Umumiy hollarda ravishning orttirma darajasi oldidan the ishlatilishi yoki
ishlatilmasligi farqsizdir.
He works (the) hardest in the family.
Who can run (the) fastest?
9. than bog’lovchisidan keyin qo’yilishi kerak bo’lgan ega than dan oldinda turgan
qismdan shakllansa, shu qismdagi otni nazarda tutsa yoki shaxssiz ega bo’lsa (it nazarda
tutilmoqda) biror kishilik olmoshi yoki bog’lovchi olmosh bo’lib shakllanadi. Ana
shunday paytda shu olmosh tushib qolishi shart, ya’ni than dan keyin ega yozilmaydi.
He worries more than is necessary. (NOT He worries more than it is necessary.)
U keragidan ortiq xavotirlanadi.
There were a lot of people at the exhibition: more than came last year. (NOT
…more than they came...)
Ko’rgazmada ko’p odamlar bor edi: o’tgan yilgiga qaraganda ko’proq kelgan
I love you more than she does.
Men seni undan ko’ra ko’proq yaxshi ko’raman.
There were more people than we had expected.
Biz kutganimizdan ko’ra ko’proq odamlar bore di.
10. Orttirma darajaga yoki first, next, last kabi so’zlarga urg’u berish maqsadida ular
oldidan very so’zini ishlatish mumkin.
Bring out your very best vine. Michael’s coming to dinner.
O’zingning eng zo’r vinongni olib chiqqin. Maykl kechki ovqatga kelayapdi.
You’re the very first person I’ve spoken to today.
Siz bugun men gaplashgan birinchi kishisiz.
This is your very last chance.
Bu sizning eng oxirgi imkoniyatingiz.
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