1. Personal information:
Full name: …………………………. Age: ………………
Sex: Male…….. Female …………….
Education: ………………………………
Field of study: ………………………………….
2. Please explain about your purposes and motivation to take part in City Council Elwctions?
3. What slogans you have used in City Council Election?
4. What kinds of sloganeering or propaganda you have used to be succeeded in City Council Election?
5. Please explain about the most important factors influenced on your succession (in case of succession)? e.g.
being handsome, beauty, thought tendency, type of your sloganeering and so on?
6. Have you been received any financial or other kinds of supports by anybody or any organization? How?
7. How do you evaluate women and their management role in society?
8. Which group of people cast the most amounts of votes for you? (e.g. adolescences,
athletes, market
men, common people and so on)
9. Explain about
the role of propaganda, picture and posters in your succession?
In case of fail, what are your recommendations to be succeeded in a future election?