1. Are you good at dividing large tasks
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1.Are you good at dividing large tasks..................... Sometimes it takes a long time to complete very large tasks, and as aresult, in many cases, such tasks fail. Moreover, such large tasks make us tired quickly. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to develop the ability to divide large tasks into smaller pieces in order to cope with them more easily. Sometimes I use the same method. For example, It is difficult to write answer all the questions by writing 10 answers a day for a week. As a result, I did my large task, I found time to do my other tasks, and I did not feel tired doing this task 2.Talk about three learning skills (Input, Output, Process skills) INPUT(receptive) skills are those used in understanding; reading, listening, note taking, class participation. These are the skills that you use to enter information in your brain. OUTPUT(productive) skills involve producing language; test taking, class participation and etc. through speaking or writing. These skills are the skills that you use to retrive information from your brain. PROCESS skills are the acts you execute to process the information once it is in your brain. 3. Do you have your own study space at home..................... I have a comfortable environment at home to study. I do my hometasks in a desk in my bedroom. I keep all of my supplies in one place. But outside noices, my telephone distracts me while I am studying. Sometimes, housework also gets in the way when I do my hometasks. So, I put my phone away from me while studying at home. 4.What is your learning style?..................... My learning style is Kinesthetic. Someone with a Kinesthetic. Someone with a Kinesthetic learning style has a preference for physical experience - touching, feeling, holding, doing practical hands-on experiences. These people will use phrases such as "let me try", "how do you feel?" and will be best able to perform a new task by going ahead trying it out, learning as they go. These are the people who like to experiement hands-on and never look at the instructions first. 5.What kind of a learner are you? ................... I am an auditory learner. Auditory learners remember things by hearing and listening. I tend to have an easier time understanding spoken instructions than written ones. I read stories, assigments, or directions out loud. I record myself and listen to the recording. I study new material by reading it out loud. I am a good listener. Three adjectives which would describe me as a learner are attentive, observant and curious. 6.What are your strengths in learning and studying? My strengths in learning and studying are my ability to quickly grasp new things and topics and to work hard to learn. If I work hard to learn something. I can do it. In particular, I can put into practice what I have learned, and through this I will strengthen what I have learned. 7.What are your weakneses in learning and studying? Despite being a quick learner, I quickly forget I learned If I do not put into practice what I learned. I also allow some copying throughout the organisation. So I try to lose this weak aspect. I also sometimes get into the habit of being lazy. I try to repeat what I have learned and I start to forget what I have learned. 8.How much time do you usually spend on your language learning each week? As a student, I can say if we can allocate time properly, we will be able to complete all our lessons on time and find enough time to learn the language. I usually spend an average of 17 to 18 hours a week learning a language. By doing my homework for 2 to 2.30 hours a day, I mainly increase my vocabulary and my speaking ability through class conversation. I also find and memorize unfamiliar words for myself in textbooks during the week. 9)What resources do you need to study well? What kind of support do you need? First and foremost, you need comfortable rooms and equipment for good reading. There should be no noise and distractions in our room, such as Tvs and DVD speakers. You will need the textbooks and manuals you need to read well, and everyone's interest in reading is important. I think the source a person needs is first and foremost a textbook and internet information in the current modern situation. I study in English faculty and I have a little diffuculty speaking English so I need a speaking coach who will teach me an extra lesson. 10) What is your secondary learning style? What is specific about this learning style? My secondary learning style is visual. Visual learners prefer the use of images, maps, and graphic organizers to access and understand new information. If your primary learning style is visual, draw pictures in the margins, look at the graphics, and read the text that explains the graphics. Envision the topic or play a movie in your thoughts of how you will act out the subject matter. 11)What are transferable skills? Transferable skills are skills and abilities that are relevant and helpful across different areas of life: socially, professionally and at school. They are "portable skills". People usually think about their transferable skills when applying for a job or when thinking about a career change. Employers often look for people who can demonsrate a good set of transferable skills. The good news is that you already have transferable skills- you have developed such skills and abilities throught your life, at school and perhaps at university, at home and in your social life, as well as through any experience in the work-place. 12)What reading skills do you know? Talk about skimming and scanning skill? Reading is an important part of learning English, but many student find it diffucult. Here is a quick overview of the four types of reading skills used in every language: They are skimming, scanning, extensive reading and intensive reading. Skamming- is used to quickly gather the most important information or "gist". Run your eyes over the text, noting important information. It's not essential to understand each word when skimming. Scanning-is used to find a particular piece of information. Run your eyes over the text looking for the specific piece of information you need. Use scanning on schedules, meeting plans, etc. in order to find the specific details you require. If you see words or phrases that you don't understand, don't worry when scanning. 13) What reading skills do you know? Talk about extensive and intensive reading skills. The four types of reading skills used in every language. They are skimming, scanning, extensive reading and intensive reading. Extensive reading-is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure. Don't worry if you understand each word. Intensive reading- is used on shorter texts in order to extract specific information. It includes very close accurate reading for detail. Use intensive reading skills to grasp the details of a specific situation. In this case, it is important that you understand each word, number or fact. 14-17) What is a technology skill? How is this skill " transferable " to a certain activity. Many jobs will require that you use word processing , spreadsheet and web- based software on a daily basis. However, think beyond these basic IT skills. Are you confident using a computer? Can you learn how to use new software and new technology quickly? The above are just some of the transferable or soft skills that are helpful and relevant throughout many different areas of our lives. Think back on your own life and experience to identify other personal skills you possess that are not included here. One of the technical skills essential to every job is technological competence. Even when you are not working in a technology fields, strong technology skills will enhance your stability and help you leverage professional growth. Staying current with the essential technical and technology skills of your chosen career path is the keystone of your professional stability and growth. Technology constantly changes the nature of our jobs and the ways in which they are executed. As a result, if you want to stay employable, you need to stay current with the skills most prized in your professional world. 15) What is a planning and organising skill? How is this skill "transferable" to a certain activity. Planning is the formation of an image of the future in the mind of the subject. Organization is the application of the imagination in the mind of the subject. Planning is one of the most important functions of management. Planning consists of at least 5 stages: forecasting; identification and support of development; goal setting; work program development and scheduling budgeting. Examples of organizations are small business and private entrepreneurship. When establashing a new enterprise, the composition of the founders is determined, and the constituent documents, the charter of the enterprise, the agreement of the founders on the establishment of the enterprise and other normative documents are develeped. A well- organized person has a strong, neat structure in their workspace, tasks and relationships. Organized employees typically meet deadlines, communicate with others in a timely manner and follow instructions well. Employers can trust organized workers to meet deadlines, take notes and ensure projects are completed efficiently. 16) What is a leadership skill? How is this skill " transferable " to a certain activity. Leadership skills aren't only your ability to supervise and manage a team. Leadership skills also include your ability to take the lead on a project and get a team to follow through and accomplish shared goals. Leadership encompasses many additional transferable skills like communication, problem- solving, and relationship building. When others believe in your competence and believe you have everyone's success as your goal, they will follow you; you accept responsibility, but "we" get the credit. When your actions inspire others to think more, learn more, do more and become more, you are on your way to becoming a leader. This will ultimately be recognized and rewarded with promotion into and up the ranks of management. 18- our smart goals in portfolio. 19 .Talk about SMART goals Goals is something that you hope to reach in the future. Smart goals is a goal that can be accomplished in a timely manner based on a clear plan. The word Smart is an abbreviation and it means . S-specific .M-measurable. A-achievable. R- realistic.T- time-bount. If we hope to achieve something we should compose goals and smart goals. 20.How do you define the words "goals" and "objective" What kind of differences do they posses? -Goals is something that you hope to reach in the future and objective is a small steps taken to achieve the goal to illustrate with an example I aim to get IELTS band score 7in six months. This is a smart goal. The objectives are follow. -First attend IELTS course,-Second ,buy the necessary books and so on. 21.What is decision making? How do you make decisions? Decision making is the process of making choices by identifying a decision assessing alternative resolutions . We can make a better decision with the following steps.1- identifying the problems 2- comparing your options.3- creating a point system. 4- identifying pros and cons.5- thinking about the consequences. 22.How do you define the words"intuition"and "reasoning". What kind of differences do they posses in terms of decision making? Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. Reasoning the action of thinking about something in a logical and sensible way. 23. We make some decisions everyday and they are big ones small ones instinct directions or carefully considered commitments. We can make a better decisions following the steps..1- identifying the problems 2- comparing your options.3- creating a point system. 4- identifying pros and cons.5- thinking about the consequences. 24. Discuss the following principle of decision making . Never risk more than you can afford to give. In my opinion this is a very right idea. Because any person can give something which they can afford. If people promise or risk something that they cannot afford then he or she cannot do it. it comes to bad. And in this situation we my lost a trust of someone who trust us. In this case everyone may have any different opinion of course above thoughts are my personal opinion 25.Discuss the following principle of decision making. Never risk more than you have In my opinion, this is right idea. Because if any person wants more than he has and if he puts his possession at risk he may lose all of them. In such a case person cannot achieve any success. I think everyone should be grateful for that they have if necessary , it should be achieved through hard working. 26. Discuss the following principle of decision making. Never risk more than you can get in return. If a person is risking what he has to achieve something new he must think of the end. That is you need to think about things which you rish will come back beneficial. Otherwise you may lose everything. 36.Discuss some ways to say "no" gracefully. In my opinion,if you are busy or you haven't got free time,you must say "no" gracefully.How you felt in your life when you were always saying yes,and evaluate how you feel now when you say no when you really mean it.Usually,your stress levels will go down.One of the biggest reasons people carry around resentments is because they said yes when they really wanted to say no.For example,My friend Marjona asked me to go to the supermarket with her,I said no as I didn't need anything from the supermarket.I said:"No,I won't go as I don't need anything.I have to do other things.Marjona didn't expect me to say "no" as I always used to say "yes" to her.She tried to persuade me and even threatened.First I felt uncomfortable as I was thinking that I could lose my best friend.But then I was happy as I managed to do. 37.Talk about some negative consequences of inability to say "no". If my close friend asks something,it is very difficult to say "no".Because I am frightened.I think that she might be sad.So,although I haven't got enough time,I can do it.But it is harmful gor me.Then it effects my work,negatively.If you said no to your mum,dad,teacher,uncle,grandparents and so on,you were most certainly considered to being rude and you would have probably been told off for it.Telling your family-especially children or grandchildren no for the first time could be a shock to their sensibilities.If you have been a "yes" person for most of their lives,they will react.Take it easy;they'll get used to your new approach.So,in my opinion,if you have a chance,you do all of the things. 38.Do you delegate any of your tasks to anyone?If yes,what kind of tasks? I think that this condition is common to all people.For instance,sometimes I need help many writing work,housework and other things.Due to I don't catch up this activities,I ask from close persons.Because I haven't got enough time to do them.I often deligate many of my tasks to my close friend who is Marjona.She is studying at the university faculty of english such as me.So,I mainly request to write english essays,Russian activities and other tasks.Especially,these days she is supporting more because of my session has been recently.So,I thanks a lot to her. 39.Talk about some positive aspects of Delegation. Let's find an answer what is time-management.Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities,especially to in crease effeciency and productivity.If I talk about delegation,it is the process of distributing work to another person. Benefits of Delegating Gives you the time and ability to focus on higher level tasks. Gives others the ability to learn and develop new skills. Develops trust between works and improves communication. Improves efficiency,moductivity,aid time management. Disadvantages: -Wrong deligition of task can prove fatal for a project and business. 40.Talk about Perfectionism?What kind of habit is this? Perfectionism means that refusal to accept any standard short of perfection.This habit demands to being responsible.You set reachable goals based on your own needs.This will lead to a greater sense of self-esteem.Use feelings of anxiety and depression as opportunities to ask yourself,"Have I set up impossible expectations for myself in this situation?"Recognize that many positive things can only be learned by making mistakes.When you make a mistake ask,"What can I learn from this experience?"Avoid all or nothing thinking in relation to your goals.Learn to discriminate between the tasks you want to give high priority to from those tasks that are less important to you. 41.Talk about a situation when you tried to be perfect and which led to negative consequences. When I was preparing for entry exams,I tried to work hard even over my effort,as a reason.I felt all negative consequences to my health.Then I began to lose my built on myself like I can't,I don't want to learn and so or.Because overloading data to me affect adversely to the productiviting of my study.Instead of being always perfect,number one; I tried to work on myself in avarcy rate with distributing tasks into smaller ones. Simultaneously,I did all tests in another block of my field.Then I got red of this condition with not straining of my mind. 42.Are you a good/average/terrible planner?Why? I am an average planner because if I am a good planner in my life,all of my plans doesn't follow.I don't make daily plans because other works,other problems appear in my life.Almost,I don't plan ahead because mostly they don't follow.My daily plan is often destroyed by urgent interruptions.My planning system is working,but I can do better.I may need help in focusing on priorities,in dealing with urgent interruptions or in writing my daily plan.I sometimes accomplish my plan for a given day.So,I seldom plan time for what matters most to me.But organizing timetable is more important for some people.They control though that way. 43.Prioriting in the process by which a set of items are rankled in order of importance.Choosing one the superior one among other options.It will be definitely more useful own when compound to others.For instance,I should learn english,particularly speaking.And I should begin it,most primary one like grammar.If we eliminate unnecessary missions,we will achieve own targets quickly as well.As a reason prioritingis one of the useful hint for an accomplishment. 44.What makes a good presentation.Talk about some strategies of making an effective presentation. I am going talk about some strategies of making an effective presentation.If you use lots of visual aids,give an outline of the presentation at the beginning,know exactly what he or she wants to say,invite the audience to ask questions at the end of the presentation,make regular eye contact with members of the audience,deliver the presentation clearly but at a natural speed and summarize key points at the end of the preposition,your preposition maybe effective.I would like preposition.I've done prepositon until now for 2 times.So,I looked for commonly preposition phrases and learnt all of them. Discuss the following principle of decision making follow your intitution Everyone has their own intuition . An inner feeling guides us when we want to do something . Intuition is in everyone . Most people often experience sensory discomfort. We often hear the phrase that my heart is sad for some reason. It is an intuition that is a feeling . Intitution is knowing something without being able to explain how you came to that conclusion rationally . Never apologize for trusting your intution your brain can play tricks your heart can blind but your gut is always right. Trust your intuition. It never lies. Talk about time managment skill Time managment is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities. Time managment refers to the way that you organize and plan how long you spend on specific activities. We can manage our time effectively or poorly. Effective time managment -Helps to reduce stress -Helps you get more things done well -Helps ensure your well being -Helps improve quality of life Poor time managment -causes stress at school home and at work Can lead to problems in relationships We always allocate our time properly 29 how many hours available to study do you have a day Do you think that this amount is enough There are 24 hours in a day of which if a person sleeps on average of 8 hours we have 16 hours left. From then on I can deduct my daily work and university hours, and I spend 5 hours a day teaching . For normal days this 5 hours was enough for me to teach . But this time is not enough at all when I sm preparing for the final exams. Because the exsm questions were given to prepare us, the time was less and the task more. Sometimes less than 24 hours at a time . The usual days are 5 hours for me to study. 30 talk about one of the strategies of time managment :saying no Strategies to learn how to say ,,no,, set your boundaries, say no only when you mean it shouting the word ,,no,, at home could cause serious concern in the family if you have always been a yes person Be prepared for shock Its okay if you dont want to upset anyone but only agree to deadlines that you can handle in reality ,if your to do list is already full and you receive a request to complete an additional task on the same day , decline it 31 portfoloyingizga yozgansizlar 32 talk about procrastination what kind of habit is this The procrastination is due to the fact that the work shuld not be done at this time procrastination is not good habit . It is good that everything is on time. Sometimes for obvious reasons we are forced to delay our work. Top 10 ways to avoid procrastination 1 get organized you cant do any work if you dont know what assignments need to be completed 2 set simple, achievable goals. 3create a timeline schedule 4 set a deadline 5 get rid of distractions 6 time yourself 7take a break 8 use incentives 33 why do we procrastione People often assume that procrastination is simply a matter of willpower but in reality the situation is far more complex than that. When faced with a decision to make or a task to complete, we usually rely on our self control in order to push ourself to get things done. Furthermore, our motivation which is based on the expectation of receiving some reward for our efforts, can support our self control and make it more likely that we will get things done in a timely manner. However, for the most part, the mechanism outlined above is the main one which explains why people procrastinate 34 what are some strategies for coping with procrastination The following are some strategies for coping with procrastination 1 do the one thing one of the great causes of procrastination is that large tasks appear overhelming All large tasks can be broken down to smaller more manageable pieces and then focused on one at a time. 2 set deadlines if we put a deadline in everything we do then we can use our time productively 3done is better than perfect 4 take a walk without thinking 5 get to work 35talk about some negative consequences of inability to say ,, no,, Sometimes saying no means protecting your own well-being . It consists of just two little letters, but the word ,,no,, can have a big impact on your relationships with others and you can isolate yourself creating a negative personal,and miss out on opportunities 54. What are the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing? Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s). Once again, it is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source material. Paraphrasinginvolves putting a passage from source material into your own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source. Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the original passage, taking a somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly. Quotationsmust be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. They must match the source document word for word and must be attributed to the original author. 55. What is plagiarism. What acts are regarded as plagiarism. It is the uncredited use (both intentional and unintentional) of somebody else's words or ideas.Buying, stealing, or borrowing a paper(including, of course, copying an entire paper or article from the Web) Copying large sections of text from a source without quotation marks or proper citation.Hiring someone to write your paper for you 56. How reading is important in language learning? Reading is one of the most important sources in learning larguages because we learn initially knowledge about language from reading materials. Our backgroud knowledge is mainly dependent on reading soures, We can weet te information of reading materials in our not expecting a situation all day. They may be a paper, , a show onTV, an adevertisement and etc. and we richen our knowledge through these sources 57. What do you usually read in everyday life? Do you consider yourself as a good reader? daily life. We can meet any text in our daily life.We can meet advertisement materials for jobs,education and so on through ou way. Information of those advertisments helps us to improve our knowledge. I usually read university shbjects and sometimes read fiction and nonfiction works during a week, If I take daily routines in my reading process ,Iwill Consider myselfI as a good reader,Otherwise Iwill not Consider myselfI as a good reader 58. Do we have to read every word? Why? Many of the words used in writing grammatically correct sentences actually convey no meaning. If, in reading, you exert as much effort in conceptualizing these meaningless words as you do important ones, you limit not only your reading speed but your comprehension as well 59. Is reading once enough? Why? Skim once as rapidly as possible to determine the main idea and to identify those parts that need careful reading. Reread more carefully to plug the gaps in your knowledge.For most students in most subjects, reading once is not enough. However, this is not to imply that an unthinking Pavlovian-like rereading is necessary to understand and retain materials. Many students automatically regress or reread doggedly with a self-punishing attitude. This is the hardest way to do it. 60. Is it sinful to skip passages in reading? Why The idea that you cannot skip but have to read every page is old-fashione. Studies show that this is the reason many people drop Book-of-the-Month Club subscriptions; they begin to collect books, cannot keep up with their reading, and develop guilty feelings about owning books they have not had time to read. The idea that some books are used merely for reference purposes and are nice to have around in case you need them seems to be ignored in our schools.
Many people refuse to push themselves faster in reading for fear that they will lose comprehension. However, research shows that there is little relationship between rate and comprehension. Some students read rapidly and comprehend well, others read slowly and comprehend poorly. If you "clutch up" when trying to read fast or skim and worry about your comprehension, it will drop because your mind is occupied with your fears and you are not paying attention to the ideas that you are reading 62. Talk about some stress managing strategies Hamma őzini fikrini yozadi Download 55,5 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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