Aims: 1 to develop ss’ integrated skills : speaking, reading, listening and writing ones; 2 To learn and practice topic related vocabulary; 3 To express detal and opinions about holidays: 4 To review of grammar tenses Materials
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- Professional development 1. Look at the following photos and name events. 2. What is the message in the photos
- 6. Make up a cluster on “My favorite holiday. Reasons why I like it”
- All men of Uzbekistan are celebrated on this day. Because initially every man is the defender of his honor, home and Motherland...
- International Womens Day: dedicated to all women of the world...
- Ask any Uzbek people, whether old or young, about the dearest and most favorite holiday. And as often as not you will get the answer "Navruz".
- Birthday of new Independent Republic of Uzbekistan
The Tashkent Institute of Design, construction and maintenance of Automotive roads I Scale Up I Lesson 14 Focus on: “Professional development” II Topic : “Holidays of Uzbekistan” III Grammar revision: Simple tenses “Languages” department senior teacher: Sidiknazarova Z.MAims: 1) TO DEVELOP SS’ INTEGRATED SKILLS : SPEAKING, READING, LISTENING AND WRITING ONES; 2) To learn and practice topic related vocabulary; 3) To express detal and opinions about holidays: 4) To review of grammar tenses Materials: Internet, computer, pair work exercises, individual exercises Methods: brainstorming, pair work, individual work Resources: 1) Internet sources 2) 1. Bakieva G., Rashidova F.”Scale up I” Student’s book Tashkent 2015 2. Bakieva G., Rashidova F.”Scale up I” WorkbookTashkent 2015Plan of the lesson: 1. Introduction 2 Focus on: “Professional development” 3. Working on key words 4. Read and translate the text: Holidays of Uzbekistan 5. Doing activities related to the topic 6. Grammar revision –Simple TensesProfessional development 1. Look at the following photos and name events. 2. What is the message in the photos?1. Work in pairs and discuss the following questions: - Think about any professionally-developed person in your field and share his/her professional path. - If you were him/her, would you keep the same path? - What steps in your professional development are you planning to take after you graduate?II Topic : “Holidays of Uzbekistan” 1. Vocabulary: to celebrate - nishonlamoq - отмечать public – davlat - государственный Memorial Day – Xotira kuni – День памяти a defender - himoyachi - защитник ancient – qadimiy - древний widely – keng- широко an invader – bosqinchi - захватчик respect – xurmat - уважение labor - ish, mehnat – работа, труд wise – aqlli - умный patience – sabr-toqat- терпение throughout – bo’ylab - повсюду2. Read and translate the text: Official Holidays in Uzbekistan Each year Uzbekistan celebrates seven public holidays: 1st of January – New Year, 8th of March – International Women’s Day, 21st of March – Navruz, 9th of May – Memorial Day, 1st of September – Independence Day, 1st of October – Teacher’s Day, 8th of December – Constitution Day. Also Uzbekistan celebrates the Day of Defenders of Motherland on January 14, though this holiday is not free day. Two major Muslim holidays in Uzbekistan, Ramadan Khait and Kurban Khait, are days off and are celebrated each year according to the lunar calendar. Holidays in Uzbekistan have own history. Such holiday as Navruz came from the ancient times. Uzbekistan people also widely celebrate international holidays: New Year, the most favorite and magic holiday around the world, and the International Women’s Day, devoted to wives, mothers, daughters and all beautiful women of the Earth. The 9th of May in Uzbekistan is the Day of Memory for those who took an active part in the struggle against Nazi invaders in the World War II in the front and in the home front. The 1st of October, the Teacher’s Day is the celebration of respect of labor and wise patience of teachers The Independence Day is widely celebrated. On September 1 many shows, concerts, festivals and other entertaining take place throughout the country.
1. What are the public holidays of Uzbekistan? 2. What are the national holidais of Uzbekistan? 3. What religious holidays do you know? 4. What is a holidays food ofNavruz holiday? 5. Do you regularly congratulate your lovely teachers? 6. Which holiday do you like? Why? 4. True or False T/ F 1. Ramadan Khait (Eid-Al-Fitr) and Kurban Khait (Eid-Al-Adha) are public holidays. ____ 2. Holiday Navruz came from the ancient times.____ 3. The Teacher’s Day is the celebration of respect of labor and wise patience of friends.____ 4. The 9th of May in Uzbekistan is the Day of Memory devoted to wives, mothers, daughters and all beautiful women of the Earth._____ 5. Two major Muslim holidays in Uzbekistan, Ramadan Khait and Kurban Khait, are days off and are celebrated each year according to the system of working days._____ 6. Uzbek people don’t like to celebrate any holidays. ____6. Make up a cluster on “My favorite holiday. Reasons why I like it”:“My favorite holiday. Reasons why I like it”: Official Holidays in Uzbekistan Each year Uzbekistan celebrates seven public holidays: 1st of January - New Year, 14th of January- Day of Defenders of the MOthersland 8th of March - International Women's Day, 21st of March - Navruz, 9th of May - Memorial Day, 1st of September- Independence day 1st of October- Teachers dayTHE NEW YEAR
The favorite of all kids and the symbol of the holiday, the green New-Year tree, appears on the main square of the capital, flashing with lights of garlands and balls. Young people gather here to hear the magical midnight striking of Tashkent chiming clock. All men of Uzbekistan are celebrated on this day. Because initially every man is the defender of his honor, home and Motherland...But particularly warm words sound at this holiday about military men, for whom the 14th of January I is the professional holiday.International Women's Day: dedicated to all women of the world...International Women's Day: dedicated to all women of the world...If in Russia in the early spring it is still snowy and frosty, then in Uzbekistan the 8th of March falls on nice and wonderful time.Navruz in Uzbekistan: Feast of the Renewal of NatureAsk any Uzbek people, whether old or young, about the dearest and most favorite holiday. And as often as not you will get the answer "Navruz".What kind of holiday is it? And why it is so favorite by everyone, either residents or guests of the country.Navruz generally is very tightly connected with new hopes and expectations. Therefore, on this day it is used to forgive even the worst enemies, not to quarrel, to help weak and poor people. People believe that all of this will lure the success in your house.Birthday of new Independent Republic of UzbekistanThe 1 st of September, 1991, is the birthday of new independent republic of Uzbekistan.It is the first and most important public holiday of the country.III Grammar revision: Simple tenses
2. Read about lucian and Estelle and write the questions: Lucian and Estelle are from London, but they live in Madrid. they work for Opel, the car factory. Lucian and Estelle like swimming and cooking. They don’t have a car. They don’t like driving! 1. live / they / do / London? Do they live in London? 2. Madrid / do / live / they? ………………………………………… 3. Ferrari / they / work / do? ………………………………………… 4. work / Renault / do / they? ………………………………………… 5. swimming / like / cooking / they / do? ……………………………… 6. swimming / they / like / traveling / do? ………………………………… 7. like / do / driving / they ? …………………………………………3. Complete the conversation. Use will, be going to or a Present Tense. Choose the best form. Peter: Hello. Where are you going? Polly: To my evening class. I’m learning Swedish. and next week I ______________ (have) a chance to speak it for real. I __________ (go) to Sweden for three weeks. I__________ (visit) some friends there. Peter: That _________________ (be) nice. Polly: Well, I’d rather hurry. my lesson ________________ (start) at half past seven, and it’s twenty-five past now. Peter: Ok. Come and see me when you __________________ (get) back from Sweden. Polly: Thanks. I ________________ (send) you a postcard.Download 1,94 Mb. Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: |
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