3.Translate the text. 3. Matnni tarjima qiling. Maktabda Lukas haftaning har kuni maktabga
boradi. Uning har bir maktab kuniga borishi kerak bo'lgan ko'plab fanlari bor: ingliz tili,
san'at, fan, matematika, sport zali va tarix. Uning onasi Lukas uchun kitoblar va tushlik bilan
to'la katta ryukzakni yig'adi. Uning birinchi darsi ingliz tili va u o'qituvchini juda yaxshi
ko'radi. Uning ingliz tili o'qituvchisi u yaxshi o'quvchi ekanligini aytadi, Lukas buni yaxshi
o'quvchi deb hisoblaganini anglatadi. Uning keyingi darsi - san'at. U qalam va qalam bilan
qog'ozga chizadi va ba'zan chizg'ichdan foydalanadi. Lukas san'atni yaxshi ko'radi. Bu uning
sevimli sinfidir. Uning uchinchi sinfi fandir. Bu sinf Lukas uchun tushunish juda qiyin, lekin
u sinfdoshlari bilan juda ko'p ishlashga erishadi, buni qilishni yaxshi ko'radi. Uning do'sti
Kayl Lukas bilan fan darsida ishlaydi va ular zavqlanishadi. Keyin Lukas tushlik uchun
tanaffus oladi. U ovqatlanayotganda Kayl bilan o'tiradi. 4.Answer the following questions?
1)What is the class that is Lucas teacher tell him he is a good pupil? Lucas's English teacher
says he is a good student. 2)What class that Lucas goes to is all about exercising? Is Lucas
going to gym class just for exercise? 3)What is the one where Lucas draws on papet with
pencils and crayons and sometimes uses a ruler? An art class where Lucas draws on paper
with pencil and crayon and sometimes uses a ruler. 4)Who is the person that check on the
students during lunch to make sure that all the students are well behaved? The school principal
is the person who checks the students' behavior during lunch. What is his fourth class? His
fourth grade is a gym. 5.Make these sentences negative. 1)Jacopo lives in Warsaw. Jacopo
does not live in Warsaw. 2)Paolo and Jacopo live in Poland. Paolo and Jacopo do not live in
Poland. 3)Jacopo and Paolo speak Russian va Portuguese. MoJacopo and Paolo do not speak
Russian or Portuguese. 4)Paolo teaches in English Paolo does not teach in English
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