A rhetorical Question in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare

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A Rhetorical Question in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare
In Shakespeare’s play ‘Romeo and Juliet’, the intense conflict between the families of the Montagues and Capulets illustrates the theme of internal conflict present throughout the play. It is this conflict that led to the downfall of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship and their inevitable death. In the play, Shakespeare uses a rhetorical question when Juliet states, 'What if it be a poison, which the friar Subtly hath ministered to have me dead?' This illustrates Juliet's doubt of Friar Lawrence’s intentions, which shows again how the internal conflict has led to Juliet's death. Additionally, it cleverly alludes and foreshadows the death of Juliet to poison. In the play, when Juliet asks herself ‘What if this mixture does not work at all?’ My pace rises and speaks fast as a sign of lack-of confidence and fear. Speaking fast initiates excitement for the audience and doubt. Through the constant self-doubt Juliet is experiencing, an internal conflict begins to manifest within. She’s concerned that he has purposely given her ‘poison’ to kill her. She speculates that he might want her dead ‘lest he should be dishonoured’ as he married Juliet to Romeo without the parents’ consent. A rhetorical question is a technique used to convince or unconsciously persuade the viewer. A question which has been addressed in order to establish a dramatic effect or to convey an argument rather than to get an answer. Therefore, by having Juliet constantly questioning her beliefs, the reader understands that
self-doubt is engulfing all of her intentions and will slowly lead to her inevitable demise. The emotional flute music utilised in my performance carries the perfect atmosphere in this particular scene. The emotional flute music is used to increase the dramatic intensity of this scene by creating an additional dimension of what the audience sees on the camera to the audience. Therefore, by implementing background music and pace to my play, I have successfully utilised these dramatic devices to illustrate my conflict and theme.

In Romeo and Juliet, it is perspicuous that Romeo and Juliet have an imperishable and violent love towards each other. In Act 4 Scene 3, alone in fear, Juliet displays the theme of fear when Juliet grasps the vial received by Friar Lawrence, and wonders in doubt and fright the consequences. Juliet utilises a simile in which she trembles, ‘The horrible conceit of death and night. Together with the terror of the place-‘. Similes encourage the audience to utilise their creativity. As similes show rather than tell, they ask the reader to portray images in their mind. By ‘conceit’, she intends the meaning as an idea that relates heavily to imagination and emotion. Juliets ‘conceit’ was the awakening at night amidst the dead conquers Juliet, that she isn’t capable of concluding her sentence. By comparing death and night, Juliet portrays to the reader that death and night are a gruesome illusion, hence she conveys that Juliet's awakening in the tomb will be fearsome. Her mind wanders around that dreadful thought, discovering it filled with the bones of ancestors that laid there for hundreds of years, finding ghosts and seeing spirits. Therefore, by Juliet having an immense responsibility on herself, the reader understands the doubt and fright she endures in this scene. My black apron conveys Juliet's emotions and foreshadows death specifically. This foreshadows Juliet's death as this was where both her and

Romeo died. The blue bed sheets convey the variety of feelings Juliet felt as most of Juliet's decisions were based on her feelings, and blue is the colour used to represent feelings. She had worries before she took the potion that the potion was potentially poisonous. Despite this, Juliet's passion for Romeo and urge to be with him conquered her fears and she took the potion. In the end, her ultimate decision was centered on her feelings of love. Therefore, by implementing my costuming choice into my play, I have successfully utilised these dramatic devices to illustrate my theme.

I have chosen Act 4 Scene 3, as personally I initiated it to be a scene which was clear, had a great internal conflict and a significant theme to put together a reflection and performance. This scene distinctly values the fear Juliet perceives whether the potion will not work or if it will kill her. In my opinion, this scene has a great internal conflict relating to doubt, which shows the struggle she is experiencing.



Shekspirning 'Romeo va Juliet' pyesasida Montagues va Kapulets oilalari o'rtasidagi kuchli ziddiyat spektakl davomida mavjud bo'lgan ichki ziddiyat mavzusini aks ettiradi. Aynan shu mojaro Romeo va Juliet munosabatlarining qulashiga va ularning muqarrar o'limiga olib keldi. Asarda Shekspir Juliet aytganda ritorik savoldan foydalanadi: 'agar bu zahar bo'lsa, friar meni o'ldirish uchun xizmat qilgan bo'lsa-chi? Bu Julietning Friar Lourensning niyatlariga shubha qilishini ko'rsatadi, bu esa ichki mojaro Julietning o'limiga qanday olib kelganligini yana bir bor ko'rsatadi. Bundan tashqari, u Julietning o'limini zaharlash uchun mohirlik bilan ishora qiladi va bashorat qiladi. Asarda Juliet o'zidan so'raganda 'agar bu aralashma umuman ishlamasa nima bo'ladi?'Mening tezligim ko'tariladi va etishmovchilik belgisi sifatida tez gapiradi-ishonch va qo'rquv. Tez gapirish tomoshabinlar uchun hayajon va shubhalarni keltirib chiqaradi. Juliet boshdan kechirayotgan doimiy o'z-o'zidan shubhalanish orqali ichki ziddiyat ichkarida namoyon bo'la boshlaydi. U uni o'ldirish uchun ataylab unga zahar berganidan xavotirda. U Julietni Romeoga ota-onasining roziligisiz turmushga chiqqach, uni sharmanda qilmaslik uchun uning o'lishini xohlashi mumkin deb taxmin qilmoqda. Ritorik savol-bu tomoshabinni ishontirish yoki ongsiz ravishda ishontirish uchun ishlatiladigan usul. Javob olish uchun emas, balki dramatik ta'sirni o'rnatish yoki dalillarni etkazish uchun hal qilingan savol. Shuning uchun, Juliet o'z e'tiqodlarini doimo so'roq qilib, o'quvchi buni tushunadi o'ziga ishonchsizlik uning barcha niyatlarini qamrab oladi va asta-sekin uning muqarrar o'limiga olib keladi. Mening ijroimda ishlatilgan hissiy fleyta musiqasi ushbu sahnada mukammal muhitni yaratadi. Hissiy fleyta musiqasi tomoshabinlar kamerada ko'rgan narsalarning tomoshabinlarga qo'shimcha hajmini yaratish orqali ushbu sahnaning dramatik intensivligini oshirish uchun ishlatiladi. Shuning uchun, fon musiqasini va o'yinimga sur'atni tatbiq etish orqali men ziddiyat va mavzuni tasvirlash uchun ushbu dramatik qurilmalardan muvaffaqiyatli foydalandim. Romeo va Julietada Romeo va Julietaning bir-biriga nisbatan o'zgarmas va zo'ravon sevgisi borligi ko'zga tashlanadi. 4-aktda 3-sahna, qo'rquvda yolg'iz, Juliet Friar Lourens tomonidan qabul qilingan flakonni ushlaganida va uning oqibatlariga shubha va qo'rquv bilan hayron bo'lganida, Juliet qo'rquv mavzusini namoyish etadi. Juliet u titraydigan o'xshashlikdan foydalanadi, ' o'lim va tunning dahshatli mag'rurligi. Joyning dahshati bilan birga -'. Similes tomoshabinlarni o'z ijodlaridan foydalanishga undaydi. O'xshatishlar aytishdan ko'ra ko'rsatganidek, ular o'quvchidan ongida tasvirlarni tasvirlashni so'rashadi. 'Mag'rurlik' bilan u ma'noni tasavvur va hissiyot bilan bog'liq bo'lgan g'oya sifatida niyat qiladi. Juliets 'manmanlik' o'lik fath Juliet o'rtasida tunda uyg'onish edi, u uning hukmini xulosa qodir emas, deb. O'lim va tunni taqqoslab, Juliet o'quvchiga o'lim va tun dahshatli illyuziya ekanligini tasvirlaydi, shuning uchun u Julietning qabrda uyg'onishi qo'rqinchli bo'lishini aytadi. Uning aqli bu dahshatli fikr atrofida aylanib yuradi, uni yuzlab yillar davomida u erda yotgan ajdodlarning suyaklari bilan to'ldirganini, arvohlarni topib, ruhlarni ko'rganini bilib oladi. Shuning uchun, Juliet o'z zimmasiga ulkan mas'uliyat yuklagan holda, o'quvchi bu sahnada chidagan shubha va qo'rquvni tushunadi. Mening qora apronim Julietning hissiyotlarini etkazadi va o'limni maxsus bashorat qiladi. Bu Julietning o'limini bashorat qiladi, chunki bu erda u ham, u ham Romeo vafot etdi. Moviy choyshablar Julietning his-tuyg'ularini aks ettiradi, chunki Julietning aksariyat qarorlari uning his-tuyg'ulariga asoslangan edi va ko'k-bu hissiyotlarni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladigan rang. U Iksirni olishdan oldin, iksir potentsial zaharli ekanligidan xavotirda edi. Shunga qaramay, Julietning Romeoga bo'lgan ishtiyoqi va u bilan birga bo'lish istagi uning qo'rquvini engdi va u Iksirni oldi. Oxir-oqibat, uning yakuniy qarori uning sevgi tuyg'ulariga qaratilgan edi. Shuning uchun, mening kostyum tanlovimni o'yinimga tatbiq etish orqali men mavzuni tasvirlash uchun ushbu dramatik qurilmalardan muvaffaqiyatli foydalandim. Men Act 4 Scene 3 ni tanladim, chunki shaxsan men uni aniq, katta ichki ziddiyat va aks ettirish va ishlashni birlashtirish uchun muhim mavzuga ega bo'lgan sahna sifatida boshladim. Ushbu sahna Julietning iksir ishlamaydimi yoki uni o'ldiradimi degan qo'rquvni aniq qadrlaydi. Menimcha, bu sahnada shubha bilan bog'liq katta ichki ziddiyat bor, bu uning boshidan kechirayotgan kurashni ko'rsatadi.

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