cried. Azamjon reassured the girl that this secret would remain a secret and that he would soon marry her.

Asrora stared into the distance, thinking of something. When Asrora thought of something, he would make a decision immediately and be able to say it on condition. What Dildor did made her think, she didn't know what to say, what to do. Finally she said:

"You're ashamed."

Dildor stood up and stared at her. Suddenly she sobbed and cried. She could not say what was in his heart because his lungs were full. He looked into Asrora's fiery eyes and said:

"What do you want me to do?" I fell in love with Azamjon. I’ve been going crazy since the day he came from the front. I can't see anything else.

"What about the regulations?" Said Asrora.

Dildor looked at the ground.

Asrora thinks that the work of the heart is a delicate thing. She accuses Dildor of what? The two fell in love with each other. They have already become a couple. In the meantime, the charter is difficult ...

Asrora did not say goodbye to Dildor, but ruthlessly stepped out of the walnut grove.

Nizamjon was waiting for him in front of the shed. When he saw Asrora, he got up thinking that she had found something good.

Asrora went out into the shed not looking at his face.

"Did you see, did you talk?"

"Yes" said Asrora stiffly. "You tore the soup out of your mouth and put it in the water." Would you die if you whipped your horse early! You're late!

Nizam's head bowed.

"Would a young man be like that?"

Nizamjan relaxed and started to leave, Asrora stopped him.

"Where to?"

"I'm leaving."

"Where are you going? Are you running away?”

"I didn't know. I can’t live in this house, in this village”.

"What has the village done to you?"

Nizamjon is stunned, not knowing what to say. Asrora looked at him and felt sorry for him. "What can I do to please her?" he stared.

"Look at me, don't go." The pain of running away is not relieved. Hit yourself. You hunt with work. The job didn’t bother anyone.

Nizamjan did not answer. He bowed his head and walked away silently.

Not knowing what to do, he staggered to the guzar again. The old man entered the unsightly buffet under the slate. There is no one here either. The old Armenian bartender is asleep on one side. He looked up in amazement as Nizamjan entered.

"Come on, boy!" Did your brother send it? Will you take the wedding wine?

Nizamjon was silent. He began pouring wine from a glass bottle into a glass.

"Do you want a drink?"

"Yes, I don't want to drink."

- Manating vor?

Nizamjan took the money from him, threw it on the table, drank the wine from the glass and left.

He was not a child who had yet to drink. It swelled up to his intestines. Suddenly his head shook and he felt strange.

He wanted to tell the man he was in pain about. When he saw his acquaintances, he staggered to them, and now, as soon as he spoke, the smell of wine came out of his mouth, and the man he met would shake his hand.

"No one can hear me." That's all. Everyone thinks of themselves.

Suddenly his jaw dropped and he wanted to fight someone. Enthusiastically, he ran home. He wants to go and strangle his brother by the collar and beat him until his arm hurts. He staggered into the house and fell to the floor.

When Azamjon saw his brother's condition, he got up, took him to the porch and laid him down.

"You idiot." Who gave you a drink! - He scolded his sister. "You have disgraced him." He neither talks nor acts. You're a jerk, sister!

His hand came out of the kitchen and came to the top of Nizamjan, who was lying on the porch.

"It simply came to our notice then. He himself has been getting weirder for three or four days.

Nizamjan wanted to say something. He mutters without speaking. That's when he doesn't know what happened. When he opened his eyes, he saw the moon rising. Soon the roosters were calling to each other. The family was already fast asleep. The environment is quiet. Nizamjon got up and sipped the cold tea from the teapot. A thought flashed on the porch's lips. What to do? Should he admit his fate? Tomorrow Dildor will come down to this yard as a bride. Besides, he has been living in this house with his brother for a lifetime. How does Nizamjon look at his face…

Nizamjon got up and came to the top of his brother, who was sleeping on the sofa. Now he wakes up, says it all, stops the wedding.

But when he reached over his shoulder to wake his brother, he reluctantly returned from his haste. He looked at his brother and felt sorry for him.

Okay, he has to go. He has to leave the village.

He squinted in the dark, untied his clothes, and flew like an arrow toward the main road as the street opened the door wide. He was running. He left his brother, sister and father behind, leaving behind the feelings of love that hurt him.

The village where he was born and grew up was left with streams that left the first spark of love in his heart.

The winter of the forty-first year has begun.

The troops of the Southern Front liberated the city of Rostov-on-Don after fierce fighting. Partisan girl Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was hanged by the Nazis. The republican newspaper, which was delayed on a sheet of bran paper, arrived in Margilan two days later. The only news is the radio. At eight-thirty every morning in front of the factory gates, people crowded and listened to the trumpet. Everyone is on their own and quietly enters the shops.

Nnzomjon is here. All he has to do is set fire to the pot of the stairs. How many times he tried to get to the front, it didn’t happen. He had no luck in his work or in his personal life. He walks in strange places, having a house, a place, a village of honor.

The long winter nights began. Nizamjop is sitting quietly in the big oven, watching the charcoal powder burning black. It's snowing outside.

What is happening at the front at this time? What are their peers doing in the trenches in the cold storms? What is Karimjon doing? Nizamjon is sitting in a warm room, in front of a burning stove. Would he sit like that when his fingers were whole?

He had a troubled conscience when he was given to such thoughts. Fate would send dod. Almost on a snowy day, a working woman was dressed in black. Nizamjan sees them. The woman, who had received the black letter, bowed and quietly came to the top of her desk, hid her tears from those around her, and went to work without raising her head, as if she were leaning over the grave. The war, the grief had made people sympathize with each other. The woman who rubbed the wife who received a black letter from her child or husband today would receive a black letter from her son the next day. Everyone was hiding tears from each other.

Thus the winter was half over. Nizamjon was lying in the office of the shop manager at night, on the sofa, which was worn out. At night, without sleep, he would listen to the radio and listen to the news on the far front.

Here is the New Year today. People are listening to Moscow radio as they wait for the forty-second year of the war, a time of great hope on the table.

What are the villagers doing? Are they also listening to Moscow around the table now? Nizamjon had met Adolat, who was walking in front of a nursing home, when he went to the Margilan market last weekend to buy shoes. Adolat Azamjon said that his wound had healed and he went to the front again a month and a half ago.

The voice of the familiar announcer on the radio was solemn:

“Our troops advanced on the Caucasus front and, after fierce battles, occupied the city of Feodosia and the fortress of Kerch. Kaluga was completely cleared of German invaders.

Nizamjon put on his cloak and ran to the shop. The night shift was over, everyone was congratulating each other on the new year. Nizamjon would run from place to place and tell what he had heard on the radio, wanting to share them in his joy.

This joy did not go far either. The old guard, who was sitting in front of the gate, wrapped in a blanket, handed him a piece of paper:

"A driver gave it to me."

This post is familiar to him. Asrara's signature. When Nzomjon saw the letter, he was overwhelmed with a feeling of joy and sorrow. As he read the letter, his hands trembled and his eyes widened.

"Peace, boy?"

Nizamjon could not speak. He crumpled the paper in his hand and stood staring at the sparks of snow circling around the light bulb like a butterfly.

The old man asked anxiously again:

"Tell me, is it quiet?"

- Brother ...

He could not speak. Something stuck in his throat and he gasped. After standing for a long time, one by one he stepped out of the factory gates.

Asrora wrote that the news of Azamjon's death had come.

Nizamjan saw women whose husbands and sons were killed in the war. He was heartbroken for them. But he had no idea that the loss would come to him, and how he would endure it. He doesn't have a brother anymore!

Nizamjan did not know that it was dawn. With the permission of the Czech chief, Nizamjon set out for the Altiyarik road at dawn and raised his hand to a passing car.

He entered Chorterak at daybreak. The roofs are covered with snow. Izgir doesn't open his eyes. The willow along the river is completely covered in snow. The limestone twigs on the bridge were wrapped around the boulder and made white to the body. But Nizamjon did not care about this cold, unpleasant scene. He hurried home, mourning his liver.

There were no people on the road. It was only when he turned onto the neighborhood street that the occasional people began to walk. They stared coldly at Nizamjan, who had long since disappeared. There was an expression of pity, compassion, in the eyes of some.

His pace quickened. At the corner, a single-story door of the house appeared.

But when he came to the threshold, he did not notice that there were countless footprints on the snow that covered the ground. He shot into the yard. When he entered, he saw his sister tied in front of the kitchen.

"Wow, we lost your brother!" We lost my liver!

The messenger came running, hugged him, and wept bitterly. Elder Inoyat, his father, bent over, came out. He stared at Nizamjon coldly and did not move.

"Where are you wandering?" I lost my lion.

Nizamjon did not move as if he was numb.

"We broke up with your brother." He stayed in a distant land, in a foreign land. You did not put your liver in the grave with your own hands. These days it will be a dream come true for dealing.

The mission took his hand from his shoulder and looked at his father.

"What are you doing, Dad, crushing the boy's heart?" Anyway, here it is. You can speak anytime.

Finally, without saying a word, the elder went inside. Shortly afterwards, the Koran was heard reciting from the house.

The sound of the Koran never reminds us of happy days. Each of his suras reminds us of the silence of the graveyard, the horror of the tomb where the owls' eyes twinkle. Now Nizamjon's eyes could see a snow-covered white cemetery.

He forgot everything. At the same hour, from the same moment, he did not realize that his childhood was over, that he had suddenly grown up.

Nizamjon turned involuntarily when he heard footsteps from behind.

Dildor was standing on the threshold, straightening her hair and tying her waist. Her eyelids were swollen, probably from insomnia, and the color was pale white.

1 Ofulue, Ch. & Urua, E., & Egbokhare, F. (2010). Introduction to Linguistics II. Nigeria: National Open University of Nigeria, p.50.

2 Gimson, A. C. (2001). Pronunciation of English. London: UK: A Hodder Arnold Publication.

3 Celce-Murcia, M., & Brinton, D., &Goodwin, J. (1996). Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p.160.

4 Jolayemi, D. (2010). The Phonology of English. Nigeria: National Open University of Nigeria, p.101.

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6 Ladefoged, P. (2006). ACourse in Phonetics. Boston: Thomson Wadsworth.

7 A.Ali, Z. (2012). A Phonological Study of English and Arabic Assimilation: A Contrastive Study. Journal of College of Languages. (25), 148-172.

8 Lecumberri, M., & Maidment, J. A. (2000). English Transcription Course. London, UK: Routledge Publisher, p.56.

9 Gut, U. (2009). Introduction to English Phonetics and Phonology. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, p.35.

10 Roach, P. (1998). English Phonetics and Phonology. UK. Cambridge University Press, p.55.

11 Nathan, G. (2008). Phonology: A Cognitive Grammar Introduction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, p.78.

12 Fortson, P. (2005). Indo-European Language and Culture: An Introduction. Oxford: UK: Blackwell Publishing, p.63

13 Fromkin, V., & Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2011). An Introduction to Language. Boston: USA: Wadsworth, p.287.

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