1. Таълим соҳалари бўйича ишлаб чиқиладиган меъёрий ҳужжатни кўрсатинг

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1). Таълим соҳалари бўйича ишлаб чиқиладиган меъёрий ҳужжатни кўрсатинг.
Малака талаблари
Ўқув режалари
Фан дастурлари
Давлат таълим стандарти

2). Ўқув жараёнини ташкил қилиш ҳужжатларини кўрсатинг.

ўтказиладиган маънавий-маърифий тадбирлар режаси
йўналишнинг ДТС, МТ, ўқув режалари
академик гуруҳ журнали, ўқитувчининг шахсий иш режаси
силлабуслар, ўқув адабиётлари нусхалари

3). Кредит-модуль тизимида тьюторнинг вазифаси нимадан иборат?

талабага ўқув траекториясини танлашига академик маслаҳатчилик қилиш, танлов фанларини танлашига, ишга жойлашишига ёрдам кўрсатиш
амалий ва лаборатория машғулотларини олиб бориш, курс иши ва лойиҳалари, малакавий амалиётлар, илмий изланишларига раҳбарлик қилиш
амалий турдаги дарсларни ўтиш, талабаларга топшириқлар бериш, уларни назорат қилиш ва бажарилишига эришиш
талабанинг фанларни ўзлаштиришига, илмий ишларни олиб боришига, илмий анжуманларда маъруза қилишига, мақола чоп қилишига яқиндан ёрдам кўрсатиш

4). Ўқув давридаги асосий ўқув фаолиятлари ва уларнинг муддатлари кўрсатилган ҳужжатни кўрсатинг.

академик тақвим
талабанинг шахсий ўқув режаси
фаннинг тақвимий режаси

5). Кредит-модуль тизимида талабанинг ўқув-услубий мажмуаси таркибига кирувчи элементни кўрсатинг.

талабанинг шахсий ўқув режаси
ОТМ ҳақида маълумотлар
кредит-модуль тизимида ўқиш тартиби
академик тақвим

6). Кредит-модуль тизимида қайси фаолият тури педагогнинг ўқув юкламасига киритилади?

талабанинг мустақил таълими
ўқитувчи раҳбарлигидаги талабанинг мустақил иши
талабаларнинг ўқув-изланиш ишлари
талабаларнинг илмий-тадқиқот ишлари

7). Фаннинг ўқув-услубий мажмуаси учун асос бўладиган меъёрий ҳужжатларни кўрсатинг.

дарс жадвали, талабанинг шахсий ўқув режаси
аудитория фонди, фан ўқитувчилари рўйхати
ДТС, МТ, ўқув режа, фан дастури
соатлар тақсимоти, аудитория ва мустақил иш турлари, лаборатория анжомлари

8). Америка Қўшма Штатлари кредит тизимини кўрсатинг.


9). Иккинчи академик тадбиркорлик XX асрнинг бошида ва ўрталарида гуманитар фанлар йўналишларида қўлланиладиган қайси университетга ўказилган


10). Scopus классификацион тизими нечта тематик бўлимдан иборат?


11). Янги технологиялар, янги жиҳозлар, материаллар, маҳсулотлар, илмий-техник хизматларнинг намуналари ва бошқа юқори технологияли маҳсулотлар кўринишидаги инновацион фаолият натижалари –...

Технологик инновациялар
Таълимдаги инновациялар
бошқарувдаги инновациялар
Илмий ва технологик инновациялар

12). Табиат, жамият ва инсоннинг тузилиши, шаклланиши ва ривожланишига оид асосий қонуниятлар ҳақидаги янги билимлар олиш, улар ўртасидаги ўзаро боғлиқлик бўйича тажриба ўтказишга қаратилган тадқиқотлар –....

Мақсадли тадқиқот
Амалий тадқиқотлар
Тематик илмий-тадқиқот
Фундаментал тадқиқотлар

13). “Тадбиркорлик университети” концепциясининг муаллифи ким?

П. Друкер
Генри Ицковиц

14). “Web of Science” халқаро илмий маълумотлар базасида индексация қилинадиган халқаро илмий журналларда Ўзбекистонлик олимлар томонидан чоп этилган битта мақолага нисбатан хорижий ҳаволалар сони 2030 йилгача қанчага ошириш кўзда тутилган?


15). Киритилган ўзгаришларнинг тавсифига кўра таълим инновацияларининг турлари

Жамоа томонидан бевосита яратилган ёки ўзлаштирилган инновациялар
Радикал, модификацияланган, комбинацияланган инновациялар
Педагогик жараён ёки таълим тизимини бошқаришда қўлланилувчи инновациялар
Тармоқ (локаль), модул ва тизим инновациялари

16). Креатив сифатларни ривожлантиришнинг 1-йўли

Креатив фаолият жараёнларни ташкил этиш
Амалий креатив ҳаракат кўникмаларини ривожлантириш
Креатив ишланмалардан фойдаланиш
Креатив фикрлаш кўникмасини шакллантириш

17). Ўқув мақсадига эришиш ёки муаммо, муаммоли вазиятни ҳал қилиш учун талабалар томонидан изчил амалга ошириладиган ҳаракатлар мажмуаси

Ўқув амалий фаолият
Ўқув-педагогик фаолият
Ўқув лойиҳавий фаолият
Ўқув ижодий фаолият

18). Педагог креатив потенциалининг таркибий асослари

фаолиятли ва рефлексив баҳолаш
Мақсадли-мотивли баҳолаш
Мақсадли-мотивли, мазмунли, фаолиятли ва рефлексив баҳолаш
Мақсадли-мотивли ва мазмунли баҳолаш

19). Муаммоли таълимнинг илк ғояларини асослаган муаллиф


20). Дастлаб ҳарбий соҳада қўлланиб, маҳоратли инглиз ва немис аскар ва офицерларни танлаш мақсадида қўлланилган технология


21). Ж.Дьюи ғоялари асос қилиб белгиланган таълим тури

Индивидуал таълим
Ҳамкорлик таълими
Муаммоли таълим
Модул таълими

22). «Flex» модели.

– ўқув дастурининг аҳамиятга боғлиқ қисми бевосита ўқитувчи ёрдамида ўрганилади.
– ўқув дастурининг асосий қисми ахборот таълим муҳитидаги электрон ресурслар ёрдамида ўзлаштирилади.
– ўқув вақти индивидуал электрон таълим ва ўқитувчи билан биргаликда синфда ташкил этилган таълимга тақсимланади.
– ўқув дастурнинг катта қисми электрон таълим орқали ўзлаштирилади.

23). Ispring дастурида Вақт шкаласи (Временная шкала) интерактив элементи қайси бўлимда жойлашган?


24). Гибрид булут (hybrid cloud) – ...

бу инфратузилма тарқатиш барча моделларини ўз ичига оладиган булут корхонада яратилади, уларни бошқариш бўйича масъулият эса корхона билан оммавий булутни етказиб берувчи ўртасида тақсимланади.
бундай инфратузилмадаги булутли ҳисоблаш хизматларидан кенг омма фойдаланиши мумкин, етказиб берувчилар томонидан тақдим этилади ва корпоратив тармоқдан ташқарида жойлаштирилади.
техник воситалар билан яратилган инсонга сезги органлари орқали: кўриш, эшитиш, тегиниш ва бошқалар таъсир кўрсатадиган дунё.
корхонанинг ички булут инфратузилиши ва хизматидир.

25). Blended Learning ...

– онлайн семинар, маъруза, тақдимотларни жонли режимда веб технологиялар ёрдамида ташкил этиш.
– ихтиёрий вақтда онлайн ва офлайн кўринишида таълимни ташкил этиш усули.
– бу шундай таълим концепциясики, унда ҳам аудиторияда, ҳам онлайн равишда ўқув машғулотлар ташкил этилади.
– бу аралаш таълимнинг бир шакли бўлиб, таълим олувчиларни пассив, зерикарли ҳаракатини янги кўринишга ўтказувчи таълим концепцияси.

26). Виртуал синф билан нима қила оласиз?

Узоқ муддатли ўқув лойиҳаларини қўллаб-қувватлаш мумкин
Катта ҳажмдаги маълумотларни тартибда сақланг ва қайта ишланг
Жадваллар ёрдамида тузилган асосан рақамли маълумотларни қайта ишлаш
Сиз мультимедиа тақдимотларини яратишингиз мумкин

27). iSpring TalksMaster дастури қандай мақсадда қўлланилади?

Расмларни қайта ишлаш учун
компьютер экранидаги жараённи тасвирга олиш учун
аудио ва видео файллар билан ишлаш, таҳрирлаш учун
диалог(мулоқотлар) яратиш учун

28). Aхборот дизайни – бу

... слайдлардан иборат презентация яратиш уларни таҳрирлаш, кетма-кетлигини кўриш ва безагини беришдир.
... эргономикани, функционалликни, инсоннинг ахборотни идрок этишининг психологик мезонларини, ахборотни тақдим этишнинг визуал шакллари эстетикасини ва бошқа омилларни ҳисобга олган дизайннинг бир соҳаси ҳисобланиб, бадиий-техник дизайн ва турли хил маълумотларни тақдим этиш амалиётидир.
...слайдлар ва махсус эффектлар тўплами бўлиб, тайёр материал, доклад ёки конспект шаклида битта файлда сақланади ва уни экранда намойиш қилинади.
... слайдларни намойиш қилиш ва кўрсатишда уларни самарадорлигини оширувчи товуш, ранг, матн ва ҳаракатланувчи эффектлар йиғиндисидан иборат.

29). Choose the appropriate answer. What kind of conversation is that? Please, find the documents attached


30). Choose the appropriate answer. What are the types of Media?

Internet, TV, radio, newspapers
Internet, radio, TV, print
Internet, radio, print, magazines
Internet, print, radio, magazines

31). Choose the appropriate answer. Feel free to ask any ____________you might have. I am always ready to respond


32). Choose the appropriate answer. When you contact people in Business, what is better to use?


33). What would you like, Sanobar? - I’d like the same __________ Alisher please.


34). Mark likes ____.

at swimming

35). Choose the appropriate answer. The email written to partners is _____________

Business emails
Semi-formal email
Informal email
Personal email

36). Choose the appropriate answer. _____________helps to organize video calls


37). You don’t need to bring __________ to eat.

a food

38). Choose the appropriate answer. I am not at the office now. Please, speak after the __________


39). There is a cinema ____ the bookshop.

in front of
in front
at front

40). Hans is ____ Germany.


41). What is a communicative test?

A test which measures global competence in a language
A test designed to measure capacity or general ability a priori (e.g., before taking a foreign language course) to predict success in that undertaking
A test that elicits a test-taker’s ability to use language that is meaningful and authentic
A test which provides information about mastery or difficulty that learners have with course materials

42). Choose the communicative activities

Role play, info-gap, discussion, think-pair-share
Discussion, interview, fill-in-the-gap, dictation
Interview, role-play, essay, matching
Matching, crossword, discussion, debates

43). What are three basic precepts of through phase in lesson planning?

Suggesting, explaining and summarizing
From familiar to new, simple to complex and mechanical to unstructured
Presenting, practicing and producing

44). What is assessment of Learning?

A method of assessment in which test-takers listen to a text and write down what they hear
It is an assessment tool which can be considered practical if it uses fits an available budget, does not exceed the optimal time constraints and easy in administration as well as scoring
It is gathering information about students before commencing the learning process
It is usually used at the end of a course of study. The intention is to summarise, to see if achievements are at the expected level

45). Choose the correct answer. A type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school.

F2F classroom
Online classroom
Virtual classroom
A flipped classroom

46). Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition. …where curriculum is designed by assigned specialists and used by the teachers and learners.

enactment view
outcome view
objective view
an implementation view

47). What is a warmer?

None of them
It’s an introductory activity which is usually short and energizing
This is short and simple activity to get to know each other better
It’s an activity teachers use at the beginning of a lesson which is always related to the theme

48). What is blended learning?

A learning approach that combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning technologies
A learning approach that only uses online learning technologies
A learning approach that is only accessible to a select few
A learning approach that only uses traditional classroom instruction

49). What is the role of online quizzes in assessment in blended learning?

To make assessment more efficient and effective
To make assessment less efficient
To make assessment less important
To make assessment less accurate

50). What is indirect testing?

An assessment method in which the test-taker actually performs the target task
An assessment method in which the test-taker is not required to perform the target task; rather, inference is made from performance on non-target tasks
Evaluating students in the process of “forming” their competencies and skills with the goal of helping them continue that growth process
detailed specific linguistic competencies that involve processing up to and including the sentence-level (phonology, morphology, grammar, lexicon)

51). Which of the following is a disadvantage of using mobile devices for language learning?

Limited screen size
Limited opportunities for personalized learning
Limited access to resources
All of the above

52). Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition. … are best achieved by giving due attention to language use and not just usage, to fluency, and not just accuracy, to authentic language and contexts, and to students’ eventual need to apply classroom learning to previously unrehearsed contexts in the real world

Metacognitive goals
Communicative goals
Affective goals
Linguistic goals

53). Why is communication competence so important?

It helps to influence all rely on communication
It’s necessary to share ideas
All of them
Being a competent communicator impacts our ability to work with other people

54). What criteria are there in assessing speaking?

Accuracy, Fluency
Fluency, Appropriacy
Pronunciation, Grammar
Accuracy, Fluency, Complexity

55). Linguistic knowledge in communicative competence includes…

Understanding how ideas are connected through patterns of organization, cohesive and transitional devices
Being able to use techniques to overcome language gaps, modify text for audience and purpose
Understanding and being able to use vocabulary, grammar, punctuation correctly
Having awareness of social rules of language, politeness, formality, nonverbal behaviours

56). To use the internet, what would you click on?

My email provider, like Outlook
A Microsoft Office program
Not sure
A browser like Websites or Firefox

57). What is dicto-comp?

A variant of dictation whereby test-takers listen to a relatively long text (e.g., a paragraph of several sentences or more) and try to internalize the content, some phrases, and/or key lexical items and then use them to recreate the text
A method of assessment in which test-takers listen to a text and write down what they hear
a task that determines in advance what the test-taker will produce (e.g., reading aloud or sentence repetition)
process of quantifying a test-taker’s performance according to explicit procedures or rules

58). Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition. When teachers read dialogue journals they should focus on understanding meaning rather than fixing grammatical or spelling errors. By responding to the content, a teacher is able to create an ongoing written conversation outside of class around a student’s self-initiated topics of interest.

Teachers should be prepared to learn about experiences that might not be discussed in class.
Teachers should respond to students’ ideas and comments, not their language problems
All of them
Teachers should relinquish power to build interactive reciprocity.

59). Find the list of programs for creating online presentations

Emaze, Puzzle.org, Canva
Google slides, Prezi, Google class
Prezi, Google doc, Google slides
Emaze, Google presentations, Prezi

60). What is a podcast?

A digital audio file available on the internet
A machine to listen to music
A video file can be viewed on YouTube
A pod in a cast

61). What is an example of a tool for creating online surveys?

Google Forms
Adobe Acrobat
Microsoft PowerPoint

62). What are the interaction patterns?

Individual, Group work, team work
Group and pair work
Individual, Pair work, Group work, as a whole class
Self-access, as a whole class

63). Which is a regularly updated audio segment that can be downloaded or streamed?

a podcast
a chemo
a virtual classroom
a transcript

64). Where were the first standardizing testing used?


65). Basic user includes…….

C1, C2
A1, A2
A1, B1
B1, B2

66). Which of the following is an advantage of using gamification in language learning?

Limited opportunities for personalized learning
Engaging and motivating
Writing Improved
Reading Improved

67). What are the high order of thinking domains of Bloom’s taxonomy?

Analyze, Evaluate, Create
Remember, Understand, Apply
Remember, Create, Analyze
Understand, Evaluate, Create

68). Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition. Goals and objectives based on empirical research from SLA and research on learning are….

practical, educational, developing, and upbringing aims.
linguistic, cognitive, and affective aims
practical, affective, and developing aims
cognitive, performance, and affective

69). Choose the appropriate principle to the given definition. Language teachers should teach their learners self-study and self-control strategies, to help them feel more empowered learners

Ensure social relevance
Promote learner autonomy
Foster language awareness
Facilitate negotiated interaction

70). Multiple-choice tests are …

practical and reliable
Valid and practical
Valid and authentic
Reliable and authentic

71). Find the notion that should be considered while using multimedia in ELT.

multimedia technology should be used as a basic instrument
multimedia technology should be used as a supplementary instrument rather than a target
multimedia technology shouldn‘t be used as a supplementary instrument rather than a target
multimedia technology should be used as a target instrument

72). Choose the correct order of domains of Bloom’s taxonomy

Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create
Remember, Analyze, Evaluate, Understand, Create
Understand, Remember, Analyze, Create, Evaluate, Apply
Create, Remember, Analyze, Evaluate, Apply, Understand

73). Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition: Objectives are more specific steps the learners will do to achieve …the but they must be realistic and measurable.

all of them

74). Blog entries usually appear

In numeric order
In chronological order
In alphabetical order
In reverse chronological order

75). Choose the appropriate concept to the given objectives. •provide learning opportunities that are difficult to create in the classroom •enable links to be made between classroom and out-of-class learning

All of them
Learner benefits
Learning benefits
Teacher benefits

76). C2…….


77). What is the notion of spoken interaction?

It belongs to the area of discourse, which can be defined as ‘any unit of language beyond the sentence, such as a dialogue in speech and a paragraph in writing.
A single student makes a speech among public
It is particularly important skill for written assignments at university, such as essays and lab reports.
It can improve our speaking skill and reading skills.

78). Activities teachers use during the lesson can be …

Controlled and free
Freer and Free
Controlled, freer and free

79). levels for philology-leaving


80). What are the low order of thinking domains of Bloom’s Taxonomy?

Analyze, Evaluate, Create
Remember, Understand, Apply
Remember, Create, Analyze
Understand, Evaluate, Create

81). The component of Discourse in Communicative competence means

Having awareness of social rules of language, politeness, formality, nonverbal behaviours
Understanding and being able to use vocabulary, grammar, punctuation correctly
Understanding how ideas are connected through patterns of organization, cohesive and transitional devices
Being able to use techniques to overcome language gaps, modify text for audience and purpose

82). What is a blog?

A type of video game
A type of social media platform
A type of online journal or diary
A type of mobile app

83). Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition. •allow for flexibility and convenience in learning so that learners can manage their place, mode and manner of learning •provide a pleasurable and positive language use experience •reflect learners’ needs and interests •reflect their out-of class activities •allow for social interaction with others •help them recognize the role they can play in managing their own learning

Learner benefits
All of them
Teacher benefits
Learning benefits

84). Choose the appropriate concept to the given definition. is a syllabus in which teacher and learners share decision making in the classroom.

Negotiated syllabus
Skills-based approaches
Content-based instruction
Task-based syllabuses

85). The word “Taxononomy” means:


86). How many components are there in Communicative competence?


87). What is appropriacy?

Using correct words and expressions in correct situations
Being able to choose correct tense
Using the correct structure of the sentences
Speaking without stopping

88). How can language teachers use Canva to create digital posters for language classrooms?

By adding audio and video elements
By using templates and customizing them with language-specific content
None of the above
By creating interactive quizzes and polls

89). Assessment for Learning is ….

an assessment method in which the test-taker is not required to perform the target task; rather, inference is made from performance on non-target tasks
usually used at the end of a course of study. The intention is to summarise, to see if achievements are at the expected level
gathering information about students before commencing the learning process
gathering information about students during and after the learning process

90). What was the first ever podcast?

A serialized story told one episode at a time.
A series of interviews on blogging and politics
A daily radio show programming
A daily podcast about life and programming

91). Which test type can be used in the following situation An applicant is seeking admission to a University in the UK.

diagnostic tests
achievement tests
Proficiency tests
placement tests

92). Posting deliberately obnoxious or provocative messages in online discussion groups is known as


93). What is the "Multimedia"?

None of the ideas are true
It is the combination of different content forms as text, audio, still images, animation, video, or interactivity content forms
It is the combination of ICT in language teaching
It is the combination just video materials into language teaching

94). What are types of competencies as a key aspect in CEFR ?

General and Communicative
Pragmatic and Cognitive
General and Cultural
Communicative and Cultural

95). Choose the Free activity in the list

Information gap and matching
Discussion and Role playing
Labelling and Ranking
Matching, Picture describing

96). Choose the appropriate principle to the given definition. Language teachers should demonstrate to their learners that language usage depends on context (situational, extralinguistic); so teachers should teach the language in context

Facilitate negotiated interaction
Ensure social relevance
Contextualize linguistic input
Promote learner autonomy

97). ……………. format is used to test students’ abilities to describe their message to an addressee

Written response

98). Remember previously learned information


99). Being able to use techniques to overcome language gaps, modify text for audience and purpose

Linguistic component of Communicative competence
Sociolinguistic component of Communicative competence
The component of Discourse in Communicative competence
Strategic component of Communicative competence

100). Which of the following is an example of a text program that can be used for collaborative language learning?

Adobe InDesign
Microsoft Word
Google Docs
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