Ex. 7. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Zamonaviy yonish kontseptsiyasi Lavuaze tomonidan 1777 yilda yaratilgan. 2. Ushbu gaz "kislota hosil qiluvchi agent" deb nomlangan. 3. Kislorod yer qobig'ida aralashmalar shaklida topilgan. 4. Kislorod ushbu elementning turli birikmalarini, xususan, simob oksidini qizdirish orqali olingan. 5. Pristli asari 1774 yilda nashr etilgan. 6. Kislorod XVII-asrning ikkinchi yarmida topilgan va tasvirlangan. 7. Kaliy kabi moddalar juda faol metallar deb nomlanadi. 8. Kislorod har qanday haroratda oltinga ta'sir qilmaydi.
1. The modern combustion concept was created by Lavuaze in 1777. 2. This gas is called an “acid-forming agent”. 3. Oxygen is found in the earth's crust in the form of compounds. 4. Oxygen is obtained by heating various compounds of this element, in particular mercury oxide. 5. Priestley's work was published in 1774. 6. Oxygen was discovered and described in the second half of the seventeenth century. 7. Substances such as potassium are called highly active metals. 8. Oxygen does not affect gold at any temperature.
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