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Ijtimoiy gumanitar fanlararo

сhet tiilar kafedrasi mudiri ________ katta o`qit Sh.Djabborov

“____”___________2020 yil



Bilim sohasi: 100000 – Gumanitar

Ta’lim sohasi: 110000 – Pedagogika

Bakalavriyat yo‘nalishi: Chet tillar

2-kurs III semester uchun

Yakuniy nazorat: 400 ta savollar

1. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

We don’t need _____ eggs. Just half a dozen.


a little


a few

№2. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Is there _____ traffic in your town?




a few

№3. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I have _____ close fiends. Two or three.

a few

a little

a lot of


№4. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I don’t know _____ students in this class. Because I am a newcomer.


B) a few

C) some

D) much

№5. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

How _____ people live in your house?




a lot of

№6. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He has _____ money. He’s a millionaire.

a lot of


a little

a lot

№7. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

A: Do you take sugar in coffee?”

B: Just _____. Half a spoonful.”

a little


a few

a lot of

№8. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

A: Have you got _____ CD’s?

B: Yes, hundreds.

lots of

a little

a few


№9. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

. I’ll be ready in _____ minutes.

A) a few

B) a little

C) much

D) a lot

№10. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

She speaks good Spanish, but only _____ Russian.

a little

a lot of


a few

№11. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I come to ______ school by _____ bus.

* / *

the / a

* / the

the / the

№12. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

This morning _____ bus was late.





№13. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

My favorite subject is _____ history, but I’m not very good at _____ math.

* / *

a / a

the / the

* / the

№14. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Ankara is _____ capital of Turkey.





№15. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I work in _____ company that makes _____ carpets.

the / *

the / the

a / *

a / a

№16. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

My friend lives in _____ same street as me.





№17. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

A: How much are the driving lessons?

B: Fifteen pounds _____ hour.

A) an

B) the

C) *

№18. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I was at _____ home all day yesterday.

A) *

B) the

C) an

D) a

№19. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

There are _____ apples.

A) a lot of

B) most

C) a little

D) much

№20. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

The shop hasn’t got _____ washing powder.

A) much

B) few

C) a few

D) many

№21. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Why aren’t there _____ magazines?

A) many

B) much

C) a little

D) little

№22. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

The shop hasn’t got _____ birthday cards.

A) many

B) much

C) some

D) a little

№23. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I saw _____ change on the table a minute ago.

A) some

B) much

C) many

D) any

№24. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I can see _____ newspapers.

A) lots of

B) most

C) a little

D) much

№25. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

The shopkeeper has got _____ cheese.

A) a lot of

B) many

C) few

D) a few

№26. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I need _____ help with my homework. Are you free?

A) some

B) much

C) any

D) a few

№27. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Let’s have _____ ice-cream.

A) an

B) *

C) a

D) the

№28. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I eat _____ apple every day.

A) an

B) a

C) the

D) *

№29. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Would you like _____ coffee or tea?

A) *

B) the

C) an

D) a

№30. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

They don’t like _____ chocolate.

A) *

B) the

C) a

D) an

№31. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Please have _____ cake.

A) a

B) *

C) the

D) an

№32. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

How often do you eat _____ chocolate?

A) *

B) an

C) the

D) a

№33. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

She needs _____ to help her choose a birthday present.

A) someone

B) anybody

C) something

D) somewhere

She needs _____ to help her choose a birthday present.

№34. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Is _____ listening to me!

A) anyone

B) somebody

C) something

D) anywhere

№35. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Would _____ please explain what happened?

A) anybody

B) somewhere

C) anything

D) someone

Would _____ please explain what happened?

№36. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He doesn’t care. He will watch _____ on television!

A) anything

B) something

C) somewhere

D) anybody

№37. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

. If _____ asks, tell them I’ve got a cold.

A) anyone

B) anything

C) somewhere

D) somebody

№38. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“_____ a drink?”

“Yes, please. I’ll have an orange juice.”

A) Would you like

B) Are you liking

C) Do you like

D) Did you like

№39. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“What _____ at the weekend?”

“I like putting my feet up and relaxing. Sometimes I play tennis.”

A) do you like doing

B) will you like to do

C) would you like to do

D) are you like to do

№40. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“_____ your teacher?”

“Yes, she’s very nice.”

A) Do you like

B) Would you like

C) Will you like

D) Did you like

№41. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“What _____ to do in the evening?”

“Why don’t we pop round and see Pat and Peter?”

A) would you like

B) are you

C) do you like

D) did you like

№42. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“_____ for walks?”

“What a good idea! It’s so hot today!”

A) Would you like to go

B) Did you like going

C) Do you like going

D) Are you going to go

№43. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“My bag is so heavy.”

“Give it to me. _____ it for you.”

A) I’ll carry

B) I carry

C) I’m going to carry

D) I carried

№44. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I bought some warm boots today because _____ skiing.

A) I’m going

B) I went

C) I’ll go

D) I go

№45. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“Tony’s back from holiday.”

“_____ him a ring.”

A) I’ll give

B) I gave

C) I’m going give

D) I give

№46. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“What are you doing tonight?”

“We _____ a play at the theatre.”

A) are going to see

B) will see

C) saw

D) seeing

№47. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

You can tell me your secret. I _____ anyone.

A) won’t tell

B) am not going tell

C) don’t tell

D) didn’t tell

№48. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“I need to post these letters.”

“I _____ shopping soon. I _____ them for you.”

A) am going / will post

B) will go / will post

C) am going / am going post

D) go / am going to post

№49. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“Now, holidays. Where _____ this year?”

“We don’t know yet.”

A) will you go

B) you going

C) did you go

D) do you going

№50. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

We’ve decided _____ married in the spring.

A) to get

B) get

C) getting

D) got

№51. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I hope _____ some money soon.

A) to earn

B) earn

C) earning

D) to earning

I hope _____ some money soon.

№52. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I want _____ a film on TV this evening.

A) to see

B) see

C) see to

D) seeing

№53. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Some people like _____ breakfast in bed, but I don’t.

A) having

B) too have

C) have

D) had

№54. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I’m looking forward _____ you again soon.

A) to seeing

B) seeing

C) to see

D) see

№55. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I _____ my job soon.

A) am thinking of changing

B) think changing

C) am thinking to change

D) think change

№56. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

She enjoys _____ the news on television.

A) watching

B) to watch

C) to watching

D) watch

№57. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I’m looking forward _____ more free time.

A) to having

B) to have

C) of having

D) having

№58. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Do you want _____ it again?

A) to try

B) trying

C) to trying

D) try

№59. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

We’re _____ a party next Saturday. Would you like _____?

A) having / to come

B) have / to go

C) had / to have

D) having to / had

№60. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

You must see my new flat. ____ round and _____ a drink some time.

A) Come / have

B) Have / come

C) Go / have

D) Go / come

№61. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“I _____ out now, Mum. Bye!”

“OK. Have a good time. What time _____ home?”

A) am going / are you coming

B) went / did you come

C) go / will you come

D) am going / do you come

№62. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Hi, Dave. Pete _____ a shower at the moment. I’ll just _____ and tell him.

A) is having / go

B) had / went

C) is having / come

D) will have / will go

№63. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He’s _____ older than he looks.

A) much

B) more

C) *

D) the

№64. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Jessica’s as tall _____ her mother.

A) as

B) like

C) more

D) than

№65. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“What _____ New York like?”

“It’s really exciting!”

A) is

B) does

C) was

D) did

№66. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Trains in London are more crowded _____ in Paris.

A) than

B) as

C) that

D) like

№67. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Oxford is one of ___ oldest universities in Europe.

A) the

B) *

C) much

D) more

№68. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He isn’t as intelligent _____ his sister.

A) as

B) like

C) than

D) nothing

№69. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

This is _____ than I expected.

A) harder

B) hard

C) the hardest

D) more hard

№70. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Who is the _____ man in the world?

A) most rich

B) most richest

C) richest

D) rich

№71. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Everything is _____ in my country.

A) cheaper

B) more cheaper

C) cheap

D) cheapest

№72. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Rome was hotter _____ I expected.

A) than

B) that

C) nothing

D) as

№73. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

My dad’s really ____. He always buys presents for everyone.

A) generous

B) fortunate

C) romantic

D) depressed

№74. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Before you can get a credit card, you have to provide a lot of _____ details.

A) personal

B) person

C) happiness

D) wealth

№75. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I try to lead a _____ lifestyle - lots of exercises, fruit, and no junk food.

A) healthy

B) dirty

C) depressed

D) mess

№76. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

The disco was so _____ that you couldn’t hear yourself speak.

A) noisy

B) finance

C) windy

D) difference

№77. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

After the earthquake, the country needed a lot of _____equipment to look after the sick and wounded.

A) medical

B) depressed

C) personal

D) financial

№78. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

She had a car crash, but she was _____ to escape with no injuries at all.

A) lucky

B) romantic

C) depressed

D) healthy

№79. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Venice is a very _____ city. A lot of people go there on honeymoon.

A) romantic

B) polluted

C) wealthy

D) dirty

№80. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Here is the ____ news. Share prices on the Dow Jones Index have fallen dramatically.

A) financial

B) cheap

C) depressed

D) wealthy

№81. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

After a heart attack, he needed a major surgery, but fortunately the operation was _____.

A) successful

B) different

C) happy

D) personal

№82. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I didn’t like that city at all. The streets were so _____ and the air was so _____.

A) dirty / polluted

B) dirty / messy

C) personal / noisy

D) messy / polluting

№83. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

There’s the boy _____ broke the window.

A) who

B) where

C) *

D) which

№84. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

That’s the palace _____ the King lives.

A) where

B) which

C) who

D) when

№85. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

They are the policemen _____ caught the thief.

A) who

B) where

C) which

D) *

№86. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He gave him a watch _____ stopped after two days.

A) that

B) *

C) when

D) where

№87. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

The Red Lion is the pub _____ we met for a drink.

A) where

B) that

C) which

D) when

№88. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Here are the letters _____ arrived this morning.

A) which

B) who

C) *

D) where

№89. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

That’s the house _____ I was born.

A) where

B) that

C) when

D) which

№90. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Where is the woman _____ ordered the fish.

A) who

B) which

C) when

D) where

№91. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

The hotel _____ we stayed was very comfortable.

A) where

B) that

C) which

D) when

№92. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I bought the coat _____ was in the shop window.

A) that

B) where

C) who

D) *

№93. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Are you as tall _____ your brother?

A) as

B) like

C) than

D) more

№94. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Was Joan’s party better _____ Maria’s?

A) than

B) much

C) like

D) as

№95. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“Wasn’t that film wonderful!”

“Yes, it was _____.”

A) brilliant

B) wealthy

C) modern

D) depressed

№96. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“I’m bored with this lesson!”

“I know, I’m really _____ with it, too!”

A) fed up

B) generous

C) healthy

D) happy

№97. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Mary’s family is very rich.”

“Well, I knew her uncle was very _____.”

A) wealthy

B) polluted

C) finance

D) windy

№98. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“Ann’s bedroom’s really untidy again!”

“Is it? I told her it was _____ yesterday, and she promised to clean it.”

A) messy

B) shining

C) modern

D) clean

№99. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

She’s _____ than her sister.

A) much nicer

B) more nicer

C) much more nicer

D) more nicer

№100. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He’s _____ boy in the class.

A) the funniest

B) funniest

C) funnier

D) the funnier

№101. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Barbara’s _____ than Sarah.

A) more intelligent

B) much intelligent

C) intelligenter

D) intelligent

№102. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

_____ to a rock concert?

A) Have you ever been

B) Were you ever go

C) Do you ever go

D) Have you ever go

№103. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I _____ the champion last week.

A) saw

B) have seen

C) see

D) seen

№104. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I love rock and roll. I _____ it all my life.

A) have liked

B) like

C) liking

D) am liking

№105. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I _____ all their records since then.

A) have bought

B) buy

C) buyed

D) bought

№106. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

The Flash _____ together for over fifteen years.

A) have been

B) are

C) are being

D) *

№107. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He’s my sister’s son. He’s my _____.

A) nephew

B) uncle

C) niece

D) bride

№108. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I run in races. I’m a(n) _____.

A) athlete

B) teenager

C) pilot

D) chef

№109. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I called Tom at 10.00 in the morning, but he was _____ in bed.

A) still

B) of course

C) only

D) especially

№110. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

It’s our anniversary today. We’ve been _____ for fifteen years.

A) at last

B) exactly

C) together

D) nearly

№111. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Kate is very fussy about food. She _____ eats pasta and crisps.

A) exactly

B) hard

C) only

D) too

№112. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“Why have you got so much food?”

“Because I _____ a meal for two people.”

A) am going to cook

B) cook

C) will cook

D) had cook

№113. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“Jane told me you have a place at university.”

“That’s right. I _____ math at St. Andrews in Scotland.”

A) am going to study

B) will study

C) study

D) studied

№114. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“My car isn’t working.”

“Ask Joe to look at it. He _____ you.”

A) will help

B) helps

C) is going to help

D) helped

№115. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“I passed my driving test!”

“That’s great! I _____ some champagne to celebrate!”

A) will buy

B) am going to buy

C) bought

D) am buying

№116. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

“Why have you got your old clothes on?”

“Because I _____ the grass.’

A) am going to cut

B) cutted

C) had cut

D) cut

№117. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

He’s worked there _____ many years, _____ 1988, I believe.

A) for / since

B) for / ever

C) since / ever

D) ever / never

№118. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I have _____ loved anyone as much as I love you.

A) never

B) since

C) for

D) ever

№119. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

We’ve known Paul _____ two years. Have you _____ met him?

A) for / ever

B) since / ever

C) since / for

D) never / ever

№120. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Your clothes smell, and you’ve got a cough. You _____ smoke.

A) shouldn’t

B) should

C) don’t have to

D) have to

№121. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I’d like to meet your boyfriend. You _____ invite him round.

A) must

B) have to

C) would

D) don’t have to

№122. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I’m going to bed. I _____ be up early tomorrow.

A) have to

B) shouldn’t

C) don’t have to

D) should

№123. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Our train leaves in two minutes! We _____ hurry.

A) must

B) have to

C) would

D) don’t have to

№124. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I will have a bath _____ I go to bed.

A) before

B) if

C) when

D) until

№125. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

If you need some help with your homework, you _____ go to the library.

A) should

B) mustn’t

C) have to

D) shouldn’t

№126. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I’m coming to London tomorrow. I’ll ring you _____ I arrive.

A) when

B) before

C) until

D) if

№127. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Wait here _____ I get back.

A) until

B) before

C) as soon as

D) when

№128. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

Bye! I _____ you when I _____ home.

A) will phone / get

B) will phone / will get

C) phone / get

D) phoned / get

№129. Manba – OYD tillari. Bob 1; Paragraf 1; Qiyinlik darajasi - 1;

I’m going to bed when this TV program _____.

A) ends

B) will end

C) is going to end

D) ended

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