Abich, H. W., Academician, 237, 250 Abramov, M. P., 395
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- This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Rudnev, V.I., 462, 463 Rummel, 403 Rumovsky, S.Ya., Academician, 228 Rumyantseva, M.A., Countess, 363 Ruppin, Arthur, 298 Ruprecht, F.I., Academician, 235, 260 Russian eugenics. See Eugenics in Russia Russian Eugenics Journal. See also Russian Eugenics Society analysis of selected related talents, 355 – 370 Bakunin family genealogy, 345 – 346, 352 – 354 contents of published volumes, 61, 63, 196 – 203 Count Witte genealogy (See “Ancestors of Count S.Yu. Witte”) creativity analysis (See “On the Psychopathology of Creativity: V. Khlebnikov”) criticism of degeneration idea, 212 – 213
Darwin and Galton genealogy (See “Genealogy of Ch. Darwin and F. Galton”) Dostoevsky genealogy (See Dostoevsky family analysis) editorial view of Koltsov, 19 emergence of two eugenics journals, 209 – 210 headed by Koltsov, 59 hereditary analysis of Decembrists (See “Decembrists”) interest in by specialists and the general public, 291 Koltsov on culture and selection (See “Impact of Culture on Selection in Humans”)
Koltsov on eugenics (See “Improvement of the Human Race”) Koltsov on heredity of talent (See “Genealogies of Our Vydvizhentsy”) Koltsov on the genetics of psychology (See “Genetic Analysis of the Psychological Features of Man”) Muravyov family genealogy (See “Genealogy of the Decembrist Muravyovs”) prehistory of the eugenics movement, 23 – 28
Shafirov family genealogy (See “On the Descendents of Baron Pyotr Pavlovich Shafirov”) studies of Jews (See “Criminality of Jews”) Tolstoy genealogy (See “Genealogy of the Count Tolstoys”) von Baer genealogy, 374 – 386 Russian Eugenics Society (REO) bylaws stating purpose and plans for, 59 – 60 collaborations and outreach programs, 61 – 62 committees to study Jews, 291 – 292 dissemination of genetic knowledge focus, 65 focus on eugenics propaganda, 63 formation and organization, 59 growth in membership and branches, 62 – 63
independent societies affiliated with, 291, 293 – 294 journal contents (See Russian Eugenics Journal)
Koltsov and Filipchenko’s disagreements over eugenics, 293 Koltsov’s aversion to the idea that genius is a pathology, 64 – 65 Koltsov’s belief in the need for eugenics, 57 Koltsov’s stressing of the role of biological diversity, 64 paper on eugenics (See “Improvement of the Human Race”) paper on natural selection (See “Impact of Culture on Selection in Humans”) paper on self-made men (See “Genealogies of Our Vydvizhentsy”) paper on the genetics of psychological features (See “Genetic Analysis of the Psychological Features of Man”)
popularity of medical-eugenic ideas, 294
presentations on eugenics and genetics, 60 – 61 as a reflection of the eugenics movement, 468 – 469 research directions pursued by Chetverikov, 63 – 64 society’s critical view of negative eugenics, 64 Russian Psychoanalytical Society, 2 “Russian Works on Human Constitu- tion” (Vishnevsky), 307 R-v, Zinaida. See Hahn, Ye.A. Rychkov, Yu.G., 694 Rykachev, M.A., Academician, 251, 263, 267 Ryleev, F.A., 398 Ryleev, K.F, Decembrist, 398, 403 Ryleeva, A.M., ne´e Essen, 398 Ryvkin, I.A., 578, 579, 592, 594, 622, 623, 624
Ryzhey, P.L., 647 Rzhevskaya, D.G., ne´e Sokovnina, 401 Rzhevskaya, L.F., educator, 347 Rzhevskaya, Ye.I. See Chernysheva, Yevdokia I. Rzhevsky family, 359 Rzhevsky, A.A., 393, 399 Rzhevsky, I.I., 359 Sablukov, A.A., 392 Sablukov, Aleksandr A., 392 Sablukova, Ye.A., ne´e Volkova, 392 Sacheverel-Pole, Edward, 311 Sadovnikova (Sadovnikova-Koltsova), M.P., 111, 120, 124, 175, 684, 688, photo insert Sadovsky family, 118 Saint-Hilaire, Geoffroy, 525 Saint-Hilaire, K.I., 264 Saint-Hilaire, K.K., zoology professor, 264
Sakanyan, Ye.S., 628, 643, 690, 695, 696, 698, 737, photo insert Sakharov, A.D., 692 – 693 Sakharov, G.P., 198 Sakharov, P.S., 622 Sakharov, V.V., 62, 137, 198, 469, 471, 472, photo insert Sakharova, L.N., photo insert Salamandra (Lunacharsky’s screenplay), 526
Saltykov family, 359, 365 Saltykov, M.G., 397 Saltykova, Ye.S., Countess, ne´e Countess Tolstaya, 328 Salvini family, 118 Samarin family, 335, 363 Samarin, F.V., Acting State Councilor, 363
Samarin, M.M., Senator, 363 Samarin, Yu.F., 63, 201, 334, 355, 356t, 363 – 365, 389, 392, Sanguinics, 423 Sanson, Andre´, 26 Sapegin, A.A., 686 Sapir, I.D., 573 Saradzhishvili, P.M., 633 Sauerbruch, E.F., 553, 565 Savich, A.N., photo insert Savich, N.G., photo insert Savich, V.G., photo insert Savile, Henry, 315 Savina, T.A., 391 Savitskaya, I.S., 193 Savonarola, Girolamo, 108, 429 Savostyanova, V.A., 450 Schallmeyer, W., 520 Schaumann, 554 Schick test, 490 Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott, 523 Schiller, Friedrich, 107 Schizoid character type, 424, 427 – 433 Schliemann, Heinrich, archaeologist, 263 Schloessmann, 562, 563 Schneider, Kurt, 419, 429 Schrenk, L.I., Academician, 250 Sechenov family, 271 Sechenov, I.M., 89, 126, 186, 263, 271, 527 Sechenov, M., landowner, 276 Sechenov, R.M., 276 Sedley, William, Sir, 315 Seeck, Otto, 149 Segalin, G.V., 2, 64, 201, 213, 293, 308, 443, 460, 461, 462, 463 Seitmann, 142 Selected Works on Genetics (Muller), 652 Self-made men. See “Genealogies of Our Vydvizhentsy” Selivanov, A.I., ethnographer, 264 Semashko, N.A., 61, 63, 99, 293, 469, 475 Semenskaya, Ye.M., 302 Semyonov family, 270 Semyonov, I.P., 340 Semyonov, N.N., 691 Semyonov, N.P., landowner, 273 Semyonov, P.N., writer, 264 Semyonov, V.N., writer, 264 Semyonova, A.N., ne´e Blank, 400 Semyonova, N.P., 270, 273 Index / 769
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Semyonov-Tian-Shansky, A.P., 270, 495, 498, 499, 504 Semyonov-Tian-Shansky, P.P., geogra- pher, 264, 340, 388, 400, 404 Semyonov-Tian-Shansky, V.P., 270 Sensory abilities study, 113 – 116 Serebrovskaya, A.S., photo insert Serebrovskaya, R.I., 568, 621, 622 Serebrovsky, A.S., 48, 52, 55, 59, 470, 469, 473 – 478, 505, 517, 520, 523, 524, 527, 534, 537, 540, 546, 565, 594, 621, 622, 651, 676, 678, 680 advocacy of positive eugenics, 55, 470, 473, 474, 475 – 476 criticism of Lysenko’s theories, 651 historical correlation and, 594 medical genetics work, 527 paper on anthropogenetics (See “Anthropogenetics and Eugenics in a Socialist Society”) photograph of, photo insert REO board membership, 59 Sereysky, M.Ya., 621, 622 Sergeev, D.I., Preface Severtsov, A.N., Academician, 252, 260, 263, 267, 630 – 631 Shabad, Ts.O., 302 Shafirov family, 330, 331 – 336 Shafirov, P.P., Baron, 63, 198, 330, 331 – 336, 405, 408. See also “On the Descendents of Baron Pyotr Pavlovich Shafirov” Shafirova, M.P., Baroness, 408 Shakespeare, William, 129, 132, 159, 327 Shakhmatov, A.A., Academician, 233, 235, 236, 244, 253, 264, 268 Shakhov, V.P., 674 Shakhovskaya, A.F., Princess, ne´e Prin- cess Shcherbatova, 395 Shakhovskoy, A.A., Prince, 393 Shakhovskoy, D.I., Prince, 395 Shakhovskoy, F.P., Prince, Decembrist, 395, 402 Shapilov, landowner, 276 Shaskolsky, D.B., 536 Shatov (literary character), 444 Shatrova, Ye.I., 274 Shavlovsky, I.E., 451 Shaw, George Bernard, 11, 64 Shchepkin family, 118 Shcherbakov, A., 684 Shcherbatov family, 366, 367 Shcherbatov, D.F., Prince, 362 Shcherbatov, I.D., Prince, 362, 394 Shcherbatov, M.F., Prince, historian, 253, 256
Shcherbatov, M.M., Prince, historian, 155t, 362, 394 Shcherbatov, M.Yu., Prince, 362 Shcherbatova, A.N., Princess, 325 Shcherbatova, K.A., Princess, 401 Shcherbatova-Chaadaeva, N.M., Princess, 155t Shchetinina, A.I., Princess, 320 Sheldon, William, 307, 716 Shelgunov, N.V., 340 Sheremetev family, 330, 359 Sheremetev, P.S., 334 Sheremeteva, P.I. (Zhemchugova), Countess, 153 Shidlovsky, S.F., professor, 264 Shiffner, A.A., Academician, 252 Shifman, 59 Shimkevich, V.M., Academician, 236, 244, 260 Shipova, F.I., nun, 360 Shishkova, V.P., ne´e Countess Tolstaya, 320
Shklovsky, V.B., 415 Shlykov, 673 Shmidt, F.B., Academician, 250, 256 Shmidt, O.Yu., 687 Shmulyan, L.P., 301 Shneider, professor, 252 Shokalsky, M.O., 347 Shokalsky, Yu.M., geographer, 349 Sholokhov, Party chief of IEB, 684 Shorokhova, A., 644, 662 Shpilreyn, I.N., 198 Shreder, V.N., photo insert Shtefko, V.G., 647 Shtekelis, M.Sh., 302 Shteyn, V.M., 221, 222, 224 Shtraykh, S.Ya., 343, 350 Shubert, M.I., 430 Shubinsky, S.N., 21 Shull, George Harrison, 601 Shull, W.J., 693 Shvarts, Ye.L., 722 Shvartsman, P.Ya., 2 Sidorov, A.S., 435 Siemens, HermannWerner, 520, 524, 552, 560, 569, 570 Siemens, Werner von, 107 Sigaud, Claude, 307 Silver Age, 1 Sirotkina, I.Ye., 3, 6, 305 Sivers, A.A., 370, 374, 404 Sixth International Genetics Congress, 468 Skadovskaya, L.N., photo insert Skadovskaya, N.S., photo insert Skadovsky, S.N., photo insert Skoropadsky, I.I., Hetman, 328 Skovoroda, G.S., 153, 264, 271, 275, 396
Skryabin, A.N., 461 Skrypnik, N.A., 533, 534 Skvortsov, K.A., 460 Slepkov, V.N., 524, 528 Slutsky, S.N., 303 Smirnov, Ye.S., 527, 534, 535 Smith, Adam, 349 Snell, 456 Snyder, 670 Soboleva, G.V., 197, 198, 199, 200, 203, 471, 544, 580, 623, 624 Sobolevsky, A.I., Academician, 256 Social and biological hierarchies, 6 – 7 Social Biology ( journal), 17 Social Darwinism, 55, 520, 706, 722, 731 – 732, 735 Social eugenics biosocial eugenics, 528 – 529 “Bolshevist” basis, 473 – 474 Galton’s advocacy of grouping people based on talents, 10 Galton’s belief in positive eugenics, 9 Muller’s letter to Stalin advocating positive eugenics, 659 – 666 social and economic inheritance contrasted with biological inheritance, 45 – 46 social-hygiene applications of genetics, 618 – 620 Socialist Agriculture, 652 Society for Agricultural Workers and Craftsmen (ORT), 292 Society for Land Settlement of Jewish Workers (OZET), 292 Society for Study of Racial Pathology and Geographic Distribution of Dis- eases (ORP) abuses of sterilization, 465 – 466 anthropogenetics and eugenics paper (See “Anthropogenetics and Eugenics in a Socialist Society”) anti-immigration focus of American eugenics, 468 anti-Koltsov campaign targeting genetics, 476 – 477 board meetings, 470 calculation of reducing frequency of a trait, 466 – 467 differences between goals of English and Russian geneticists, 468 eugenics’ concern with health of a race, 466 founders and board members, 469 Koltsov’s Caucasus population survey project, 470 – 472 Koltsov’s endemic goiter study in Central Asia, 472 – 473 members’ views of eugenics, 469 – 470 Muller’s views of eugenics, 473 – 474 political changes impacting eugenics societies, 474 – 475 racial pathology paper (See “Goals and Methods of Studies of Racial Pathology”) use of the term “race” paper (See “Term ‘Race’ in Zoology and Anthropology”) Society for the Preservation of the Health of the Jewish Population (OZE), 292
Society of Materialist Biologists (OBM), 476, 534
Society of Naturalists, Archaeologists, and Ethnographers (OLEAE), 61 Sofiev, M.S., 303 Sofya, Tsarevna, 319, 397 Sokolov, Academician, 228 Sokolov, B.S., Preface Sokolov, I.I., 289 Sokolov, N.N., 628, 684 Sokovnin family, 400 Sokovnin, A.P., 397, 400 Sokovnin, I.F., 400 Sokovnina, D.G. See Rzhevskaya, D.G. Sollogub, F.L., Count, 334 Sollogub, V.A., Count, 361, 437 Sologub, F.A., 418 Solovyov family, 270, 274 Solovyov, M., Archpriest, 270, 271, 274 Solovyov, S.M., Academician, 231, 246, 264, 268, 271, 274, 359, 370, 396, 403
Solovyov, S.M., philologist, poet, 271, 274
770 / Index
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Solovyov, Vladimir S., philosopher, 153, 271, 274, 399, 404, 447 Solovyov, Vsevolod S., 271, 274, 447 Solovyova, M.S., 461 Solovyova, M.S. (daughter of S.M. Solo- vyov). See Bezobrazova, M.S. Solovyova, P.S., 271, 274 Solovyova, P.V., ne´e Romanova, 271 “Some Basic Stages of Development of Theoretical Genetics and Their Significance from the Point of View of Medicine” (Muller). See “Theoretical Genetics” Somov, K.K., artist, 250 Somov, O.I., Academician, 250, 260, 267 Sonin, N.Ya., Academician, 240, 251, 263 Sontsova-Zasekina, T.V., Princess, ne´e Kozhina, 363 Sontsova-Zasekina, Ye.F., Princess, 363 Sorokin, artist, 254 Sorokin, V.I., Professor, 252 Sorokina, 582 Spencer, Herbert, 5, 520 Spengler, Oswald, 116, 130 – 134, 150 Speransky, A.D., 653 Speransky, M.N., Academician, 254, 256 Spinoza, Benedict, 108 Spiridov, G.A., Admiral, 394 Spiridov, M.G., genealogist, 394 Spiridov, M.M., Decembrist, 362, 394,395
Spivak, M.L., 6 Sreznevsky, I.I., Academician, 229, 253, 268 Stadler, 606 Stakhanov, A.G., 687 Stalin, I.V., 3, 7, 15, 57, 207, 473 – 476, 532 – 537, 541, 550 – 551, 577, 583, 599, 641, 643 – 646, 649 – 654, 656 – 659, 676 – 678, 680 – 682, 684, 685, 688
Muller’s letter to, 659 – 666 Stanislavsky, K.S., 687 Stankevich, N.V., 346, 350 Stanton, 14 State Institute of People’s Health Care (GINZ), 489 State Psychoanalytical Institute, 2 Stavrogin (literary character), 434 Stavrovskaya, M.N., 440 Stefani, L.E., Academician, 235, 246 Stegniy, V.N., Preface Steiger, 115 Stein, C., 114 Steiner, Rudolf, 18 Steingel, V.V., Baron, General, 395 Steklov, V.A., Academician, 246, 252, 260 Steklov, Yu.M., 345, 351 Stepanov, D.D., doctor, 274 Sterilization abuses of, 465 – 466 “Lamarxism” and, 530 – 531 laws in different countries, 15 – 17, 79 – 80
programs advocated for by eugenics, 522
Stern, A.A. (Venkstern, A.A.), 327, 330 Stern, Kurt, 693 Stevens, Nettie M., 602, 603 Stevenson, K., 273 Stockard, Charles R., 14, 43, 44 Stolypin, P.A., 360 Strauch, A.A., Academician, 233 Striganova, A.R., 623 Strindberg, August, 107, 418 Stroganov family, 335 Stroganov, A.S., Count, 335 Stroganov, D.I., 366 Stroganov, G.S., Count, 335 Stroganov, P.A. Count, 335 Strogaya, Ye.Z., 200 “Struggle for Existence, The” (Huxley), 734 Strunnikov, V.A., Preface Struve family, 270, 272 Struve, Jacob, 270 Struve, O.V., Academician, 235, 237, 250, 260, 264, 267, 270 Struve, P.B., Academician, 253, 346 Struve, V.V., Egyptologist, 270 Struve, V.Ya., Academician, 270 Stuart, Janet Erskine, 424 Studitsky, A.N., 638, 657 Sturtevant, Alfred, 34, 603, 604 Substantialist cognitive types and the cultures they create, 132, 134 Suermondt, G.L., 297 Sukachev, V.N., 739, 742, 744 Sukhanov, S.A., 307 Sukhomlinov, M.I., Academician, 253 Sukhotina, T.L., ne´e Countess Tolstaya, 324, 329
Sukhovo-Kobylin, A.V., playwright, 328, 363
Sukhovo-Kobylin, V.F., 363 Sukhovo-Kobylina, S.V., 363 Sukin, F.I., Dyak, 369 Sulima family, 367 – 368 Sulima, A.S., 368 Sulima, F.I., 367 Sulima, I.F., 367 Sulima, I.M., Ataman, 367 Sulima, M.L., ne´e Polubotok, 368 Sulima, M.V., ne´e Princess Nesvitskaya, 368 Sulima, N.S., 368 Sulima, Severin I., 367 Sulima, S.S., 368 Sulima, Stepan I., 367 Sulima, Ye.N. See Kropotkina, Ye.N. Sulima, Ye.Ya., ne´e Repninskaya, 368 Sumarokov, A.P., 357 Sumarokova, P.M. See Tolstaya, P.M. Sumarokov-Knyazhnin family, 357 Suomalainen, Esko, 642 Suprematism (Malevich), 2 Surgical Solution, The: History of Involun- tary Sterilization in the United States (Reilly), 17 Sushkin, P.P., Academician, 246, 252 Sushkina, A., photo insert Sushkov family, 410 Sushkova, Ye.A., ne´e Khvostova, 334 Suslov, M.A., 694 Sutton, Walter, 602 Svechina, S.P., 399 Sˇvejk, Joseph (literary character), 4 – 5 Svetlov, P.G., 689 Svidrigailov (literary character), 432 Svistunov, I.P., Academician, 393 Svistunov, N.S., Senator, 393 Svistunov, P.I., Decembrist, 342, 393, 399 Svistunova, M.A., 359 Sweden, 16 – 17 Swedish eugenics society, 11 Sysin, A.N., 59, 469 Tactical Center Affair, 57 Tal, B.M., 677, 678, 679 Talleyrand, C.M. de, 723 Talyzin family, 397 Talyzin, I., 364 Tammes, Tine, 601 Tarente, Louise Emmanuelle, Princess de, 335 Tatishchev family, 359 Tatishchev, V.N., historian, 361 Teı¨as, 707 Telfer, J.B., 342 Telfer, Ye.A., ne´e Muravyova, 342 Temperament chemical basis of, 89 – 93 constitutional types of, 105 – 108 historical influences on the Jewish temperament, 299 – 300 Kant’s four types of, 423 – 424 Teplov, G.N., 228 Tereshkovich, A.M., 200 “Term ‘Race’ in Zoology and Anthro- pology” (Bunak) anthropological or racial analysis elements, 502 – 503 classifications of human races, 499 – 500
“collective species” term, 497 criteria for belonging to a tribe or subtribe, 498 – 499 criteria for defining membership in a systematic unit, 498 development of taxonomic terms used, 495 domestication theory of Fischer, 503 – 504 evolution of hominids, 493 – 494 hybridization in the human race, 500 – 501 lack of interspecies hybridization among taxonomic units, 496 questions about the biological significance of “race,” 501 – 502 species and population term differences, 495 – 496 taxonomic categories derived from “species” and “race,” 497 – 498 Terrail, P.A. Ponson du, 180 Thaer, Albrecht, 339 Thennies, 643 Theoretical Foundations of Plant Breeding, 677 “Theoretical Genetics” (Muller) challenge and promise of studies of human genetics, 607 – 609 chromosomal theory of heredity, 602 – 603 chromosome-gene relation hypotheses, 601 – 602 Index / 771
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press “Theoretical Genetics” (Muller) (Continued) clinical application of knowledge of heredity, 607 Drosophila studies, 603 establishment of the gene as the basis of life, 606 gene mutation study, 606 – 607 genetics of traits study, 605 heredity of interspecific crosses study, 605 – 606 law of linear linkage, 604 materialistic foundations of genetics, 601
rediscovery and reapplication of Mendel’s laws, 600 – 601, 606 Third International Congress of Eugen- ics, 468
Three Songs about Lenin (film), 477 Tiesenhausen, V. (W.S.) K., Decembrist, 402 Tikhonravov, N.S., Academician, 246, 256, Tikhvinsky, 559 Timiryazev, K.A., 678, 682 Timofeeva-Ressovskaya, Ye.A., photo insert Timofeev-Ressovsky, D.N. (“Fomka”), photo insert Timofeev-Ressovsky, N.V., Preface, 7, 63– 64, 211, 468–470, 541, 607, 626– 628, 632–633, 641–643, 657–658, 680, 689–693, 696, 698, 739 banning of his book, 657 disinterest in eugenics, 469 genetics research, 63 – 64, 468, 628, 641 – 643 hereditary constitution and, 626 micro- and macroevolution theory and, 211
paper on the biosphere (See “Biosphere and Mankind, The”) photograph of, photo insert radiation effects studies, 689 – 693 release from prison, 698 Tinyakov, G.G., 628 Tokin, B.P., 476, 534 Tol, S.D., Countess, ne´e Countess Tolstaya, 327 Tolstaya, A.A., Countess, 325, 329 Tolstaya, A.F., Countess, ne´e Dudina, 321
Tolstaya, A.F., Countess. See Zakrev- skaya, A.F. Tolstaya, A.G., Countess, ne´e Princess Gruzinskaya, 328 Tolstaya, A.I., Countess, ne´e Ivanova, 321
Tolstaya, A.I., Countess. See Osten- Sacken, A.I. Tolstaya, A.L., Countess, ne´e Turgeneva, 328 Tolstaya, A.N., Countess, ne´e Princess Shcherbatova, 325 Tolstaya, A.Ye., Countess, ne´e Princess Gruzinskaya, 400 Tolstaya, M.A., Countess, ne´e Princess Golitsyna, 328 Tolstaya, M.F., Countess. See Kamen- skaya, M.F. Tolstaya, M.N., Countess, ne´e Countess Tolstaya, 324 Tolstaya, M.N., Countess, ne´e Princess Volkonskaya, 323 Tolstaya, N.A., Countess, ne´e Princess Lvova, 328 Tolstaya, N.P., Countess, 320 Tolstaya, P.D., Countess, also Venkstern, ne´e Pavlova, 327 Tolstaya, P.I., Countess. See Yushkova, P.I. Tolstaya, P.I., Countess. See Odoevskaya, P.I. Tolstaya, P.M., Countess, ne´e Sumarokova, 325 Tolstaya, P.N., Countess, ne´e Princess Gorchakova, 322, 360 Tolstaya, P.P., Countess, 328 Tolstaya, S.A., Countess, ne´e Durasova, 324
Tolstaya, Sofia Andreevna, ne´e Bers, 324 Tolstaya, S.F., Countess, poet, 318 Tolstaya, S.T., Countess, ne´e Dubrov- skaya, 319 Tolstaya, T.L., Countess. See Sukhotina, T.L.
Tolstaya, V.A., Countess. See Potyom- kina, V.A. Tolstaya, V.I., Countess. See Khlyustina, V.I.
Tolstaya, V.P., Countess. See Shishkova, V.P.
Tolstaya, Ye.F., Countess. See Junge, Ye.F. Tolstaya, Ye.S., Countess. See Saltykova, Ye.S. Tolstaya, Ye.P., Countess, ne´e Princess Volkonskaya, 326 Tolstaya, Ye. Petrovna, Countess, ne´e Princess Dolgorukova, 394 Tolstaya, Ye.V., Countess, ne´e Ilyina, 327 Tolstaya, Ye.Ye., Countess, ne´e Barbot de Marni, 320 Tolstoy family. See “Genealogy of the Count Tolstoys” Tolstoy, A.A., Count, 325 Tolstoy, A.I., Count, 155t, 319, 320 Tolstoy, A.K., Count, poet, 6, 155t, 156, 318, 320 – 321, 329, 393 Tolstoy, Aleksandr P., Count (1777 – 1819), 320 Tolstoy, Aleksandr P., Count (1821 – 1867), 320, 329 Tolstoy, Aleksandr S., Count, 326 Tolstoy, A.N., Count, 318, 328, 334 Tolstoy, Andrey P., Count, 318, 328 – 329 Tolstoy, Andrey S., Count, 326 Tolstoy, A.V., 359, 360, 390, 394 Tolstoy, D.A., Count, 318, 327, 329 Tolstoy, D.N., Count, 318, 324 Tolstoy, F.A., Count, 324 Tolstoy, F.I., Count, member of Legisla- tive Commission, 325 Tolstoy, F.I. (“the American”), Count, 322, 402
Tolstoy, F.M., Count, 318 Tolstoy, F.P., Count, 318, 321, 324, 329 Tolstoy, F.S., Count, 326 Tolstoy, I.A., 155t, 322, 397 Tolstoy, I.I., Count, 318 Tolstoy, I.L., Count, 324, 329 Tolstoy, I.M., Count, 318 Tolstoy, I.P., Count, 155t, 319, 330, 360 Tolstoy, K.P., Count, 155t, 320 Tolstoy, L.L., Count, 324, 329 Tolstoy, L.N. (Leo), Count, 107, 123, 155t, 156, 192, 195, 201, 305, 313, 318, 323 – 324, 329, 330, 331, 355, 359, 360, 394, 400, 436, 450, 460, 461. See also “Genealogy of the Count Tolstoys” genealogy table, 155t observed traits in his lineage, 359 – 361 relations to other recognized talents, 156, 355, 356t Tolstoy, L.V., Count, 155t Tolstoy, M.S., Count, 326 Tolstoy, M.V., Count, 318, 322, 325 – 326, 329, 477 Tolstoy, N. Aleksandrovich, Count, 328 Tolstoy, N. Alekseevich, Count, 318 Tolstoy, N.I., Count, 155t, 323 Tolstoy, N.N., Count, 324 Tolstoy, N. Sergeevich, Count, 322, 329 Tolstoy, N. Stepanovich, Count, 328 Tolstoy, P.P., Count, 319, 328 – 329 Tolstoy, P.S., Count, 327 Tolstoy, Pyotr Aleksandrovich, 318, 328 Tolstoy, Pyotr Andreevich, the first Count, 155t, 318 – 319, 329, 330, 331, 360, 393, 397 Tolstoy, Pyotr Andreevich, general, 320 Tolstoy, S.F., Count, 325, 326, 330 Tolstoy, S.L., Count, 324 Tolstoy, S.N., Count, 324 Tolstoy, S.S., Count, 326 Tolstoy, V.A., Count, 322 Tolstoy, V.F., Count, 325 Tolstoy, V.I., 359 Tolstoy, V.P., Count, 320 Tolstoy, V.S., Count, Decembrist, 394, 399, 402
Tolstoy, Yu.V., Count, 318, 394 Tolstoy-Znamensky, D.N., 328, 329 Tomashevich, T.V., Preface Tomilin, K.A., Preface Topinard, P., 501 Topographical genetics, 506 – 507 “Toward a History of the Eugenic Movement” (Volotskoy), 23 – 28 Treatise on the Physical, Intellectual, and Moral Degeneration of the Human Race (Morel), 3 Tredyakovsky, V.K., 228 Troekurova, Princess, 319, 360 Tro¨mner, Ernst, 110 Trotsky, L.D. (Leon), 2, 477, 526 Trubetskaya, O.I., Princess, ne´e Golo- vina, 155t, 323 Trubetskaya, T.A., Princess, ne´e Princess Kozlovskaya, 365 Trubetskaya, V.I., Princess, 323 Trubetskaya, Ye.D., Princess. See Vol- konskaya, Ye.D. Trubetskoy family, 361, 398, 403 Trubetskoy, D.Yu., Prince, 155t Trubetskoy, G.N., 334, 393 Trubetskoy, I.Yu., Prince, 394 Trubetskoy, N.N., Prince, 399 Trubetskoy, N.Yu., Prince, 394, 397 772 / Index
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