Abdukarimov Abdusattor ( 1942 ) A. Abdukarimov is an outstanding scientist geneticist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Molecular Biology, Academi cian ( 2000 )
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Abdukarimov Abdusattor ( 1942 ) A.Abdukarimov is an outstanding scientist - geneticist , Doctor of Biological Sciences , Professor of Molecular Biology , Academi cian ( 2000 ) . His scientific merits in the development of molecular biology and higher education in Uzbekistan , fruitful pedagogical activity and training scientific personnel are highly recognized , he was awarded many Orders and Medals , and a number of Honorary Di plomas of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan . A.Abdukarimov was born on 4 April 1942 , in the village of Chinaz , Tashkent ob last , Uzbekistan , into a peasant's family .In 1966, A.Abdukarimov graduated from the Biological and Physiological Facul- In 1970, A.Abdukarimov completed postgraduate study at Moscow Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology with successful defense of the dis- sertation on the scientific degree competition of the Candidate of Biological Sci- ences. By the assignment of the Institute of Biochemistry of the AS RUz he was sent for advanced traineeship to Moscow Institute of Molecular Biology for subse- quent development of this scientific trend in Uzbekistan. The influence of Acade- mician G.P.Georgiev's scientific school played an important role in ty of Moscow State University. A.Abdukarimov's becoming an expert in microbiology. In 1979, he defended his Doctor's dissertation. the pame of the founder of the school of biotechnologists using in practice the latest achievements of molecular biology, molecular genetics, gene and cellular engineering. A Abdukarimov is the founder and the head of the Institute of Genetics, AS RUz first in our republic laboratory of molecular biology, public, and state figure who made a great contribution into the development and organization of science and higher education in Uzbekistan. At the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, he estab- lished the first gene-engineering laboratory. Since 1982, his main scientific works have been investigations on development of gene-engineering technology for cotton-plants. Such developed technology based on the use of variable and conservative segments of ribosome operones in DNA-dactyloscopy is successfully applied in diagnostics of pathogenic fungi and microorganisms of plants, as well as for express-tests for revealing infective dis- eases of men and animals. His scientific research found its reflection in numerous published works and monographs. A.Abdukarimov is the author of numerous monographs and text- books, and more than 200 scientific and popular-scientific works in the republican and international editions. Academician A.Abdukarimov's name is recognized among molecular biologists He made numerous presentations at conferences in the republic and abroad. He is a member of the Coordinating Council for Science and Technology Devel- opment at the Cabinet of Ministers of RUz and the head of the Council of the Min- istry of Education on teaching biology at schools. He is also a member of the In- ternational Society of molecular plant-biologists, an International Coordinator of the International Institute on Genetic Resources of the Central Asian and Caucasus countries. He is a contact representative of the FAO/UNO in Uzbekistan; biotech- nology for eradication of drug crops by means of biologically non-hazardous agents was highly assessed in the world. He is chairman of scientific and technical societies and committees, a memon the State Chemical Committee and also a member of the Committee on Awaoo Govemmental Awards, including the Beruni State Prize. Academician A.Abdukarimov significantly contributed to the development of higher education and strengthening the potential of scientific human resources, he prepared 4 Doctors and over 10 Candidates of Science. He held the post of Director of the Institute of Genetics and Experimental Biology of the AS RUz for many years. His many-sided activity of a remarkable scientist jointly with his distin- guished human traits is the example of selfless service to science and people. Saidov Djura Kamalovich (1909-1999) D.Saidov is a great scientist - botanist, Doctor of Biological Sci- ence, Professor, Academician (1968), the Honored Worker off Sci. ence of Uzbekistan, and the Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR. His scientific merits in the development of science and higher education in Uzbekistan, fruitful pedagogical activity and training scientific personnel are highly recognized, he was awarded many Orders and Medals, and a number of Honorary Diplomas of the Govemment of the Republic of Uzbekistan. D.Saidov was bom in December 1909, in (the city of) Kokand. In 1932, D.Saidov graduated from the Natural Faculty of Uzbek State Pedagogi- cal Academy in Samarkand (nowadays, Samarkand State University). In 1941, he defended his Candidate's dissertation. In 1960, he defended his Doctor's dissertation D.Saidov's name is recognized among the scientific world as the name of the au- thor of profound basic research in the field of cultural and wild-growing flora of Uzbekistan. Academician D.Saidov is the founder and the head of modern scientific schools of anatomy and cytoembriology of wild-growing useful plants and phytomeliora- tion of arid pasturelands, public and state figure who made a great contribution into the development and organization of science and higher education in Uzbekistan. He is the initiator of creation of the Centre for studying morphology, anatomy, and cytology of plants, the structure, and generative processes of wild-growing flora in Central Asia. Since 1964 - 1999, he was Director of the Research Institute of Botany of AS Uz.SSR. His main scientific works were investigations on adaptation of plants to carbonate magnesium soil salinization, development of salt tolerant varieties of cotton and corn; he also elaborated ecological and physiological fundamental prin- ciples for growing plants in conditions of carbonate-magnesium and chloride- sulphate salinization of soils. His scientific research found its reflection in numerous published works and monographs. D.Saidov is the author of numerous monographs and textbooks, and more than 100 scientific and popular-scientific works in the republican and interna- tional editions. He made numerous presentations at conferences in the republic and abroad He was an editor of various monographs and collected books, periodic science- and-popular journals, and yet, he was chairman of scientific and technical societies and committees. Since 1964, he was Director of the Institute of Botany. Academician D.Saidov significantly contributed to the development of higner education and strengthening the potential of scientific human resources, he pie- pared 9 Candidates of Sciences. His many-sided activity of a remarkable scientist jointly with his distinguisice human traits is the example of selfless service to science and people. Yunusov Adkham Yunusovich (1910 – 1971) A.Yunusov is an outstanding scientist-physiologist, Doctor of Biological Science, Professor, Academician (1952), the Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan; Minister of Education of Uz- bekistan (1952), Academician-Secretary of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences (1953). His scientific merits in the development of Biological Science and higher education in Uzbekistan, fruitful pedagogical activity and training scientific personnel are highly recognized, he was awarded many Orders and Medals, and a number of Honorary Diplomas of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A.Yunusov was born on 1 June 1910, in (the city of) Tashkent. In 1932, A.Yunusov graduated from Central Asian Institute of Silkworm Breed- ing. In 1941-1943 - Director of Uzbek Research Institute of Blood Transfusion. In 1943, A.Yunusov graduated from Tashkent Medical Institute In 1938, he defended his Candidate's dissertation. In 1948, he defended his Doctor's dissertation. Academician A.Yunusov's name is recognized among the physiologists as the name of the author of profound basic research in the field of regulation of water- salt metabolism in human and animal organisms (perynan BONHO-CONEBOTO OÕMEHA B oprakN3max yenOBEKa u KUBOTHBIX). A.Yunusov is the founder and the head of modern scientific school of physiology, public, and state figure who made a great contribution into the development and organization of science and higher education in Uzbekistan. He is the initiator of development of a new trend in phys- iology: concrete application of physiological science to practical activities of peo- ple. The Yunusov's school elaborated new methodological approaches to the prob- lems of ecological physiology based on multi-aspect analyses of the body state (COCTOAHHE opraHW3Ma) under the influence of remarkable shifts in its temperature balance. His main scientific works were investigations on physiology. His name is associ- ated with development of climatophysiology in Uzbekistan. The key trend of A.Yunusov's research became investigations in the field of in- fluence of high temperatures of the natural environment on organisms of people and animals. His scientific research found its reflection in numerous published works and monographs. A.Yunusov is the author of numerous monographs and 4 textbooks, and more than 200 scientific and popular-scientific works in the republican and in- ternational editions. To provide Uzbek students with original and translated scien- tific literature and textbooks he translated much into Uzbek and wrote many Uzbek textbooks and educational books, and compiled dictionaries. He made numerous presentations at conferences in the republic and abroad. He also was the editor or a member of editorial staff of scientific journals and science-popular magazines. He was an editor of various monographs and collected books, periodic science- and-popular journals, and yet, he was chairman of scientific and technical societies and committees. Since 1961, Uzbek physiologists had elected him self- perpetuating Chairman (6eccmeHHBIÉ npencenareJIb) of Uzbekistan Physiological Society and he made great efforts to coordinate investigations in Central Asian re- publics and Kazakhstan. Academician A.Yunusov significantly contributed to the development of higher education and strengthening the potential of scientific human resources, he pre- pared 11 Doctors and 23 Candidates of Science. His many-sided activity of a remarkable scientist jointly with his distinguished human traits is the example of selfless service to science and people. Musaev Djura Azimbaevich (1928) D.Musaev is an outstanding scientist-geneticist, Doctor of Bio- logical Science, Professor, Academician, the Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan, and the Laureate of the Beruni State Prize of Uzbekistan. His scientific merits in the development of biological and genet- ic sciences and higher education in Uzbekistan, fruitful pedagogi- cal activity and training scientific personnel are highly recognized, he was awarded many Orders and Medals, and a number of Hon- orary Diplomas of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. D.Musaev was born on 5 December 1928, in (the city of) Yangi-Yul, Tashkent oblast. In 1948, D.Musaev with honors graduated from the Biological Faculty of Central Asian State University (nowadays, National University of Uzbekistan, NUUZ). In 1954, D.Musaev completed postgraduate study with successful defense of the dissertation on the scientific degree competition of the Candidate of Biological Sciences. D.Musaev's name is recognized among scientists as the name of the author of profound basic research in the field of fundamental and applied problems of genet- ics of cotton-plants. Academician D.Musaev is one of the founders of the Research Institute of Genet- ics and Experimental Biology of AS RUZ, public and state figure who made a great contribution to the development and organization of science and higher education in Uzbekistan. He is the initiator of establishing 3 scientific laboratories, where new varieties of cotton were produced and development of genetic basis for crea- tion of lines of genetic collection of cotton-plant G.hirsutum L having high-quality fiber for national economy. His main scientific works were investigations on genetics of cotton-plants aimed at producing new best quality varieties of cotton. The key trend of D.Musaev's research became genetics and selection of cotton- plants, concentration on creation of hereditary pure collection of cotton-plants, a unique Genetic Collection of cotton-plants with over 500 lines. His scientific research found its reflection in numerous published works and monographs. D.Musaev is the author of 5 monographs and textbooks, and more than 200 scientific and popular-scientific works in the republican and international editions. He is the author of 5 inventions and co-author of 5 new varieties of cot- ton. He made numerous presentations at conferences in the republic and abroad. He also is a member of editorial staff of all 12 volumes of modern Uzbek Na- tional Encyclopedia. He was an editor of various monographs and collected books, periodic science- and-popular journals, and yet, he was Chairman of scientific societies and commit- tees. D.Musaev significantly contributed to the development of higher education and strengthening the potential of scientific human resources, he prepared 10 Doctors and over 40Candidates of Science.He headed the Research Institute of Experi- mental Biology of AS UZSSR. Academician D.Musaev is distinguished for his boundless devotion to science and for being a person of lofty morals and civic duty. His many- sided activity of a remarkable scientist jointly with his distin- guished human traits is the example of selfless service to science and people. Abdullaev Abdumavlon Abdullaevich (1930) A.Ablullaev is an outstanding scientist, biologist-botanist and geneticist, Doctor of Biological Science, Professor, Academician (1995), the Honored Worker of Science of Uzbekistan, and the Laureate of the Beruni State Prize and State Prize of Uzbekistan. His scientific merits in the development of Biological Science and higher education in Uzbekistan, fruitful pedagogical activity and training scientific personnel are highly recognized, he was awarded 2 Orders and 8 Medals (including "Goddess of fertili- DYCzechia), "Shukhrat" (UZSSR), and a number of Honorary Diplomas of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, A.Ablullaev was born on 13 July 1930, in the village of Pilal in the Pap district of the Namangan oblast. In 1952, A.Ablullaev graduated from the Biological and Soil Faculty of Central Asian State University (nowadays, National University of Uzbekistan, NUUZ). In 1957, A.Ablullaev completed postgraduate study in Leningrad and in 1960, he defended his Candidate's dissertation. In 1972, he defended his Doctor's dissertation. Academician A.Ablullaev's name is recognized among the scientists as the name of the author of profound basic research in the field of experimental plant biology, cotton distribution and variety renewal, as well as cotton genetic resources. A.Ablullaev is the initiator of the unique and viable collection of world cotton variety (genetic material), providing the grounds to carry on fundamental and ap- plied investigations in various branches of science and successful development of cotton growing. The collection contains more than 5,000 samples of wild species and newly synthesized hybrid stuff with valuable characteristics. His main scientific works were investigations on taxonomic-genetic foundation of selecting cotton species resistant to diseases, pests and other extreme factors; substantiation of wild species and forms being initial stuff as the principle of effec- tive selection. A.Ablullaev headed or participated in expeditions sent to find wild cotton species and forms in the genetic centers of their origin (Mexico, Peru, China, India, Aus- tralia, Pakistan, etc.). His scientific research found its reflection in 326 published works and mono- graphs. A.Ablullaev is the author of 4 monographs, and more than 300 scientific and popular-scientific works in the republican and international editions. He head- ed the Institute of Experimental Biology of AS Uz.SSR for many years. He made numerous presentations at conferences in the republic and abroad. He also was the editor and a member of editorial staff of scientific journals and sci- ence-popular magazines "Cotton" and "Fan va Turmush", "Uzbek Biological Jour- nal". Academician A.Ablullaev significantly contributed to the development of higher education and strengthening the potential of scientific human resources, he pre- pared 10 Doctors (including the one from Czechia) and 25 Candidates of Science (including the one from Vietnam, and the one from Pakistan). His many-sided activity of a remarkable scientist jointly with his distinguished human traits is the example of selfless service to science and people. Download 11,95 Kb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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