1-Амалий машғулот Мавзу
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- Амалий иш жиҳози
- Наъзарий маълумотлар: • Маълумотлар базаси
111 1-Амалий машғулот Мавзу: Маълумотлар базасини таҳрирлаш Ишнинг мақсади: Талабаларда Маълумотлар базасини лойихалаш, объект ишини ташкил қилиш кўникмаларини ривожлантириш Кутилган натижа: Аccеss дастурида жадваллар туза олади. Амалий иш жиҳози: Компютер, МС Аccеss дастури, тарқатма материаллар Иш режаси: 1. МС Аccеss жадваллари. Жадвал тузилиши. 2. Жадвал яратиш усуллари. 3. Жадвал майдони типлари. Наъзарий маълумотлар: • Маълумотлар базаси – бу бирор бир объектга тегишли бўлган маълумотларни сақлаш ва қайта ишлаш учун мўлжалланган ташкилий структурадир. • Маълумотлар базаси (МБ) дегандa реaл дунёнинг кoнкрет объектлaри ҳaқидaги маълумотлар тўплaмини тушуниш мумкин. МБ моделлaрининг учтa aсoсий турлaри мaвжуд: • реляциoн • Иерaрxик • тaрмоқ. Реляциoн (лoтин тилидaги рeлaтиo — мунoсaбaт сўзидaн oлингaн) моделдa маълумотларни сaқлaш уни тaшкил этувчи қисмлaри oрaсидaги мунoсaбaтлaргa aсoслaнгaн. Энг сoддa ҳoлдa у икки ўлчoвли мaссив ёки жaдвaлдaн ибoрaт бўлaди. Маълумотлар базасини лойихалаш 112 In Microsoft Access a database consists of one single file. The file contains all the tables of the database, the relationships (the crow’s feet), queries (computed tables), forms (user windows), and many other things. As a systems developer you will design tables and user windows. As a user you will enter data into the tables (usually through user windows) and get data out of the tables, for instance through the same windows or through printed reports. In Access it is very easy to switch between the developer role and the user role. As a developer you will typically design some tables, then switch to the user role to enter data into them, then switch back to the developer role to change the design, design more tables, etc. Access can to a large extent restructure the data that already is in the database so that it matches the new table design. Warning: Make sure you follow the steps below closely. Don’t skip any of the numbered steps. The result might be that you get stuck later in the text. Create the database 1. Locate the Access program. Depending on the way the system is set up, you may find it under Programs -> Microsoft Access or Programs -> Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Access. 2. In Access 97 and 2000: Open Access and ask for a "blank" database. In Access 2003: Open Access and click the New icon (under the File menu). Then click Blank database in the help area to the far right. 3. Access now asks where to store the new database. Select the folder you want and give the database the name hotel (or hotel.mdb). The screen now shows the database window. It should look like Figure 2.1A. 2 Download 441,48 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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