Today was our first practice day. We started our first practice on September 17. We went to general education school N=18 named after "Ajiniyaz" located in our city
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practice daily.
17.09.2022 Today was our first practice day. We started our first practice on September 17. We went to general education school N=18 named after “Ajiniyaz” located in our city. First, we got acquainted with the structure of the school, the rules of the internal low of the school, and the location of the classrooms. The building is devided into four block. Our teacher said that it is necessary to go to practice on time and to come in uniform. Then we introduced with the lessons schedules. We were devided into some pairs and started entering the lessons from 3 students. 19.09.2022 Today we also spent the day of cultivation of practice. On this day, we began to observe the lesson for the first time. We went to classes 5-6-7. During the lesson, we learned a number of pedagogical principles drom the teacher, such as how to organize the lesson, how to teacher works with students, what methods are used to teach the lesson. The lessons are very amazing. During the lesson, teacher learned some new words dor students, organized interesting game. At first, teaching seemed a very easy process, but it also has its own difficulties. I realized from today’s practice that we should treat every student in the class as an equal. 24.09.2022 We arrived at our next practice on September 24th. On our third day of practice, we went bact to the same classes. We are passive learners, we should carefully look at every movement of teacher. Because we are passive learners, we are not allowed to attend class. But today, with permission from the teacher, I taught the seventh grade on the topic “ Present Simple”. I taught when we use Present Simple, the structure and time expressions of Present Simple. Almost all the students participated well in the lesson. Unfortunately, there were difficulties during the course. But I tried the best to explain the topic to the students more clearly. I amazed that lesson. 26.09.2022 Today was our next practice day. We also spent the day of cultivation practice. We learned some methods about learning process. Since there were also fourth- year students on this day, we were just waiting for the lesson. They explained the new topic to the students, checked their homework and taught them new topic, gave tasks on the topic. Then they organized interesting games for students to the topic. Through this game, students’ interest in the lesson increases and they learn a new topic more deeply. The course was great. 3.10.2022 We arrived at our next practice on October 3rd. This day was also a wonderful and enjoyable day. We first observed the lesson process of the sixth grade. On this day there were also fourth- year students and they taught them. First, they checked pupils’ hometask, then teacher explained a new topic. The new topic was about “ Story “. Students did some exercises. And they had a free time, they did listening task belongs to topic. They listened a short story about animals. This story was very gripping, and easy to understand for students. In addition, the teacher clarified how to write a story, then they tried to write a short story. Then we entered the fifth grade. First, teacher checked their homework, then she clarified a new theme. This lesson was more, riveting than others. Because teacher organized some amazing games to pupils. During the lesson pupils were very active and didd all tasks. From these games pupils learned new words more deeply and their interest in the lesson increases. 8.10.2022 Today we arrived at our next practice on October 8th. This day was full of magnificent and interesting events than other days. On this day, we commence to observe the lesson process of the sixth grade. In the first place we monitored their hometasks. Their hometas was about “ Comparative” . This topic is very intriguing to everyone. Then I checked out their tasks and marked some of them. Almost all pupils did their hometask. Pupils were very active during the lesson. Today’s topic was a continuation of the topic of the last lesson. They remembered the previous topic. Then they performed tasks related to the topic. By doing many exercises, the students learned this topic thoroughly. They did some exercises in class. At the end, we gave the pupils their tasks. Moreover, we observed the lesson process of the sixth grade. Their lesson was also enjoyable. They actively participated in the lesson and completed the assigned taks on time. 10.10.2022 We spent our next practice day with great positive mood. Today we arrived our next practice and entered sixth grade. First, teacher asked their homework and checked it. All pupils did their tasks. I was surprised to see that they all fulfilled their tasks. The reason is that I have never faced such a situation before. Besides, today’s topic was review. So, they reviewed all the themes which were passed. In addition, pupils devided into some small groups and did tasks belong to all themes. They were very active during the lesson. Through this tasks, they learned lots of words and kept in their mind. This is the end of our sixth grade lesson. Then we observed the lesson process of the fifth grade. On this day there were also fourth year students and they taught pupils. They monitored their tasks, and explained a new topic. 15.10.2022 We arrived at our next practice on September 24th. On our third day of practice, we went bact to the same classes. We are passive learners, we should carefully look at every movement of teacher. Because we are passive learners, we are not allowed to attend class. But today, with permission from the teacher, I taught the seventh grade on the topic “ Past Simple”. I taught when we use Past Simple, the structure and time expressions of Past Simple. Almost all the students participated well in the lesson. Unfortunately, there were difficulties during the course. But I tried the best to explain the topic to the students more clearly. I amazed that lesson. 17.10.2022 Today was our next practice day. We also spent the day of cultivation practice. We learned some methods about learning process. Since there were also fourth- year students on this day, we were just waiting for the lesson. They explained the new topic to the students, checked their homework and taught them new topic, gave tasks on the topic. . Then they organized interesting games for students to the topic. Through this game, students’ interest in the lesson increases and they learn a new topic more deeply. The course was great 22.10.2022 We came our next practice on October 22. Today’s task was to organize an event on the topic “ Human trafficking ia a bad evil ”. Dor this event, each student took one pupil from the classes assigned to them and taught. 24 out of 24 students were supposed to participate in the event. In addition, each student chose one pupil and prepared them for the event. I chose one pupil from seventh grade. And he participated in the stage performance. My pupil played his role brilliantly. Not only my pupil but also all pupils prepared well. The event started at 12:30 and ended at 13:35. The celebration began with songs about the Motherland in English and continued with various demonstrations. My own view of the matter is this celebration was vey useful, helpful, understandable and gripping for the pupils and audience. 24.10.2022 Today Aliya and my duty day. We performed our task together with the teacher on duty at the school. In the morning, we went 15 minutes before the start of the lesson and the teacher explained to us what to do. Our duty hours were from 08:30 AM to 13:30 PM. After that, we wrote down the names of pupils who came late for the school, what class they are in, and what time they came to class. The pupils order is not good, they have bad respect for the teachers. They do not say hello to the teacher and us either, they go straight inside, they do not listen to our words, but some of them go to class on time. Then our time is over and we hope that we have completed the task greatly. 29.10.2022 Today we have to observe the lesson process of the seventh grades according to our task. We gathered with our group for an assignment in our practice. Our task is enter the classes held in the seventh grade, study the teacher’s methodology, preparation of the teacher’s procedure for working with pupils. Completing the Venn diagram regading the psychological conditions of the pupils. We entered the first 7 ”V” class. Their first lesson is Chemistry. The teacher first checked the homework, then explained today’s new topic. The new topic was “ Ximiyaliq formulalar duziw”. She gave assignments to strengthen the topic. 31.10.2022 We spent our next practice day with great positive mood. Today we entered sixth grade. The teacher taught a new topic and used assignments related to the topic. Pupils worked tohether with the teacher on the first listening task. Then the pupils reinforced the listening task. In addition, they used other tasks and that task together translated. All pupils actively participated in the lesson. They asked for the translations of the words in the task and evaluated the pupils who found them. In our second lesson, we entered fifth grade. The topic “ Reading and listening”. Used a listening task related to the topic and translated together with the pupils. All pupils very active during the lesson and all of them participate the lesson. They completed the assigned tasks on time. 12.11.2022 I arrived at my next prctice on November 12. This day was also a wonderful and enjoyable day. On this day, I came to practice alone. Two of my partners did not come to practice. Today I taught fifth grade. Today’s topic was “ Where are the places on the map?”. First, I checked their homework. Then I explained the new topic. I wrote the translation of new words on a new topic and read them together with the pupils. And the pupils did the exercises related to the lesson. We read the text with the pupils and translated it together. I wrote down the translation of the new words in the text. The lesson was great and interesting. All students actively participated in the lesson and completed the assignments. At the end of the lesson, I evaluated them and explained their homework. I think I managed to organize this lesson correctly. The reason is that I was able to draw the attention of all the pupils to myself, and I finished the lesson on time by dividing the time correctly. 14.11.2022 Today was our next practice day. We also spent the day of cultivation practice. We started our practice and arrived at 13:30 on time. Then the teacher started the lesson. First of all, the teacher checked and evaluated the students’ homework. She started teaching a new topic. The theme is called “ Reading a map”. The teacher taught new words related to the new topic. Then they did some exercises to reinforce the topic. Then they organized interesting games for students to the topic. Through this game, students’ interest in the lesson increases and they learn a new topic more deeply. The course was great. 19.11.2022 Today we arrived at our next practice on November 19. This day was full of magnificent and interesting events than other days. On this day, we commence to observe the lesson process of the didth grade. In the first place we monitored their homework. Then we played an intellectual game for this class. We divided this game into three small groups. Each group has five pupils. They played various games. Our first game was written inder the stickers, that is, Aliya wrote different words from the previous topics, and the pupils have to find the translation of these words. One mark was given for each right answer. All our teams participated well in this game. I think that the pupils learned what they did not know. In our second round, pupils have to write the names of animals pictures in English. All our groups participated well in this round. In our third game, we wrote the numbers on the board, and the pupils had to write the numbers in English. All groups participated well in this round. Then, we mentioned how many marks the groups have collected. That’s the end of our intellectual game. 28.11.2022 We came our next practice on November 28. Today’s task was organize an event on the topic “ English week”. Our group with celebrated “English week”. Pupils of different classes came to the celebration. During the celebration, we showed scene views of pupils, various quiz games and dances to the school community. At the end of the celebration, we congratulated the pupils who participated actively in the celebration with various gifts and certificates. Then we took pictures with the participating pupils. The celebration was spent in a good mood. 03.12.2022 Today we went to school at 13:00. We had three lessons for today. We enterd first, fourth, and fifth lessons. First lesson was in sixth grade. Fourth lesson was in seventh grade. The last one was in fifth grade. In our first lesson, the teacher checked the pupils’ hometasks. Then she asked the pupils about the words learned in the previous lessons. In the last lessons, she checked how well the pupils had mastered during the last lessons. Pupils are not well prepared for the lesson, but not bad. In our fourth lesson, the teacher learned the pupils a new topic. Today’s new topic is “ Past Simple”. Teacher gave some information about a new topic. The teacher taught when we use Past Simple, the structure and time expressions of Past Simple. Then the pupils did lots of exercises. 05.12.2022 Today my partner Aliya, I and the teacher of this school were on duty. Our duty hours were from 08:30 AM to 13:30 PM. After that, we wrote down the names of pupils who came late for the school, what class they are in, and what time they came to class. The pupils’ order are not good. They are very rude to us. They do not say hello to the teacher and us either, they go straight inside, they do not listen to our words, but some of them go to the class on time saying “ Assalauma aleykum”. If would be great if there were more good pupils. Then our time is over and we hope that we have completed the task perfectly. 10.12.2022 Today was our next practice day. In today’s practice, We entered the first lesson of the fourth grade. Before the start of the lesson, the teacher checked that the pupils had their numbers, and their hometasks. She explained a new topic. The new topic is about “ Take care of pets and animals”. There are several tasks on this topic. For instance, listening, reading and so on. The first teacher used a reading translation task. Then they asked for the translations of the words in the task and valuated the pupils who found them. They done well them assigned hometask related to the topic. They did the assignments well. At the end of the lesson teacher gave to them hometasks for today’s new topic. This lesson organized well. 12.12.2022 Today we worked on the task assigned to us. Our task is to learn the books used in the 11th grade of the subject “ English language” and prepare a book review on it. On this day, firstly I got to know who wrote the book, when and whee it was published. Then, I got to know the topics in the book. The book is very intriguing and clearly for the 11th grade. This book has a lot of exercises, pictures, some kind of texts, reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary. I think it is well organized. From the topics of this book, they can learn going shopping, animals in danger, extreme weather, let’s cook and others. For example, If we take the topic of let’s cook, pupils will learn how long does it take cook food, how to cook food, how it works good and tasty. If the pupils master this book well, the level of English can be high. I hope that the teaching method will not make all pupils bored, but will make them happy to learn English. 17.12.2022 We arrived at our next practice on December 17. This day was also a wonderful and enjoyable day. We first observed the lesson process of the sixth grade. Firstly, the teacher checked their hometasks. Then the teacher learned today’s new topic. Today’s topic is about “ Adjective and adverb”. Teacher gave some information about a new topic belongs to with several examples. Pupils did listening task about “ Traditional instruments”. The teacher also used other tasks for the pupils. The teacher taught the pupils the listening assignment and told the pupils that they needed to translate. Then the pupils translated. Al pupils very active during the lesson. 19.12.2022 Today we came to the next practice. We started our first lesson with sixth grade. Since there were fourth year students with us, they learned the lessons. They checked their homework first. Then they started today’s new topic. Today’s new topic is about “ How do string instruments make high and low sounds”. The teacher wrote the new words of the topic with their translation on the blackboard and taught them how to pronounce and read them. They did several exercises related to the new topic. In the first task, pupils wrote answers to questions. In the second task, the students were divided into small groups, drew a picture of a musical instrument and told how it sounds and how we should use it. Download 21,11 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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