Vocubulary 3
1. My current account shows how much money l have in my account.
2. I have a direct debit at my bank to make payments and receive money. 3. l see a balance on my account when someone pays money into it.
4. I usually get cash out of my account at an ATM.
5. l make the same payment every month with an salary.
6. My employer pays my rent into my account.
7. l have standing order to protect my home.
8. I pay bills each month automatically. 1 use credit.
9. Every month I pay home insurance for my flat.
10. I take money from my account. It is a withdrawal.
Gaplarni berilgan misollardan foydalanib tuzing:
Rent – I pay 100 $ for my rent each month.
Petrol – I pay 20$ for petrol a week.
Pension constributions – I constribute 5$ for pension constributions every month.
Food – I spend 370$ for a month's food. Men bir oylik ovqat uchun 370$ sarflayman.
Electricity:monthly payment - I spend $56 a month on electricity.
Home insurance: monthly payment - I pay $28 a month for Home Insurance.
Credit card - At the end of each month, I pay $126 to the bank on a credit card.
Clothes - I buy an average of $24 worth of clothes every month.
Car insurance: monthly payment - I pay $42 a month for car Insurance.
Savings - I save $150 on my expenses every month.
Other - I spend $220 on my other expenses.
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