Baseline security
Baseline security is the minimum set of security controls required for safeguarding an it system. Baseline security is based upon a system’s identified needs for confidentiality, integrity and availability protection.
Asosiy xavfsizlik-bu at tizimini himoya qilish uchun zarur bo'lgan minimal xavfsizlik nazorati to'plami. Asosiy xavfsizlik tizimning maxfiylik, yaxlitlik va mavjudlikni himoya qilish uchun aniqlangan ehtiyojlariga asoslanadi
Bastion host
A bastion host is a special services computer on a network that is designed to withstand attacks.
Bastion xosti-bu hujumlarga dosh berishga mo'ljallangan tarmoqdagi maxsus xizmatlar kompyuteri
A bastion is a system of high level of security protection; such a system offers very strong protection against attacks.
Bastion-bu yuqori darajadagi xavfsizlikni himoya qilish tizimi; bunday tizim hujumlardan juda kuchli himoya qiladi
Behavioral outcome
A behavioral outcome is what an individual who has completed a specific training module is expected to accomplish on regular IT security job performance.
Xulq-atvor natijasi-bu ma'lum bir o'quv modulini tugatgan shaxsning IT xavfsizligi bo'yicha muntazam ish faoliyatini amalga oshirishi kutilayotgan narsa.
Biometrics are a security system, which takes into account the unique physiological characteristics of a person such as fingerprints, dna, hair, etc., for identification purposes.
Biometriya-bu barmoq izlari, DNK, soch va boshqalar kabi insonning o'ziga xos fiziologik xususiyatlarini hisobga oladigan xavfsizlik tizimi., identifikatsiya qilish maqsadida.