From top to bottom boshdan oyoq, tepadan pastgacha.
Ifl do not wash the car from top to bottom father will not allow me to drive.
We should replace furniture in our house from top to bottom.
Fruit of one’s labor (fig) biror kishining mehnatining mahsuli.
Now it is a time to have a fruit of my lahor, after longyears ofactive working as a teacher.
He is workingfrom dawn to dusk without having a rest but I can not see the fruit ofhis labor.
Full steam ahead olg‘a, bor kuch bilan oldinga, kuch boricha olg'a.
Now guys. Full steam ahead we should getthe work done hy night.
Full steam ahead! Let us check a maximum speed ofthis car.
Game is up (fig) noqonuniy ish, faoliyat tugadi, poyoniga yetdi, siri fosh bo'lib qolmoq, qo'lga tushmoq, o'yin tugadi (asosan, jinoyatchilarga nisbatan ishlati ladi).
« The game is up» said the po liceman and folded the criminal's hand.
If I were in your place I would surrender hecause you know the game is up you can not get away.
Generous to fault marhamati ning cheki yo‘q, o‘ta mehribon, juda hotamtoy, (o‘z zarariga bo‘l sa ham).
John was charming as a person and generous to a fault hut people abused his goodness.
He is always generous to fault if you ask his eating sandwiches he will give it without a bit of hesitation.
Gather dust (fig) ishlatilmay yotmoq, chang bosib yotmoq.
After the graduation his diploma is gathering dust.
He is a very clever guy hut his knowledge is gathering dust. He can not a fmd place where to use his knowledge
Get a grip o`zini qo`lga olmoq.
Get ahead olg`a siljimoq, muvaf -faqiyatga, ijobiy natijaga erish moq.
John used to be slow in class till 6th grade, but now he is getting ahead.
If you gain enough skills now lateryou will he able get ahead.
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