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Exercise 20. Translate into English.

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другую (еще одну) газету, несколько других учебников, несколько других тетрадей, еще одну пару перчаток.
несколько других галстуков.

  1. The Use of the Definite Article before the Nouns “sun",
    “moon", “sky" and Some Geographical Names
    (Употребление определенного артикля перед существительными
    “солнце", “луна”, “небо" и некоторыми географическими именами)

Определенный артикль употребляется:

  1. Перед существительными, которые обозначают предметы, являю­щиеся единственными в своем роде: the sun солнце, the moon луна, the sky небо.

  2. Перед названиями морей, океанов, рек и горных цепей: the Atlantic Ocean [orkentik] Атлантический океан, the Black sea Черное море, the Volga Волга, the Urals Урал, the Caucasus |ko:kasis] Кавказ.

Однако перед названием отдельной горной вершины артикль не упо­требляется.
Elbrus [el'bru:z] Эльбрус, Mont Blanc [montzbla:r)| Монблан.
Learn these words and word combinations
holiday ['haladei] n I. (часто pl.) отпуск; What are your plans for the summer holiday(s)? 2. праздник, день отдыха; Sunday is a holiday in many coun­tries; 3. pl. каникулы; Where is your son going for his summer holidays?
coming а будущий, наступающий, приближающийся; We shall have a lot to do in the coming year.
town [taun| n город; the town of Sochi (Batumi) город Сочи (Батуми); Are they going to visit the town of Sochi?
spend (spent) v 1. тратить, расходовать (деньги); How much did you spend yesterday? 2. проводить (время); They spent a week in St. Petersburg last month.
again |.тдеп] adv снова, вновь, опять; Say it again, please.
be to (a place) посещать, бывать (где-л.) (обычно употр. в Present Perfect): Have you ever been to Paris?
love [Iav] v любить кого-л.; He loves his mother.
sea [si:] n море; the Black Sea Черное море
bathe |beid] v купаться (в реке, в море); Let's go and bathe after classes.
boat [bout] n лодка; to go boating кататься на лодке; Will you go boating tomorrow morning?
swim (swam, swum) v плавать; Can you swim? to go swimming (пойти) попла­вать; Shall we go swimming before dinner?
lie [lai] v(lay, lain [lei, lein]) лежать; to lie in the sun греться на солнце, заго­рать; Let's lie in the sun before breakfast.
beach [bi:tf] n пляж; on the beach на пляже
attend [э'tend] v посещать, присутствовать; to attend a lecture (a meeting, a party): Sorry, I cannot attend the lecture today.
festival |festivl] n фестиваль; Music festival фестиваль музыки
song [soi}J n песня; a Festival of Song фестиваль песни sing (sang, sung) v петь; Can you sing this song?
music | mju:zikj n музыка
trip поездка, путешествие; to go on a trip отправиться в поездку (в путеше­ствие); The Browns went on a trip to France last year.
taxi ['taeksi] n такси: to take a taxi (a bus. etc.) ездить на такси (на автобусе и т. д.); Let’s take a taxi.
plane п самолет; to go by plane, to take a plane полететь на самолете; Is he going to take a plane?
showsmb. round v показывать кому-л. (город, выставку, достопримечатель­ности и г. п.); Can you show him round the city after lunch?
be famous for быть известным, славиться чсм-л.; St. Petersburg is famous for its monuments.
museum [mjuz ziam] n музей
places of interest [ intnst] достопримечательности
even |'i:vn| adv даже; He never even said a word.
Opera House [ эрэгэ haus] оперный театр
interrupt jintyrApt] v прерывать, перебивать (говорящего); May I interrupt you? Excuse my interrupting you but... Простите, что прерываю вас, но...
ticket I' tikit] n билет; to book a plane (boat) ticket заказывать билет на само­лет (пароход); to book a ticket for a plane (a boat, a train, the cinema, the theatre); Could you book two boat tickets for us?
in advance [od'voins] заранее, заблаговременно; They booked tickets for the Opera House in advance.
settle 1'setl] v решать, урегулировать
matter |' maetaj n дело, вопрос; to settle the matter урегулировать, решить во­прос; They want to settle the matter today.
calm [ka:m] а спокойный; The sea was calm yesterday.
deck n палуба; on deck на палубе; There were a lot of people on deck.
lounge chair flauncfc tfea] шезлонг
botanical [brtaeiukl] а ботанический
garden 1'go.dn] n сад; botanical garden ботанический сад
hike |haik| n; to go for a hike пойти на длительную прогулку, в поход; Let’s go for a hike tomorrow.
mountain | mauntin| n гора: in the mountains в горах (в горы); They went for a hike in the mountains yesterday.
warm |wo:m| а теплый
weather pweda) n погода; We had very warm weather last July. What is the weather like today? Какая сегодня погода?
resort [rrzoitj n курорт
high [hai] а высокий; These hills/mountains are very high.
but: a tall man, a tall house
protect (ргэ'tekt] v защищать; to protect from smth. защищать от чего-л.
north [пэ:0] а северный
wind {wind) n ветер; The high Caucasian mountains protect the Black Sea coast from the cold north winds.
sunny ( sAml а солнечный; It’s a very sunny day today.
water | wot э] n вода
temperature f'tempntfa| n температура: What’s the temperature now?
that’ll do достаточно
Exercise 21. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
I. Where are you going to spend the coming holidays? 2. Let's take a taxi not to be late for the train. 3. What is the weather like today? It’s warm and sunny. 4. I'd like you to show me round Moscow. 5. St. Petersburg is famous for its museums. 6. 1 always book plane tickets in advance. 7. The Caucasian moun­tains are high. 8. When I was in Sochi I lay in the sun. bathed and swam every day. It was wonderful. 9. Have you come here by train or by plane? 10. I hope you will settle the matter as soon as possible.
' Last -J night 'Michael'Pavlov and his wife Helen > 'talked about their J plans । for the coming M holiday. “Let's go to M Sochi. M shall we?”1 said Michael. “It's a beautiful “Mown. I'spent my holidays in -J Sochi » when I was a M student. I'd M like to go there again.”
“That’s a “3 wonderful idea.” said Helen. “I've M never been to Sochi, I and I love the Msea. We'll J bathe, we’ll go boating and M swimming. We’ll 'lie in the sun on the Mbeach.”
“And we’ll be able to at tend the -JCinema 'Festival that takes -7place in Sochi J 'every M summer, I we’ll 'see new J films and hear the new M music and songs of these films,” said Michael. “Our trip may be T very M inter­esting. Here’s what we’ll Tdo.: We’ll take a plane to O-Jdessa 1 and I’ll show you 'round the city. There are beautiful 'monuments to the famous
people, who'lived in Odessa, > mu_7seumsand Mother places of interest.” “We may even go to the T famous M Opera House,” Helen interrupted him.
“We’ll 'never be able to get to M Sochi, you -) know,” Michael said. “Well. Mfrom О-Odessa, t we’ll go to -J Sochi by Mboat.” “We’ll have to book plane and M boat .J tickets in adM vance, > M shan’t we?” asked Helen. "We’ll M certainly have to do that,” said Michael. “I’ll have to go to the T Travel -JAgency’ > and M settle -Jthat 1 to'morrow Mmorning. By the -Jway. I’ve got a T guide to MSochi. Let’s 'read what it 'says about the "Mown.”
Michael started reading, “Sochi is the largest and most beautiful resort4 in the Caucasus. The high Caucasian Mountains protect Sochi from the cold north winds. There are a lot of sunny days there. The sea water temperature is between 24—28° C in summer.
About two million people come to Sochi every year.”
“That'll do,” Helen interrupted him. “I realize Sochi is the town we should go to.”5
The Pavlovs enjoyed the trip from Odessa to Sochi. The Black Sea was calm. They sat on deck in the lounge chairs and looked at the sea.
Helen liked Sochi very much. Michael showed her the famous Botanical Gardens, they went to hikes in the mountains.
The sea was nice and warm. The weather was fine. When it was time to go home they were sorry to leave the beautiful town of Sochi.

  1. Let's go to Sochi [ sotfi], shall we? Давай поедем в Сочи?

  2. Here's what we'll do. Вот что мы сделаем.

  3. the Travel Agency tracvl eicfconsil Бюро путешествий

  4. the largest |'la:cfcist] and most |moust| beautiful resort самый большой и самый красивый курорт

  5. Sochi is the town we should go to. Сочи это тот город, куда нам сле­дует поехать.

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