│ • MobaXterm Personal Edition v22. 2 • │

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MobaXterm 20230426 115834

│ • MobaXterm Personal Edition v22.2 • │
│ (SSH client, X server and network tools) │
│ │
│ ⮞ SSH session to root@ │
│ • Direct SSH : ✓ │
│ • SSH compression : ✓ │
│ • SSH-browser : ✓ │
│ • X11-forwarding : ✗ (disabled or not supported by server) │
│ │
│ ⮞ For more info, ctrl+click on help or visit our website. │

Last login: Fri Apr 21 13:58:23 2023 from
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost opt]# ./chu_log -r
14:03:17.668 Localip: localport = 10240 chuip:
14:03:17.668 pjlib 2.4.5 for POSIX initialized
14:03:17.668 call pj_init success 0
cli on
14:03:22.168 Hytera CHU board CLI v3.0 starts (Soft Version, Hard Version :50w)
cd mrg
%>14:03:29.254 Bad command input, type "cd help" for help!
cd mgr
%>14:03:36.159 msg msg [on/off] ---- print out MGR_Messages
14:03:36.160 gettx gettx ---- get the TX frequecy of CHU board
14:03:36.160 settx settx xxxxxxxx ---- set the TX frequecy of CHU board
14:03:36.161 getrx getrx ---- get the RX frequecy of CHU board
14:03:36.162 setrx setrx xxxxxxxx ---- set the RX frequecy of CHU board
14:03:36.162 gettp gettp ---- get the TX power of CHU board
14:03:36.164 settp settp xxxxxxxx ---- set the TX power of CHU board
14:03:36.164 getfec getfec ---- get the VoiceFec of CHU board
14:03:36.165 setfec setfec [1-2] ---- set the VoiceFec of CHU board 1-SELP 2-AMBE 3-NVOC
14:03:36.166 getfecsw getfecsw ---- get the AI encrypt switch of CHU board
14:03:36.167 setfecsw setfecsw [0-1] ---- set the AI encrypt switch of CHU board 0-OFF 1-ON
14:03:36.167 getthreshold getthreshold ---- get the threshold of link detection
14:03:36.168 setthreshold setthreshold [1-100] ---- set the threshold of link detection
14:03:36.169 getdiv getdiv ---- get the DivRecv of CHU board!
14:03:36.170 setdiv setdiv [0-4] ---- set the DivRecv of CHU board!
14:03:36.170 getwmode getwmode ---- get the Work Mode of CHU board
14:03:36.171 setwmode setwmode [0-1] ---- set the Work Mode of CHU board 0-PDT 1-DMR
14:03:36.172 getpainfo getpainfo ---- get the Sleep Config of CHU board and Phy channel state
14:03:36.173 setpainfo setpainfo [0/1][1-60][0/1] ---- set the Sleep Config of CHU board 0-DIS 1-EN! set the Phy channel state of CHC board 0-DIS 1-EN
14:03:36.174 getgd getgd ---- get the TX DAgain SKYgain DaDelay SkyDelay of CHU board
14:03:36.174 setgd setgd xxxx xxxx xx xx ---- set the TX DAgain SKYgain DaDelay SkyDelay of CHU board
14:03:36.175 getdef getdef ---- get the default parameter table of CHU board
14:03:36.176 settcxo settcxo xxxxxxxx ---- set the default time adjust parameter of CHU board
14:03:36.177 setdeftx setdeftx xxxxxxxx ---- set the default TX frequency of CHU board
14:03:36.177 getalarmswitch getalarmswitch ---- get the alarm enable switch
14:03:36.178 setalarmswitch setalarmswitch [0-1] ---- set the alarm enable switch 0-OFF 1-ON
14:03:36.179 beron beron xx xx xx ---- turn on ber report[0-receive 1-103 2-0.513] [CH 1-8] [1-A 2-B 3-C 4-AB 5-BC 6-AC 7-ABC]
14:03:36.180 beroff beroff ---- turn off ber report
14:03:36.180 getdefrssi getdefrssi ---- get the 100dB RSSI of CHU board
14:03:36.181 getfbwm getfbwm ---- get the Fall Back work mode of CHU board!
14:03:36.183 setfbwm setfbwm [0-1] ---- set the Fall Back work mode of CHU board!
14:03:36.184 getcallht getcallht ---- get the Terminator frame launch time of CHU board!
14:03:36.185 setcallht setcallht [0-500][0-500] ---- set the Terminator frame launch time of CHU board!
14:03:36.186 getrssiswitch getrssiswitch ---- get the rssi detection enable switch
14:03:36.187 setrssiswitch setrssiswitch [0-1] ---- set the rssi detection enable switch 0-OFF 1-ON
14:03:36.187 getrssith getrssith ---- get the rssi detection threshold
14:03:36.188 setrssith setrssith [-120-0][-120-0][-120-0][-120-0][0-500][0-500][0-500][0-500][0-500] ---- set the of rssi detection
14:03:36.189 getrssicnt getrssicnt ---- get the rssi count value
14:03:36.190 getrssitmp getrssitmp ---- get the rssi tmp value
14:03:36.190 100dbadjust 100dbadjust ---- adjust -100db field strength
14:03:36.191 getpwctrl getpwctrl ---- get the power control value
14:03:36.192 setpwctrl setpwctrl [-120--60][-120--60][0/1] ---- set the power control value
14:03:36.193 getcrctag getcrctag ---- get the crc tag
14:03:36.194 setcrctag setcrctag [0-1] ---- set the power control value
14:03:36.195 gettuner gettuner ---- get current tuner paramter
14:03:36.195 enrssireport enrssireport[0-1] ---- turn on/off the switch of rssi report
14:03:36.196 getcwid getcwid ---- get cwid config
14:03:36.197 getlcdtime getlcdtime ---- get lcdouttime value
14:03:36.198 setlcdtime setlcdtime[value]S ---- set lcdouttime value
14:03:36.198 getfpower getfpower ---- get forward power adjust infomation
14:03:36.199 getvoltage getvoltage ---- get Supply voltage
14:03:36.200 getskychiptype getskychiptype ---- get skychiptype
14:03:36.200 %>14:03:42.102 TxCtrl Enable = 1, Protect Time = 3s, Phy Channel Enable = 1
setpainfo 0 3 1
14:03:42.103 %>14:03:50.031 %>14:03:50.039 set PHYInfo success!
14:03:58.035 TxFrequency:400000000, highpower:0mv,middlepower:0mv,lowpower:136mv
14:03:58.036 TxFrequency:412000000, highpower:0mv,middlepower:1470mv,lowpower:141mv
14:03:58.036 TxFrequency:424000000, highpower:0mv,middlepower:1494mv,lowpower:146mv
14:03:58.037 TxFrequency:434987500, highpower:0mv,middlepower:1504mv,lowpower:146mv
14:03:58.038 TxFrequency:435000000, highpower:0mv,middlepower:1504mv,lowpower:146mv
14:03:58.039 TxFrequency:447000000, highpower:0mv,middlepower:1528mv,lowpower:150mv
14:03:58.040 TxFrequency:459000000, highpower:0mv,middlepower:1548mv,lowpower:155mv
14:03:58.041 TxFrequency:470000000, highpower:0mv,middlepower:1562mv,lowpower:155mv
14:03:58.042 Current Forward Power:0mw,Txfreq:448375000,Pfwd_Vol:2346mv
14:03:58.042 %>14:04:22.178 TX Power(mW): 50000

Network error: Software caused connection abort


Session stopped
- Press to exit tab
- Press R to restart session
- Press S to save terminal output to file
│ • MobaXterm Personal Edition v22.2 • │
│ (SSH client, X server and network tools) │
│ │
│ ⮞ SSH session to root@ │
│ • Direct SSH : ✓ │
│ • SSH compression : ✓ │
│ • SSH-browser : ✓ │
│ • X11-forwarding : ✗ (disabled or not supported by server) │
│ │
│ ⮞ For more info, ctrl+click on help or visit our website. │

Last login: Fri Apr 21 14:02:32 2023 from
[root@localhost ~]# cd /opt
[root@localhost opt]# ./chu_log -r
14:12:15.653 Localip: localport = 10240 chuip:
14:12:15.653 pjlib 2.4.5 for POSIX initialized
14:12:15.653 call pj_init success 0
cli on
cli on
cli off
cli off
cli on
14:13:22.001 slot 1 0 rcv rc info 30 83 handle 00000007
14:13:22.031 slot 0 1 rcv rc info 30 83 handle 00000006
14:13:22.131 Alias_ClearRc 30 83 2
14:13:22.161 Alias_ClearRc 30 83 2
cli on14:13:30.283 DMC cfg 255 set unused
14:13:30.283 [DMC_cfg] [slot_0]uSlotActiveStatus : 0 !
14:13:30.283 DMC cfg SrcAddr[0] = 0, Channl type 255
14:13:30.284 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.284 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.285 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.285 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.286 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.286 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.286 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.287 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.287 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.288 DMC cfg 255 set unused
14:13:30.288 [DMC_cfg] [slot_1]uSlotActiveStatus : 0 !
14:13:30.289 DMC cfg SrcAddr[0] = 0, Channl type 255
14:13:30.289 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.289 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.290 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.291 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.291 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.292 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.292 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.292 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.293 [CACH_ZERO] cach_Type(255)!
14:13:30.294 L-CHU fallback mode:0 (0:Close,1:Enable Relay); DMA_WORKMODE:1(0:Fallback,1:Trunk, 2:Relay); CHU_RUN_MODE:1(0:Relay,1:Trunk)
14:13:30.294 CHU_RUN_MODE has been CHU_MODE_TRUNK!
14:13:30.295 L-CHU fallback mode:0 (0:Close,1:Enable Relay); DMA_WORKMODE:0(0:Fallback,1:Trunk, 2:Relay); CHU_RUN_MODE:1(0:Relay,1:Trunk)
14:13:30.295 N- CHU_FALLBACK_MODE:0 (0:Close,1:Enable Relay); CHU_RUN_MODE:1(0:Relay,1:Trunk)
14:13:30.296 L-CHU fallback mode:0 (0:Close,1:Enable Relay); DMA_WORKMODE:1(0:Fallback,1:Trunk, 2:Relay); CHU_RUN_MODE:1(0:Relay,1:Trunk)
14:13:30.296 CHU_RUN_MODE has been CHU_MODE_TRUNK!
14:13:30.413 DMC cfg 0
14:13:30.414 [DMC_cfg] [slot_0]uSlotActiveStatus : 0 !
14:13:30.414 DMC cfg SrcAddr[0] = 0, Channl type 0
14:13:30.415 DMC cfg 3
14:13:30.415 [DMC_cfg] [slot_1]uSlotActiveStatus : 0 !
14:13:30.416 DMC cfg SrcAddr[0] = 0, Channl type 3
14:13:30.544 [DMR]REC DMC_CH_DT_REQ(3)!
14:13:30.544 [DMR] info DMBCSBKPacket SDUType 0 timer -1
14:13:30.545 [DMR] info DMBCSBKPacket SDUType 0 timer -1
14:13:30.551 [DMR] info DMBCSBKPacket SDUType 1 timer -1
14:13:30.611 [DMR] info DMBCSBKPacket SDUType 1 timer -1
14:13:30.671 [DMR] info DMBCSBKPacket SDUType 1 timer -1

14:13:31.078 Bad command input! type "help" for help!
cli off
%>14:13:40.969 Hytera CHU board CLI v4.0 stops
cli on
14:13:43.926 Hytera CHU board CLI v3.0 starts (Soft Version, Hard Version :50w)
cd mrg
%>14:13:56.823 Bad command input, type "cd help" for help!
cli off
%>14:14:07.830 Hytera CHU board CLI v4.0 stops
cli on
14:14:16.601 Hytera CHU board CLI v3.0 starts (Soft Version, Hard Version :50w)
cd mgr
%>14:14:21.495 msg msg [on/off] ---- print out MGR_Messages
14:14:21.496 gettx gettx ---- get the TX frequecy of CHU board
14:14:21.496 settx settx xxxxxxxx ---- set the TX frequecy of CHU board
14:14:21.497 getrx getrx ---- get the RX frequecy of CHU board
14:14:21.498 setrx setrx xxxxxxxx ---- set the RX frequecy of CHU board
14:14:21.499 gettp gettp ---- get the TX power of CHU board
14:14:21.499 settp settp xxxxxxxx ---- set the TX power of CHU board
14:14:21.500 getfec getfec ---- get the VoiceFec of CHU board
14:14:21.501 setfec setfec [1-2] ---- set the VoiceFec of CHU board 1-SELP 2-AMBE 3-NVOC
14:14:21.502 getfecsw getfecsw ---- get the AI encrypt switch of CHU board
14:14:21.503 setfecsw setfecsw [0-1] ---- set the AI encrypt switch of CHU board 0-OFF 1-ON
14:14:21.503 getthreshold getthreshold ---- get the threshold of link detection
14:14:21.504 setthreshold setthreshold [1-100] ---- set the threshold of link detection
14:14:21.505 getdiv getdiv ---- get the DivRecv of CHU board!
14:14:21.506 setdiv setdiv [0-4] ---- set the DivRecv of CHU board!
14:14:21.506 getwmode getwmode ---- get the Work Mode of CHU board
14:14:21.507 setwmode setwmode [0-1] ---- set the Work Mode of CHU board 0-PDT 1-DMR
14:14:21.508 getpainfo getpainfo ---- get the Sleep Config of CHU board and Phy channel state
14:14:21.509 setpainfo setpainfo [0/1][1-60][0/1] ---- set the Sleep Config of CHU board 0-DIS 1-EN! set the Phy channel state of CHC board 0-DIS 1-EN
14:14:21.510 getgd getgd ---- get the TX DAgain SKYgain DaDelay SkyDelay of CHU board
14:14:21.510 setgd setgd xxxx xxxx xx xx ---- set the TX DAgain SKYgain DaDelay SkyDelay of CHU board
14:14:21.511 getdef getdef ---- get the default parameter table of CHU board
14:14:21.512 settcxo settcxo xxxxxxxx ---- set the default time adjust parameter of CHU board
14:14:21.513 setdeftx setdeftx xxxxxxxx ---- set the default TX frequency of CHU board
14:14:21.513 getalarmswitch getalarmswitch ---- get the alarm enable switch
14:14:21.514 setalarmswitch setalarmswitch [0-1] ---- set the alarm enable switch 0-OFF 1-ON
14:14:21.515 beron beron xx xx xx ---- turn on ber report[0-receive 1-103 2-0.513] [CH 1-8] [1-A 2-B 3-C 4-AB 5-BC 6-AC 7-ABC]
14:14:21.516 beroff beroff ---- turn off ber report
14:14:21.517 getdefrssi getdefrssi ---- get the 100dB RSSI of CHU board
14:14:21.517 getfbwm getfbwm ---- get the Fall Back work mode of CHU board!
14:14:21.518 setfbwm setfbwm [0-1] ---- set the Fall Back work mode of CHU board!
14:14:21.520 getcallht getcallht ---- get the Terminator frame launch time of CHU board!
14:14:21.521 setcallht setcallht [0-500][0-500] ---- set the Terminator frame launch time of CHU board!
14:14:21.522 getrssiswitch getrssiswitch ---- get the rssi detection enable switch
14:14:21.523 setrssiswitch setrssiswitch [0-1] ---- set the rssi detection enable switch 0-OFF 1-ON
14:14:21.523 getrssith getrssith ---- get the rssi detection threshold
14:14:21.524 setrssith setrssith [-120-0][-120-0][-120-0][-120-0][0-500][0-500][0-500][0-500][0-500] ---- set the of rssi detection
14:14:21.525 getrssicnt getrssicnt ---- get the rssi count value
14:14:21.526 getrssitmp getrssitmp ---- get the rssi tmp value
14:14:21.527 100dbadjust 100dbadjust ---- adjust -100db field strength
14:14:21.527 getpwctrl getpwctrl ---- get the power control value
14:14:21.528 setpwctrl setpwctrl [-120--60][-120--60][0/1] ---- set the power control value
14:14:21.529 getcrctag getcrctag ---- get the crc tag
14:14:21.529 setcrctag setcrctag [0-1] ---- set the power control value
14:14:21.531 gettuner gettuner ---- get current tuner paramter
14:14:21.531 enrssireport enrssireport[0-1] ---- turn on/off the switch of rssi report
14:14:21.532 getcwid getcwid ---- get cwid config
14:14:21.533 getlcdtime getlcdtime ---- get lcdouttime value
14:14:21.534 setlcdtime setlcdtime[value]S ---- set lcdouttime value
14:14:21.534 getfpower getfpower ---- get forward power adjust infomation
14:14:21.535 getvoltage getvoltage ---- get Supply voltage
14:14:21.536 getskychiptype getskychiptype ---- get skychiptype
14:14:21.536 %>14:14:39.581 TX Power(mW): 50000
14:14:39.582 %>14:14:44.532 TxCtrl Enable = 0, Protect Time = 3s, Phy Channel Enable = 1
14:14:44.533 %>14:14:52.033 TxFrequency:400000000, highpower:2292mv,middlepower:939mv,lowpower:53mv
14:14:52.034 TxFrequency:412000000, highpower:2176mv,middlepower:2176mv,lowpower:2176mv
14:14:52.035 TxFrequency:424000000, highpower:2200mv,middlepower:885mv,lowpower:58mv
14:14:52.036 TxFrequency:434987500, highpower:2273mv,middlepower:895mv,lowpower:58mv
14:14:52.037 TxFrequency:435000000, highpower:2268mv,middlepower:895mv,lowpower:63mv
14:14:52.038 TxFrequency:447000000, highpower:2351mv,middlepower:920mv,lowpower:63mv
14:14:52.039 TxFrequency:459000000, highpower:2341mv,middlepower:924mv,lowpower:63mv
14:14:52.040 TxFrequency:470000000, highpower:2414mv,middlepower:939mv,lowpower:68mv
14:14:52.041 Current Forward Power:50109mw,Txfreq:470000000,Pfwd_Vol:2424mv
14:14:52.041 %>14:15:05.400 [MGR_LCD]RF PAGE UPDATE!
14:15:05.401 RowNumber:1,ColumnNumber7

Network error: Software caused connection abort


Session stopped
- Press to exit tab
- Press R to restart session
- Press S to save terminal output to file

Download 31.48 Kb.

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