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make a living (as smb.; by doing smth.)

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make a living (as smb.; by doing smth.) зарабатывать на жизнь (в качестве ко- го-л.; делая что-л.); Shaw had to make a living as a cashier in a land agency.
publish [' pAbltfl v издавать, опубликовывать; to be published быть опублико­ванным; When was Shaw’s first novel published?
success (sak ses] n успех; to be a success пользоваться успехом, иметь успех; Their plan was a great success.
as cnj в качестве, как (вводит предикатив и др. члены предложения); to work as teacher (journalist, etc.).
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Обратите внимание на то, что в сочетании с work as значении как, в качестве) артикль перед существительным часто не упо­требляется: At the age of twenty he began to work as teacher.
critic |'kntikj n критик
work n произведение, сочинение
realize [ nalaizj v I. сознавать, понимать; Docs she realize that her father is very ill? 2. осуществлять, выполнять, реализовать (план, замысел); They realized their plan.
necessity [nrsesiti] n необходимость
creator [kn'eita] n творец, создатель
publicist | pAbhsist] а публицистический
title f taitl] n название, заглавие
criticize | kntisaizj vкритиковать
society [sa'saiati] n общество: In his works Gorky criticized Russian society, period [' pionad] n период, промежуток времени
war [wo:] n война; World War I (One), the First World War Первая мировая война
drastic I 'draestik] а крутой, радикальный
criticism ['kritisizm] n критика; drastic criticism резкая (решительная) кри­тика
policy I'pohsi] n политика
several ['sevrl] а несколько; several days (boys, books, etc.); I have read his let­ter several times.
describe [drskraibj v описывать, изображать; In his book the writer describes the life of college students.
achievement [atfrvmsntl n достижение
devote [drvout] v посвящать; отдавать (себя) целиком; Не devoted his life to art; to be devoted to быть посвященным чему-л.; His new book is devoted to the life of a famous actor; devoted friend верный друг: sv n ■ true friend be out выйти из печати, выходить; His book is out, isn’t it?
stage vставить (пьесу, оперу и т. n.); to be staged быть поставленной (о пье­се, опере и т. п.); Where was his last play staged?
performance [pafamons] n спектакль, представление; The performance begins at 7 o’clock tonight. Спектакль сегодня начинается в 7 часов вечера.
the public ['рлЬ11к| п собир. публика; the reading public читающая публика, читатели; the theatre-going public театралы
tour [tua] n поездка, экскурсия; to make a tour of совершить поездку по; When did you make a tour of Scotland?
award [a'wad] v награждать; to be awarded быть награжденным; Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925. В 1925 г. Шоу был награж­ден Нобелевской премией за достижения в области литературы.
die [daij v умирать; Byron died at the age of 36.
death f deO] n смерть
'George ' Bernard -7 Shaw, an 'outstanding' British J playwright, was'born in Dublin,'Ireland, on '26 Ju-Gy, 18“^ 56. His family was “Л poor. 'Shaw’s mother, a gifted musician went to "T London where she started to work as music teacher.
'As the family was 'very poor Shaw realized that he had to “T leave -J school at the age offtO teen and start working. He be came асаshier in a ' Dublin land agency.1 He hated his -7 job and after he had worked for five J years he gave it -J up and left for “A London. There he 'joined his mother whom he had 'not 'seen for a long time.
•Shaw tried to make his -living by “'.writing. He wrote -four -Jnovels which were published in maga “T zines but they were not a sue cess. In 188—7 5 -Shaw be'eame a music critic. He wrote a ~~t lot of articles on J art. -J music, literature and 'drama and was very T popular with his readers.
In the -2 nineties' 'Shaw be gan to write for the "Atheatre. He was the creator of a new publicist T drama. 'During the period of 1892 93
'Shaw -published 'three -J plays grouped under the 'title "Plays Un-^ pleas­ant".’In 'these -J plays 'Shaw 'criticized British so”3 ciety. Then Shaw ■published 'three -7 plays grouped under the title “ Plays Pleasant”.’
When World War T1 -/started Shaw -published “'Commonsense about the War,”* a drastic -J criticism of the British -government’s "T policy.
In 19-) 28 'Shaw -visited the Soviet ' Union. After he had returned to -/England he -published several Л articles in which he des'eribed the a_2chievements of the L'SS~. R.
Shaw wrote over twenty plays. One of the most popular plays is “Saint Joan"5 ( 1923). The play is devoted to Joan of Arc (the Maid of Orleans). As soon as the play was out some theatres staged it. Since its first performance the play has always been a great success with the public everywhere. Shaw himself liked this play very much.
In 1931 he made a world tour visiting India, China, Africa and America.
In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature."
Shaw died at the age of 94 in 1950.
Dublin ['dAbhn] г. Дублин
Ireland [ aialandj Ирландия
Joan of Arc I'dyoun avork] Жанна д’Арк
the Maid of Orleans [э:. ler a:r>| Орлеанская дева
China ['tfainal Китай
Africa | ;efrika| Африка

  1. Dublin land agency I'eictsansi] Дублинское агентство по продаже и по­купке земельных участков и домов

  2. in the nineties |nainti:z| в девяностые годы

  3. grouped |gru:pt] under the title “Plays Unpleasant” объединенные под названием “Пьесы неприятные"

  4. “Commonsense [ komansans] about the War” "Здравый смысл о войне”

  5. “Saint Joan” (зешгфоип] “Святая Иоанна”, пьеса, посвященная Жан­не д’Арк

  6. Nobel Prize for Literature |na bel praiz] Нобелевская премия по литературе

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