Actively support, monitor, and develop methods, practices, and tools that allow for better coordination and collaboration of research efforts to improve information exchange, avoid duplication of efforts, and influence a coordinated national research agenda. Actively support, monitor, and develop methods, practices, and tools that allow for better coordination and collaboration of research efforts to improve information exchange, avoid duplication of efforts, and influence a coordinated national research agenda.
Anne Ellis, Co-Chair (AZ – Region 4) Anne Ellis, Co-Chair (AZ – Region 4) Sue Sillick, Co-Chair (MT – Region 4) Georgene Geary, Secretary (GA – Region 2) RAC Members - Stephanie Dock (DC – Region 1)
- Colin Franco (RI – Region 1)
- Allison Hardt (MD – Region 1)
- Jeff Brown (AL – Region 2)
- Peggi Knight (IA – Region 3)
- Michael Townley (MI – Region 3)
- Cameron Kergaye (UT – Region 4)
- Leni Oman (WA – Region 4)
TRB Conduct of Research Committee (COR) TRB Conduct of Research Committee (COR) - Jason Bittner (Cambridge Systematics)
- Pat Casey (CTC & Associates)
- Alison Felix (MAPC)
- Hau Hagedorn (OTREC)
- Barbara Harder (BT Harder, Inc.)
- David Kuehn (FHWA)
- Shashi Nambisan (CUTC)
- Martin Pietrucha (CUTC)
- Linda Preisen
- John Sangster
Other Members Other Members - Pat Cazenas (FHWA)
- Chris Hedges (TRB)
- Natassja Linzau (TRB)
RAC RAC - Michael Bonini (PA – Region 1)
- Camille Crichton-Sumners (NJ – Region 1)
- Sam Elrahman (NY – Region 1)
- Gary Frederick (NY – Region 1)
- Jason Tremblay (VT – Region 1)
- James Watkins (MS – Region 2)
- Diane Gurtner (WI – Region 3)
- Cory Johnson (MN – Region 3)
RAC (cont.) RAC (cont.) - Ron Curb (OK – Region 4)
- Robert McCoy (NM – Region 4)
- Daris Ormesher (SD – Region 4)
- Ned Parrish (ID – Region 4)
- Angela Parsons (AK – Region 4)
- Clayton Shumaker (ND – Region 4)
- Pete Zaniewski (CA – Region 4)
Other Friends Other Friends - James Bryant (TRB)
- Alasdair Cain (OST-R)
- Kim Fisher (TRB)
- Kendra Levine (UC – Berkeley)
- Kim Linsenmayer (CTC & Associates)
- Richard Long (Retired)
- Lisa Loyo (TRB)
- Wes Lum (Retired)
Other Friends (cont.) Other Friends (cont.) - Jim McDonnell (FHWA)
- Mary Moulton (NTL)
- Mark Norman (TRB)
- Phil Roke (FHWA)
- Larry Sutter (CUTC)
- Denver Tolliver (CUTC)
- Michael Trentacoste (FHWA)
- Amanda Wilson (NTL)
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