Analytical conclusions on the introduction of the education system based on competent approach to schools of uzbekistan

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Surkhandarya regional centre for retraining and advanced training of public educators.

Head of the department

"Methods of exact and natural sciences"

Doctor of Philosophy(PHD) Pedagocis

Berdieva Oygul Bekmuratovna

Khurammov Bakhodir Saparovich
Head of the department "Methods of exact and natural sciences"

Senior Lecturer of the Department
Karshiev Jamshid
This article provides theoretical and practical concepts of competence, as well as information on the stages of development and penetration of education based on a competency-based approach to secondary schools in our country.

Keywords and concepts: competence, state education standard, continuing education, competence.

As society develops, so does the need to increase human resources. In the twentieth century, a person who cannot read or write is called "illiterate," while in the 21st century, a person who cannot apply what he has learned in practice is called "illiterate." This requires a competent approach to the education system.

The State Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree on March 17, 2010, on the implementation of state educational standards in general secondary, secondary special, vocational and higher education institutions and “On improving the content of the public education system” of the Ministry, developed based on the tasks set out in the minutes of the joint meeting No. 07-1-12 “On indicators of quality of education” The next task is to select advanced pedagogical technologies for teaching modified topics, to formulate and implement a mechanism for their introduction, and to monitor the quality of education based on the results .

At the same time, it was found that in some areas there are cases of inefficiency. In particular, the fact that foreign languages ​​are traditionally taught without the use of advanced information and communication and media technologies, which does not meet modern requirements, is reflected in the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 10, 2012, No PD-18752. Accordingly, based on this decision, an action plan was developed, which provides for the


 The Office of the State Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

07-1-12 - Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, March 17, 2010 "On the implementation of state educational standards in the general secondary, secondary special, vocational and higher education institutions and indicators of the quality of knowledge of students" No. 6, Article 70, No. 20, Article 354, No. 23.

2 The national database of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan ( )

development of existing curricula and programs following the "European competence in foreign languages." Based on this decision, the study of foreign languages ​​from the 1st grade in all secondary schools began in the 2013/2014 academic year.

Relevant changes were made to his curriculum and the educational standard, the curriculum was created based on a competent approach

3 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 8, 2013 "On approval of the state standard of education in foreign languages ​​of the system of continuing education" Under the joint resolution "On the development of state educational standards and curricula of education" Creative groups of practicing teachers, methodologists and leading scholars in the field of science were formed. Based on the results of the study of educational standards of developed countries and the experience of developing state educational standards and curricula of continuing education in foreign languages ​​in our country, the creative teams prepared draft State Educational Standards (SES) and curricula for general education based on a competency approach.

The object of the experiment was two regional secondary schools and academic lyceums and colleges in each subject in the country. The experiment was conducted in one of the parallel classes (parallel groups

in academic lyceums and vocational colleges) with an average rating of the school designated as the test class.

The experience of the State Test Center and curricula, the test-based materials for the first quarter were delivered to the trial schools (lyceums, colleges) before the start of the academic year. Experimental materials for subsequent quarters were delivered to locations before the start of the relevant quarter. The experimental materials sent for the relevant experimental area of ​​the region were duplicated by the regional Department of Public Education and sent to the regional institute of retraining and advanced training of teachers (VPKQTMOI), the regional methodical center, leading teachers of the region and the district (city). was delivered to the


3 National Database of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan (

methodologist of the department of methodological support and organization of the activities of public educational institutions. Determining the competence of students in the subjects in the experimental and control classes, the conduct of control activities specified in the calendar-thematic plan was carried out by the teacher of science and the association of scientific methods. School, college, lyceum scientific-methodical association prepared control materials based on standard work on the determination of competence.

It includes materials that determine the competence of students, along with the determination of knowledge, skills and abilities based on the current State Testing Center and the curriculum.

In the course of experimental work, it was intended to form in students only subject-specific competencies. But it has become clear that the formation of such competencies is directly related to such qualities as communicativeness, self-development, activeness, mathematical literacy in students. Next step is in the creative group worked on compiling a list of students to form basic competencies, interpreting them. After heated discussions, it was agreed to divide them into six groups. In the second half of the 2013-2014 academic year, they were delivered to experimental teachers. However, there is no information on how they are formed in students, how basic competencies are interrelated with subject competencies, and how they answer several questions such as how the level of competence formation is determined. It has also become clear that a student cannot be educated as a competent person with only one subject taught in the classroom.

To implement the experimental research work of the draft state educational standards (SES) and curricula aimed at the formation of competencies in students of continuing education in general education and to overcome the shortcomings of the results achieved.

It was expedient to conduct experimental research work in scientific and methodological councils.

The "Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021", adopted by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-4947 dated February 7, 2017, sets important tasks to radically improve the quality of general secondary education. 4

4 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No PF-4947 "On the Action Strategy for further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan." - Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No. 6, Article 70, No. 20, Article 354, No. 23, Article 448.

In the process of implementation of these tasks, it is necessary to update the state educational standards, curricula and plans in all areas, to further improve the quality and content of teaching. In this regard, supported the results of experimental work, collected data, proposals and conclusions in accordance with the Resolution of the cupboard of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 6, 2017 No 187 "On approval of state educational standards of general secondary and secondary special, vocational education", especially, the content of education generally secondary schools has been updated, developed and put into practice supported a competent approach to the curriculum and academic disciplines STC. 5

Why introduce a competency-based approach to education? the question arises.

Nowadays, It is now becoming clear that it is a lack of sufficient for students to have only the knowledge, skills and competencies in the subjects. Including :

Some students who successfully graduate from an educational institution face many failures in life;

Although a young specialist who has graduated from a higher education institution and gone to a new job has acquired sufficient professional knowledge and skills at a university or institute, his or her adaptation to the workplace will take a long time;

It is clear from the real situation that the knowledge and skills acquired in school or high school do not correspond to life situations that need to be addressed quickly or are not needed in life at all.

Accordingly, there is a need to create and apply to the educational process DTS based on a competency-based approach that teaches students to apply the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in the educational process directly in their daily lives.

What do we mean by a competency approach?

The word “competition” is derived from the word “to compete”, which means to try to be successful among students and the workplace. Literally translated, it means “competitiveness”. According to scientific, pedagogical and psychological sources6,

5 National database of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan ( ) and the state educational standard and curriculum in the field of informatics and information technology of general secondary education. Tashkent, 2017. 5-6 p.

6 Berns M. Contexts of competence: social and cultural considerations in communicative language teaching. New York: Plenum, 1990. - 185 p, Мураббий (

competence is a very complex, multi-part concept that is common to many disciplines. From this, his interpretations are diverse, both in size and in content, in general, in terms of logical content. The term also refers to "efficiency", "adaptability", "achievement", "success", "comprehensibility", "efficiency", "readability", "feature", "quality", "quantity". is also described on the basis of concepts.

Education based on a competency-based approach requires students to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies in a complex way, rather than to form them separately. Accordingly, teaching methods will also change. Let’s look at the basics of selecting and constructing teaching methods in a competency-based approach. To do this, we define the concepts of competence and competence. We can determine its structure and function. Then we develop the technology for designing basic and subject competencies.

From this arises the principles of selection of teaching methods.
Competence may be a pre-existing social requirement for educational preparation for a student to figure effectively during a particular field.
Competence is multifaceted and there are several interpretations of it. Competence is that the ability of the learner to possess appropriate competencies.

Competence is the minimum amount of experience a student has in terms of personal qualities and activities in a given field.

Competence is a set of personal qualities of a student (knowledge, skills, abilities, abilities), which is determined by the experience gained in the activities of a particular social and personal sphere.

Competences should be distinguished from educational competencies. Educational competence models the student’s future life activities. For example, a citizen may not exercise certain competencies until he or she reaches a certain age. However, this does not mean that they are not formed in the reader. In this case, we are talking about educational competence. For example, even if a student acquires civic competence in school, he or she will use it to the fullest after graduating from school. Accordingly, such competencies are manifested as educational competencies during the study period.

There is no single list of core competencies worldwide. Because each country or region has its traditions, mentality and unique requirements.

Competence - is a social order that society places on its citizens, the list of which is determined by the social environment in a particular country or region. Such an agreement cannot always be reached.

Analysis of different competencies in student competence shows that they have a creative (artistic) orientation. Creative competencies include "extracting useful information from experience", "problem-solving", "discovering the relationship between past and present events", "finding new solutions". However, the skills presented do not reflect the whole set of student activities and experiences, knowledge, skills.

Competence - is a social order that society places on its citizens, the list of which is determined by the social environment in a particular country or region. Such an agreement cannot always be reached. For example, in the Swiss and United States Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the National Institute of Educational Statistics, the project “Selection and Identification of Basic Competencies” did not have a clear definition of core competencies.

According to the results of this projectthe subsequent conclusions
Competence - requires minimal experience ready to apply competencies. this could change state in mind when formulating the wants for student readiness, also as within the design of the training process and textbooks.
In what sequence should the competencies be? it's well-known that some competencies are more general or more important than others.

Accordingly, they can be divided into three levels:

1) basic competencies - related to the general (meta-subject) part of the content of education;
2) general subject competencies - relating to subjects and areas of education that fall within a certain range;
3) subject-specific competencies - are formed within the subject, which is special compared to the previous two.

Basic competencies are specified each time for a specific stage of education and a defined subject. For example, when the competence of learning is added to the development (reflection) as a person in the general competence of the subject, in the science of history, which is the competence of the subject, lies the ability to distinguish the struggle of interests of different parties in any historical event.

To define the content of each competency, a structure related to its overall function and role in education is needed.
In the Swiss and U.S. Economic Cooperation and Development Organizations and the National Institute of Educational Statistics, the project “Selection and Identification of Basic Competencies” introduced the concept of “educational competencies” to list competencies;

- type of competence and its place in the general sequence (base, general subject, subject);

- the range of objects in which the competence is introduced, the actual activity;

- Socio-practical relevance and importance of competence;

- The importance of competence to the individual;

- knowledge of the scope of real objects;

- skills and competencies related to the scope of the given real objects;

- the minimum experience required for the student to work within this competence;

- indicators, examples of educational and control-assessment tasks to determine the level of student competence (by stages of training). 7

The given set defines a characteristic set for normative documents, educational and methodical literature, as well as for the design and publication of documents that measure the general readiness of students, as well as their level of creative readiness.

We conclude from the analysis of the introduction of a system of education based on a competency-based approach to secondary schools.

First: The specific role of a competency-based approach in the formation and development of life skills in students of secondary schools is demanded by the period itself;
Second: Formation and development of life skills in students through the implementation of problem-based learning projects in the education system based on a competency-based approach;

Third: Focus on special attention to the development of professional, ideological and informational competence skills of educators as well as educators.


7 Turdiev N.Sh., Asadov Yu.M., Akbarova S.N., Temirov D.Sh. Educational technologies aimed at the formation of students' competencies in the general secondary education system. // Educational-methodical manual (Part I). - Tashkent: Science and Technology, 2015. - 160 p .; B. 10-20 p.

Fourth: Development of a competency-based education system and interdisciplinary relevance, and the development and implementation of competency assessment criteria.

In conclusion, it can be said that today many ideas have been put forward to organize lessons following the purpose of meaningful quality, s. That is, setting lesson goals, conducting the learning process, and so on. However, it became clear that there are not enough clear sources on how to organize the teacher's activity, the state of preparation for the lesson, in the formation of student competence.

It is known that the development of a lesson tailored to one class of students may not be appropriate for the students of the next class, the necessary handouts, didactic games, pedagogical technologies. Therefore, taking into account the level of knowledge and interest of the students in the class, the teacher will have to prepare for the lesson according to the situation. It would be expedient to popularize and apply the work of experienced educators in these cases.

Nowadays, the role of teachers in educating the younger generation is invaluable. One of the main criteria is that the teacher works on himself, uses time efficiently. Every educator should set a goal not only by analyzing the negative aspects of students but also by accepting them as they are, relying not only on their existing knowledge and skills but also enriching their knowledge based on modern technology, pedagogical processes, educational theories. the ability to find approaches is a key requirement for today’s modern educators.

This requires further enrichment of all competencies, not only in the field of specialization but also in the field of education. In particular, it would be useful to show more fully the solutions to problematic situations in the development of the competence of teachers in secondary schools. So, what are such problematic situations and how can they be solved:

First: To increase the teacher's competence to form the right attitude to the student's personality. There are cases where the teacher emphasizes the negative aspects of the student and the combination of education and upbringing becomes incompatible. In such cases, the teacher will need to deepen their psychological and pedagogical knowledge.

Second: Improving the teacher's competence in working with students. In many lesson processes, the teacher emphasizes his or her own opinion and does not pay much attention to the students ’opinion. This can create a barrier between the teacher and the student and lead to a state of diminished active movement of students during the lesson. In such cases, teachers will need to enrich their pedagogical knowledge, child-centred psychological knowledge.

Third: Improving the teaching competence of the teacher.

In every age, the interdependence of education and upbringing has been carefully considered. It is no secret that because the worldview and upbringing of students in the classroom are different, each student needs a different approach. In some cases, the teacher is severely offended by the student’s misbehaviour during the lesson. But one thing to keep in mind is that the teacher needs to be able to give the right upbringing while feeling responsible for the future of every student in the class. To do this, the teacher will need to further enrich the student's knowledge of the theory of education, to study more literature focused on modern education.

Fourth: Development of teacher's teaching competence. More and more teachers are trying to lead education in the same direction for the whole class. This is because the preparation of lesson plans in different directions for each class requires additional work. Developmental or teaching methods developed in one style may not be effective in another class. If the teacher's teaching style is organized taking into account the mastery of students in the classroom, it will further increase the chances of students to acquire knowledge in the classroom. In such situations, the teacher will have to learn innovative methods, advanced practices in depth and apply them in practice.

We believe that in developing a learning process based on a competency-based approach and achieving effective results, it is necessary to increase the number of qualified competent teachers. It is the ability to create an educational environment that develops the basic competence of the educator. In such an environment, the student's learning opportunities are further enhanced. The modern teacher is in constant search and asks, "What should a student be taught?" should seek answers to the following questions:

In general, in our opinion, in the process of entering the education system based on a competency-based approach to secondary schools, the above-mentioned problems and challenges were identified and recommendations for their solutions were made.

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