The story of Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo va Juletta

The story of Romeo and Juliet

The story of Romeo and Juliet takes place in Verona in Italy. Two families, the Montagues and the Capulets, hate each other so much that they fight on the street whenever they meet.

One of these families, the Capulets, organizes a big party so that they can introduce their daughter Juliet to a rich nobleman called Count Paris, who has asked to marry her. Juliet is nearly 14, and her parents are keen for to marry soon.

Romeo is the son of the Montague family. Romeo and his friends decide that it would be exciting to go to the Capulets’ party too. But they agree that they must go in disguise, because if they are recognised at the party by the Capulets, they might be killed.

That night, at the party, Romeo meets Juliet, and they fall in love at first sight. However, Juliet’s cousin Tybalt recognizes Romeo, knows he is from the Mantague family, and wants to kill him. Romeo hides in the garden, and talks to Juliet when she appears on her balcony. They realize that they are perfect for each other, and decide to get married. The next day, they go to a priest called Friar Lawrence, who marries them in secret.

Juliet’s cousin Tybalt gets angry very easily. He starts a flight with Romeo’s best friend. When Romeo steps in to break up the fight between the two men, his best friend is accidentally killed. Romeo runs after Tybalt in anger and kills him. Romeo is sent away from Verona. But Friar Lawrence, the priest who organized the secret wedding between Romeo and Juliet, arranges for them to one night together as husband and wife.

Meanwhile, the Capulets decide that Juliet must marry Count Paris immediately. When she says that she doesn’t want to, her parents are very angry with her, mother says that she will never speak to her again. Of course, they do not know that she is already secretly married to Romeo. Juliet asks Friar Lawrence to get her out of this difficult situation, so that she can see her beloved Romeo again. Friar Lawrence has an idea – he gives Juliet a drug which will make everyone think that she is dead, when in fact she-s only in a long deep sleep. And while Juliet is sleeping, Friar Lawrence sends a message to Romeo to tell him to come to her tomb and take her away.

When the guests arrive for Juliet’s wedding the next day, her lifeless body is discovered. Believing she is dead, her family put her in their tomb. Tragically, Romeo never gets Friar Lawrence’s message that Juliet has taken drug and is really alive. He only hears that she is dead. Romeo returns to Verona, and goes to Juliet’s tomb. There, inside the tomb, he meets Count Paris, who has also come to say goodbye to Juliet. The two fight, and Romeo kills him. Romeo still believes that Juliet is dead, so he drinks poison and dies. But soon after this,

Juliet’s drug stops working, and she wakes up. She sees that Romeo is dead, takes his knife and kills herself too.

When the Capulets and Montagues discover both their children dead, they are united in their sadness. The two families decide to make peace with each other, and promise to build a monument to the memory of both Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo va Julietaning hikoyasi

Romeo va Julietaning hikoyasi Italiyaning Verona shahrida bo'lib o'tadi. Ikkita oila - Montague va Capulets bir-birlarini shunchalik yomon ko'rishadiki, ular uchrashganlarida ko'chada janjal qilishadi.

Ushbu oilalardan biri - Kapulets qizi Julietni unga turmushga chiqishni so'ragan graf Parij ismli boy zodagon bilan tanishtirishi uchun katta ziyofat uyushtiradi. Juliet 14 yoshga to'lgan va uning ota-onasi yaqinda turmush qurishni xohlashadi.

Romeo Montague oilasining o'g'li. Romeo va uning do'stlari Kapuletsning ziyofatiga borish ham hayajonli bo'lishiga qaror qilishdi. Ammo ular yashirinib yurishlari kerakligiga rozi bo'lishdi, chunki agar ular Kaptulets tomonidan partiyada tan olinsa, ular o'ldirilishi mumkin.

O'sha kecha, ziyofatda Romeo Juliet bilan uchrashadi va ular bir qarashda sevib qolishadi. Biroq, Julietning amakivachchasi Tybalt Romeoni taniydi, uning Mantagiya oilasidan ekanligini biladi va uni o'ldirmoqchi. Romeo bog'da yashirinib, baletda paydo bo'lganida Juliet bilan gaplashadi. Ular bir-birlari uchun mukammal ekanliklarini anglaydilar va turmush qurishga qaror qilishadi. Ertasi kuni ular Friar Lourens ismli ruhoniyga borishadi, u ularga yashirincha uylanadi.

Julietning amakivachchasi Tybalt juda oson g'azablanadi. U Romeo-ning eng yaxshi do'sti bilan parvozni boshlaydi. Romeo ikki kishi o'rtasidagi janjalni buzish uchun kirganda, uning eng yaqin do'sti tasodifan o'ldiriladi. Romeo g'azab bilan Tibaltning orqasidan yuguradi va uni o'ldiradi. Romeo Veronadan haydaladi. Ammo Romeo va Juliet o'rtasidagi maxfiy to'yni uyushtirgan ruhoniy Friar Lourens ularning turmush o'rtog'i sifatida bir kechani tashkil qildi.

Ayni paytda, Kapulets Julietni zudlik bilan graf Parijga uylanishi kerak degan qarorga keladi. U istamasligini aytganda, ota-onasi unga qattiq g'azablanishdi, onasi endi u bilan hech qachon gaplashmasligini aytdi. Albatta, ular u allaqachon Romeo bilan yashirincha turmush qurganligini bilishmaydi. Juletta Friar Lourensdan uni bu qiyin vaziyatdan xalos etishni so'raydi, shunda u yana sevikli Romeo bilan ko'rishishi mumkin. Friar Lourensning fikri bor - u Julettaga dori berib, uni hamma o'lik deb o'ylashga majbur qiladi, aslida esa u faqat uzoq uyquda. Juliet uxlab yotganida, Frayar Lourens Romeoga uning qabriga kelib uni olib ketishini aytgan xabar yuboradi.

Ertasi kuni Julietning to'yiga mehmonlar kelganda, uning jonsiz tanasi topiladi. Uning o'lganiga ishonib, oilasi uni qabriga qo'ydi. Afsuski, Romeo hech qachon Friar Lourensning Julettaning giyohvand moddalarni iste'mol qilgani va haqiqatan ham tirikligi haqidagi xabarini olmaydi. U faqat uning o'lganini eshitadi. Romeo Veronaga qaytib keladi va Julietning qabriga boradi. U erda qabr ichida u Graf Parij bilan uchrashadi, u ham Juliet bilan xayrlashishga kelgan. Ikkisi janjallashdi va Romeo uni o'ldirdi. Romeo hali ham Julietning o'lganiga ishonadi, shuning uchun u zahar ichadi va o'ladi. Ammo bundan ko'p o'tmay,

Julietning giyohvand moddasi ishlashni to'xtatadi va u uyg'onadi. U Romeo o'lganini ko'radi, pichog'ini olib o'zini ham o'ldiradi.

Kapulets va Montaglar ikkala bolasini ham o'lganligini aniqlaganda, ular o'zlarining qayg'ularida birlashadilar. Ikkala oila bir-biri bilan sulh tuzishga qaror qilishadi va Romeo hamda Julietaning xotirasiga yodgorlik qurishga va'da berishadi.
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