1. Ability-qobiliyat Permission-ruhsat+ request
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lesson 2.1 introduction to Modal ability
- Bu sahifa navigatsiya:
- +++S+can/could+V+obj I can speak in 5 languages Students can solve difficult problem I can buy/purchase
- To be able to
- --- S+to be+not+ able to+ V+obj
- MIX: to be+n’t+ S+ able to+ V+obj
- Managed to+V1 = was/were able to
(lesson1) MODAL VERBS Modal verbs gapda auxiliary vazifasida keladi va ulardan keyin to kelmaydi,asosiy fe’lga s,es qo’shilmaydi. 1.Ability-qobiliyat 2.Permission-ruhsat+ request 3.Advice-maslahat 4. Obligation-zaruriyat 5. Criticism-tanqid 6.Degrees of certainty (aniqlik darajasi) Ability( can, could, TO BE able to) I cannot use phone during the lesson
Can’t students translate a lot of sentences? To be able to- mahsus vaziyatlarda ishlatiladi +++ S+to be able to+ V+obj I was able to make difficult sentence during the lesson People will be able to buy a new type of cars tomorrow I was able to speak English during the lesson yesterday --- S+to be+not+ able to+ V+obj I was not able to make difficult sentence during the lesson People will not be able to buy a new type of cars tomorrow He was not able to understand the lesson ??? to be+S+ able to+ V+obj Was he able to give silly question? Were students able to comprehend the theme? was I able to make difficult sentence during the lesson ? will People be able to buy a new type of cars tomorrow ? Were you able to help your parents at home yesterday ? MIX: to be+n’t+ S+ able to+ V+obj Wasn’t I able to make difficult sentence during the lesson Won’t People be able to buy a new type of cars tomorrow Weren’t students able to make difficult sentences during the lesson yesterday? Weren’t you able to help your parents at home yesterday ? Won’t you be able to come to the lesson tomorrow? Willn’t>>> Won’t Will not I was not able to drive the car yesterday I can teach students I will be able to teach students tomorrow
-I can play guitar -I don’t have money but, I can pay you tomorrow
-when I graduate, I will be able to get a job
-I was able to find the key *** couldn’t=was/were not able to (mahsus) He couldn’t come to the lesson on time yesterday He was not able to come to the lesson on time yesterday
I could run fast I used to be able to run fast Download 20,03 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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