After (The After Series)

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How could he not know this by now?

“No nodding, please say it.” Desperation fuels his words.
“Yeah, Hardin I do,” I say. I don’t have a beautiful or meaningful speech like
he did, but those simple words seem to be enough for him.
The smile I receive heals some of the pain I feel from breaking Noah’s heart.
“So what do we do now?” he asks. “I’m new at this.” He flushes.
“Kiss me,” I say and he pulls me to his chest, his hand fisting the loose fabric
of his shirt on my back. His lips are cool and his tongue is warm as it slips into
my mouth. Despite the chaos that just occurred in my small room, I feel calm.
This feels like a dream. I somehow know it is the calm before the storm, but
right now Hardin is my anchor. I just pray that he doesn’t pull me under.

chapter fifty-two
hen Hardin finally breaks our kiss, he sits on my bed and I join him.
We’re quiet for a few minutes, so I begin to feel nervous, like there is some
way I should be behaving now that we are . . . more, but I have no clue what way
that is.
“What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” he asks.
“Nothing, just studying,” I say.
“Cool.” He clicks his tongue onto the roof of his mouth. He seems nervous,
too, and I am glad it isn’t just me.
“Come here.” Hardin beckons me and opens his arms.
The moment I sit on his lap, the door opens and he groans. Steph, Tristan, and
Nate all pour in and then stare at us as I climb off Hardin and sit on the other
side of the bed.
“So are you guys like fuck buddies now?” Nate says plainly.
“No! We aren’t!” I squeak. I don’t know what I should tell them, so I just wait
for Hardin to say something. He stays quiet as Tristan and Nate begin to talk to
him about the party last night.
“It seems I didn’t miss much,” Hardin says to them, and Nate shrugs.
“Until Molly gave us a strip show; she got completely naked, you should have
been there,” Nate replies. I cringe and look toward Steph, who is staring at
Tristan, probably hoping he isn’t going to comment on Molly being naked.
Hardin smiles. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”
I gasp, then try to conceal it as a cough. He did not just say that.

His face falls, seeming to understand what he just did.
Maybe this was a terrible idea; it is already sort of awkward, and now that
everyone is in the room it’s magnified. Why didn’t he tell them we were dating?
Are we dating? I don’t really understand, myself. I thought after his confession
that we were, but we never actually said it. Maybe we don’t need to? This
uncertainty is already driving me crazy; the entire time I have been with Noah I
have never had to worry about his feelings for me. I never had to deal with ex-
friends with benefits—I am the only girl Noah has ever kissed in his life, and
honestly I like it that way. I wish Hardin had never done anything with another
girl, or at least had done things with fewer of them.
“We’re going bowling after I change. Do you want to come?” Steph asks and I
shake my head.
“I have to catch up on my studying. I have barely gotten any done this
weekend,” I tell her and look away as the memories of this weekend flood
through my mind.
“You should come, it will be fun,” Hardin says, but I shake my head. I really
need to stay in, and I was sort of hoping he would stay with me. Steph steps into
the closet and returns a few minutes later with different clothes on.
“Ready, guys? You’re sure you don’t want to come?” she asks me.
I nod. “I’m sure.”
They all get up to leave, and Hardin gives me a wave and a small smile before
exiting the room. I’m disappointed with Hardin’s goodbye, and hope that he’d
made these plans before this weekend together and the drama today.
But what did I expect? For him to rush over and kiss me, tell me he would
miss me? I laugh at the thought. I don’t know if anything will even change
between Hardin and me besides us actively trying to avoid one another. I am too
used to how things are with Noah, so I have no idea how this is going to be, and
I hate not having control over every situation.
After an hour of studying and attempting to take a nap, I grab my phone to
text Hardin. Wait, I don’t even have his number. I had never thought about it
before; we have never talked on the phone or texted before. We never needed to;
we couldn’t stand each other. This is going to be more complicated than I
I call my mother to catch up with her, and mostly to see if Noah has told her
what happened yet. He would be arriving back home soon from the two-hour
drive, and I am sure he won’t waste any time telling her everything. She answers
with a simple hello, so I know she has no clue yet. I tell her about my failed
attempt to get a car, and the possible internship with Vance. Of course, she
reminds me that I have been at college over a month and I still haven’t found a

car. I roll my eyes and let her continue to ramble on about what she has been
doing the last week. My phone lights up while I am listening to her. I place her
on speakerphone and read the text.
You should have come with us, with me,
the message reads. My heart swells; it’s
Pretending to listen to my mother, I mumble “Hmm . . . oh . . .” a few times
while I text him back.
You should have stayed,
I send. I stare at the screen, waiting for him to reply.
I am coming to pick you up,
he replies after what seems like forever.
What? No, I don’t want to go bowling, you’re already there. Just stay.
I already left. Be ready.
Boy, he’s demanding, even through text messages.
My mother is still talking and I have no idea what about. I stopped listening
once Hardin texted me. “Mom, I will call you back,” I interrupt.
“Why?” she asks with surprise and disdain.
“I . . . um . . . well, I spilled coffee on my notes. I gotta go.”
I hang up and hastily go into the closet, pulling Hardin’s pajamas off and
grabbing my new jeans and a plain purple top. I brush out my hair, which looks
decent considering it hasn’t been washed. I check the time and go down to the
bathroom to brush my teeth, and when I return Hardin is waiting on my bed.
“Where were you?” he asks.
“Brushing my teeth,” I tell him and put my toiletry bag away.
“Ready?” He stands up and walks toward me. I half expect him to hug me, but
he doesn’t. He just moves to the door.
I nod and grab my purse and phone.
When we get to his car, he keeps the radio down as he drives. I really don’t
want to go to the bowling alley. I hate bowling, but I want to spend time with
him. I don’t like how codependent I already feel.
“How long do you think we will be there?” I ask after a few minutes of
“I don’t know . . . why?” He looks sideways at me.
“I don’t know . . . I don’t really care for bowling.”
“It won’t be too bad. Everyone’s there,” he assures me. I hope everyone
doesn’t include part-time ho Molly.
“I guess,” I mumble and look out the window.
“You don’t want to go?” His voice is quiet.
“Not really, that’s why I said no the first time.” I laugh a little nonlaugh.
“Let’s go somewhere else, then?”
“Where?” I am irritated with him, but I’m not sure why.
“My house,” he suggests and I smile and nod. His smile grows, showing the

dimples that I have grown so fond of. “My house it is, then.” He reaches over
and puts his hand on my thigh. My skin warms, and I put my hand over his.
Fifteen minutes later we are pulling up to the large fraternity house. I haven’t
been here since Hardin and I fought and I walked back to the dorms. As he leads
me up the stairs, none of the guys bothers to look twice at us; they must be used
to seeing Hardin bring a girl home. My stomach pings at the thought. I need to
stop thinking this way, because it’s going to drive me insane and there is nothing
I can do to change it.
“Here we are,” Hardin says and unlocks his door. I follow him inside and he
turns the light on, kicking his boots off his feet and onto the floor. He moves
over to his bed and pats the spot next to him.
As I walk toward him, my curiosity gets the best of me. “Was Molly there? At
the bowling alley?” I look out his window as I ask him.
“Yeah, of course she was,” he answers casually. “Why?”
I sit down on the soft bed and Hardin pulls me by my ankles closer to him. I
laugh and slide closer, my back flat against the bed, putting my knees up and my
feet on the other side of his legs.
“I was just wondering . . .” I tell him and he grins.
“She is always going to be around; she’s a part of our group.”
I know it’s silly of me to be this jealous of her, but she just bothers me. She
acts like she likes me, when I know she doesn’t, and I know she likes Hardin.
Now that we are . . . whatever we are, I don’t want her near him.
“You aren’t like worried that I will fuck her, are you?”
I swat his arm at his use of words. I love the way dirty words sound coming
off his lips, but not when she’s involved.
“No, well, I . . . maybe. I just know you have before, and I don’t want you to
again,” I say. I am sure he is going to mock my jealousy, so I turn my head
His hand goes to my knee and he squeezes gently. “I wouldn’t do that . . . not
now. Don’t worry about her, okay?” His words are gentle, and I believe him.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone about us?” I know I should just shut my mouth,
but it has been bothering me.
“I don’t know . . . I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to. Besides, what we do is
our business. Not theirs,” he explains. His answer is much better than what was
going through my mind.
“I guess you’re right. I thought maybe you were embarrassed or something?” I
say and he laughs.
“Why would I possibly be embarrassed by you? Look at you.” His eyes
darken and he moves his hand to my stomach. His fingers tug up my shirt and he

draws circles on my bare skin with his digits. Goose bumps raise my skin and he
“I love the way your body responds to me,” he breathes. I know what is
coming next, and I can’t wait.

chapter fifty-three
ardin’s fingers trail farther up my shirt, causing my breath to quicken. A smile
creeps onto his beautiful face as he becomes aware.
“One touch and you’re already panting,” his raspy voice whispers. He leans
over, moving my feet off his lap so that he can bring his mouth to my neck. His
tongue makes a flat stripe down my neck and I quiver. My fingers thread into his
curls and I tug as he nips at my skin. One of his hands slides down in between
my legs but I grab his wrist to stop him.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Nothing . . . I just thought that I would do something for you this time?”
I look away, but his fingers cup my chin so I am forced to make eye contact
with him. He tries to hide his smirk, but I catch him.
“And what would you like to do for me?”
“Well . . . I thought I could, you know, what you said the other day?” I don’t
know why I am so shy with words when Hardin says anything and everything he
is thinking, but the words “blow job” are not in my vocabulary.
“You want to suck my cock?” he asks, clearly surprised.
I am officially horrified. Yet somehow turned on. “Um . . . yeah. I mean if you
want me to?” I hope as our relationship progresses I will be able to say these
things to him. I would love to be comfortable enough with Hardin to be able to
feel that sort of bravery, to tell him exactly what I want to do to him.
“Of course I want you to. I’ve wanted your lips around me since I first saw
you.” I’m oddly flattered by his crude remark, but then he asks, “Are you sure,

though? Have you ever . . . even seen a dick before?”
I’m sure he knows the answer to that; maybe he’s just trying to get me to say
“Of course I have. Not a real one, but pictures, and I once walked in on the
neighbor watching a naughty movie,” I tell him and he stifles a laugh. “Stop
laughing at me, Hardin,” I warn him.
“I’m not, baby, I’m sorry. It’s just I have never met anyone who has such little
experience. It’s a good thing, though, I swear. Sometimes your innocence just
throws me off a bit. But with that being said, it’s a huge turn-on that I am the
only one who has ever made you come, yourself included.” He doesn’t laugh this
time, which makes me feel better.
“Okay . . . so let’s get started.”
He smiles and runs his thumb along my cheek. “So sassy, I like it,” he says
and stands up.
“Where are you going?” I ask him and he smiles.
“Nowhere, I am just taking my pants off.”
“I wanted to do that,” I say with a pout and he chuckles and tugs his pants
back up.
“Here ya go, babe.” He puts his hands on his hips.
I smile and move forward, pulling his pants down. Should I pull down his
boxers, too? Hardin takes a step back and puts his heels against his bed before
sitting down. I drop to my knees in front of him and he takes a deep breath.
“Come closer, babe.”
I scoot closer and place my hands on his bent knees.
“Are you okay?” he asks carefully.
I nod and he pulls me up by my elbows.
“Let’s just kiss for a minute, okay?” he suggests and pulls me on top of him.
I have to admit I’m relieved. I still want to do this, I just need a minute to
process, and kissing will make me more comfortable. He kisses me, slowly at
first, but within seconds the electricity builds and takes over me. I grip his arms
hard under my fingertips and rock back and forth on his lap. The bulge in his
thin boxers grows and I tug gently on his hair. I wish I would have worn a skirt

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