Asymmetric key public key
An asymmetric key (public key) is a security measure that uses two keys to ensure the confidentiality of a message. One key encrypts the message, while the other key decrypts it.
Asimmetrik kalit (ochiq kalit) - bu xabarning maxfiyligini ta'minlash uchun ikkita kalitdan foydalanadigan xavfsizlik chorasi. Bir kalit xabarni shifrlaydi, boshqa kalit esa uni shifrlaydi.
Attack mechanism
An attack mechanism is a system or strategy by which a target is hit; the attacker may use different attack mechanisms such as a container or payload to hit the intended target.
Hujum mexanizmi-bu nishonga urilgan tizim yoki strategiya; tajovuzkor mo'ljallangan nishonga urish uchun konteyner yoki foydali yuk kabi turli xil hujum mexanizmlaridan foydalanishi mumkin.
Attack vector
An attack vector is a means and ways by which an attacker gains entry into the target system. Attackers mainly use the human element or the weak links to gain such access.
Hujum vektori-bu tajovuzkorning maqsadli tizimga kirishini ta'minlaydigan vosita va usullar. Hujumchilar bunday kirish uchun asosan inson elementi yoki zaif havolalardan foydalanadilar
An attack is an action with malicious intention to interrupt the operations of a network or steal the data, etc.
Hujum-bu tarmoq operatsiyalarini to'xtatish yoki ma'lumotlarni o'g'irlash va h.k. uchun zararli niyatli harakat.