The 7-second challenge is popular because, unlike other fun challenges, it easy, cheap and can be played anywhere; House parties, hang out with friends, school, detention, bridal showers.
The only problem with the 7-second challenge is that you can quickly run out of seven-second challenge ideas; things to do under seven seconds.
To solve this issue, I have compiled a list of interesting seven second challenge ideas. Not all the listed ideas can easily be completed within 7 seconds. Where is the fun if there are only easy seven seconds ideas?
The following are a list of awesome 7-second challenge ideas, we have categorized the dares into different categories to make it easier to navigate the list. Also, if you want you could use this list for a 5-second challenge or a ten-second challenge. Enjoy!
Add mascara to both eyes with no mistakes.
Apply lipstick on your lips without using your hands.
Apply lipstick to your lips without smudges.
Apply nail polish to five random fingers.
Beat-box to any song you like
Bite your tongue and recite A-Z
Change your hair to a ponytail?
Chew a raw onion and swallow
Chop a whole onion in 7 pieces for cooking.
Clap your right palm on your left thigh and left palm on your right thigh simultaneously 10 times.
Close your eyes and open the SMS app in your phone
Come up with a website name for an oyster breeding company not using “oyster” or “breeding”!
Counting 1-10 in a second language.
Crush a paper coffee cup and stuff into your mouth
Cry like a newborn baby
Dance like a ballerina in a ballet show
Dance to an imaginary Salsa song
Dance without beat
Demonstrate a six-feet tall woman/man entering a race car
Demonstrate how to eat noodles with chopsticks
Do 10 standard pushups.
Do 5 fingertip pushups.
Do a perfect braiding of your hair.
Do a perfect face makeup.
Do a perfect handstand with no help.
Draw a table using a pen at one single go
Draw the picture of your pet dog
Drink 5 shots of an alcohol beverage.
Drink up a full 50cl bottle of water
Eat a full packet of Tic Tac.
Eat a whole medium-sized hamburger.
Eat half a slice of bread and swallow completely
From a cow’s udder to the dining table, describe the process of making cheese
Grab a bean with chopsticks.
Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, and…?
Hop on one leg for 20 meters.
Hop to the door and back while pulling your two ears
How many light bulbs are the room? Locate their switches
How many pawns does a player get at the start of a chess game?
How many states are there in Mainland America?
Hula-hoop round and round the room
I am an Eskimo, what is the name of the house I built with ice?
If you were to travel out of the country, where would you love to go? Tell us why
Invent a challenge, and do it.
Invent a new word and define it.
Jog at a spot and count to 20 nonstop
Jump and touch the ceiling.
Kings, Queens, Diamonds, and Aces… how many of each can we find in a pack of cards?
Kiss every finger separately.
Kiss someone’s feet
Kiss your last toenail.
Las Vegas is to desert, the Florida Keys is to marshes, and the Bayou is to…?
Lick the tip of your elbow.
Make a total stranger laugh on the telephone.
Mention 5 Irish surnames
Mention 5 objects you can find in the kitchen and tell what they are used for
Mention 5 Spanish Names.
Mention five cities outside your continent
Mimic a perfect cat-eye.
Mount two textbooks on your head and walk briskly around the room without losing balance
Name 3 countries with border walls or fences
Name 5 countries in the EU.
Name 5 objects in your bag and then bring them out for all to see
Name 5 past US presidents.
Name 5 South American countries and their capitals
Name 7 ingredients required to prepare the Thanksgiving Day Turkey
Name a word that is spelled the same way upside down as it is when written upright.
Name all the chess pieces
Name all the different pieces on a chessboard
Name disciples of Jesus Christ
Name the color of your socks without looking at them
Name the original ethnic group residing in the US and Canada before Columbus
Order a pizza in 7 seconds.
Paint one of your fingernails.
Place your foot over your head.
Place your head on my knees and touch my head with the heel of your left foot at the same time
Place your left leg on my shoulder
Pretend like you drunk after drinking vodka for the first time
Pretend to sit on the dining table; hands stretched forward and count to 30
Pull off your sweater/glove and turn it inside out and put in on again
Pull your right ear, tilt your neck to the right and walk sideways to your left at the same time
Put on a jacket and button it up.
Raise your right knee to your chin and count backward from 20 to 0
Recite a poem about a disappointing ice cream.
Recite the 5 times table backward starting at 10.
Recite the English alphabet backward
Recite the lines of the national anthem
Remove everything from your pockets and arrange them on the floor alphabetically
Remove your shoelaces and use them to design a puppy on the floor
Repeat “She sells seashells on the seashore’ with no mistakes.
Respond to a 911 medical emergency
Roughen up your bed and remake it.
Run up and down the stairs.
Say Cock-a-doodle-doo seven times nonstop
Say something offensive to a dog.
Say ten words in Spanish
Show me the North and the East of your present location
Sing the Alphabets Backward.
Slap yourself in the face with both hands as many times as you can in 7 seconds.
Sound like a Nokia phone’s popular ringtone
Spell Singapore backward
Spell your name using body gestures
Spell your name while doing push-ups.
Squat and jump 10 times nonstop
Stand on five toes only and count backward from 30 to 0
Stand on your head away from the wall.
Take a beautiful picture while standing on your head.
Take off one sock.
Take off your right sock and wear it in your left palm
Take off your socks off and wear them inside out.
Take a position and swing like Tiger woods 10 times nonstop
Tap dance like a pro
Throw 20 imaginary punches at a boxing opponent, nonstop
Tie your hair in a perfect ponytail.
Touch the four corner edges in the room
Touch your feet with your elbows.
Touch your nose with your tongue
Touching all the walls in the house.
Undo and lace back your sneakers
Warn a deaf person of fire in the building.
What does MAGA stand for?
What is 1900 in Roman Numerals?
What is the number before 1 trillion?
Write down your name backward.
You are mute, and she is deaf, describe a chicken to her
Name 5 foods that end with y
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