How to write a table chart essay?
There are 5 steps to writing a high-scoring IELTS table chart essay:
1) Analyse the question
2) Identify the main features
3) Write an introduction
4) Write an overview
5) Write the details paragraphs
I want to start by highlighting the importance of steps 1 and 2. It is essential that you
learn how to do this planning stage properly if you hope to write a high-scoring essay.
Many students are reluctant to spend time on the first two steps as they want to use as
much of the 20 minutes allowed for the essay as possible writing rather than planning.
However, it is important that you do them as they are the key to getting high marks for
your IELTS table chart essay.
In this lesson, we’re going to work through the 5 stages
step-by-step as we answer a
practice question.
Before we begin, here’s a model essay structure that you can use as a guideline for all
IELTS Academic Task 1 questions.
Ideally, your essay should have 4 paragraphs:
Paragraph 1
– Introduction
Paragraph 2
– Overview
Paragraph 3
– 1
main feature
Paragraph 4
– 2
main feature
We now have everything we need to begin planning and writing our
IELTS table chart
Here’s our practice question:
The tables below give the distribution of world population in 1950 and 2000, with
an estimate of the situation in 2050.