Acm computing surveys acm journal on emerging technologies in computing systems

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список журналов

  1. ACM computing surveys

  2. ACM journal on emerging technologies in computing systems

  3. ACM sigplan notices

  4. ACM transactions on applied perception

  5. ACM transactions on Asian and low-resource language information processing

  6. ACM transactions on autonomous and adaptive systems

  7. ACM transactions on computational logic

  8. ACM transactions on computer systems

  9. ACM transactions on computer-human interaction

  10. ACM transactions on database systems

  11. ACM transactions on design automation of electronic systems

  12. ACM transactions on graphics

  13. ACM transactions on information and system security

  14. ACM transactions on information systems

  15. ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology

  16. ACM transactions on internet technology

  17. ACM transactions on knowledge discovery from data

  18. ACM transactions on mathematical software

  19. ACM transactions on modeling and computer simulation

  20. ACM transactions on programming languages and systems

  21. ACM transactions on reconfigurable technology and systems

  22. ACM transactions on sensor networks

  23. ACM transactions on software engineering and methodology

  24. ACM transactions on storage

  25. ACM transactions on the web

  26. Acta informatica

  27. Ad hoc networks

  28. Advanced engineering informatics

  29. Advances in computers

  30. Advances in electrical and computer engineering

  31. Advances in engineering software

  32. Advances in mathematics of communications

  33. Ai communications

  34. Ai magazine

  35. Algorithmica

  36. Analog integrated circuits and signal processing

  37. Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence

  38. Annual reviews in control

  39. Applied artificial intelligence

  40. Applied intelligence

  41. Applied ontology

  42. Artificial intelligence

  43. Artificial intelligence in medicine

  44. Artificial intelligence review

  45. Artificial life

  46. ASLIB journal of information management

  47. Automated software engineering

  48. Automatika

  49. Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems

  50. Autonomous robots

  51. Big data

  52. Biological cybernetics

  53. Biologically inspired cognitive architectures

  54. Bit numerical mathematics

  55. Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory


  1. China communications

  2. Cognitive computation

  3. Cognitive systems research

  4. Communications in applied mathematics

and computational science

  1. Communications of the ACM

  2. Complex analysis and operator theory

  3. Computational complexity

  4. Computational intelligence

  5. Computational linguistics

  6. Computational methods and function theory

  7. Computer

  8. Computer aided geometric design

  9. Computer animation and virtual worlds

  10. Computer communications

  11. Computer graphics forum

  12. Computer journal

  13. Computer methods and programs

in biomedicine

  1. Computer networks

  2. Computer physics communications

  3. Computer science and information systems

  4. Computer speech and language

  5. Computer systems science and engineering

  6. Computer vision and image understanding

  7. Computing and informatics

  8. Connection science

  9. Constraints

  10. Control engineering and applied informatics

  11. Control engineering practice

  12. Cryptologia

  13. Cybernetics and systems

  14. Data mining and knowledge discovery

  15. Decision support systems

  16. Design automation for embedded systems

  17. Digital investigation

  18. Discrete mathematics and theoretical

computer science

  1. Discrete optimization

  2. Displays

  3. Distributed and parallel databases

  4. Distributed computing

  5. Econtent

  6. Electronic commerce research and applications

  7. Electronic journal of combinatorics

  8. Electronics and communications in japan

  9. Empirical software engineering

  10. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence

  11. Enterprise information systems

  12. Ethics and information technology

  13. Etri journal

  14. Eurasip journal on advances in signal processing

  15. Eurasip journal on image and video processing

  16. Eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking

  17. European journal of information systems

  18. Expert systems

  19. Expert systems with applications

  20. Finite elements in analysis and design

  21. Formal aspects of computing

  22. Formal methods in system design

  23. Foundations and trends in information retrieval

  24. Foundations of computational mathematics

  25. Frontiers in neurorobotics

  26. Frontiers of computer science

  27. Fundamenta informaticae

  28. Fuzzy optimization and decision making

  29. Fuzzy sets and systems

  30. Genetic programming and evolvable machines

  31. Geoinformatica

  32. Graphical models

  33. Human-computer interaction

  34. Ibm journal of research and development

  35. Icga journal

  36. IEEE access

  37. IEEE annals of the history of computing

  38. IEEE circuits and systems magazine

  39. IEEE communications letters

  40. IEEE communications magazine

  41. IEEE computational intelligence magazine

  42. IEEE computer architecture letters

  43. IEEE computer graphics and applications

  44. IEEE consumer electronics magazine

  45. IEEE intelligent systems

  46. IEEE intelligent transportation systems magazine

  47. IEEE internet computing

  48. IEEE internet of things journal

  49. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics

  50. IEEE journal on selected areas in communications

  51. IEEE latin america transactions

  52. IEEE micro

  53. IEEE multimedia

  54. IEEE network

  55. IEEE pervasive computing

  56. IEEE signal processing letters

  57. IEEE signal processing magazine

  58. IEEE software

  59. IEEE transactions on affective computing

  60. IEEE transactions on automatic control

  61. IEEE transactions on cognitive and developmental systems

  62. IEEE transactions on computational intelligence and ai in games

  63. IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems

  64. IEEE transactions on computers

  65. IEEE transactions on cybernetics

  66. IEEE transactions on emerging topics

in computing

  1. IEEE transactions on evolutionary


  1. IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems

  2. IEEE transactions on haptics

  3. IEEE transactions on human-machine systems

  4. IEEE transactions on image processing

  5. IEEE transactions on industrial informatics

  6. IEEE transactions on information forensics and security

  7. IEEE transactions on information theory

  8. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems

  9. IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering

  10. IEEE transactions on medical imaging

  11. IEEE transactions on mobile computing

  12. IEEE transactions on multimedia

  13. IEEE transactions on nanotechnology

  14. IEEE transactions on network and service


  1. IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems

  2. IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems

  3. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence

  4. IEEE transactions on services computing

  5. IEEE transactions on signal processing

  6. IEEE transactions on smart grid

  7. IEEE transactions on software engineering

  8. IEEE transactions on vehicular technology

  9. IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems

  10. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics

  11. IEEE transactions on wireless communications

  12. IEEE wireless communications

  13. Ieice transactions on communications

  14. Ieice transactions on information and systems

  15. Iet biometrics

  16. Iet communications

  17. Iet computer vision

  18. Iet computers and digital techniques

  19. Iet control theory and applications

  20. Iet image processing

  21. Iet information security

  22. Iet signal processing

  23. Iet software

  24. Iete journal of research

  25. Image and vision computing

  26. Informatica

  27. Information and computation

  28. Information and organization

  29. Information and software technology

  30. Information fusion

  31. Information processing letters

  32. Information sciences

  33. Information society

  34. Information systems frontiers

  35. Information technology and control

  36. Information technology for development

  37. Information visualization

  38. Integrated computer-aided engineering

  39. Intelligent automation and soft computing

  40. Intelligent data analysis

  41. Interacting with computers

  42. International arab journal of information technology

  43. International journal of ad hoc and ubiquitous computing

  44. International journal of adaptive control and signal processing

  45. International journal of advanced manufacturing technology

  46. International journal of applied mathematics and computer science

  47. International journal of approximate reasoning

  48. International journal of bio-inspired computation

  49. International journal of circuit theory and applications

  50. International journal of communication systems

  51. International journal of computational intelligence systems

  52. International journal of computer mathematics

  53. International journal of computer vision

  54. International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning

  55. International journal of control

  56. International journal of cooperative information systems

  57. International journal of critical infrastructure protection

  58. International journal of data warehousing and mining

  59. International journal of distributed sensor networks

  60. International journal of foundations of computer science

  61. International journal of fuzzy systems

  62. International journal of general systems

  63. International journal of geographical information science

  64. International journal of high performance computing applications

  65. International journal of human-computer interaction

  66. International journal of imaging systems and technology

  67. International journal of information management

  68. International journal of information security

  69. International journal of intelligent systems

  70. International journal of machine learning and cybernetics

  71. International journal of modern physics c

  72. International journal of network management

  73. International journal of neural systems

  74. International journal of parallel programming

  75. International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence

  76. International journal of rf and microwave computer-aided engineering

  77. International journal of sensor networks

  78. International journal of software engineering and knowledge engineering

  79. International journal of systems science

  80. International journal of unconventional computing

  81. International journal of web and grid services

  82. International journal of web services research

  83. International journal on artificial intelligence tools

  84. International journal on document analysis and recognition

  85. International journal on software tools for technology transfer

  86. Inverse problems

  87. Iranian journal of fuzzy systems

  88. Isa transactions

  89. IT professional

  90. Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing

  91. Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments

  92. Journal of artificial intelligence research

  93. Journal of automated reasoning

  94. Journal of cellular automata

  95. Journal of chemical information and modeling

  96. Journal of cheminformatics

  97. Journal of combinatorial optimization

  98. Journal of communications and networks

  99. Journal of computational physics

  100. Journal of computational science

  101. Journal of computer and system sciences

  102. Journal of computer and systems sciences international

  103. Journal of computer information systems

  104. Journal of computer science and technology

  105. Journal of computer-mediated communication

  106. Journal of cryptology

  107. Journal of database management

  108. Journal of documentation

  109. Journal of electronic imaging

  110. Journal of functional programming

  111. Journal of global information management

  112. Journal of global information technology management

  113. Journal of global optimization

  114. Journal of grid computing

  115. Journal of heuristics

  116. Journal of information science

  117. Journal of information science and engineering

  118. Journal of information technology

  119. Journal of informetrics

  120. Journal of intelligent information systems

  121. Journal of intelligent manufacturing

  122. Journal of internet technology

  123. Journal of logic and computation

  124. Journal of machine learning research

  125. Journal of management information systems

  126. Journal of mathematical imaging and vision

  127. Journal of multiple-valued logic and soft computing

  128. Journal of network and computer applications

  129. Journal of network and systems management

  130. Journal of optical communications and networking

  131. Journal of organizational and end user computing

  132. Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce

  133. Journal of parallel and distributed computing

  134. Journal of process control

  135. Journal of real-time image processing

  136. Journal of scientific computing

  137. Journal of supercomputing

  138. Journal of systems and software

  139. Journal of systems architecture

  140. Journal of systems engineering and electronics

  141. Journal of the ACM

  142. Journal of the association for information science and technology

  143. Journal of the institute of telecommunications professionals

  144. Journal of universal computer science

  145. Journal of visual communication and image representation

  146. Journal of visual languages and computing

  147. Journal of web engineering

  148. Journal on multimodal user interfaces

  149. Knowledge and information systems

  150. Knowledge engineering review

  151. Knowledge-based systems

  152. Ksii transactions on internet and information systems

  153. Kybernetes

  154. Kybernetika

  155. Lms journal of computation and mathematics

  156. Logical methods in computer science

  157. Machine learning

  158. Machine vision and applications

  159. Malaysian journal of computer science

  160. Mathematical and computer modelling of dynamical systems

  161. Mathematical methods of operations research

  162. Mathematical structures in computer science

  163. Mathematics and computers in simulation

  164. Mathematics of operations research

  165. Mechatronics

  166. Medical image analysis

  167. Memetic computing

  168. Microprocessors and microsystems

  169. Minds and machines

  170. Mobile information systems

  171. Multidimensional systems and signal processing

  172. Multimedia systems

  173. Multimedia tools and applications

  174. Nano communication networks

  175. Natural computing

  176. Natural language engineering

  177. Networks

  178. Neural network world

  179. Neural networks

  180. Neural processing letters

  181. Neurocomputing

  182. New generation computing

  183. New review of hypermedia and multimedia

  184. Numerical functional analysis and optimization

  185. Online information review

  186. Optical switching and networking

  187. Parallel computing

  188. Pattern analysis and applications

  189. Pattern recognition

  190. Pattern recognition letters

  191. Peer-to-peer networking and applications

  192. Performance evaluation

  193. Personal and ubiquitous computing

  194. Pervasive and mobile computing

  195. Photonic network communications

  196. Problems of information transmission

  197. Profesional de la informacion

  198. Programming and computer software

  199. Quantum information processing

  200. Real-time systems

  201. Requirements engineering

  202. Robotics and autonomous systems

  203. Romanian journal of information science and technology

  204. Science of computer programming

  205. Scientific programming

  206. Scientometrics

  207. Security and communication networks

  208. Semantic web

  209. Siam journal on computing

  210. Siam journal on optimization

  211. Sigmod record

  212. Signal processing

  213. Simulation modelling practice and theory

  214. Social science computer review

  215. Soft computing

  216. Software and systems modeling

  217. Software quality journal

  218. Speech communication

  219. Statistical analysis and data mining

  220. Statistics and computing

  221. Studies in informatics and control

  222. Swarm and evolutionary computation

  223. Swarm intelligence

  224. Telecommunications policyelematics and informatics

  225. Theoretical computer science

  226. Theory and practice of logic programming

  227. Theory of computing systems

  228. Turkish journal of electrical engineering and computer sciences

  229. Universal access in the information society

  230. Virtual reality

  231. Visual computer

  232. Vldb journal

  233. Wireless networks

  234. Wireless personal communications

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