Get something off one's chest (fig) ko'nglini, yuragini bo'shatmoq, ichidagi dardni chiqarmoq, dardini dasturxon qilmoq (aytib bo'shatmoq).
If you keep all your feelings inside you become ill instead ofthis get it offyour chest and feel relief.
2.1 am tired ofcarrying this hurden on my shoulder I will get it off my chest.
Get the ball rolling (fig) biror narsani boshlamoq, biror bir jarayonni boshlab bermoq.
Who gets the hall rolling that one will be rewarded.
It is not easy get the ball rolling alone in business, so you have to fmd a good partner.
Get the green light (fig) biror nima qilish uchun ruxsat olmoq, «yashil chiroq».
He got the green light to go to New York.
As soor as I get the green light, I will call you.
Get the sack (fig) ishdan haydalmoq, bo'shatilmoq.
He got the sack for stealing equ ipment.
If you do not want to get the sack, you should work diligently.
Get to the bottom of something masalaning tagiga yetmoq, masalaning tub mohiyatini tushunmoq.
Ifwecangettothebottom ofthe problem, we can solve it easily.
AH sort of questions are answe rable if we get to the bottom of them.
Get to the heart of the matter (fig) masalaning mag'zini tushunmoq, masalaning mohiyatini anglamoq, topmoq.
We are beating around the bush it is time to get to the heart ofthe matter.
We need someone who is able to get to the heart ofthe matter.
Get up and go jismoniy kuch, quvvat, hol.
They have enough get up and go to finish this work.
This daily routine really exhausts my getupandgo.
Get up on the wrong side of the bed (fig) kun boshidan yomon kayfiyatda bo'lmoq, chap yon bilan turmoq, uyg'onmoq.
Do not saya word to him. Hegot up on the wrong side of the bed.
Sorry, I did not mean to offend you. I think I got up on the wrong side ofthe bed.
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