The author would like to acknowledge the help received from Mr.Dhamija,
Abhimanue and Gautam Kumar in conducting these experiments. They are also thankful to Dr.Harsh
Vardhan & Mrs.Neelima Kamrah for providing necessary facilities and encouragement and also
to DIT
MCIT, Govt. of India for providing fellowship to one of the fellow Ms.Dipti Pandey.
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Appendix [1]
NATO words:
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) alphabet assigned code words to
speak digits and acrophonically to the letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet (
Alfa for A,
Bravo for B, etc.)
so that critical combinations of letters and numbers can be pronounced
and understood by those who
transmit and receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of their native
language or the
presence of transmission static.[2] Table 1 represents the NATO words:
A—Alpha ; B—Bravo ; C—Charlie ; D—Delta;
F—Foxtrot ; G—Golf ;
H—Hotel ; I—India ; K—Kilo
; L—Lima;
M—Mike; N—November; O—Oscar;
R—Romeo; S—Sierra; T—Tango; U—Uniform; V—Victor; W—Whiskey;
Y—Yankee; Z—Zulu.
Agrawal et al.
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, Vol. 19, 060019 (2013) Page 6